Evil Insect God

Chapter 1183: Shimoshan

Yesterday, someone scolded Xiaoxing in a series of book reviews, and compared Xiaoxing with "Peerless Tang Sect". Xiaoxing didn’t know if this person was a vest or a mental problem. If you don’t like it, you can not read it. No one’s novel will make everything. What kind of spirit is that people like, look at disgusting and stick to it.

As early as when Huo Hai came to the Heavenly Soul Region for the first time, the person he had encountered was the person who killed the hidden killer, and the predecessor of the hidden killer was the Yin Sha sect, one of the eight top sects in ancient times. The sea needs revenge.

The reason why Huo Hai put his first target on this most secret sect was mainly because of the bad reputation of the sect. Hidden Killing has now become a pure killer organization. Although some people often issue commissioned tasks, However, the reputation of Hidden Killer is indeed not very good. To deal with Hidden Kill, I believe that no one will fight for them.

And because Hidden Kill is too secretive, if you deal with the past one by one and wait until Hidden Kill detects something wrong, you will definitely hide deeper. At that time, it won't be so easy for you to find them.

Therefore, it is better to target the hidden killer for the first time. Anyway, in the Heavenly Soul Realm, people who want to deal with the hidden kill are everywhere, and Huo Hai has seen many people who are secretly looking for the hidden kill. It's nothing to be alone.

Even if Hidden Killer finds out that he is dealing with them, he will at most regard himself as the same as these people. Huo Hai's cultivation base has only reached the first level of the Spirit Emperor. Hidden Killer will never regard himself as a great enemy. Killing this organization can exist for such a long time, there are definitely a lot of masters in the spirit emperor realm inside, and many masters of the spirit emperor have been killed before.

Among the major sects, many spirit emperors wanted to find the evil spirits of Hidden Killer, and he was only the weakest cultivation base among these spirit emperors. How could Hidden Killer care about it, while thinking, Huo Hai quickly came to Stone Mill all the way. The location of the mountain.

"It's really Shimo Mountain. It looks like it this way." Huo Hai glanced at Shimo Mountain from a distance. This is said to be the largest hidden killer in the eastern region. The mountains are neatly arranged up and down. From a distance, it really seems to be Like a stone mill.

It’s far away from Crazy Dragon City, so Huo Hai still uses the teleportation array all the way. The range of the Heavenly Soul Region is much larger than that of the Molian Territory. If you don’t need the teleportation array, it would cost two to get here. Three days.

After coming to the neighborhood, Huo Hai only inquired, only to find that the people around did not have much taboo about Shimoshan. There were some powerful spirit beasts on Shimoshan, so few people dared to go deep into it. , But in the periphery, hunters are often seen, and there are also many villages and towns near Shimo Mountain.

"Is it hidden in the city? In such a lively place, most people really don't think this is one of the locations of hidden killing." A thought flashed in Huo Hai's mind. Before, Huo Hai himself thought that he was deceived. .

But later, Huo Hai still inquired about some things. For example, there are some places on this mountain that are very dangerous. Let alone these civilians, even strong spiritual masters dare not go to these places. People nearby have said that these The place is inhabited by very terrifying spirit beasts. Once they get close, they will be attacked by spirit beasts and eventually be eaten.

Huo Hai sneered in his heart. What terrifying spirit beast can make human beings dare not approach on human territory. There is only one real reason. It is controlled by a powerful organization, and the most likely organization is hidden killing.

Of course, it could also be because the people here are not very strong, so facing some stronger spirit beasts, they are really unable to resist, thinking that when the sky gradually dimmed, Huo Hai cautiously climbed the mountain.

The place Huo Hai searched was the forbidden area that ordinary people would not dare to enter. "This place seems to be the place where spirit beasts live. It shouldn't be here anymore." Huo Hai came to the first forbidden area and soon Just gave up.

This place is home to a group of spirit beasts who have reached the realm of Lingshuai, and there is also a leader of the realm of Lingwang. Huo Hai carefully controlled it with the method of mind control, but found nothing, even the leader who began to transform. , I don't know what's here, but this spirit beast has been living nearby and dare not go anywhere else.

Huo Hai thought slightly in his heart that this might be a restriction set by some masters on the spirit beasts. Although the spirit beasts have very strong territorial concepts, they will not be so ignorant of anything around them.

Especially this kind of spirit beast that has reached the spirit king and has begun to transform itself. This kind of spirit beast has the same IQ as humans. It is really weird not to explore the surroundings. The more this is, the more Huo Hai believes that there is something here. eccentric.

Leaving here, Huo Hai did not act rashly. For these magic wolves, Huo Hai did not hunt any of them to avoid the grass and startling snakes. After that, Huo Hai ran all the way up and continued to search for the forbidden areas along this place. Unfortunately, this place is absolutely perfect. Most forbidden areas are areas where spirit beasts live, but they are forbidden areas for ordinary people.

A few special places also have some other dangerous things, such as poisonous gas, mutant plants, or special environments formed by the power of heaven and earth. "No, how can there be so many special environments here."

Huo Hai finally discovered something wrong. You must know that the power of heaven and earth will indeed form some very special environments, but it is impossible to concentrate so much. There are so many, this small stone mill mountain, there is nothing special, which is even more strange. Up.

Looking back, when I came here, I seemed to find that the locations of these forbidden areas were a bit special. The places covered by a few special environments seemed to just show a ring, covering the top of Stone Mill Mountain." Could it be said that this is not under the protection of a spiritual formation." Huo Hai suddenly thought of something like a spiritual formation.

As a killer organization, of course you will not be ignorant of these special things. The evil evil sect back then was second only to the sky star sect in terms of spirit formations, and even many spirit formations of the sky star sect were masters of the evil evil sect. Dropped.

Huo Hai began to memorize carefully while exploring cautiously, turning around, spending more than half an hour, and once again returned to the starting point: "That's it, it's really a spiritual formation."

Huo Hai sneered, arranging spiritual formations in such a place is definitely not something that spirit beasts can do. There is no strong gathering place for spirit beasts nearby. Besides, spirit beasts believe in their own power more and rarely have spirits. The beast likes to use such foreign objects as spirit formations, so the spirit formations in this place are basically made by man.

This hidden killing is indeed a good method. A weird and secret spiritual formation has been arranged in such a place. No wonder the people below have not discovered anything special on the mountain for so many years, but it feels that some places are more dangerous.

Huo Hai quickly slapped a series of handprints with both hands, and a simple formation pattern appeared in front of Huo Hai. It was composed of star lines and broke through formations. This was a common method used to break spirit formations, but Huo Hai had not thought about it. Breaking open the entire spirit array, just a hole. After a long time, Huo Hai waved the spirit array in his hand toward the front.

The spirit formation flew into the void ahead and gradually merged into it. It didn't take long for a hole to appear out of thin air. This spirit formation was only one level worse than the spirit formation used by the Heavenly Star Sect to protect the lakes of the stars. .

Seeing this familiar spirit formation again, Huo Hai sighed in his heart. If there is a master in it, Huo Hai will retreat. If there is no master, then I’m sorry. Huo Hai will not let everyone in it. "Haha, get ready first." Huohai paused, then walked into the tunnel entrance and slowly entered it.

Not long after entering the channel, the power of the channel gradually recovered the gap, and no one found anything wrong in the whole process.

After entering, Huo Hai let go of perception, and soon laughed: "Sure enough, this is the real hiding place for hidden kills." As soon as he entered, Huo Hai discovered that the surrounding environment had changed greatly. There are traps everywhere.

These traps do not have much power for Huo Hai, but these traps are very complicated, and it is almost difficult to avoid them. If one accidentally touches a little, it will cause a huge movement and it is easy to be discovered.

Moreover, the traps here are not so weak. They are nothing to me, but if the person who comes is a spirit king, I am afraid that they will not be able to survive in the face of these traps. If the spirit emperor forcibly breaks into it, he may have to suffer. Huo Hai doesn't want to startle the snake because he doesn't know how many spirit emperor masters exist in this resident.

Therefore, the perception was released with all its strength, and at the same time began to communicate with nearby spirit worms, "These guys are really careful, there is not even a spirit worm nearby." Huo Hai just sensed it and found that there were no worms around.

I don't know how Hidden Kill is done, because there is actually no insect repellent here. It seems that this is using the spirit array to repel insects. The spirit array here definitely has a strong ability to restrain the spirit insects.

In this way, Huo Hai dare not even use the bloodline dragonfly. He can only let go of his perception and feel everything around him cautiously. Huo Hai's perception ability far exceeds that of masters of the same level. I am afraid that many fifth and sixth level spirit emperors He couldn't compare with himself, so as long as he was a little more careful, there was no problem. Huo Hai moved forward cautiously, striving not to encounter any traps.

As a result, Huo Hai’s speed has also slowed down a lot. After a full two hours of sneaking, Huo Hai finally surpassed many traps and came to the entrance of the innermost cave, “It should be here, so be careful. ."

Ordinary people might really ignore this cave entrance. If it hadn't been for Huo Hai's strong perception and had been feeling the surroundings, they wouldn't be able to find that this cave entrance was so deep. There was something else underneath, and there was no other strange place in the entire resident.

Thinking of this, the star line of Huo Hai's body was released, and it quickly twisted around Huo Hai, forming a special spiritual formation. In the brilliance of this spiritual formation, Huo Hai's figure disappeared little by little.

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