Evil Insect God

Chapter 1187: Dead Souls

For high-level spiritualists, there is no difference between day and night, so even if Huo Hai uses the teleportation array at night, no one will be curious, and no one will doubt what Huo Hai has done.

There are too many people in this world who are chased by enemies and use the teleportation array to escape overnight. If there is more, Huo Hai is not too many. Besides, ordinary people, even if a city is shot down, will rarely be destroyed. The teleportation array is basically just to block it, otherwise, the person who destroys the teleportation array is likely to be besieged by people around.

I am afraid there are only masters of the Spirit Emperor realm who dare to destroy some teleportation formations at will, and come all the way to the Dead Soul Sect. The sky has just brightened. It is dawn at this time, but the Dead Soul Sect still has many people coming and going.

Compared with the daytime, the people around the Dead Soul faction prefer to come out at night. Only ordinary people will not come out at night because they don’t have the guts. Huo Hai just came here and was really frightened. Big jump.

"Oh my God, there are so many skeletons and zombies, what is going on around this Dead Soul faction." Seeing this situation, Huo Hai did not rush to find the ghost cave, but started to inquire around. Huo It is very easy for Hai to inquire about some news now, imitating Xiaodie's mind control, controlling a few people, and quickly grasping the situation here.

"So, I didn't expect this to be the case around the Dead Soul Sect." As one of the eight top sects in ancient times, the Dead Soul Sect is still the top sect among the super-class sects even if it has fallen.

Today, on the face of the Dead Soul faction, there is at least one master who has reached the seventh-level spirit emperor realm. This kind of strength is very close to the top sect. As long as the dead soul faction can reappear a ninth-level spirit emperor, that’s fine. Back to the ranks of the top sect.

Huo Hai hasn't paid much attention to these at present. What Huo Hai is surprised is the rules around the Dead Soul Sect. The Dead Soul Sect cultivates death power and is very proficient in the spiritual power of the nature of death. I don't know why. In ancient times, the Dead Soul Sect did Some simple spiritual tactics were passed on, and almost everyone around was practicing spiritual power of death.

"Perhaps, these people are planning to select disciples from the people around." Huo Hai thought for a while, and probably came to this conclusion. The facts are similar. The disciples of the Death Soul faction are basically from the surrounding area. .

It's just a pity that the power of death is at odds with the vitality of human beings. Therefore, not everyone is suitable for cultivating death power. When many people reach the realm of spiritual beings, they will start to have problems and even die.

Those who were okay, most of them were also due to the erosion of death spiritual power, which caused their own changes too much, all of them were skin and bones. At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly thought of the Yin Bone King, the guy who died in his own hands, how? See how it is similar to the people of the Dead Soul faction, "That guy, isn't it a person from the Dead Soul faction?"

Huo Hai was not sure, after all, although the Yin Bone King had a great reputation in the Molian Territory at the beginning, he was only a Spirit King. With such strength, among the Death Soul faction, it was only an inner disciple.

The reason why I saw so many undead creatures is also because of the characteristics of death power. Death power erodes itself very strongly. Although it is also very lethal to other creatures, it is not suitable for combat.

His own strength is not strong, and no one wants to fight on his own. Fortunately, death spiritual power can be combined with spiritual power, and some special secret methods can be used. These secret methods can make corpses into undead, and as long as these undead are made well, Even his strength can far surpass himself, so such a trend has formed here.

For tens of thousands of years, the Dead Soul faction has formed a very special rule. Some people who make mistakes have been domesticated by professionals. These people, including offspring, are all materials for making undead.

As long as they are not killed all at once, when these people grow up to a certain level, they will be sold out at a price marked by their owners. After countless generations of artificial selection, these people who are used as materials are physically strong, but their brains are not. How good.

Moreover, in order to make the quality of these materials better, after countless people’s research, these people have also cultivated a very simple special spirit technique. This kind of spirit technique practice makes them have no combat effectiveness, just continuously strengthening their own. It's just mental and physical strength, physical strength is there, but there is no matching spiritual power and war spirit tactics, it can only be used as material.

Not only people, there are also many spirit beasts and fierce beasts. There are also special people who train them and sell them to others as materials for making undead. Even people within the Dead Soul faction often buy these things.

After breeding for so many years, except for those who have just made a mistake and been arrested, everyone else has basically lost everything as human beings. Their usual behaviors are similar to ordinary beasts, which makes Huo Hai feel a little unbearable.

However, this kind of atmosphere has completely taken shape, and Huo Hai cannot change it at all, unless the entire Dead Soul faction can be completely annihilated. These can only be discussed in the long term. Huo Hai is not a person who likes to change the rules forcibly.

A large number of skeletons and zombies here come from this way. It is said that because some people dislike the appearance of spirit beasts, they have also studied the methods of corpse transformation, using different bones to piece together and transform them into human shapes. After such a transformation, the undead are easily affected. In many cases, the strength has not improved, but has dropped a lot.

At night here, it will become such a state of the night of the Hundred Ghosts. This is also for a great reason. The undead's strength does not reach the realm of the spirit, and it is very annoying to the sun, and it is easy to make the undead go crazy.

If there are too many, it may even be uncontrollable. After all, the method of making these undead is completely different from the undead made by Huo Hai using the instinct of spirit worms. Of course, this may also be a control of the Dead Soul faction. means.

It is said that the undead controlled by the Dead Souls have never had such defects, and the laws here are very special. Ordinary people have almost no human rights here. If at night, no one can leave their homes, at home, and Can be protected, at least when they are not provoked, others will hardly go to the houses to kill people.

But if you show up on the street, it's a sin. There is no so-called curfew here. It's just that you are outside at night. If you are seen, even if you are caught and turned into a dead person, no one will accuse that person or anything.

Now, let alone ordinary people at night, even spiritual masters who don't practice death power are very rare.

Huo Hai shook his head. This Dead Soul faction was able to implement such a strange rule, and it took tens of thousands of years to execute it. The effect of strength is really terrifying, and only in the Heavenly Spirit Continent, high pressure will not Cause a rebellion.

Huo Hai was thinking, walking forward, and at the same time thinking about his entry into the ghost cave. It is not easy for this ghost cave to enter it. It is related to the property of the Death Soul faction. The Death Soul faction usually There is a Lingdi master stationed at the gate all year round, if it is discovered, it will easily cause the entire Dead Soul faction master to chase and kill.

Not to mention anything else, it is that the master who has reached the seventh level of the spirit emperor is not something Huo Hai can deal with, and this is the dead soul faction, who knows if this guy has an undead that can be compared to the eighth level or even higher than the imitation of the spirit emperor. .

"Hey, who are you and what do you do?" Huo Hai returned to his senses, and suddenly raised his head to find that he was actually surrounded. At this moment, a thin young man in front of him was looking at him with a sneer.

There are a lot of zombies controlled by this person around. This person's cultivation is only in the realm of spirits, but among these skeletons and zombies, there are many of the same level. Seeing Huo Hai walking alone on the road, I think he is With good luck, he surrounded him, and now there are not many people who dare to walk around at night. Those who can be so leisurely, at least have reached the realm of spirits.

Such materials are very rare. If you can kill a spirit, you can add an undead in the realm of the spirit. Huo Hai is not surrounded by undead creatures, so naturally he is not a master of death power.

"What are you looking at? You are talking about you. You dare to openly violate our rules here. If you run out at night, I think you'd better be obedient." The man licked his tongue and looked at Huo Hai's eyes as if he saw a baby. same.

Huo Hai looked at the sky and said calmly: "It's already dawn, and the sun has risen. It shouldn't be night. Besides, the rules here seem to say that ordinary people are not allowed to appear at night, this ordinary person, It should be said that people under the realm of spirits." Huo Hai was a little funny, he was surrounded by such low-level people.

"Boy, it seems that you know quite a lot, but it is a pity that you have to listen to us here. What the people of our death line say is the rule. I said that it is night and night. I said that you violated the rules. ."

Following the words of the young man, the surrounding undead began to move around, Huo Hai shook his head instead, it was a scene of clever taking and grabbing, it was really boring, Huo Hai was already feeling a little bored at this time, and the breath of reaching the realm of the spirit came out.

Originally, Huo Hai thought that the other party would leave. After all, Huo Hai didn't bother to kill such a small shrimp. He didn't expect that the person in front of him would have widened his eyes and shouted loudly: "Yeah... I didn't expect to be a brilliant general. No wonder you are so courageous, brother, come here quickly, here is a lonely general who is a good material, aren't you going to make a new walking corpse."

Following the words of the young man, soon another person ran over again nearby. This person reached the spirit general and his body became thinner. However, there were five undead creatures around him who reached the height of the spirit general realm.

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