Evil Insect God

Chapter 1197: set off

The secret realm door opened little by little, and Huo Hai was finally able to see the scene inside the gate, "What is this, is this secret realm of this special environment type." Huo Hai was a little strange.

Inside the secret realm entrance, a white mist reminded Huo Hai of the white lotus secret realm. That place was also full of clouds and mist, but he didn't know what kind of treasures would be bred in it.

No matter what, go in and take a look. Huo Hai did not notice the abnormality of the bat seed around him. When he walked forward, Huo Hai stretched out his hand and flew towards the mist, but when Huo Hai's hand just got close to the mist At that time, a terrifying attack erupted from the fog, and Huo Hai's own seven dragon shadows immediately appeared, protecting Huo Hai in it.

But even so, this layer of defensive barrier still failed to fully protect Huo Hai, and was eroded by some mist. Huo Hai felt a sharp pain and immediately pulled his hand back. At this time, his hand was already covered with scars.

"It's so aggressive, what exactly is this?" Huo Hai looked shocked. You must know that he is now a spirit emperor, and he would be hurt by the mist directly. If he had just entered, it would not Know what it looks like.

"What, this is the fog formed by the power of space." Suddenly, Huo Hai widened his eyes, because the spirit bat seed actually sent such news that the spirit bat seed was originally made by Huo Hai using the spirit bat soul. Although he didn't have any intelligence quotient, the spirit bat seed had soul characteristics after all, and in some cases it was able to send some news to Huo Hai.

At this time, Huo Hai finally realized how excited his spirit bat seeds were. He waved his hand and all eight spirit bat seeds were released. With Huo Hai’s permission, the spirit bat seeds quickly flew forward. go with.

Unlike Huo Hai, these space forces are very aggressive against Huo Hai, but they are not so good for these spirit bat seeds. The spirit bat seeds quickly absorb and swallow these space forces, and their special power is getting more and more. Strong.

Forget it, anyway, these spirit bat seeds were originally formed by one of his own war spirit art. The stronger these things, the greater the help they will be in the future. Huo Hai did not dare to enter this secret realm, and simply sat outside and waited. After getting up, two days later, when the seed of the spirit bat appeared in front of Huo Hai again, the power of the space in the secret realm had been absorbed.

The spirit bat seed does not seem to have changed, but Huo Hai can feel that his spirit bat seed is much stronger. Although I don’t know if he can penetrate the barrier protection of the ghost cave, the general space and the spirit formation can never stop it. they.

Walking into the secret realm, Huo Hai only glanced at it, then shook his head and sighed: "It seems that this secret realm is useless."

Although remote here, it is not so secretive. The entire secret realm is only as big as a small village. It is probably the smallest of all secret realms. The reason why it has such a strong source of power is also related to the environment here.

I don’t know why, this secret realm is full of space power. It is precisely because of this that so many original spiritual powers are bred. Generally speaking, the secret realm of special environment type will have stronger original spiritual power, and the more special the environment. , The more powerful the spiritual power contained, the stronger the original spiritual power, and this is the first time Huo Hai has heard of the secret realm filled with space power.

Because these space forces are so powerful and aggressive, there is nothing in the entire secret realm. They can only be used as a warehouse, and the secret realm is not too big. Even if the secret realm is sold, it will not have much value.

Huo Hai was not in the mood to deal with this secret realm. After he walked out, he pulled out the breaking cone and closed the space gate at will. Even if it opens automatically in the future, or is discovered by someone, all this has nothing to do with Huo Hai.

There is no target worthy of Huo Hai to find nearby, and the day when the blood rose sets off is also coming soon. Next, Huo Hai is not running around, but stays near the Blood God Sect to hide and secretly observe.

Time flickered, and another five days passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, there was a tumult around the city of the Blood God Sect, "The saint is traveling, it's the saint, everyone, hurry up and see."_Huo Hai's Ear At the edge, a loud roar sounded.

"Blood Rose, is this going to start? Okay, follow it." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed, his figure flashed, and he followed up secretly. Huo Hai did not use the invisible spiritual circle because it would be more exposed. For himself, he simply condensed all his breath, and then secretly hid it beside him. A team slowly walked out of the Blood God Sect.

Huo Hai's heart was disdainful: "Hmph, with such a big momentum, isn't it clear to tell the people of the blood curse branch to know where the saint is? I really don't know which idiot did it." A trace of haze flashed in Huo Hai's heart. .

Among the Blood God Sect, it was not so peaceful. Huo Hai didn't know much about the Blood God Sect, but Song Muhua had collected a lot of information. Looking at these data, Huo Hai understood more or less that the Blood God Sect was even more chaotic.

"Hey, the strength of the blood rose has improved so fast." Suddenly, Huo Hai saw a group of people walking out carrying a huge chariot. The chariot looked like a huge flower in full bloom, blood red, very fascinating. , Sitting on the top of the chariot is the Blood Rose, but the current Blood Rose has actually reached the first-level Spirit Emperor.

Being able to break through to the Spirit Emperor in such a short period of time, and it seemed that his foundation was very solid, which made Huo Hai feel surprised. At the same time, Huo Hai was also a little bit murmured, why didn't he encounter such a good thing.

Don’t look at how fast you practice, but the dangers and pains involved are only known to Huo Hai. If you do it again, Huo Hai doesn’t know if he can do it so well, but the blood rose can easily reach it. At this level, I don’t know whether the blood rose has been cultivated or not. Don’t forget all the previous things.

If that's the case, even if it can be rescued in the future, he will probably fight with himself. Huo Hai hesitated, but he followed closely, and the team slowly moved forward, seemingly not in a hurry.

However, in the motorcade, Huo Hai discovered a few cryptic auras. These auras made Huo Hai faintly feel the danger, and only the masters of the Spirit Emperor realm are the ones who can make Huo Hai feel the danger. Rose, it's not that no protection has been done, so Huo Hai is somewhat relieved.

But after being relieved, I felt more troublesome immediately. If there is still danger in such protection, the blood curse branch is definitely not that simple, and I don't know what the blood curse branch has prepared.

If there is a spirit emperor above level four, even Huo Hai himself is not sure that he can block the opponent. Forget it, just take a step and take a step. Huo Hai’s current strength is not the strongest, but his life-saving ability is absolutely not. difference.

The speed of the team is not very fast. Instead, it is walking slowly forward. It’s just that these people have never thought of stopping at all. Whether it is day or night, they are walking forward. As long as they have a little strength, they Able to keep up, so behind the convoy, there are always some people walking forward, like a pilgrimage.

Huo Hai didn't hide it alone. Instead, he secretly hid it among the crowd, pretending to be an ordinary spirit king. At this speed, it would take more than a month to walk all the way to the secret realm.

Except for the masters above the spirit king, others may not be able to follow along. Of course, those who are not strong enough will follow up through the teleportation formation in advance, and then follow a distance. When they can’t keep up, they will enter the teleportation formation again. , Therefore, on the way, the people behind have never been reduced, and Huo Hai just happened to be happy.

"Well, I didn't expect people from the blood curse branch to do this kind of thing." Suddenly, Huo Hai found that there were a few sneaky people next to him. He didn't know who was sending a message to him, and his actions were very secret.

Perhaps these people are not necessarily members of the blood curse branch, and there may be other sects, but other sects will not be at odds with the blood **** sect because of this matter, so most people should still be the blood **** sect. wrong.

The blood **** sect team is slow, and it seems that it is not just a matter of ostentation. Since people who know the blood curse sect will definitely do it, then simply make the ostentation bigger. In this way, the blood curse branch people even want to You have to do it, and you have to be somewhat scrupulous. Fighting in front of outsiders is not something that the Blood God Sect can do.

It was very safe to walk this way. Although it was always noisy, and sometimes even some robbers were able to check the situation outside, no one had dared to do it, not even people from the blood curse branch.

"They don't do it on the road, so it is most likely that they won't do it until they reach the secret realm." Huo Hai relaxed a little, and should be vigilant after entering the secret realm.

Following the team all the way to the front, the crowd behind them has always remained at 50,000 people. These people really have perseverance. The saints travel. For many people around the Blood Curse Sect, this is a big event. This blood curse sect usually manages the surroundings in a way similar to religious management, and this situation is normal.

More than a month passed in a blink of an eye, and the team finally came to the side of the secret realm. Looking from a distance, Huo Hai was taken aback. As expected, this secret realm was not like a normal secret realm. There was nothing but a hole.

A huge altar in the same place, at the entrance of the secret realm, a special gate was also made to inlay. Looking at it from a long distance, where is the entrance of the secret realm, it is simply the main entrance of a big power.

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