Evil Insect God

Chapter 1307: Tragic

"Haha, let's see how you run now." When Yuehua ancestors and Lie ancestors were fighting, the masters of Yuehua Sect were also chasing and killing Lie sect masters. In the past, the two sects were very friendly.

After all, these two sects belong to an alliance with each other. This state of alliance has lasted for nearly one hundred thousand years. Although one of the two sects wants to replace each other, the other wants to suppress each other. Since then, the two major sects have been fighting secretly, but after all, they are also the Ten Thousand Years Alliance, and they have a good relationship with each other.

Who would have thought that the two great sects turned their faces so suddenly and so quickly. Because of the Yuehua ancestors, the top masters of the Sun Sect had lost 30%, and the rest were all wounded, and they couldn’t compete with Yuehua Sect. Master confrontation.

The strength of the two sects was originally the same, but now they met the Yuehua Sect and came out. What else could they do besides escape? This place is a distance from the Lie Sun Sect, and it is not a short time to go back.

"Huh, I want to run, just eat me." Behind, an eighth-level spirit emperor yelled, his hands pressed for a point, and the huge moonlight condensed into a cloud of moonlight in his hands, like a full moon, following The hands were separated, the full moon exploded, and the moonlight turned into sharp needles, like a large swath of rain.

Seemingly in a hurry, the rain fell on the Lie Sun Sect master who was fleeing in the next moment. With a piercing and sharp sound, the Lie Sun Sect masters could only escape, except for using spiritual power to resist, they did not dare to fight at all.

"Ah..." Suddenly, a scream sounded, and the defensive barrier of an old man with a broken arm in the Lie Sun Sect was corroded and transparent, and the strength of Yuehua was desperately corroding his body, "Old Jiu, how are you." A big man beside him Shouted nervously.

The old man gritted his teeth and said in a hoarse voice: "It's no help. I'm afraid I won't be able to escape today. Go away. Even if I die, I have to put on a few cushions." The old man turned around, and when everyone was too late to react, the whole person quickly retreated. Because the speed of both sides was too fast, he instantly entered the Yuehuazong master group.

The old man with the broken arm didn't neglect at all, and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, Yuehuazong bastards, let me bury them." The old man's spatial ring flicked, and a dozen scrolls with white light appeared.

The old man did not hesitate to punch spiritual power into the scroll. This is not a normal way to use the scroll, but a method that can cause the scroll to explode. This method is too fast and powerful, so few people use it.

Unexpectedly, this old man still has so many powerful scrolls. This person is also a master in the Scorching Sun Sect who is very good at making scrolls. When the spiritual power is injected, several scrolls have already burned, "No, get out of the way. "Finally, the masters of Yuehuazong reacted, and such masters suddenly tried their best, which no one could have imagined.

You know, the more masters and the longer they live, the less likely it is to work hard. Even at the last moment of death, these people seldom make fun of their lives. Life is more precious than anything.

"Boom" The explosion sounded, and white flames soared into the sky. The old man himself was good at solar fire. These scrolls were made with all his best. Now that they have been exploded, the power of the solar flame is huge. The master of Yue Huazong was wrapped in flames, and his whole person turned into a ball of fire. The first target of the old man was this person.

The flames spread, and several people in the surrounding cultivation base were nearly dead, or seriously injured. This time, the masters of Yuehuazong suffered heavy losses. There has never been a moment when the Lingdi masters were so worthless.

"Lao Jiu, **** Yuehuazong, our Lie Sun Sect is never ending with you." The Lie Sun Sect masters who were flying ahead, their eyes turned red after seeing this scene. If they were not strong enough, they really wanted to stay and fight. One game.

The faces of the masters of the Yuehua Sect were also not pretty: "The **** Scorching Sun Sect is so insidious, everyone, the Scorching Sun Sect is not to be eliminated, we Yuehua Sect will never try to get ahead and kill." Everyone dodges the explosion. Continuing to sprint forward, as for the original spiritual power exuding in place, no one will care about it at all, and there is no such time now.

"Haha, my injuries have also begun to break out. Everyone, if you have something desperate for me, I will die with them." At this moment, a big man suddenly spoke to his fellow students.

The eyes of the people around are flushed, but the state of the big man is very bad at this time. If you don’t work hard, you can only continue to be a drag. In the end, you will die. Since you are going to die anyway, it is not as valuable as death. Is this just an example? The Lie Sun Sect masters changed their positions calmly.

In the end, an old man shed tears in his eyes and quickly ejected a space ring to the big man. The big man smiled silently: "Thank you, if there is an afterlife, I will come to be brothers with you."

After saying this, the big man turned and rushed behind him. The Yuehuazong masters who were already prepared for the first time discovered something was wrong, but it was a pity that the two teams were too close to each other, and they just launched another attack.

This big man actually ignored their attacks and rushed into their team with his injuries, "Yuehuazong boys, go to death." The big man laughed and took out the milky white spar from the space ring. It is also a very special creation of the Zongmen. As soon as the spar was shot, it became a small sun among the crowd.

The scope of the little sun is not large, but its power is very terrifying. The enveloped Yuehuazong masters are all the targets carefully selected by the big man. The first time they have been vaporized and evaporated, and the next moment, the big man is also the Yuehuazong masters. Died under the attack.

"Damn it, don't hide yourself. They use scrolls, and we also use them." Of all kinds of miscellaneous arts, Yuehua Zong is much better than Lie Sun Zong. This person threw out a few scrolls just after he said it. The scrolls broke out, and suddenly they gave birth. The vines of peculiar spiritual power, a slow-running master of the Liege Sect, were entangled on the spot and took a slower shot.

With just such a shot, he lost the opportunity to escape. He didn't even have time to desperately. Before he could say a word, he was wiped out by Yuehua who followed immediately. He didn't even leave the body. At the moment of life and death, who Will pay attention to so much.

The space ring is either destroyed or dropped from the air. At this time, no one has the intention to pick it up. With the strength of the Lingdi master, the attack power is very likely to destroy the space ring. The destroyed space, the interior Items that can resist the tearing of space will fall out. If they can’t resist, they will be torn to pieces and lose value.

After a scorching sun sect master was killed, there were still many dangerous items in the space ring. As a result, as the space ring shattered, a terrifying explosion exploded, forming a space storm in place.

If it weren’t for everyone else to be far away, I’m afraid it would have been torn to pieces at this time. The power of this spatial chaos is no worse than the attacks of the masters of the Lingdi realm. After this happened, the masters of Yuehuazong were even more powerful. Be careful.

After chasing and fleeing, the speed of the two parties was fast. In less than twenty minutes, the two sides had arrived near the station of the Lie Sun Zongmen. Everyone was a master, and none of them were slow. From a distance, there was already a shocking sound. The fluctuation of the spirit was caused by the masters of the spirits, and only those high-level spirit emperors could feel it.

I don't know how the old ancestors are fighting, but everyone is more at ease with their old ancestors, "Quickly, the people of Yuehuazong have rebelled, and the great elders should hurry up." A loud roar broke out directly.

The Great Elder of the Lie Sun Sect, who was sitting in the middle of the sect, opened his eyes for the first time after hearing this voice. When he looked into the air, the expression of the Great Elder suddenly became ugly. No wonder the old ancestor just walked so hard. Suddenly, it turned out that Yue Huazong had betrayed. Seeing the tragic situation of his own sect master, the great elder looked very ugly.

Using his hands quickly made a few handprints, the great elder directly inspired the Zongmen Guardian Formation. The Guardian Zong Formation had some attack ability under the control of someone. Several fireballs formed in the air, facing the Moon Huazong. The team fought over.

Feeling the power, the Yuehuazong masters retreated for the first time, but they didn't expect that these fireballs could attack so far, and there were still a few unlucky spirit emperors who died tragically in these fireballs.

"Damn it, they ran back." The leader of Yue Huazong snorted coldly: "Let's go, we can't give them a chance to deal with us." At the other side's sect, the people of Yue Huazong don't dare to mess around. In this battle, nearly half of the top experts in the Lie Sun Sect died, and the rest were all wounded, and the injuries were serious.

Although Yuehuazong was okay, it also suffered heavy losses. Unexpectedly, the desperate efforts of the Sun Sect masters led to the loss of more than 20% of the people brought by the Zongmen this time. Among them, there was a ninth-level spirit emperor who died just now. Under the counterattack of the guardian formation.

This loss is also enough to hurt Yuehuazong's vitality, "Huh, your Lie Sun Sect has no Spirit Venerable, I want to see how long you can maintain this state." The leader put down a ruthless word and led the team quickly When they left, they all believed that their ancestors were the strongest, and that the mere heavenly soul of the Lie Sun Sect was not an opponent of the ancestors at all.

A cruel battle that shocked the Heavenly Soul Region is over, but the real chaos has just begun.

The two major sects began to prepare quickly at this time. Since they have completely torn their faces, the war between the two sides will inevitably start, and the atmosphere of the Heavenly Soul Region has become more tense.

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