Evil Insect God

Chapter 1350: Inquire about news

With Huo Hai's intervention, the battle soon ended. At the end, it was just some army in the city following and killing the fierce beasts. The corpses left by these fierce beasts could not be appreciated by Huo Hai.

Getting so many corpses is enough to make the city grow and develop a lot. For Huo Hai, everyone is full of gratitude. Huo Hai, who has a good impression on him, has become a savior in everyone’s eyes. Huo Hai flew over. At the time, many spirit emperors immediately floated towards Huo Hai, their expressions were extremely respectful, and they did not dare to go beyond.

"Below is the mayor of this small town. I have seen adults." Everyone came here and immediately said respectfully to Huo Hai.

Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment, the mayor, what is going on, is this a city? Is this a small town? Huo Hai doesn’t know, but he didn’t show it. It would be bad if anything was exposed. .

"It's okay, these fierce beasts dare to attack our human race, and deserve the lesson they deserve." Huo Hai's answer was very formulaic, and others could not tell what was wrong. Besides, Huo Hai was a spirit emperor in their eyes.

The mayor respectfully saluted and said: "This lord, I don't know what your name is..."

Seeing everyone looking at Huo Hai expectantly, Huo Hai did not hesitate, no one in the Heavenly Spirit Realm knew him anyway, "Huo Hai." Huo Hai said indifferently. Hearing the name, everyone frowned and thought. For a long time, I didn't think of the nearby Ling Emperor named Huo Hai. It seemed that this person was not a local person, but came from another place.

Although thinking this way, the mayor still did not neglect: "Huo Hai, it is better to go in and sit with us." Upon hearing this, Huo Hai nodded, and at this time the mayor cautiously led the way ahead.

The others, at this time, have already begun to deal with the post-war affairs. Countless masters are constantly purifying the murderous energy and blood energy around. After cleaning the dead beast's corpse, they must clean up the dead energy again, otherwise they will be bred by huge spiritual power. God knows what will happen, this kind of situation rarely occurs in the Heavenly Soul Realm, but it is common sense here.

After each battle, the people in the city will get busy. They don't want to have a large number of undead creatures around their city, so there will be more troubles in the future.

Soon, Huo Hai and his party came to the mayor’s mansion. Looking at the sign, Huo Hai knew that this person hadn’t said nonsense. This is really a town, not a city. Huo Hai didn’t understand the composition of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Can only hit side by side.

"You should know, I am not here. I came to the marginal position to find some elixir. I just don't know what the situation is here and what kind of forces are there." Huo Hai asked very cleverly, in fact The Lingdi master is not a master in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but it is definitely not a master. It's normal to travel around this kind of thing.

Upon hearing the words, the mayor did not hesitate, and immediately replied: "We are within the jurisdiction of the Blood City, a small town within the scope." Huo Hai looked puzzled, as if he did not understand what the Blood City was.

The mayor immediately knew what Huo Hai meant, and quickly added: "Actually, this is the area where the Eight Sect Alliance is located. It is said that these eight sects were originally from the outside world, not the local forces of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. The Eight Sects Eight different big cities have been established, and we are within the sphere of influence of the Blood City under the Blood God Sect."

Huo Hai nodded, he didn't know the others, but this blood **** sect Huo Hai still knew, "Then, these eight sect alliances are those sects, what is their strength, are there any taboos?" Huo Hai still Ask carefully.

The mayor didn’t feel anything, and said directly: “These eight sects are the Sky Star Sect, the Scorching Sun Sect, the Moon Hua Sect, the Blood God Sect, the Yin Sect Sect, the Life Sect Sect, the Dead Soul Sect, and the Tianyang Sect. Strength? Naturally it is very strong."

Soon, Huo Hai understood the eight sect alliances more thoroughly. It was exactly the same as Huo Hai thought. These are the eight sects. Obviously, these eight so-called sects were entered by the previous heavenly masters. After re-establishing here, even if it is a sky-level master, he still needs resources to help him cultivate, but the resources he needs are more advanced.

Not only do they need resources, but many of these people also hope to pass on the inheritance of their own sects here, so the eight major sects established their sects here, because everyone came from one place and the relationship was relatively good.

As a result, the eight major sects formed the Eight Sect Alliances and established eight cities respectively, occupying a territory in this fringe area. In this fringe area, the strength of the Eight Sect Alliances is also one of the best.

However, Huo Hai didn't know how strong the Basong Alliance was. This was not what the mayor was qualified to know.

"Since they don't have any taboos, then I will bother here for a while." Huo Hai doesn't want to expose anything if he has enough acting. In the next few days, Huo Hai will go out to collect some elixir every day, which is not completely It was acting. There were many new elixir in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and Huo Hai needed to study them one by one.

Even Huo Hai secretly purchased some records about elixir and spirit beasts and insects, so as to better understand the heavenly spirit domain. The heavenly spirit domain is very large. Huo Hai is not clear about how big it is. The soul domain is small.

On the other hand, Fluttershy hides herself every day, inquiring about news in the city. With Fluttershy's ability, no one can discover her existence. It didn't take long for Huo Hai to get a lot of useful information.

Sure enough, this place is a small town, not a city. In the Heavenly Spirit Realm, only those who possess the power of a master of the Lingdi realm are qualified to build a city. Otherwise, no matter how big it is, it can only be regarded as a town or a village, Tianling. The composition of the territory is similar to that of the small villages outside. This is not a village at all, but only some people living in the diaspora.

Huo Hai also discovered that in the heavenly realm, the heaven-level source spirit treasures are not as precious as he thought. Many places sell the heavenly source spirit treasures. Although the price is high, they can also be purchased. .

The precious thing here is the source spirit treasure above the top grade of heaven. This is very rare. Within the scope of the Eight Sect Alliance, it is said that even a piece of top grade source spirit treasure has not appeared before, maybe there has been, but none Announced.

The number of heaven-level source spirit stones in the heavenly spirit realm is indeed much greater. At least Huo Hai has heard some news. The heaven-level source spirit stones here are actually valuable, and they often appear in auctions. The same Only the top grade is a treasure. Anyway, the outside world has never heard of the top grade. This thing is related to the limit of its potential.

What makes Huo Hai feel depressed is that even in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, spiritual marrow is also very precious. Spiritual marrow is actually a kind of spiritual stone, which is the highest kind, spiritual stone, and spiritual jade. There are also many spirit crystals, and the outside world is the same.

This thing is usually a necessity for spiritual masters to cultivate. Many people, such as Huo Hai, disdain to use these things, but the spiritual essence is very rare, and the output in the heavenly spirit domain is not large.

This thing is not so much an equivalent, as it is a treasure in itself. Although it is valuable, it is basically impossible to exchange it on the market. In the eyes of the heavenly masters, the spiritual marrow is a treasure, and there is no spiritual marrow. They You can only rely on your own abilities to cultivate, very slowly. When you reach the realm of the spiritual sovereign, the external objects will basically be of no use, and you are the most important.

And the things that can replace the spiritual marrow are basically scarce than the spiritual marrow, otherwise it is in some very dangerous places. On the contrary, in their eyes, the spiritual crystal is like rubbish. In addition to being used as money, it can be used for anything. No.

The values ​​of the Heavenly Spiritual Realm are completely different from Huo Hai's previous values. In the Heavenly Spiritual Realm, the management of various spirit tactics and spirit tactics is not very strict, at least for ordinary low-level ones.

Even in this town, there are many people who practice the spiritual arts of the eight major sects, but the spiritual arts of the spiritual emperor and the spiritual emperor are not easily revealed. This is related to their inheritance, and the management here is really strict. It was a heavenly battle spirit tactic, this level of battle spirit tactics are basically rarely known to the outside world, and there are very few records.

If you want to obtain the Heavenly Spiritual Battle Art, unless you become the absolute confidant within a force, but also a very prominent one, in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, the bottleneck of everyone's cultivation has not weakened, but has increased.

Huo Hai observed for a few days and almost understood that the concentration of spiritual energy here was too high, which caused the cultivation to be too simple. The realm of the early stage was almost like a broken bamboo, and he had not experienced any setbacks or encountered any obstacles.

In this way, the early stage will go smoothly, but when the bottleneck is encountered in the later stage, many people will be a little at a loss and don’t know what to do, and there are still many problems that need attention, because the practice is too easy to ignore. After reaching a high level, it is even more difficult to break through the bottleneck.

But even so, relying on the huge base of spiritual masters, the masters of the Heavenly Spiritual Realm are far from being comparable to the surrounding realms.

It is not without benefits in this kind of place. Because of the strong spiritual energy, it is easy for everyone to reach the current extreme in cultivation. Generally speaking, the masters of the heavenly spirit domain are much better than those in the surrounding domains.

What they are weaker than those in the surrounding fields is their spirit, their own will is not strong enough, rather than the problem of their own foundation, so as long as they are determined to cultivate, generally their achievements will not be too low. Locally, it can be said that you can cultivate to the realm of the Spirit Emperor casually, and the Spirit Emperor was not a problem before.

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