Evil Insect God

Chapter 1363: influences

Next, Huo Hai spent a few days to find everything he needed in the ruins. This search really surprised Huo Hai. After tens of thousands of years, the collection of the Death Soul faction was really extraordinary.

Not to mention other things that are of no use to Huo Hai, that is, the formation of the Death Soul Sect’s guardian formation, as well as the various spiritual formation records inside the sect, which opened Huo Hai’s vision. As for the Death Soul faction over the years Huo Hai can only use the research and progress of his own Heaven-level Battle Spirit Secret Art for reference. Cultivating these things is just a waste of time.

What satisfied Huo Hai the most was the harvest of spiritual marrow. Among the Dead Soul faction, Huo Hai found nearly a hundred spiritual marrow. "It's no wonder that some major rewards of the Sky Star Sect use spiritual marrow. That's how it is."

The value of this spirit can be compared with the middle-rank heaven-level source spirit stones, and the Sky Star Sect can’t get too much, but after all, these are heaven-level masters. If you want to get the spirit, it’s not all possible. No.

The Dead Soul Sect can get hundreds of dollars, I believe the Sky Star Sect will not be too few, maybe, other masters of the spirits, they also have some inventory in their hands, the Death Souls are too few, only two, and The combat power is not strong enough, so they don't have it in their own body, which is excusable. With these spirits, they believe that their cultivation base can be improved.

After being excited, Huo Hai put it away. At this time, within the Death Soul faction, the aura left by Huo Hai has completely dissipated, and nothing is left. Now, we must find a reasonable way for the death of the Death Soul faction. Reason.

Huo Hai's heart moved, and while his figure flickered, he had already appeared on the edge of the Dead Soul faction. Now this very good protection of the Dead Soul faction guarding sect was of no use. Huo Hai carefully removed it. Dissipate completely.

At this moment, Fluttershy had completely radiated his mental power and completely controlled his surroundings. The people around who had been monitoring the Death Soul faction did not realize that there was anything wrong with their current state. They thought, He was still staring at the Death Soul faction and Huo Hai hadn't thought of killing them directly. These people can help him divert his attention.

Flying to the high altitude, there are already a thousand Star Gus around Huo Hai ready, "You can start." Huo Hai nodded, and the Star Gus suddenly exploded with their own spiritual power, and the surrounding space quickly shattered. This is a space spirit insect. Unique ability.

You must know that with the strength of the Sky Spirit Continent, even if it is Huo Hai's strength, it is impossible to shake the space without the space attributes. With the movements of the Star Gus, more and more space fragments continue to rush forward.

A large area of ​​space is constantly shattering, and there is actually a frenzy. Huo Hai does not know how powerful the space is, but this should have a certain relationship with the person who launched the attack. When the space debris completely forms a storm wave, even Huo Hai himself, who was the initiator, opened his eyes wide, and felt his heart stop.

"What a powerful power, this power, how many people in the realm of Spiritual Venerable can resist." Everything that the space storm passed through was invisible and completely shattered, no matter whether it was space or something else.

"Boom" sounded like a wave hitting a reef, but this sound was thousands of times more terrifying than a wave hitting, and wave after wave, the deep valley where the Death Soul faction was originally turned directly into a huge sinkhole.

At least a few tens of miles wide and hundreds of miles long, it was turned into nothingness, and the deepest place could not be seen to the bottom at a glance. Some of the nearby spies were on the spot under the aftermath of this storm's force. Being smashed, Huo Hai took a deep breath, this power is really terrifying, even if it directly attacks the Death Soul faction, it may not be able to destroy the opponent's defense barrier.

However, the preparation time for the prelude of this kind of attack is too long, who would give Huo Hai such a long time to prepare, the nearby masters, feeling the fluctuation of the prelude, can not allow Huo Hai to continue, and the consumption is also very large.

In order to promote such a violent spatial frenzy, the thousand star Gu released by Huo Hai has exhausted his whole body's spiritual power at this time, and is languid. Huo Hai quickly retracted it into his inner space, allowing him to slowly recover.

Now Huo Hai's inner space also has a very powerful assisting and restoring effect on these spirit worms in the realm of the spirits.

After doing all this, Huo Hai turned around and left, leaving no trace of breath. Not long after Huo Hai left, such a huge movement here and the fluctuations in the power of the terrifying world attracted people nearby. .

With the arrival of the first red figure, the masters of the Eight Sect Alliance came here one after another, "How did the Dead Soul Sect become like this, old blood, you were the first to come, tell us what you have discovered." This time , Suddenly an ancestor of the Sky Star Sect asked the first person who came to the Blood God Sect, although they had known for a long time that this was probably done by Huo Hai.

But the scene in front of him was really terrifying. It was able to flatten the Death Soul faction. Even if they united to launch the Star Movement, they didn't know if there was such a power. This kind of power was no longer possessed by the normal spirits.

The old man in red at the front shook his head and said: "I don't know, it has become like this when I came, but it seems that the Dead Soul faction has provoked some master, and this master is still a spatial attribute."

Upon hearing the words, the master of Shengximen looked disdainful: "Hmph, these gangsters will provoke anyone. Anyway, their strength is not strong enough. If they are ruined, they will be ruined. The resources that have been freed up can help us cultivate more. Some masters." The Life Sect and the Dead Soul Sect have never dealt with them, because the concepts of the two sects are completely opposite.

"Hmph, who knows if this matter has something to do with you, don't you have always been at odds with the Dead Soul Sect." The master of the Yin Sha sect said gloomily, and they didn't feel very good about the life gate.

This life gate intensively refines its own body, although the improvement is slow, but the foundation is solid, which makes it difficult for their assassination skills to work. Therefore, the masters of the Yin Sha sect are always studying how to deal with the life gate. The relationship between the two sects is naturally different. it is good.

"Okay, let's just say a few words less." At this time, the Lie Sun Sect master suddenly spoke. The Lie Sun Sect has always been very prestigious, and speaking at this time, the effect is no different from the words of the Heavenly Star Sect master.

After hearing the words, the two finally closed their mouths, but they still did not mean to reconcile with each other. Other masters are used to seeing each other. Anyway, at their level, it doesn't matter how much trouble is, as long as it is not really positive. In the fight, who cares about them, the biggest problem now is that one of the eight sects in the alliance has been destroyed.

I don't know how long it has passed, a woman from Yue Huazong stroked her hair and said calmly: "Perhaps, it was done by the remnants of the Heavenly Soul Sect before." When this sentence was said, everyone's eyes immediately shifted to her.

The master Yuehua didn't hesitate, and said calmly, "Everyone feels that although the damage caused by this space power is strong, the law power contained in the space power aura is not strong. Maybe the other party may use special means to hide it, but With this kind of legal power, I think the opponent is at best a master of the sixth heavenly spirit."

"Although such a master is very strong, it is impossible for the Dead Soul faction to even have a chance to send out a distress signal. Even if it is the guardian formation, I believe it can be saved for a period of time." Everyone nodded after hearing the words.

Huo Hai didn't expect that his last move still exposed a little unreasonableness. There was no big problem at all. The Star Gu itself was indeed strong in combination, but the strength of the law was indeed a flaw.

"So you think that this is because the master of the Heavenly Soul Sect temporarily controlled the people of the Death Soul Sect, which allowed them to succeed." The master of the Lie Sun Sect frowned, but the two sects have always had a good relationship.

The master Yue Huazong shook his head and said: "Have you noticed that the corpses on the ground, the dead soul corpses are all crushed, but the corpses left by the spies next to them are relatively complete, you see, the souls of these guys Breath, there is still a trace of being controlled." Huo Hai did not expect that the spies he had left exposed to himself again.

Everyone checked and found that things seemed to be the case, "That's right, it seems that those people don't want us to intervene. It's no wonder that such a big thing happened and we haven't received any information."

Indeed, for such a big thing, if these spies were normal, they would have already sent them a message, "But, what is the reason for them doing it in such a prestigious way? Are you afraid that we will deal with them?"

"Perhaps the people of the Sky Soul Sect want to use this method to intimidate us, or it is possible, to announce that they will come back again." The number of masters of the Sky Soul Sect is relatively small, but after all they exist for much longer than the other eight sects. , No one knows, in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, there are still Heavenly Soul Sect masters hiding in it.

At this moment, a subtle light flashed in the eyes of the master of the Sky Star Sect, and he said, "No matter what, I think we need to discuss how to deal with the enemy. This time the enemy is coming."

At this time, most of you have already confirmed that this is the master of the Sky Soul Sect to retaliate, and we have found a master or even a few masters who are proficient in space power. Perhaps it is also possible that it is the space spirit beast controlled by the master of the Sky Soul Sect. In any case, looking at this destructive power, it is absolutely qualified to threaten them, and no one wants to face them alone.

"The location is nearby, right? We can just observe here, maybe we can find any clues." Before anyone else could speak, the master of the Sky Star Sect had already determined the location completely.

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