Evil Insect God

Chapter 1369: Careless

"It turns out that it is a Master Lingzun. We are rude, but even Lingzun can't do anything with us Ghost Medicine Sect. My Ghost Medicine Sect is in charge of the East of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but it is one of the eight gates."

Wu Sheyun’s words made Huo Hai stunned. There was no specific record of what the eight sects were. The Sky Star Sect had no specific records. Unexpectedly, he had encountered one of the eight sects, which was the most powerful force in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. One, as one of the eight sects of the top power, among the sects, there must be masters in the realm of spirit gods, and sects without masters of spirit gods are not considered top.

Moreover, being able to control the entire eastern part of the Heavenly Spirit Realm is not something that ordinary sects can do. Wu Sheyun dares to say that, it will definitely not be false. Huo Hai feels a bit tricky at this time, and he didn't expect to be nosy. Will encounter this kind of thing.

You said that he is a good kid of the ghost medicine family, what is he going to do in such a remote place? Listen to their names and watch them start Huo Hai to know that these people are all masters of ghost qi cultivation.

It’s basically impossible for this kind of people to have the profession of beast spirit master. Besides, in their capacity, do they need to come out and catch spirit beast cubs? Although they can’t move, the white bear cubs are still in Yan Xiran at this time. In the embrace.

At this time, Wu Sheyun secretly took out a mirror. I don’t know what it was. Wu Sheyun wrapped the mirror around his arm and looked around proudly. Could it be that this mirror is in the ghost medicine door, Is it a status symbol? Huo Hai's eyes flashed a little strange, because there was nothing on this mirror.

"Well, you should just leave it alone. This is something inside our ghost medicine gate. If you insist on intervening, it's not good." In Wu Sheyun's words, it was implicit. Threatened.

Although Wu Sheyun is a dude, it is not that he has a bad brain. Judging from Huo Hai's several shots but no traces, it is obvious that this person does not want to reveal his identity, maybe it is very possible that there is no backing behind this person.

The spiritual power of the heavenly spirit realm is very strong, and there are more relics left in the ancient times. Often some people are lucky and can get some inheritance, and eventually reach the realm of the spirits. At the heaven level, there will be no casual cultivation or not, some people Will join the big sect, some people will build a power on their own, and some people will still remain free.

Even some people will leave their own forces directly and go around to play. This is all possible. Who knows what is going on in front of him, anyway, a Spiritual Venerable cannot provoke casually.

A gleam flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, no matter what, since he has already intervened in this matter today, he must take care of it to the end. If he does not care about this matter today, it will affect his heart.

He has now reached the Spiritual Venerable, this effect is not a big deal, but Huo Hai does not want to go against his original heart. Whether this guy is one of the eight sects or a disciple of the Tongtian Tower, Huo Hai stopped the decision today. After a long time, Huo Hai The sea still didn't make any movement. Wu Sheyun actually approached Yan Xiran once again. This guy is really lustful.

The raging anger flashed in Yan Xiran's eyes: "Wu Sheyun, no matter what happens today, I will kill you when I go back." Hearing this murderous words, Wu Sheyun's body couldn't help but tremble.

Afterwards, Wu Sheyun snorted coldly: "Hmph, I'm afraid you will be reluctant to kill me at that time, I don't believe that your family will let you kill your own man." Wu Sheyun sneered and reached out to grab Yan Xiran. Past.

Huo Hai was also annoyed after being repeatedly provoked by others. This guy really thinks he is muddled, or he feels that there is the support of the ghost medicine door behind him, so he can not be afraid of anyone, Huo Hai's thoughts moved. , Another sword energy formed. This time, Huo Hai's target was Wu Sheyun himself, aiming directly at the opponent's hand.

How could Wu Sheyun react? In just an instant, Wu Sheyun's arm was cut off on the spot. Although it was easy to recover it after returning, the pain of being cut off still made Wu Sheyun miserable. Cried.

But at this moment something happened suddenly. The mirror that Wu Sheyun was tied to his arm suddenly gave out a strange burst of light. Under the light, Huo Hai's figure appeared in the air, everything was silent, Huo Hai Without knowing that he had been revealed, Huo Hai did not use the robe to cover himself.

Wu Sheyun resisted the pain, took out a scroll, tore it forcefully, and threw it at Huo Hai. At this time, Huo Hai finally realized what the mirror was for. It turned out that it was a kind of exploration based on breath. Something about the location of the spirits.

Huo Hai did not use other methods to hide himself, but only used the spiritual instincts, so he was found to be nothing strange. The scroll was torn apart, and a huge ghost energy filled the air. The ghost energy condensed in the air to form a black air column. , Like a black dragon, rushed towards Huo Hai. Before he arrived, Huo Hai felt his body start to numb.

The medicine of the ghost medicine gate is not just a pill, but also poison. The person who makes the scroll must also incorporate the poison into his own ghost energy. The toxin and the ghost energy will not be well for ordinary people.

A huge breath rushed toward his face, and Huo Hai secretly said to his face, but at this time he was locked by the black dragon. There was no way, Huo Hai could only resist it with all his strength. At this moment, Huo Hai had no idea to keep his hands. .

This attack was definitely left by a master of the Sixth Heavenly Spiritual Venerable. Although it was a scroll without human control, the power was greatly reduced, but the attack by the masterful Sixth Heavenly Spiritual Venerable was still not so easy to resist. It wasn't that Huo Hai had already broken through the Second Heaven of Lingzun, and under this kind of attack, Huo Hai didn't know if he could survive.

Huo Hai, who didn't dare to neglect, drew out the Luoxia Sword in his hand, the sword in his body glowed brightly, and the huge sword energy quickly condensed out. The starlight under Huo Hai's feet flickered, and the shifting of the stars has been fully displayed.

While he was retreating quickly, his long sword was constantly hacking against the black dragon. Every time he attacked, the black dragon’s power was weakened. The black dragon was very fast. When the black dragon swallowed Huo Hai, the black dragon’s power was only Huo Hai cleaned up half of it. The next moment, the black dragon opened his mouth and swallowed Huo Hai whole.

"Hahahaha, this is the end of the fight against me." Wu Sheyun's face was distorted, as if he could not even feel the pain.

Yan Xiran had a miserable expression. I didn't expect the person to be so careless. Is it really hard to escape the poisonous hand today? With Wu Sheyun's personality, what he has to do is even if his arm is broken. Will never give up.

But in the next moment, Wu Sheyun’s smile stiffened, and silver-white rays of light suddenly burst out of the black dragon’s body. Cracks appeared on the black dragon’s body. There was an explosion, and the black dragon was cut to pieces. , One of the silver-white lightsabers kept swinging back and forth, which seemed to be a very clever sword technique.

The black dragon is very special. After the collapse, it did not spread the aftermath, but absorbed the destructive power around it, and then slowly dissipated. It seems that this was designed to prevent future generations from hurting themselves when using the scroll.

No wonder, otherwise, the power of this ghostly black dragon will be even stronger. Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief and slowly retracted the long sword. Seeing this scene, Wu Sheyun suddenly felt a sense of fear.

His father told himself that if the other party can still block it after using the scroll, then the opponent is at least a master of the fourth heaven, or even a master of the fifth heaven. Wu Sheyun didn't think about anything, and quickly tore it apart. After another scroll, Wu Sheyun and a few people around him disappeared under a flash of light. This is a spatial scroll.

"You wait for me, I remember you, our ghost medicine gate will definitely not let you go." The escaping Wu Sheyun shouted from a distance, Huo Hai's eyes flickered, and this guy dared to threaten Yourself.

Although he intends to kill it, Huo Hai simply can't do it at this time. After all, it is a powerful attack left by the sixth-level Spiritual Venerable. Although Huo Hai has blocked it, it is not that there is nothing like this on the surface. The ghost energy of's pervades Huo Hai's body, and Huo Hai needs time to use spiritual power to disperse it bit by bit.

If it hadn't been for his ninefold starlight to have completed the threefold, I am afraid that this time he would really be seriously injured. Even so, the ghost energy still penetrated his three-layer starlight defense and penetrated it into his body.

Although the injury is not very serious, it is very troublesome, and for a long time to come, this ghost energy will permeate your body. If the ghost medicine gate has special means to track this ghost energy, it is easy to find yourself. There, it's troublesome now. I didn't expect that once a hero saves the United States, he will encounter such a big trouble.

The most important thing is that with the ghost energy invading Huo Hai’s body is a powerful toxin. This toxicity is caused by the ghost energy to mutate. Even if Huo Hai is as powerful as anti-toxic, there is still no way to resist it, but it has not been poisoned for the time being. That's it.

The toxins spread in the body, making Huo Hai unable to move, let alone chasing. The reason why Huo Hai was able to float in the air was because of Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin mobilized the power of heaven and earth to help Huo Hai Tuo in the air. He has bitten on the back of Huo Hai's neck, constantly absorbing the poison in Huo Hai's body, and is unable to pursue it.

After Wu Sheyun left, Huo Hai was able to move somewhat. As the poison slowly dissipated, Huo Hai felt that he was gradually able to mobilize a part of the body's strength, and he had a little self-preservation.

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