Evil Insect God

Chapter 1405: The auction ends, the chaos begins

Everyone is a person with strength and identity, so during the whole auction process, it was not fierce at all, and it seemed not to be stunned, but in fact, the anger in private was very heavy.

Seeing that the aura of the people around them becomes more and more unstable, maybe these spiritual sages will fight hard. These spiritual sages are not simple. Although they are still suppressed here, the strength they can exert is extraordinary. If you start here, the environment here will be greatly damaged, which is a challenge to the giant wooden door.

At this moment, the spirit saint of a giant wooden door suddenly walked over from behind: "Hehe, since everyone wants it, why don't we change the method." Seeing this person coming, the people around suddenly closed. Mouth.

The visitor seemed very satisfied: "The person who provided the information doesn't care about your bids. He just wants something." The crowd still didn't say anything. In fact, they were right. The spirits could be obtained, but the things on the dragon were different.

"Don't worry, everyone, that person has already said that as long as the dragon can be slayed successfully, that person needs some scales on the dragon, not too many, only three or four pieces are enough." Hearing this, everyone was relieved. Although the scales on a dragon are also precious, they are far worse than a whole dragon. There are at least thousands of scales on a dragon.

The visitor saw that there was no objection, and said: "This is what we think. Everyone here will have the opportunity to participate in the dragon slaying at that time, but in the end, everyone has to take out a piece of scale, and everyone else pays the equivalent according to the value. Spiritual marrow, equivalent spiritual marrow, everyone can share it equally when the time comes. We will give the scales to the person who provided the information as reward." Everyone glanced at each other and there was no objection. After all, slaying dragons is not a trivial matter. What kind of.

No matter how powerful the dragon clan is, it is impossible to leapfrog the challenge. Any spiritual saint can easily kill the dragon clan in the realm of the spiritual sage, but afterwards, he has to face the concerns of some members of the dragon clan.

But if the number of people is large, then the family of this dragon clan will not know who to look for. Besides, there is a huge wooden door guarantee, and there is no dragon who dares to make trouble. The strength of the giant wooden door is far inferior to the dragon, but it is not easy to bully of.

After a long time, one of the spirit saints said: "I have no problem, but how should this dragon be distributed then."

The giant wooden door master said: "It's very simple, as a guarantor, we want two dragon horns, right?" Seeing that everyone did not say anything, the visitor said with satisfaction: "Then the rest, you follow the old rules. Come on, depending on your strength, no one is allowed to do anything to other people before you leave." This has always been a customary rule.

The same was true the last time the Void Ray was hunted. Everyone looked at each other and quickly reached an agreement. None of them disagreed. At this time, the giant wooden gate master had already begun to disperse the others.

Huo Hai knew that this was the information that these people wanted to share the dragon clan. Huo Hai shook his head helplessly. There was no way. Who would let him not have any powerful forces behind him? Huo Hai also wanted to find a dragon traitor at the beginning, but that's not it. Easy to find.

There are already many true core members of the dragon clan, and those who can make the dragon clan wanted are even rarer. It is not easy to get news of these dragon traitors. It is hard to find one, and the result is not something I can deal with. , The most important thing is that there are still so many spiritual sages intervening, but fortunately, spiritual sages generally don't do anything.

Spiritual gods are superlative gods. Generally, there are no special circumstances. These spirit gods cannot be dispatched casually. Once a spirit **** is dispatched, it is easy to attract criticism from other top sects. This is a very serious matter.

After leaving, Huo Hai and Lao Renxuan replaced their robes in secret places through the facilities here. After passing through the complicated passage, no one would know where they were before.

There is a strange interference force nearby, not only can suppress the attack power of the masters, even the various methods used for tracking are also suppressed, plus the various inspection measures set by the giant wooden door here, absolutely don’t worry Will be followed by others, and now the Lingsheng masters are discussing the dragon traitors, and there is no time to care about these people.

These people also took advantage of this opportunity to leave those who wanted to leave, and hunt those who wanted to be hunted. Huo Hai walked out all the way and soon came to the outskirts of Wanji Mountain. When he arrived here, Huo Hai suddenly felt that power. Disappear.

His own strength returned to the body, which is really comfortable, but Huo Hai also found that the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became weird. Everyone looked at other people's eyes, full of alert, even greedy.

"Let's go quickly. It's best not to meet other people. If you can leave, hurry up." Lao Renxuan said, suddenly took out a scroll and tore it hard. With a wave of space fluctuations, Lao Renxuan no longer knew where he was. Huo Hai was taken aback, this old guy ran really fast, but that's right, Lao Renxuan was the weakest among the spirits.

Many people around, just like Lao Renxuan did at this time, used various methods to escape, some accelerated, some walked in groups, and some didn't know what passage they entered, and they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Huo Hai was still very confident in his speed, so he didn't care. He soared into the air and flew towards the distance. After a while, Huo Hai felt a wave of fighting spirit coming from a short distance ahead. Force fluctuations.

"Hey, why is it her." Huo Hai suddenly saw a familiar figure. This person was the silver-haired woman in the previous auction room. If you know that she is the person of the giant wooden door, most people don't dare to do it casually. Very remote, but not too remote, if it is found, then things can be troublesome.

Huo Hai is also very familiar with the people who do it. A silver-white thunder and lightning light is flying back and forth in the air. It is the Silver Thunder Venerable. The Silver Thunder Venerable’s attack is very powerful, and it is difficult to entangle itself, so few people will take the initiative. .

Besides, the identities of these two people are different. People who are worried about getting into trouble have avoided seeing this place from a distance.

The white-haired woman's attack method is very special. She actually threw her silver hair out of her head, and her hair grew as soon as the wind hits the wind, and soon covered a piece of space around it. These hairs are extremely tough, and once they are tied, they end up. It wouldn't be too good, but it was a pity that Yin Lei Zun's attack methods just restrained this talent ability.

The hair that thunder and lightning attacked was burnt and carbonized because of thunder and lightning on the spot, and it was quickly shattered on the spot. If it weren't for the fact that the hair from the woman was too much, I am afraid that Yin Lei had already succeeded.

"Yinling, you'd better catch it with your hands. As long as you give me things, I will leave immediately. Otherwise, you know that even if you are seriously injured, the giant wooden door cannot come to me for you." Yin Lei Zun's voice was in thunder and lightning. Issued among them.

At this time, the silver-white silk thread that seemed to fill the sky was huge, but the Silver Thunder Venerable still had the upper hand. If this continues, it won't take long for the silver bell to be injured. Silver Thunder Venerable is not a pity and cherishment.

"Hmph, don't think about it. That thing is very important to me, and it was left to me by my mother. Even if I die, I won't give it to you." Yinling's clear voice rang, but with the host of the auction At that time, the comfortable feeling was different. At this time, Yinling's voice was full of coldness. Following her words, there was a burst of cold on the silver-white hair.

This silver bell’s ability is very powerful, but after all, he has just entered the sixth heaven of the spirit, but the silver thunder is different. At this time, the silver thunder has reached the peak of the sixth heaven, and both of them have both ability restraint and cultivation. gap.

In fact, Yin Lei Zun was already merciful, otherwise how could Yin Ling resist such a long time.

"No matter what you want, it's the right thing to not let you get it." Huo Hai's eyes lit up. We must destroy what the enemy wants to do. In Huo Hai's eyes, Yin Lei Zun has already become The enemy.

Venerable Yinlei’s anger could no longer be suppressed: "Very good, that’s the case, then today you don’t want to go out intact." Venerable Yinlei went mad, the lightning increased a lot in an instant, and the lightning moved forward quickly. Fang rushed in, all the white hairs along the road were all burned clean, and the Silver Lei Zun, like a sharp arrow, went straight to the silver bell.

Yin Ling's eyes were cold, but there was no other way. He had to desperately control her hair to block her. At the same time, she used her hair to form a defensive shield around her, but this layer of shield was almost impossible to block Yin Lei Zun.

The power of Silver Thunder Venerable was completely beyond her ability to resist. Seeing that the lightning was about to fall on the defensive shield, at this moment, a bright sword energy flashed in the distance, and the sword energy was extremely condensed, so After passing, all the hair was cut off for the first time, but the sword energy did not go to Yin Ling, but to Yin Lei Zun.

The sword energy full of star power was very fast, and the lightning had already hit the lightning before it was allowed to occur. With a slight explosion, the power of the sword energy was completely vented on the lightning. In an instant, the lightning was blown out.

It is a pity that this is the body of the Silver Thunder Venerable after all. Although Huo Hai’s sword aura is strong, it will not kill the Silver Thunder Venerable. It only weakens the strength of the Silver Thunder Venerable. It turned back into a thunder and lightning figure for a moment.

"Who would dare to disturb this deity's good deeds?" Yin Lei looked angry, and the silver bell who had reacted at this moment quickly moved away from Yin Lei, and at the same time, her cold eyes looked towards the direction of sword energy. Come, I don't know who it is, and dare to do something against Silver Thunder Venerable, anyway, this Silver Thunder Venerable is a peripheral member of the Ghost Medicine Sect.

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