Evil Insect God

Chapter 1412: Finally solved

After leaving the Tianyang Gate, Huo Hai did not rush to learn new combat skills. After reaching the heavenly level, combat skills can actually improve combat effectiveness, but they are not the main source of strength.

The real source of power for a heavenly master is actually the comprehension of his own laws and the strength of his own inner world, followed by the power of the Spirit of War. As long as the power of his laws is strong and the power of the world is strong, even if there is no Spirit of War, the strength of combat At the most, it is only one or two percent lower than using the general spirit war skills, and only the top war spirit skills can improve greatly.

This is the reason why it is difficult for ordinary people to leapfrog and challenge during normal battles. Huo Hai can fight at several levels at once, which is actually very surprising. In the Heavenly Spirit Realm, such people are also Not many.

Even when many people heard this, they thought that those people were lying deliberately, in order to conceal their incompetence, even if they saw it, many people probably thought that Huo Hai used some method to cover up his true cultivation. Living.

Without worrying about his fighting skills, Huo Hai quickly moved towards the next goal. Now his goal is only the most powerful Yuehua Sect and Lie Sun Sect. "Then, let’s go to Lie Sun Sect first." Hai thought about it and made a decision in his heart. The Lie Sun Sect has always been stronger than the Yue Hua Sect. This is not because of the real strength, but because of the restraint of attributes.

The power of the sun was originally the dominance of the power of the moon, and it was born with a certain degree of restraint on the power of the moon. In Huo Hai's eyes, the Lie Sun Sect was weaker, because they were good at frontal combat, not other things.

On the contrary, Yue Huazong’s combat effectiveness is not worse than Lie Sun Sect, but they are very proficient in various miscellaneous studies. If it weren’t for the help of Star Stone Cliff, Tian Xingzong would definitely not be the opponent of Yue Huazong masters in terms of spirit formations.

Before long, Huo Hai came all the way to the periphery of the Lie Sun Sect. The Lie Sun Sect’s spiritual formation was still full of the power of the sun. Among the Lie Sun Sect, there were four masters in the realm of Spiritual Venerables. Although the level is not very high, they are small. But Die couldn't control all four of them at once, so he might have to do it himself.

Huo Hai did not hesitate. After studying for two days, he knew about the Lie Sun Sect's spirit formations. Only then did he sneak into it. During this time, Huo Hai broke through other sect spirit formations and moved forward a little more in the spirit formations. The spirit array is also faster.

After studying the spirit formations of several major sects, Huo Hai believes that his understanding of spirit formations will definitely improve.

Entering the Lie Sun Sect, Huo Hai just let go of perception, did not alarm anyone, let alone let Fluttershy. Soon, Huo Hai found out where the Lie Sun Sect masters are, "Haha, three poor Together, the only Four Heavenly Spiritual Sovereign is actually behind, which is just right, saving me a lot of time." Huo Hai said to himself.

After that, Huo Hai immediately gave his order in his heart. Fluttershy heard the order and left without hesitation. Following Huo Hai for so long, Xiaodie understood Huo Hai's meaning very well and knew what she was going to do.

When Fluttershy came to the place where the three spirits were, Huo Hai had sneaked into the vicinity of the four heavenly spirits. With a heart move, Xiaodie immediately expanded his spiritual power in a small area. All three of them were Lingzun, and one triple heaven, two double heavens, Xiaodie has to control three people at once, but the consumption is very fast, and he must fight quickly.

The next moment, Huo Hai took advantage of the situation where the ancestor of the Lie Sun Sect was not aware of the danger, his figure flashed, the long sword in his hand had been quickly pierced out, and the ancestor of the Lie Sun Zong who was aware of the danger could not react at all.

With a soft "puchi", with a slight cracking sound, Huo Hai's long sword pierced the inner world of the ancestor of the Sun Sect directly from behind. The ancestor of the Sun Sect opened his mouth, but in the end there was nothing. speak out.

Now that the Spiritual Venerable Four Heavens arrives, Huo Hai is in a sneak attack. Few four Spiritual Venerables can escape. Basically, they are fatal with one blow. Huo Hai’s speed is faster than those of the same level. Lingzun is fast, don't know how much, seal the soul of this person, Huo Haishun tore open the inner space that this person has not yet dissipated, and took out the contents inside.

With a flash, Huo Hai quickly flew towards the place where Xiaodie was. At this time, Xiaodie was almost unable to support it. In a hurry, Huo Hai didn't care about hiding anything, and instantly came to Xiaodie. s position.

Huo Hai saw the three scorching sun sect masters who were already motionless, but their bodies were constantly trembling. Huo Hai said loudly, "Well done, it's up to me now." While these guys were still under Xiaodie's control, Huo Hai waved three sword auras and directly pierced the inner world of the three Sun Sect masters. The poor three had died before they could react.

Huo Hai's heart moved. He didn't expect this method of cooperation to be so good. If he cooperates with Fluttershy like this, Huo Hai believes that even the Spiritual Venerable of the Five Heavens can be killed by one of his own moves. It is really a good way of fighting.

When Huo Hai quickly finished processing this place, the siren outside suddenly sounded. Huo Hai knew that this was because he had not hidden before, so other people would discover his position, but now Huo Hai is no longer worried. .

The deadly Lie Sun Sect has no ability to resist at all. Fluttershy's mental power expands, and these people are completely controlled on the spot. A very strange scene appears in the Lie Sun Sect. The alarm continues to ring, but the surroundings The people at, are like walking dead, which is really weird. Huo Hai ignored these and directly released the Star Gu.

With the help of Star Gu, everyone was quickly cleaned up. It took half an hour for Huo Hai to clean up the Scorching Sun Sect. Now, only Yuehua Sect is left. Zongmen.

Huo Hai didn't care about that much. After maintaining the Protector Zong formation, Huo Hai quickly left the Lie Sun Sect, and the contract that had restrained him for a long time could finally be completed today. Looking at the sky, it was already close to the evening.

Huo Hai doesn’t have much time to waste. Once the night is dark and the moon rises, Yuehuazong’s various methods will be more powerful. In the evening, there are two sect guarding formations of Lie Sun Zong and Yuehua Zong. At the weakest time, on the way here, Huo Hai had already studied the spirit formations of the Yuehua Sect. It was precisely because of the research that Huo Hai chose to deal with the Lie Sun Sect first.

It took just a few minutes for Huo Hai to enter the interior of Yuehuazong. Yuehuazong was a little smarter than Lieri Sect, and he even hid a spiritual master. At this time, there were five spiritual masters inside.

However, the overall strength is still inferior to the Lie Sun Sect, because there are two single heavenly spirits, as before, under the control of Fluttershy, Huo Hai instantly took action, and in just a few moments all the Yuehua Sect spirits were resolved.

"Finally completed." Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief, just the last step. He dealt with several spirit veterans, and Huo Hai released Star Gu, and regardless of other things, he went directly to the library and began to harvest Yue Huazong’s The book collection, "Nine-fold Moonflower, sure enough, there is follow-up research, um, is it the method of superimposing the Moonflower? It's really wonderful."

In the Moon Huazong, Huo Hai finally found the follow-up secret of the Nine-fold Moon Hua. Although there was only one inference, it had not been completed, but after he understood it, with the help of the Star Rock Wall, he should be able to complete it in a short time.

In any case, my current nine-layer starlight defense secret is still far from enough, and the defense power is far behind the top sect’s defensive war spirit art. Not to mention that the nine-layer starlight has its limits. Big.

Had it not been for the help of Star Cliff, Huo Hai believed that with his own ability, it would be impossible for a long time to deduce a defensive war spirit art that surpassed the top strengths of the major defense forces. With an introduction, it is now enough. It didn't take long for Huo Hai to collect all the things in the library. The harvest this time was really good.

A few sects walked down, just the spirit essence, and he once again harvested thousands of them. Just when Huo Hai planned to walk to other important places of Yue Huazong, the whole Yue Huazong suddenly shook.

The surrounding spirit array barrier suddenly burst out with radiance, and the entire guardian formation began to compress and change, "It's not good, it's self-seal." Huo Hai suddenly thought of something, his expression changed immediately.

"Give me back, we will leave immediately." Huo Hai roared, no matter if many people were still alive at this time, Xing Gu and Xiaodie returned to Huo Hai's side for the first time, and Huo Hai took them back at once. , Quickly flew towards the high altitude, he wants to leave here in the shortest time, can't hesitate now, once hesitates, it will be dangerous.

As for the treasures that had not yet been obtained, Huo Hai had to give up. The other Yuehuazong disciples inside finally woke up, but after discovering a large number of dead people around, they were panicked, and the whole scene was immediately chaotic.

Huo Hai ignored these people. The next moment Huo Hai had left the defensive barrier without being allowed to go. "Fortunately, he walked fast, otherwise he would not be able to leave." Huo Hai was a little grateful. He did not expect that Yue Huazong would still have The self-seal secret method, the so-called self-seal, is used to seal one's own sect, and the conditions of the seal are set by the sect.

Under normal circumstances, they are faced with an enemy that cannot be confronted. If the loss reaches a certain level, this secret method will be activated. After that, all the enemies and their own people will be sealed in them, and they will eventually be trapped.

This is a secret method of perishing together. It is also a way to turn one's own sect into a relic and wait for birth in the future. If you are lucky, someone will get the inheritance here and pass it on again. If you are unlucky, just Like the ruins after they were announced, they were divided by others, but they were able to avenge themselves.

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