Evil Insect God

Chapter 1416: Retreat

The battle between the two became more intense. Looking at the side, the battle of the other five people became more intense. At this time, the four masters of the Sky Star Sect were still pressing against Mo Kong and seemed to be fighting soon. win.

However, Huo Hai knew that these four people could only rely on cooperation to suppress Mo Kong within a short period of time. Over time, they would definitely make the other party back slowly. After all, Mo Kong's various mental attacks were too weird. The masters of the Star Sect were not mentally strong enough, and they were very uncomfortable with the opponent's attack methods, but it was not a matter of a half-time to tell the winner.

At this time, Zhang Yan didn't want to wait any longer. The two were like two entangled lines, fighting back and forth in the air. As for Huo Hai, he didn't want to face these two masters at the same time.

Facing one is troublesome enough. If you face two, then if you want to protect yourself, you can only use spirit worms. Now you can't kill these two people, so Huo Hai does not want to expose his spirit worms. of.

The masters of the Star Sect should also know their own thoughts. Otherwise, I’m afraid that I would have warned them aloud. At this moment, Zhang Yan suddenly issued several palm prints, quickly pushing Huo Hai back, and then the whole person backed a distance. , "Boy, your strength is really good, now let you see why I am qualified to be the ancestor of the heavenly soul."

With that said, Zhang Yan's own strength began to change, and the powerful spiritual pressure was released, but the next moment it disappeared without a trace. If you look closely, you will find that this spiritual pressure has been completely converged into his body. , Even Zhang Yan's body began to become looming. Although it was known that Zhang Yan was a spiritual body, it was really strange.

After all, from the beginning, Zhang Yan was no different from a normal person. The soul power of the spirit body was condensed to the present level, and it was almost the same as the real body. Now, he actually felt a little bit of the spirit body.

But the next moment, Huo Hai knew what Zhang Yan was going to do, "Soul Slashing Art, I didn't expect it could be used like this."

Zhang Yan's whole person suddenly turned into countless phantoms, and then every phantom became a figure. Huo Hai is very clear that these are not illusions at all, but the figures transformed by the Soul Slashing Art, different from himself, himself. Only one can be used, and the Zhang Yan in front of him can actually transform so many Soul Slashing Technique phantoms.

However, it is a pity that only spirit bodies can display it. Huo Hai knows very well that according to the normal cultivation method of Soul Slashing Technique, he can only use one. Originally, it is best to use Soul Slashing Technique against Soul Slashing Technique.

It's a pity that Huo Hai can only condense one phantom. No matter how strong a phantom is, it can't fight against so many phantoms. Isn't that a waste of his mental power, "Boy, I have some insight, even the Soul Slashing Art is so clear."

Zhang Yan sneered. Even in the previous Heavenly Soul Sect, few people could learn this Soul Slashing Technique. Mo Kong next to him had not learned it. The previous Soul Slashing Technique was already very powerful, but he later joined the Spirit Fairy Sect. , Integrating some of the Soul Slashing Techniques of the Spirit Fairy Gate into his own Soul Slashing Technique, Zhang Yan created the follow-up method of using this set of Soul Slashing Technique.

Although it consumes a lot of money, the combat effectiveness is definitely stronger. Seeing so many figures rushing over at the same time, the broad knife in his hand exudes a strong soul aura, Huo Hai knows that he cannot continue to hide himself today.

With a cold snort, Huo Hai directly unfolded the nine-fold starlight. Recently, Huo Hai has condensed the nine-fold starlight to the fifth layer of light, and it is about to condense into the sixth layer. Outside the starlight, a cluster of silver-white The flame is burning, this is Huo Hai's star fire, the power of the flame is relatively restrained to the soul.

Inside, Huo Hai instantly unfolded layers of star lines, once again forming a new spirit formation defense, the ghost of Soul Slashing Art attacked, after passing through the star fire, most of his own strength has been dissipated, and he was even injured.

After the broad sword swept across Huo Hai’s nine-fold starlight, the spiritual power contained in it was once again weakened by more than half, “Damn, soul power is really troublesome, even the defensive barrier is not easy to use.” Huo Hai frowned. Although there was such a preparation for a long time, Huo Hai was still depressed when he really saw it, which was really weird.

Passing his spirit formation, the power has been weakened to the extreme, and only pure mental power is left. Just when Zhang Yan was about to watch Huo Hai be injured by the Soul Slashing Technique, a sudden emergence appeared in Huo Hai's body. Layer of starlight.

This is the defensive chapter of star picking, and it is also the last half. Huo Hai has not used it for a long time. During this time, I don't know how much defensive starlight has condensed. Now this last remaining power can't be shaken at all.

"It's okay." Huo Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. According to this situation, it is not difficult for him to block the opponent's Soul Slashing Technique. At least Zhang Yan treats himself Hundreds of attacks, I am afraid it would be difficult to really hurt myself, if so, then I don't need to be a pity, Huo Hai's eyes are suddenly full of fighting spirit.

Putting a handprint on both hands, Huo Hai shouted in his heart: "The stars move." Following Huo Hai's movements, the stars in the sky immediately emitted a bright starlight, and then countless stars condensed and directed downwards.

There are many masters who can successfully cultivate the stars, but it is really rare to be able to cultivate to this level. The star light ball like a meteor shower drops from the sky, accurately hitting each phantom, and there is no waste.

A few **** of light hit a phantom, and quickly smashed a phantom into pieces. According to this situation, even if Zhang Yan's phantom was exhausted, I am afraid it would not have any effect on Huo Hai, this fellow Huo Hai It was really weird, the combat power was much stronger than the average Sixth Heaven Spiritual Venerable, and it seemed to be very familiar with mental attacks.

It didn’t take long for Zhang Yan to use all the phantoms to be shattered. After performing this trick, Zhang Yan’s consumption was very high. With numerous starlight ball attacks, Zhang Yan himself was also embarrassed to resist. With.

Now that all the stars and spheres are aimed at him, Zhang Yan's remaining power in the world is not very much, his recovery is slow, and he may not be able to persist in fighting for long. Thinking of this, Zhang Yan feels very aggrieved. .

"Boy, take my last blow. You can stop it. Today, the old man will let you go." As he said, almost all the spiritual power in Zhang Yan's body was completely condensed, and a huge imaginary long knife formed in the void, facing Huo Hai Stabbing straight, Soul Slashing Art, the soul power is gathered together, and the power emitted has reached the limit. He believes that Huo Hai's defense is unstoppable.

"As you wish, isn't it? I will too." Huo Hai sneered, and did not use spiritual power. Before becoming a spirit body, the soul-slashing tactic he cultivated does not contain spiritual power, it is completely spiritual. Formed by force.

Although it is expensive and has great limitations, this attack method is closer to the essence of the soul, and it does more damage to the soul itself. A huge long sword quickly takes shape in front of Huo Hai.

Zhang Yan was taken aback for a moment. He did not expect that Huo Hai would use the Soul Slashing Technique, and that it was still such a pure Soul Slashing Technique. Zhang Yan cursed in his heart, what is going on with those guys in the Heavenly Soul Realm? Jue was passed on, but unfortunately he didn't know. At this time, none of his descendants were left. Huo Hai did this thing.

A sword and a sword are constructed by the power of the soul, so they are very fast. Almost between thoughts, the two have already met in midair, with a dull sound like a balloon exploding.

However, a terrifying mental wave spread towards the surroundings, forming waves of ripples. The five people who were fighting were swept by the ripples and felt a dizziness on their heads. They stopped by coincidence.

Afterwards, these people turned their heads and watched the two fight in surprise. They used the Soul Slashing Art at the same time. One was powerful and the other was pure. One sword and one sword kept hitting in the air, constantly consuming each other, only from revealing The aftermath that came out can tell that none of the other people present can withstand such an attack.

Especially the masters of the Sky Star Sect were even more surprised. It has only been a few years since Huo Hai, a little guy who has just arrived in the Sky Spirit Realm, has grown to this point. The talent of this kid is really not comparable to ordinary people.

With a huge explosion, the sword finally collapsed completely. With the impact of the last shock wave, Huo Hai and Zhang Yan felt dizzy at the same time, but Huo Hai was okay, at least most of the combat power was still retained and consumed. It's not very large, but Zhang Yan's spiritual power has been exhausted at this time, and if he wants to continue fighting, there is no way to persist.

"Huh, it will be long in the future. I will make you pay the price sooner or later. Let's go." Zhang Yan snorted coldly, and turned around and left without further digging. Mo Kong thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and left afterwards. Up.

Huo Hai and a few others did not pursue them, and no one knew whether the Lingxianmen knew that the two were here. If these two core members died in their own hands, then the Lingxianmen would probably not let them go. , At that time, even if Huo Hai's cultivation was upgraded to several levels again, I believe it would definitely not be the opponent of these people.

There is no strong backing behind, and it is often so troublesome. Huo Hai sighed helplessly, and then his eyes became firm. If he doesn't have a backing, then try hard to make himself a backer for others.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Yan and Mo Kong had disappeared into the distant horizon, but this matter was far from over. Huo Hai understood that the next time these two people came, they would definitely be more troublesome than this time.

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