Evil Insect God

Chapter 1418: Wanted in the shadows

After Huo Hai pushed his own spirit of war to perform the latter part, he finally broke through to the fifth heaven. Huo Hai did not come out, but spent more than two months again to promote himself to the peak.

In the process of sinking his heart to study, Huo Hai found that his improvement would not be much slower than in a battle. With the help of the star stone wall, Huo Hai's law of aura grew very fast, so the cultivation speed was also fast.

When two months later, Huo Hai finally reached the peak of the fifth heaven. Except for a few, most of the spirit worms in his inner space basically reached the peak of the fourth heaven, slowly moving towards the fifth heaven. The level of Chong Tian continued to go too far, but it was a pity that Huo Hai found that a large amount of the spiritual essence he had just received had once again consumed a large part.

It seems that when I reach the peak of the sixth heaven of the spirits, there will not be much spiritual marrow left. I still have to work hard to find new spiritual marrows. Huo Hai is a little helpless. It's really hard to find.

On this day, Huo Hai had already planned to leave, and finally walked out of the cave that had been closed for more than two years. Not long after he came out, news of Huo Hai was spread, and soon the Great Elder came here alone.

"Elder Huo, you finally came out." The face of the elder looked a lot lighter than before.

Upon seeing this, Huo Hai asked in a low voice: "Looking at the appearance of the great elder, it seems that something good has happened. I don't know if I can tell me." Some time ago because of Zhang Yan and Mokong's affairs, Tian Xing Zong's high-level staff is hard to be happy.

The Grand Elder laughed: "Haha, I really want to thank you for the last thing. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have so much buffer time. Five months ago, our application was finally approved. With the help of the Yan family, we have truly become the outer sect of the Ghost Medicine Sect, and the Ghost Medicine Sect has promised that the Lingxian Sect will not interfere in this matter."

It turned out to be like this. Huo Hai knew in his heart that as long as the Lingxian Sect did not intervene in the affairs here, then Huo Hai could be sure that only relying on Zhang Yan and Mo Kong would not be able to treat the Sky Star Sect as anything else. Good stubble.

With the help of the ghost medicine gate, as long as the resources can keep up, then the strength of the Sky Star Sect will increase a lot in a short time. Huo Hai took a closer look and did not expect that in only two years, the Great Elder would have reached it. After the peak state of the four heavens, it seems that it won't take long for the great elder to reach the fifth heaven.

The cultivation base of the Sect Master will only be higher than that of the Great Elder, and will not be lower. I believe that at that time, the Sky Star Sect’s self-protection power will be stronger. After absorbing the classics of other major sects, the Sky Star Sect will also be in the spirit of war. Slowly it was replenished.

According to the great elder, all regions of the Eight Sect Alliance are now completely controlled by the Star Sect. The foundation of the Star Sect has increased by many times. In terms of population, it is even more than some first-rate sects.

Choosing disciples from so many people, the one who cultivates is still known for its inclusiveness. The number of disciples in the sect is rising rapidly. With a huge population base, Huo Hai believes that with the growth of time, the master within the Star Sect There will be more and more, Huo Hai is very satisfied with this, the strength of the Sky Star Sect has increased, and his family will be safer to come over in the future.

At this moment, the elder suddenly frowned, "Elder, if you have something to say, you might as well say it." Huo Hai whispered.

The great elder looked around and released the stars' spiritual power to seal the surroundings. Then he lowered his voice and said, "Elder Huo, there is one thing that is very troublesome. We heard that the Wu family still seems to have not completely given up on you."

As the great elder said, Huo Hai’s eyes flickered. It turned out that the people of the Wu family still didn’t want to let them go. Perhaps they thought Huo Hai had damaged their majesty, especially after they knew that the Silver Thunder Venerable had been injured. Even more so.

Huo Hai affirmed that the Silver Thunder Venerable has re-established contact with the Ghost Medicine Sect, but according to the news, the Silver Thunder Venerable does not seem to have fully recovered. Listening to the Yan Family's meaning, the Silver Thunder Venerable said that he was a victim. The siege and sneak attack will only be hit hard, and I don't think that I am inferior to Huo Hai, at least on the surface of persistence, but in fact it is not clear.

The people of the Wu family secretly issued a wanted order, not in the name of the ghost medicine door, nor in the name of their Wu family, but the Yan family told the Sky Star Sect Master that an order to chase Huo Hai appeared in the underground union.

The bounty is very large, reaching the number of hundreds of spiritual essences. Such a bounty may even attract some spiritual venerations above the sixth heaven. Huo Hai’s current situation is not very good. If you let Wujia Continuing to toss, Huo Hai didn't know if he could still cultivate with peace of mind, the murderous in Huo Hai's eyes flickered, and the anger in his heart was stirred again.

"Huh, the Wu family, right? It seems that I really have to clean up them, Great Elder, do you know what the important personnel of the Wu family have been doing recently." Huo Hai's murderous aura flashed away, as if Nothing happened.

The great elder did not have any special reaction to this. This kind of thing is the same no matter who it is, and the great elder also knows that as long as Huo Hai is not idiotic enough to confront the entire ghost medicine sect, it has nothing to do with its Star Sect. .

Almost without even thinking about it, the elder said directly: "A while ago, Wu Sheyun was confined at home. It seems that I can’t help it recently. During this period of time, I have been running around the ghost medicine gate. The excuse is hunting, but According to what we know, several villages have been slaughtered by the black shooting clouds. This guy is simply slaughtering and venting."

Huo Hai’s eyes became more icy. This Wu Sheyun is really a scum, Huo Hai is sure, this ghost medicine gate definitely knows this, but because of Wu Sheyun’s identity, no one dares to move. he.

But this is fine, it just gave himself an excuse to do something, and then, Huo Haiman looked at the great elder with deep meaning. This old guy had just spoken directly, apparently he was already ready, he knew what he wanted to ask. .

The Great Elder didn’t mean anything to be embarrassed. In fact, I’m afraid I’ll inquire about the intelligence of his enemy at this time. Huo Hai didn’t go wild, it’s already very rare. Huo Hai didn’t say anything, just continued to ask the Great Elder about Wu Sheyun's various news records, and soon, Huo Hai faintly determined a special plan in his heart.

"Thank you, I have been in the sect for a long time, and I also want to go out and turn around a bit more, maybe I can improve my cultivation more." Huo Hai didn't hide his intention to leave at all, and originally wanted to notify them.

The elder waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, as long as it's not harmful to the sect, no matter what you do, no one will interfere, but you should be careful not to be caught by someone."

Huo Haiming nodded clearly, his current position within the Sky Star Sect is very special. In terms of strength, Huo Hai is definitely the strongest one, but he has no real power and seems to have no ambitions, so Huo Hai's position is very Transcendence, if it weren't for the Sky Star Sect no longer had a higher position, maybe the Sect Master and the Great Elder would have to give it to Huo Hai.

At this moment, the elder suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Miss Yan family seems to want to find you recently, but I said that you are not in the sect. If necessary, you should go and see."

Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood something. It is no wonder that from the beginning, the elders looked so strange in his eyes, and there seemed to be a faint feeling of flattery. Huo Hai thought it was an illusion at first.

Now it seems that this is not an illusion, everything has something to do with Yan Xiran. Perhaps this old guy thought Yan Xiran was in love with him, but when he recalled Yan Xiran, Huo Hai frowned, his character was really too much for him.

Besides, Huo Hai will not believe how Yan Xiran feels about him. There are too many spiritual masters in the ghost medicine sect. Yan Xiran's identity and talent, as long as he is willing to cultivate well, he can become a spiritual master in no time. Perhaps, she found herself having other things, but these were nothing to do with Huo Hai.

Huo Hai never thought about going to see Yan Xiran, then waved his hand and said in a low voice: "Then the great elder, I will leave first, and I should be able to come back in a few years. For the other people, please tell me the great elder. Up."

Huo Hai’s current identity is a bit unclear. If the Wu Family knows that he is related to the Sky Star Sect, and then sets the target on the Sky Star Sect, then it will be very troublesome. Huo Hai does not want the Sky Star Sect to be destroyed. The Wu Family has to deal with a peripheral sect, which is really nothing. It is impossible for the Yan Family to turn around because of the Heavenly Star Sect and the Wu Family.

"I see." The Great Elder unlocked his blockade, then turned to leave, and Huo Hai, at this time, also quickly left the Sky Star Sect through a special channel. Originally, Huo Hai planned to immediately explore and improve himself after leaving this time. .

But now, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that he seems to have to solve some things first. If the Wu family wants to trouble him, then he has to find them a little trouble. It doesn't matter if he is not an opponent of the Wu family, it doesn't matter. It was the same when I first arrived in the Heavenly Soul Realm. I didn't have to do it myself if I was looking for trouble.

A few days later, Huo Hai came to the place where Wu Sheyun, the young master of the Wu family, had been frequently active recently. Just getting close here, Huo Hai felt that there were many people hiding in the dark around him, and many of them had even reached the spiritual emperor. realm.

Huo Hai didn't pay attention to these people either. He secretly found Wu Sheyun and observed it quietly, "Huh, as expected, there is Ling Zun by his side. After suffering a loss, he has learned to be smart." Huo Hai felt Wu Sheyun's side. There is pressure, although I don't know the strength of the specific person, but in Huo Hai's feeling, there should be about two or three heavens.

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