Evil Insect God

Chapter 1428: Giant Wood City

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed. This month is not in vain. Huo Hai has not improved, but Yinling's breath is constantly rising, which Huo Hai did not expect.

Originally, Huo Hai thought that after Yinling merged with this power, it could only increase a little, after all, it was just the spiritual power left in the body by an opponent of equal strength, and it was not an original power.

However, Huo Hai did not expect that the method used by Yinling was similar to the method he used to use the spirit marrow. He directly used this force to smash his crystal nucleus, which has reached the height of the sixth heaven, and this crystal nucleus is not needed. Retained, as long as the masters above the sixth heaven are not encountering bottlenecks, most of them are promoted by retaining the crystal nucleus before breaking.

Although this external force was dispelled by Huo Hai, the power of Yin Lei Zun was far more destructive than Yin Ling's own spiritual power. Yin Ling did not use accumulation methods to naturally fragment the crystal core.

After all, ordinary people are not like Huo Hai. They need to keep the internal runes when breaking the crystal nucleus. Yinling directly uses this power to forcefully break its crystal nucleus, and then use it to improve its own cultivation. It actually hurts herself to a certain extent, but now that time is running out, Yinling can't take care of that much.

Besides, this point of damage is not very serious. As long as you take a few more years of recuperation afterwards, you can naturally recover. Yin Lei Zun's power is very similar to Yin Ling in nature, otherwise, how would Yin Ling dare to be so messy.

Therefore, within this month, Yinling’s cultivation base increased very quickly. After the original chaotic aura calmed down, it began to rise continuously. From the early stage of the sixth heaven, it quickly increased to the middle stage of the sixth heaven, and later reached all the way. To the later stage.

After waiting for a month, Huo Hai felt that Yinling's own breath was even close to its peak, but it seemed that Yinling didn't want to make a premature breakthrough, otherwise he would never have a chance to make up for the defects he left behind, even if he couldn't and In this way, Huo Hai made the law aura reach its limit, and most people would try to make the law aura as complete as possible.

Of course, those who blindly pursue speed, or become pseudo-spiritual deities through the power of heaven and earth, they will not care about this. The power of heaven and earth can naturally help themselves improve, and they will not leave too many defects at all.

Finally, Yin Ling opened his eyes, and the breath of the whole body flashed away. This power, even Huo Hai could feel a trace of pressure, but Huo Hai could faintly feel that this power seemed very vain.

I don’t know why, Yinling’s injury did not seem to have fully recovered. Huo Hai didn’t know that this was caused by forcibly breaking the crystal nucleus and forcibly increasing his cultivation while the injury did not recover. It is impossible to recover within a period of time. "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I don't know how long it will take to recover." Yinling said with a grateful expression.

Huo Hai waved his hand: "It's okay. We are friends now, but I wonder if no one can help you solve the giant wooden door. Although this force is relatively stubborn, it is impossible to wait until I come."

Hearing this, Yinling's face was a bit ugly, but afterwards, Yinling still said, "Because I don't want to meet some people, if I go to the sect to find someone for help, some people will definitely use this excuse to make some requests. , Instead of this, I would rather wait for you to come over." Huo Hai's combat power, Yinling saw that day, it was very scary.

Moreover, Huo Hai’s spiritual power is extremely pure. In Yinling’s heart, Huo Hai is capable of helping herself, so I don’t know how long he stayed in this village. Huo Hai and Yinling are not very familiar, so there is not much ask.

Suddenly, Yinling got up and smiled: "Well, let’s not talk about these things. The first time you came here, you don’t know many things. I just happened to take you to Giant Wood City, where is the most prosperous transaction outside the Giant Wooden Gate. There are many good things in the city."

After finishing speaking, Yinling did not wait for Huo Haiduo to speak, and left here with Huo Hai, but on the way, Huo Hai saw that the people in this village were saluting Yinling. No wonder Yinling was hidden here. , This village is really strange, forget it, are there few strange places in the Heavenly Spirit Realm? Following Yinling, Huo Hai accelerated all the way.

It only took less than half a day and did not use the teleportation array. The two quickly arrived at the destination, "Look, there is the Giant Wood City." Yinling pointed to the distance, and Huo Hai followed her gaze. Suddenly full of surprise.

"This is the Giant Wood City, what a big tree." In Huo Hai's line of sight, a big tree at least a few kilometers high, which looked like a big mountain, stood in front of it. The trunk of the big tree was black with leaves. Dark green, if it wasn't because it was too big, Huo Hai would really treat it as an ordinary tree. This thing is really a spectacle.

Although it is used as a city, this big tree is much smaller than the average city in the heavenly spirit realm, but as a tree, it is different. There are many people coming and going on the tree. Obviously, this is a huge city. .

"What the **** is this? I feel that this big tree exudes a strong aura, why it hasn't been transformed." Huo Hai doesn't believe this is an ordinary big tree, this thing is not simple.

Yinling smiled and said, "This is not a spirit beast. Of course, it can't be transformed. The plant-type fierce beasts have very gentle personalities. Just like these giant trees, the giant wooden doors have domesticated a lot of these. Plants are used to protect the sect or as a city. As long as they are built on it, this kind of city is very safe."

Huohai nodded silently. This thing is worthy of being the largest trading city outside the giant wooden gate. How strong this tree is. Huo Hai doesn’t know how strong the tree’s breath is. Huo Hai is still able to Feel some depression.

No matter how you look at it, this thing is definitely a fierce beast above the realm of spiritual sage. It is possible to use this thing as a city, and I am afraid that only the giant wooden door can do it. Not to mention the other eight sects, even other top powers. can do it.

"Let's go, let's go over quickly. Only the Spiritual Venerable or certain people can come up on this big tree. Those with insufficient strength and cargo level can only trade in the city below." At this time, Huo Hai noticed that the entire Giant Wood City It's not just such a big tree. The area under the big tree, or even a large area around it, is within the city.

It’s just that this big tree is really too big, so it immediately caught Huo Hai’s gaze. For a while, Huo Hai didn’t pay attention to this place. Before the two came to the tree, Huo Hai immediately felt There is a strong defensive barrier ahead.

Huo Hai was sure that he would not even want to shake this barrier even with a full blow. This was also a protection for the insiders. Yinling was very familiar with this place, and brought Huo Hai to the entrance soon. When you arrive at the entrance, you just need to show the aura that belongs to the realm of Spiritual Venerable, and then you can enter it after you receive a number plate at a level.

As soon as he entered it, Huo Hai felt a strong natural aura. Even if he took a deep breath, Huo Hai felt very comfortable. If an ordinary person came here, his life span would increase a lot.

Huo Hai probed the leaves and bark of the surrounding trees, and finally he could only shake his head and sigh. These things are so hard that they cannot be used to make scrolls. Even if they are used to make armor and other things, they can only be regarded as emperors. Level items, the level is not very high, and yes, if the level of the things produced by these big trees can be compared with itself, how can the giant wooden door be one of the eight.

Although the interior is prosperous, it is completely different from the noisy environment outside. Many of the people who come here are Lingzun. Even the stallholders and guards are at least the masters of the Lingdi realm, and none of them are weak. of.

Everyone is a master, naturally scrupulous about their own identity, it is impossible to scream casually, what Huo Hai doesn't know is that even Lingsheng may appear in this kind of place, but Lingsheng has his own circle and rarely comes here. .

Above the big tree, the location of some tree branches is where these people set up their stalls. At a glance, at least they are imperial quality items, and imperial quality items are very special, rare, or very large. Large, it is very suitable for cultivating sect forces, more of them are noble items, and even some holy items are not to be found.

"Huo Hai, although there are no fakes to buy things here, you still have to rely on your own eyesight. You don't need to think about those holy items. We can't afford the high-level ones, and the ones that can afford it are definitely tasteless. ."

As a person of the giant wooden door, and once worked as an auctioneer, Huo Hai nodded as he knew everything about these insiders. He basically relied on his own feelings for what he needed.

So along the way, Huo Hai eventually only bought some elixir, which was also very good for future research. Unfortunately, Huo Hai improved too fast and his own drug research simply couldn’t keep up. Therefore, such things as drugs, Huo Hai has already I haven't used it for a long time, and I haven't got the help of my own elixir for a long time.

The Yinling next to her didn't mean to buy anything at all, she just helped Huo Hai to introduce her next to her. I don't know if Yinling doesn't have the habit of women like shopping, or it's because of the plant form.

I have to say that the spirit beasts transformed from plants have a relatively quiet personality. He shook his head, and Huo Hai ignored the others. Just walking all the way, there were several people facing Yinling on the road. greet.

It seems that these people are very familiar with Yinling, but when they look at Huo Hai, these people are a little surprised. Yinling's character actually brings a man here, which is really weird.

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