Evil Insect God

Chapter 1452: Control

After remembering these spirit formations, these have become tasteless formation butterflies, Huo Hai didn't care, "Fluttershy, let them be quiet." These things are kind to him, and Huo Hai doesn't want to kill them.

With Huo Hai’s order, Xiaodie’s spirit has completely covered a large area of ​​the surrounding area. These formations do not have strong spiritual control ability, and the cultivation base is not as good as Xiaodie, so they all quieted down soon. .

Huo Hai didn't care about this, but quickly came to the place protected by these butterflies. This is a large layer of special stone hillside with some strange plants growing on it. This is not a mulberry tree, or even not at all. Huo Hai didn't know what this was, but this was the food needed by the larvae of the six-winged butterfly.

On the hill, there are many eggs, like rice grains, distributed around. The newly hatched larvae are not very big. They grow on the leaves of these special plants and eventually grow to the thickness of a tiny finger.

After that, these six-winged butterflies will slowly begin to metamorphose, retreating their insect appearance, and become the smallest six-winged butterflies. At this time, the six-winged butterflies have truly embarked on a path of tastelessness, and Huo Hai has Such one.

Immediately after drying the wings, the strength of the six-winged formation butterfly in this metamorphosis was immediately changed. A formation just formed was occupied by a trash spirit formation. Huo Hai shook his head. I really found it myself. Not every one of these six-winged array butterflies can reach the realm of the Spiritual Venerable.

The six-winged formation butterflies without IQ can only use these not very strong spiritual formations to protect themselves. Some formations are even more strange. All spiritual formations are actually defensive. It seems that all formations are Will not match their own spirit array.

Not to mention the matching, that is, when fighting, they don’t even cooperate with each other. Huo Hai can still remember that when just fighting, a butterfly array drove a large number of defensive spirit formations, and actually ran into him directly. .

Fortunately, I never thought about killing these six-winged butterflies, otherwise my starlight defense would be enough to completely shake them to death. The level difference between the two is really too much. I found it from the formed butterflies." Huo Hai focused his attention on these eggs and larvae that have not yet metamorphosed. These are what he needs.

His hands quickly made handprints one after another. This is not a spell, but a witchcraft handprint. Speaking of which, Huo Hai hasn't used it for a long time, just because these witchcraft have no power, and most of them are used to assist.

The most important thing is that my cultivation level has improved too quickly, and I can only rely on the witchcraft that I slowly researched, and can't keep up with my needs at all. This witchcraft is based on some previous experience summed up by Huo Hai. .

With Huo Hai’s handprints, the stars’ spiritual power gradually transformed into witch power. This is something that only Huo Hai can do. Under the urging of these witch powers, Huo Hai’s spirit has undergone subtle changes. Everything disappeared from Huo Hai's eyes, and at this time, in Huo Hai's mental fluctuations, there were many life fluctuations of different strengths and weaknesses.

Gradually, Huo Hai has understood the meaning of these fluctuations. From these fluctuations, Huo Hai can easily feel the potential of these spirit worms and even fit with him. Of course, Huo Hai does not need to consider the latter.

As long as the insect refining array is used, it will definitely become a complete fit. This is also a special feature of witchcraft. Sometimes Huo Hai really wants to know who created this Gu Master's method, which is so mysterious. At this level of cultivation, I still feel that this Gu master secret method cannot be seen through, and it seems that there is still a lot of room for growth.

Forget it, don't consider these for the time being, Huo Hai cautiously explored, and soon found a spirit worm with the greatest potential. This spirit worm can eventually grow to the realm of spirits without his own help. This is beyond doubt.

"Very good, it's you." Huo Hai opened his eyes, and the direction of his breath just now was a larva that had just emerged from the egg. At this time, the larva was very weak, but Huo Hai knew that the larva would be in the future. Achievement is not easy.

With a wave of his hand, the larva had no resistance at all. It was directly captured by Huo Hai. Huo Hai didn’t care about anything else. He hadn’t collected new worms for a long time. Huo Hai didn’t know how much the number of worms had been increased. It's just that Huo Hai has been ignoring it all the time, and if he fills up the insect control quota, his Soul Slashing Technique will not be able to show any power.

The biggest flaw in controlling insects lies here. The spirit suppressed by the spirit insects is useless except for perception. Huo Hai doesn't want to lose his mental attack means because of some chicken ribs.

The spirit formation was quickly portrayed. Under the refining worm formation, no spirit worm could resist. After a few minutes, with the help of Huohai's massive witch power, the refining worm formation finally exerted its effect completely. The worm was completely refined, and the next moment, the spirit worm, which had increased in strength, began to slowly metamorphose, a crack was torn open in the back, and the six-winged butterfly appeared.

Huo Hai carefully watched the six-winged butterfly array, and at the same time directly issued orders through the refining insect array. As time passed, Huo Hai's mood gradually relaxed, "Great, finally succeeded." Huo Hai Suddenly laughed.

At this moment, Huo Hai already knew that his experiment was successful, and the Insect Refining Array was able to suppress the instinct of the Six-winged Array Butterfly. After the Six-winged Array Butterfly was transformed, although he was still comprehending the world to deduct the Spiritual Array, he did not get to himself. Depicted on the crystal nucleus.

And because of the special relationship between the Refining Insect Array and its own, this six-winged array butterfly’s thinking is more sober than other six-winged array butterflies. It seems that after reaching the profound level, the six-winged array butterfly’s IQ will gradually Began to approach humans.

That being the case, Huo Hai didn’t plan to wait any longer. The first few transformations were very easy anyway. With Huo Hai’s massive magical and spiritual blessings, the six-winged array butterfly grew very fast, only less than two. In a few days, the Six-winged Array Butterfly had crossed the realm of spirit body and spirit blood, reached the pinnacle of spirit bone realm, and possessed three blank positions.

Now Huo Hai has never thought about letting the formation butterfly work, so Huo Hai directly took out a sky-level source spirit stone and let the formation butterfly directly absorb it. This is a good thing of the heaven-level top grade. After absorbing it, the formation butterfly quickly It broke through to the realm of the spirits.

At the same time, Huo Hai brought out many of the light of the soul that had wiped out his will, and it was the light of more than 300 souls. Huo Hai did not hesitate to condense and refine it to form a new star soul. Yin, "Hehe, the Star Soul Yin is condensed with the light of the soul, but it is a special source spiritual treasure suitable for the stars and the attributes of the spirit formation, and it is definitely not bad at the top grade of heaven."

The things on Lingzun were originally different. After the condensate was formed, it was really useful. Huo Hai had already felt this at the beginning. Huo Hai didn’t hesitate to give the things directly to Zhendie, allowing Jindie to absorb and condense his origin. .

In this way, one's own formation butterfly can continuously improve with oneself step by step, and it is not impossible to reach the realm of spirit and **** in the future. Condensing the origin is done with the help of the law of heaven and earth.

No matter how high the level of this thing is, it is very easy to condense the origin. Soon, the origin has taken shape. Huo Hai feels that the six-winged butterfly is already very close to the realm of the spirit general. Huo Hai is in complete control, and such a fast speed of improvement is really easy to cause unstable foundations and cause problems.

"Very well, since you are a six-winged butterfly...Forget it, I will call you a butterfly from now on." Huo Hai didn't bother to pick up a name, anyway, his own name doesn't seem to sound very good. It is simply based on the species. Just call it.

Now that he has harvested a six-winged array butterfly, Huo Hai is also ready to leave. This six-winged array butterfly is enough to control one, and there is not much else at all. In fact, the six-winged array butterfly is the biggest for Huo Hai The role is not to fight, but to assist. Huo Hai often uses the star line to construct a spiritual formation.

Even if this butterfly does not condense its own spiritual formation, it can also play a very large auxiliary role when Huo Hai gathers the spiritual formation. The six-winged butterfly is born with a special perception of the spiritual formation, which is in line with the direction of human perception. Is different.

Huo Hai also tried it before. The Spirit Formation he condensed, this Formation Butterfly could actually help him to strengthen. The previous enhancement was not much. It was because Formation Butterfly cultivation base was too bad. When the cultivation base is up, it will be strengthened. Strong.

The most important thing is that the Array Butterfly can help you make subtle adjustments to your own spiritual formation. After the adjustment, the power can actually increase by 20 to 30% out of thin air. Finally, it is this Array Butterfly that helps you understand the ability of the spiritual array.

This was discovered after Huo Hai controlled it. There is no need to use spells to take advantage of the special abilities of the Array Butterfly. As long as the Array Butterfly is awake when he comprehends the Spirit Array, the Array Butterfly will automatically begin to understand the Spirit Array. These insights It will also flow into Huo Hai's mind. With these insights, Huo Hai does not know how easy it is to comprehend the spirit formation.

This time, it’s really a huge gain. Forget it, let the Array Die slowly ascend first, and when you reach the realm of the Spiritual Venerable, keep up with your own pace, I believe it should be able to play a big role. It can condense the spirit of the Array. Worm, I earned it now.

This time the action has been completed, and Huo Hai does not want to stay here anymore. The next step is to look for the relics and try to find the place he needs as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Huo Hai turned around and left here soon. Knowing that one of their larvae was missing, but the strong enemy had left, the six-winged butterflies were very excited.

Huo Hai came out of the dense fog a moment later, but just as he came out, Huo Hai felt a pressure: "Found it, this kid has finally come out." A sharp voice sounded above Huo Hai.

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