Evil Insect God

Chapter 1460: Can't get out

Huo Hai controlled the flames, carefully watching the phantom that appeared on the stone tablet, and at the same time condensing the flames, which was exactly the same as this phantom. If the previous Huo Hai had never been so precise.

Since learning how to control fire, Huo Hai can easily control his own flames, and even make these movements, it is very easy, there is no feeling of difficulty at all, if you want a high level of alchemy, you must control the flames. The ability is good, besides, it is not only used for alchemy, at this time, after these flames are condensed, the combat power has been improved a lot.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Huo Hai did all the movements without pulling them. There was no error in the whole process. When the phantom disappeared, Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief and finally finished.

This kind of thing is really not something ordinary people can do. Even if you are a master of the flame attribute, if you are not strong enough in your own spirit, don't even think about going out. This Spirit Fire Sect has high requirements for its inheritors. .

Moreover, the place of inheritance is still hidden in such a secret place. Huo Hai suspects that if it weren’t discovered by himself, maybe the Spirit Fire Sect would never get a heir. Forget it, no matter that much, with Huo Hai After completing the action, the whole stone tablet began to split slowly, and a strange token appeared in Huo Hai's hands. The next moment, Huo Hai knew what this thing was.

It turned out that this token is the control center of the entire spirit formation. As long as you get this piece, you can use the token to enter and exit all the buildings here at will. Huo Hai is a little grateful that he came to the hall for the first time.

If you didn't enter the hall, once the barrier is opened, you don't want to leave. Of course, if you don't enter the hall to open the spirit array as a whole, there should be no problem entering other buildings.

"Kacha" At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly heard a soft sound. Looking back, there were cracks on the surrounding stone sculptures. The cracks continued to expand, spreading bit by bit, and quickly moved around. All of the stone sculptures spread intact. The next moment, the surrounding stone sculptures were suddenly completely broken, turned into slag, and could no longer be restored.

"I'm still thinking about destroying these stone carvings. I didn't expect you to destroy them yourself." Huo Hai was a little dumbfounded, but that's right. Now that there are descendants, these things naturally don't need to exist.

If the descendant dies, it can only prove that their luck is bad, and the Spirit Fire Sect is destined to be destroyed. Speaking of which, their luck is indeed bad. Huo Hai never thought of establishing a sect, let alone The Spirit Fire Sect has been rebuilt, and most of these things will be sent home later, so that people in the family can study them slowly.

Holding the token, Huo Hai walked towards the door. The strong defensive barrier at the door was of no use to Huo Hai at this time. This layer of barrier seemed to be gone, and Huo Hai had already crossed out very easily.

Come out again, don't mention how good Huo Hai's mood is. He soon came outside the passage. After staying here for five years, Huo Hai didn't want to continue. It's best to go out and relax.

With a flash, Huo Hai came to the edge above the secret realm. A transparent spirit bat flew out and slammed into the barrier. The next moment it "banged", something that surprised Huo Hai happened, but the spirit bat didn't. Get out.

Huo Hai's eyes widened, and he carefully felt the surrounding barriers, "Damn, how could this happen, I obviously didn't walk through the main entrance." Huo Hai suddenly discovered that the surrounding barriers had an extra layer of spiritual formation, and there was also a strong presence in it. The spirit power aura, this spirit power, is definitely left by the spiritual master, it is not at all that Huo Hai has the ability to break through.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from my ear: "Look, who is that person and is it the person we are looking for."

"Shut up, don't talk, that person is not something you can deal with." Hearing this, Huo Hai turned his head and immediately saw several people below. These people had never appeared when he came here.

And I don’t know why, Huo Hai faintly felt that these people were a little familiar, but couldn’t remember where he had seen it, "Xiaodie, control it." With an order from Huo Hai, Xiaodie had already appeared next to him. In the next moment, all four of them were controlled. Only one woman who reached the sixth heaven was not so easy to control.

In this regard, Huo Hai was unceremonious, his figure flashed, and before this person had time to react, he instantly came to this person's side, and with a single stroke, he sealed the person's soul and inner world. .

At the next moment, this person slowly fell to the ground, and it would be impossible to faint him without using any special methods. Huo Hai had no idea of ​​pity for Xiangyu at this moment, and watched this person fall. Fell to the ground.

"Tell me, who are you and what you want to do here?" Huo Hai snorted coldly. It is very likely that the surrounding barriers were opened because of these people. Hearing Huo Hai's words, several of them were controlled. The person from, immediately began to talk, the more he listened, the more ugly Huo Hai's face became.

These people are actually the people who came here after him five years ago. Huo Hai never thought that he had already run so far, yet he was still chased by these people. The most important thing is that these people Actually entered the secret realm.

They are different from Huo Hai. They don’t have the ability to directly pass through the powerful secret realm. The space of the heavenly spirit realm is more stable, so the secret realm here is also very strong. Even ordinary secret realms can block the shuttle of the spiritual masters. The large-scale secret realm of, I am afraid that ordinary Lingsheng masters will not be able to enter, let alone these people.

So after these people found the entrance, they just came in, directly touching the spiritual formation that they didn't trigger, and locked themselves in it. And these people have been outside for the past five years.

Other people actually entered different buildings. At this time, I’m afraid they are still waiting for people outside to find a way to save them. In five years, for most of the spirits, it’s not at all. What kind of.

"Damn bastard, it turns out that it is really you." Huo Hai was annoyed, and cut one of them with the inner world and soul in half with a sword. Then Huo Hai wanted to attack the next one again.

But at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly stopped, "No, you can't kill these people. If you kill them, wouldn't I have no benefit at all." Huo Hai suddenly thought that if he wants to leave here, I am afraid it will be In need of the help of these people, Huo Hai had seen it on the stele a long time ago and knew what conditions were needed to leave here.

The barrier of the inner hall, as long as you learn the secret method of fire control, you can leave, and the flames inside will not continue to corrode yourself. Without these special powers, the spiritual deity will not die under the natural nourishment of heaven and earth spiritual power.

However, the outer layer can resist the barriers of everyone below the spirit gods. It is not so easy to leave. To leave here, you must refine the Heaven-removing Pill. Huo Hai’s current cultivation base and alchemy skills are fundamental Can't do it.

It’s no problem for Huo Hai to improve quickly, but Huo Hai is a perfectionist. He doesn’t want to leave any flaws in himself. Even when he is practicing, he develops in all aspects. He wastes countless more than others. material.

In order to achieve perfection of his law, Huo Hai can only comprehend the completeness bit by bit through long-term practice. That kind of epiphany is not so easy. In fact, with the help of the star rock wall, Huo Hai has already occupied more than ordinary people. Very big advantage, but this speed is still not very fast, and it is impossible to break through in a short time.

The next method is to quickly improve one's own laws through fighting and seeing other people's laws, and achieve the goal of achieving their own laws in a short time. These people are good helpers in battle.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai directly grabbed everyone with spiritual power, then walked around, found a special building that was sealed, but there were no people inside, and threw everyone in.

These people will become Huo Hai’s sparring partners in the next period of time. "Hope things are not damaged, these **** guys." Huo Hai was a little anxious and walked towards a very inconspicuous building area next to him. Go, this place is where the pill room is located. If you want to refine the heaven-removing pill, you must come here.

Huo Hai doesn’t have the elixir needed by the Heaven-removing Pill, especially the most important elixir, the Heaven-removing Herb, and it is a peculiar spiritual thing that can directly communicate the laws of heaven and earth. He wants to refine the Pill , Huo Hai could only come here to find medicinal materials.

"Fortunately, fortunately, no one has been here." Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. His luck was not bad. Because Danfang was too secretive and too inconspicuous, it did not attract the attention of those people. At this time, No one entered the Dan's room.

In this case, the ten materials of the pill room were all very safe. Huo Hai quickly entered the pill room. Following the prompts left on the stone tablet, he quickly found a hidden grid, The secret compartment opened, and there were a few boxes inside. The seal on the box was very clever, and what was sealed inside was exactly the elixir needed by the Heaven-Driving Pill.

Huo Hai didn't directly start refining when he got something, because he knew his ability was not enough. Now refining is just wasting things, so he had to wait slowly to improve his cultivation level before trying.

There are only ten chances. If all ten chances fail, Huo Hai knows that he will never end well at that time. Without the spirit **** to find this place, he can only go out until he breaks through the spirit god.

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