Evil Insect God

Chapter 1463: Variety

In a blink of an eye, nearly sixty years have passed. Before he entered this ruin, he was not sixty years old. Huo Hai smiled bitterly. He didn't expect such a long time to be wasted here.

Fortunately, there is no big problem now. After reaching the Lingzun, he really has no concept of time. If it weren’t for his short life course, Huo Hai’s heart even felt that a short period of time had passed and reached the heaven level. After that, everyone seemed to be different from normal people, or that this is the real person.

No matter how much, Huo Hai just wants to inquire about it. Now there is some information outside. Sixty years is not very long outside. Huo Hai soon came to a mercenary union resident and bought a copy. intelligence.

Sitting in the corner, Huo Hai slowly looked at the things that were useful to him. This was information that had been purchased with 10,000 Lingjing.

"Unexpectedly, this guy Kihara is really crazy, but if I meet him next time, I will definitely give you a surprise." Huo Hai is now a master of the tenth heaven, and everything is so perfect.

Regardless of the fact that Kihara is the eleventh heaven, if the real battle is true, Huo Hai is sure to defeat him in a short time, but I don’t know if he can be killed. These people from a large family have the ability to save their lives. .

In the past sixty years, Muyuan has not given up on chasing him down. Huo Hai gradually understands that this may not only be the reason for Mu Amaranth. According to some ambiguities in the intelligence, Huo Hai gradually understands, "Huh, I actually said that I stole the alchemy furnace, really..." Huo Hai's eyes were full of sneers.

Now the giant wooden gate should also know that the relics were left by the spirit fire sect. Although the giant wooden gate is good at refining pill, most of them rely on their own elixir, and the quality of the elixir is good.

The ability of refining pills is far worse than that of the Spirit Fire Sect back then. Besides, there are some special formulas of the Spirit Fire Sect.

Now that I know it, the giant wooden gate must have the inheritance of the Spirit Fire Sect. The most likely possibility is that among the alchemy furnaces that Huo Hai robbed, Mu Yuan insisted that the alchemy furnace was robbed by Huo Hai. For the sake of face, other You don't need to, but the alchemy furnace must be. Huo Hai has roughly understood what Muyuan wants to do.

But this makes the headache even more troublesome. It will be very troublesome to let the giant wooden door know that the spirit fire sect's inheritance is on its own body. At that time, it is no longer the Mu Amaranth that troubles him, nor the Mu family, but The entire giant wooden door.

I have been searching for sixty years, but sixty years is nothing to many masters, so these people are still looking for it. In fact, let alone sixty years, even six hundred years, these guys I am afraid I will not give up.

Outside now, many people can still be found looking for Huo Hai's traces, "Damn, how come the Celestial Palace has also come in." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and found a troublesome thing again.

After many investigations, it seems that Tianqing Palace believed that the death of Venerable Qingfeng was related to Huo Hai, although this is true.

No one believes that Venerable Qingfeng died in Huo Hai’s hands, but Azure Palace believes that this is absolutely inextricably related to Huo Hai. Therefore, the Azure Palace has issued a statement that it will be an enemy of Huo Hai. Anyone who provides information about Huo Hai will be rewarded by the Azure Palace. It seems that his enemy has added one more.

There are many spiritual saints in the Azure Palace. Huo Hai is very aware of this. In the southeast region, the appeal of the Azure Palace is not small. So many people chase Huo Hai together, you can imagine how many people will So he went crazy.

"These are interesting, the Wu family of the ghost medicine door, now I see what you do." Finally, Huo Hai saw good news.

In the news, although the Wu family was still chasing Huo Hai, it was still the same as before. He didn't dare to be blatant. Even if he was pursuing it in private, it was because of Yin Lei Zun's relationship. On that day, some people knew that Yin Lei Zun was dead. Huo Hai's hands.

If not, they still have no excuses, but Yin Lei Zun is only a peripheral member after all. Although he is wanted for Huo Hai, he is not too strict. Otherwise, the people in the Southeast will be even more crazy. Now many places in the Southeast are After being turned over, Huo Hai has not been found. Many people even think that Huo Hai has left the southeast area.

However, the people who were chased and killed disappeared, and there was no message coming back. Even if those people came from a large sect, the transmission image was blocked by barriers. The disappearance of these people must have something to do with Huo Hai.

With the increasing number of treasures on Huo Hai’s body, Huo Hai’s value is also getting higher and higher, and naturally more attractive. Huo Hai seems to be a golden mountain at this time, but in their opinion, this golden mountain is just hard to find. There is no strong guard force.

Forget it, don’t care about it for the time being. What interests Huo Hai is that great changes have taken place in the Wu Family at this time. It turns out that the Wu Family’s people brought Wu Sheyun with them because of a magic repair. Refuting rumors everywhere, and at the same time apologizing to some people. In fact, many people were tacitly aware of what was going on. Originally, this happened.

But no one knows that Wu Sheyun has an extra magic knife in his hand, and his xinxing has been completely eroded at this time. Deep in his heart, Wu Sheyun, which has no power to protect, has been completely demonized, and even because of this, Wu Sheyun Closer to the magic knife.

On the surface, Wu Sheyun seems to have changed his evil and returned to the right, and has completely returned to normal. Going out every day, it is just playing around, but in fact Wu Sheyun has been completely demonized, and even his parents don’t believe it, and secretly formed. A force, using the people in the periphery, helped itself cultivate an organization composed of pure magic repairs.

This organization, on the surface, bears the name of the ghost medicine gate, and there is a Wusheyun on it, and no one dares to investigate it. It develops rapidly in secret, and after the last incident, Wusheyun also learned Smarter.

Collecting demonic energy is no longer relying on massacre, but by various other methods. Most of the time, it is from some high-traffic cities and sneak attacks on some outsiders, even some local rogues, these people are fewer. No one cares at all, nor does it cause any suspicion. These people are secretly collected and become magical energy generators.

I don't know how many magic caves have been created, and a large amount of magic energy has been gathered. After that, Wu Sheyun relied on the magic knife to start practicing magic power again. Even the crystal core he recondensed directly used the magic energy as the core.

At this time, Wu Sheyun is no longer a person who minors in magic energy, but a real magician who majors in magic. Because of the cover of magic knives and some secret methods, Wu Sheyun’s changes have not been discovered. .

Of course, this also has something to do with Wu Sheyun’s identity. No one dares to conduct an in-depth inspection of Wu Sheyun, because Wu Sheyun travels all day long, and the people in Wujia think that Wu Sheyun is discouraged. I don't want to practice anymore.

With the help of the magic knife, Wu Sheyun’s cultivation speed is very fast, in line with the power of the world, and the speed of demon energy is getting faster and faster. Thirty years ago, Wu Sheyun finally relied on its own foundation and a lot of With the help of resources and the magic knife, he successfully reached the realm of Lingzun. In order to prevent people from discovering, Wu Sheyun went out for a long time to play.

As a result, ten years ago, Wu Sheyun's strength finally surpassed his parents and reached the seventh heaven. Demon cultivation is like this. The faster the practice, the deeper the demon, and the deeper the demon, the faster the practice speed. .

At this time, Wu Sheyun can no longer be regarded as a normal person, but a monster. In order to increase his strength faster, Wu Sheyun is ready to be unfeeling and unkind, and asks his parents out with an excuse.

When they met afterwards, Wu Sheyun attacked and killed his mother. Because his father was more aware of fighting, he was only severely injured and he did not die. However, it is said that it will be very difficult to go further in the future. When this news came back to the ghost medicine gate, it immediately caused an uproar.

Wu Sheyun was completely engulfed, and silently ascended to the realm of Lingzun. This incident made the ghost medicinemen's face dull, so the ghost medicinemen began to want Wusheyun in an all-round way, and at the same time, it opened in his own sect. A thorough search.

For this reason, the chess pieces that Wu Sheyun had buried in the past were found out one after another, and the rest escaped all the way and merged with Wu Sheyun. Now they don’t know where they have been. The Wu family is even more devastated because of this incident, especially After losing all his duties in the clan and sect, Wu Tian was placed under house arrest in disguise, and would never be able to make trouble again.

If it weren't for this incident, how could the Wu Family's pursuit of Huo Hai be so weak? Now the Wu Family is too busy to take care of itself, and has to deal with the attacks of those enemies in the sect all day long. How can there be time for such small things.

Huo Hai himself didn't expect that the effect of this magic knife would be so good, "Perhaps, I should refine a few more magic knives to spare." Huo Hai's eyes lit up, but then Huo Hai shook his head.

It’s better to do less of this thing. If there is too much, it will easily attract the attention of others. Needless to say, other special weapons that can be so easily enchanted, how can the Demon Sect easily let it go? He, Huo Hai didn't know what to do, the Demon Sect was one of the second sects, and was the pinnacle power in the entire Heavenly Spirit Realm.

All kinds of information have already been seen, and the barrier is still two or three years away. The top priority now is to find the hollow stone as soon as possible. If there is no hollow stone, many things will become very troublesome.

When the materials I purchased at the beginning were finally used, I didn't expect it to be delayed for such a long time.

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