Evil Insect God

Chapter 1473: Return to the Eastern Frontier

After tidying up things a bit, Li Fan returned to Huo Hai's side. There were really not many things, only some memorable things. Li Fan's own toys had long been buried underground.

"Master, let's go." Li Fan finally looked back at his home. I am afraid he will never come back again. As for who will occupy this house in the future, he doesn't know. The resources here are too barren. The house where people live will soon be occupied by other people. This is also the way to survive here. No one will blame other people.

Huo Hai nodded, with a movement in his heart, spiritual power entangled Li Fan, the two quickly flew into the air, everything below suddenly turned into streamer, and quickly flowed past his feet. This speed is something Li Fan has never felt before. of.

Unexpectedly that people can really fly, and they can fly so fast. Li Fan’s mood just after leaving home has faded a lot under this impact. In just a moment, the original village is no longer visible, and even the two of them are already far away. The area around Mishen Valley.

"Let's go, we will speed up next." Huo Hai's heart moved, the six-winged butterfly appeared beside Huo Hai, Huo Hai gave an order, the six-winged butterfly's wings quivered quickly, in mid-air, Huo A huge spiritual formation immediately appeared under Hai's feet. If you look closely at this spiritual formation, you will find that it is a teleportation spiritual formation.

The next moment, as the light flickered, Huo Hai and Li Fan had disappeared. When they appeared again, they didn’t know how far they were from the same place. After letting go of perception, Huo Hai quickly found a city and flew away. Go in.

Those large cities, Huo Hai didn’t dare to enter them casually. That was a terrible thing. Now, I don’t know how many people are looking for themselves. They are discovered by these people, but there is no good end, so Huo Hai can only choose those Relatively speaking, a smaller city uses the teleportation array here to move on, and halfway through, it also cooperates with the six-winged butterfly array.

Because he was carrying a little guy, Huo Hai couldn’t go too fast along the way. While advancing, Huo Hai continued to teach Li Fan to practice. Li Fan’s talent is really good. Most importantly, he has a strong will to cultivate. firm.

"Li Fan, what kind of spiritual master do you most want to be." On this day, Huo Hai discovered that Li Fan had reached the peak of spiritual bones, and knew that it was time for Li Fan to break through to the realm of spiritualists, but this original type, Think carefully.

Once the origin and his own natural personality are incompatible, it is easy to have a big problem. Li Fan also knows that this problem is very important. Even in their nearby towns, there are similar things. Once the choice is wrong, it is easy to It will affect the rest of your life. Many people who choose the wrong way will have no achievements in this life.

"Think carefully, what you like most in your heart, I will consider the other things for you." The original choice is not necessarily so precise, as long as it does not conflict with your own body, then you can come according to your interests.

Huo Hai has discovered Li Fan's talent, and there is no conflict with most attributes. Hearing what Huo Hai said, Li Fan closed his eyes and began to think carefully. Originally, Li Fan was apprentice to become a strong man.

However, following Huo Hai’s time, Li Fan found that the definition of a strong person is not that simple. Even someone who cultivates partial power can become a very powerful person as long as he can use his own power well. , The dream in his heart slowly emerged under Huo Hai's guidance, and Li Fan's heart became firmer and firmer.

After a long time, Li Fan opened his eyes and said firmly: "Master, I like to forge weapons. I hope to forge the most powerful weapons." Blacksmiths are very popular in their small villages and surrounding areas.

After all, they usually use weapons and a lot of daily necessities. They are all made by blacksmiths. Since childhood, Li Fan has been fascinated by the blacksmith industry. The ability to transform metals into things you want is like a god. The same skills.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "You think about it, you really want to become a refiner." Li Fan nodded firmly.

Huo Hai thought for a while, and then said: "If this is the case, then choose the fire attribute. Although a full-time tool spirit master will have better refining ability, but the combat effectiveness is very poor. It's a little bit worse, but there is nothing wrong with the combat effectiveness, the flame attribute, but one of the most powerful spiritualists."

Huo Hai quickly picked out the right thing. The Heavenly High-Rank Origin Spirit Stone. Huo Hai really has a lot of this thing. Even if it is cleaned up in the future, he just needs to enter the Origin Spirit Land again. There are many things. Yes.

As for the Origin Spirit Lingbao, Huo Hai thought for a long time. The highest flame attribute level seems to be the flame core he found in that secret realm. Forget it, just use this one. As long as you guide well, don’t let Li Fan be It is enough to become a pseudo-spiritual deity. Although it is easier for this thing to become a pseudo-spiritual deity, no one stipulates that it can only follow this path.

As long as you have a firm conviction, you can also condense your own flame inner world. Under Huo Hai's guidance and help, Li Fan quickly merged them. After that, a spiritual man with unlimited potential was born.

Such a young spirit is everywhere on the Heavenly Spirit Continent, so Huo Hai took Li Fan without attracting too much attention from others, and went all the way. Because of Li Fan’s relationship, Huo Hai spent a month. Just came to the border.

There is no teleportation array directly connected here, and even if there is, Huo Hai can’t use it, so after Huo Hai wrapped himself and Li Fan with the spirit array, he cautiously flew forward, carrying a towing oil bottle, passing through the border. It's really not an easy task, but fortunately, his perception ability is strong and he can avoid danger in advance.

After crossing the border, Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief, and it took another month to finally return to the edge of the border. Huo Hai did not show up directly, but secretly explored the internal affairs of the Sky Star Sect.

The result was not bad. The people of the Heavenly Star Sect did not disclose their affairs, even if they were wanted, it was the same. If they were revealed, God knew how the Ghost Medicine Sect would treat them, as the Star Sect today is also a branch of the Ghost Medicine Sect.

Besides, with such a powerful master as Huo Hai lurking in secret, many things are much easier. Seeing this change, Huo Hai is very satisfied, his figure flashes, and he appeared in front of Sect Master Tianxing, "Elder Huo, you It's great that it's okay. We all know about you being wanted, and we've always been very worried." Sect Master was very happy to see Huo Hai.

Soon, the other major sect elders also appeared in the hall. Huo Hai could not show up now, so only these elders knew that after Huo Hai revealed his current cultivation level, he scared everyone even more. Living.

Huo Hai is saying that now he has the ability to easily erase the entire Sky Star Sect, allowing these people to decide from their hearts that they will not betray themselves. After that, Huo Hai eased his tone: "This time, I plan to live here for a while. Seeing that the outside barrier was about to open, I happened to have a broken stone in my hand." Hearing this, all the faces changed.

"You mean, we can open up the path to the Heavenly Soul Region, and from then on, the Heavenly Soul Region will become our talent base." Not only the Sect Master, but the others also stared wide-eyed at this time, their eyes full of incredible.

Although this kind of outlying land is not a good place, its population and low-level resources are very rich. The Heavenly Soul Region and a large area around it will not be as small as the land occupied by the Star Sect today.

The most important thing is that the periphery is relatively safe and can be a good place for low-level disciples to experience. Coupled with the cultivation of high-level resources in the Sky Spirit Realm, the Sky Star Sect will soon have a lot of potential disciples, this kind of marginal place. , I am afraid that only those super-first-class and above forces will look down on them, and it is very important for these small forces.

If it develops well, relying on the help of external forces, the Sky Star Sect will soon become a rare and powerful force among the first-class forces, but to become a super-first-class force, you need a spiritual master, which is not so easy.

The most important thing is that the place Huo Hai wants to open now is their hometown. For everyone, hometown has an extraordinary meaning. They can travel freely in the Heavenly Soul Realm, how can they not Exciting.

"Yes, I have a hollow stone here, and the spirit formation and materials are all ready, now I'm waiting for the time to come, open the barrier, you still need to take care of the Huo family's affairs in the future. "Huo Hai is most worried about his family, and for grandfather, father and others, the most important thing is family.

The distance here is relatively close, and the spiritual arts of cultivation are similar. Naturally, it can be regarded as a journey. Huo Hai can't show up openly now, otherwise it would be a bad thing for both the Tianxingzong and the Huo Family.

"No problem, the Huo Family is part of our Sky Star Sect, and we will naturally do our best." Sect Master's mind is not simple, he doesn't have that great ability to win Huo Hai, Huo Hai's strength is really terrifying.

However, Huo Hai seems to value the family very much, so after opening the passage and taking good care of the Huo family, he will naturally tie Huo Hai firmly to the Sky Star Sect. As for Huo Hai offending so many forces, what does this have to do with them? , As long as Huo Hai has been promoted to Lingsheng all the way, the previous things are probably nothing. Lingsheng is no ordinary person.

Moreover, with the help of the east wind of the Spirit Saint, the Sky Star Sect can also rapidly increase and expand its influence.

The conversation between the two parties was very relaxed. It was a matter of mutual benefit. The agreement was soon reached, and the relationship between the two parties seemed to deepen one step further and they truly became their own people.

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