Evil Insect God

Chapter 1496: Border fortress

Just as the Azure Palace learned the news, some people in the giant wooden gate also learned about the battle. To be precise, the giant wooden gate received the news much earlier than the Azure Palace.

"So it's a pity that even the guy with his brain and muscles Wei Han failed." When Muyuan heard this, he couldn't help but froze. He didn't expect that Huo Hai's strength would To this point.

Originally regarded Huo Hai as the little shrimp who added shame to the family, but who could have imagined that Huo Hai was practicing so fast, as if there was no bottleneck at all. The news that Huo Hai has just received has actually reached the 11th level. The peak of the sky, how long has this been, even those fighting freaks in the southern region have not improved so fast.

Eleventh Heaven, he is only Eleventh Heaven now, and he is facing Wei Han. Although Wei Han's brain is not very bright, he is still very strong with the two giant trees.

The combination of the combat power of the three Twelve Heavens did not leave Huo Hai behind. The news seemed to say that Wei Han was injured. At this time, Huo Hai's performance had already surpassed him. How could this make Muyuan willing to do so.

"Huh, Huo Hai, right? Waiting for me to catch you is your death date." Before you know it, Huo Hai has become a thorn in Kihara's heart. If you don't catch it or kill it, Kihara's heart Nothing can calm down.

Huo Hai didn’t know that his whereabouts had been discovered by so many people again. He ran around the border area all the way. A few days later, no one found Huo Hai. At this time, Huo Hai finally used Wei Han to find his special The breath was completely dissipated, and after checking himself, Huo Hai finally let go of his heart.

Feeling his inner world, Huo Hai suddenly laughed: "Hehe, although you have filled in a lot of trouble for me, but I really want to thank you." The more dangerous the battle, the more unfamiliar he is. The power of the more beneficial.

After a series of battles, Huo Hai discovered that his eleventh level of aura has finally reached the point of completion, and only the last part of the star core is left in his body. He is only one step away from the twelfth heaven. remote.

For others, it may be difficult to cross over, but for Huo Hai, who has no bottleneck, it is very easy. Huo Hai found a relatively secret cave, and then started the next breakthrough plan. Before heading to the southern region, I should first upgrade my cultivation base. The southern region is not a safe place.

Once again, a star core was broken, and the realm that Huo Hai had suppressed for a long time finally quickly began to rise. The inner world and inner space continued to expand. At this time, Huo Hai’s inner world and inner space each had a small kingdom. Size.

The internal power was surging, and the foundation was so deep that no one can compare with him. As the new stars light up, Huo Hai’s breath quickly began to rise, and soon Huo Hai reached twelve levels. To the point of heaven.

After the breakthrough, Huo Hai adapted a little, and immediately moved the location. After finding another relatively safe place, Huo Hai began to devour the spiritual marrow, the spiritual marrow decreased one by one, and Huo Hai's spiritual power continued. A few months later, when Huo Hai stopped, his cultivation base had reached the peak of the twelfth heaven.

"Sure enough, the spiritual marrow is still not enough, wait until the southern area to look at it." At this time, there are still a lot of spiritual marrow in the inner space, but there are more spiritual worms, and these spiritual cultivars are not enough for their spiritual worms to reach ten Double heavenly.

Even if it is to reach the eleventh heaven, I am afraid that not all spirit worms can do it. After consolidating his own cultivation base, Huo Hai came out from where he was and continued to the south. What will happen.

As his cultivation base increased, Huo Hai’s speed naturally increased a lot. With Huo Hai’s current strength, it would not take much time to reach the southern region. In less than a day, Huo Hai came to the southern border, but the south The border of the region surprised Huo Hai. It was completely different from the desolate environment of other regions.

The location of the southern border is actually a huge fortress. It seems that there are more fortresses in the distance. Not only has the number of people here is not reduced, but there are very many. When Huohai arrived, one of the fortresses was not knowing it was preparing. what.

"Brothers, this year's hunting target has been found, that is the group of barren mountain antelopes in the northwest. Killing these guys, everyone can get enough rewards. Now, everyone is starting with me." With the fortress. There was a loud roar, and a large thunderous roar suddenly sounded in the fortress.

Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment. What was going on in this southern region, thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately disguised it, and then approached the team, Xiaodie was ready, secretly controlled a few people, and began to read their memories.

"It turns out that the martial arts style in the southern region is so strong that these people are really crazy." Huo Hai finally knew what these people were going to do, and he actually took the initiative to find the trouble of the beast.

People in the southern region are keen to fight, and even many people are models with only muscles but no brains. Almost every year, these people organize to search for beasts, and the purpose of looking for beasts is not for hunting, but for fighting. , The target they are looking for is usually not the one with absolute certainty, but the one that is evenly matched with them.

Because of the special circumstances in the southern region, many people came to the border deliberately in order to participate in the battle. Over time, some fortress-like cities appeared in the border area. These fortresses were not used to defend against beast attacks.

In the southern region, humans are more fierce than fierce beasts. This is the area where fierce beasts survive the least among the eight regions. Similarly, this is also the area where fierce beasts and humans conflict the most.

Humans often find the trouble of beasts, causing the beasts to turn humans on the spot. Therefore, in the border area, it doesn't feel strange to see humans attacking beasts, nor is it strange to see beasts attacking cities.

It is really time for Huo Hai to come. This battle is a battle that is rare in a century. After years of accumulation, the people in the city finally think that they can fight against the barren mountain antelope that has been occupying a large area of ​​barren hills. So these people organized After some, they set off collectively, ready to find these antelopes to fight a good fight.

This is not an ordinary antelope, but a group of very powerful fierce beasts. As long as they are adults, each one is above the realm of the spiritual emperor. There are also many spiritual emperor masters in the race, and even many spiritual masters.

At this time, none of these people were afraid. They were magnificent. Almost everyone had weapons such as swords. In the sky, there were several spiritual masters following with the army. They were not here to protect, but to find those spirits. The fierce beasts of the Zun realm fight, in the southern region, the stronger the strength, the higher the desire to fight, and these spirits are naturally no exception.

After Huo Hai clarified the situation here, the team finally came to the barren mountain range. A closer look revealed that this is not a barren mountain. To be precise, it should be a large mountain slope, or hills are more suitable.

When the group of people arrived here, a loud roar resounded. Soon, a cloud of smoke and dust filled the distance. Huo Hai could see clearly that in the smoke and dust, it was a group of creatures that were covered in khaki and looked like antelopes. .

If these things are not three meters away, Huo Hai would really treat these things as ordinary antelopes. Of course, the breath of these antelopes is not simple, and the huge spiritual power is concentrated on the top of the head. From the corner, a sharp light radiated, just by looking at it, you know how dangerous this thing is.

"Come on, everyone rushed up with me and killed them." Huo Hai nodded secretly. The sharp horns of these antelopes should be good materials if they are used to forge weapons.

Although most artifact masters of the Golden Earth Gate are metallic, there are not only metallic masters in the southern region, but also a large number of fire masters. With mutual cooperation, almost all kinds of crafting materials can be used. Ok.

Seeing these antelopes, everyone immediately took out their weapons, and Huo Hai's eyes lit up: "What a sophisticated weapon, the level of refining in the southern region is indeed the highest among the eight regions." Everyone can get it and himself. Weapons of the same level, or even higher than your own level, are absolutely invisible in other areas.

The front row of people not only had weapons, but also had a big shield. A row of people linked the shields into one piece, and rushed directly up against the attack of the antelopes. The sound of "boom" sounded like an explosion.

The first wave of the antelope's charge was immediately blocked, "Kill." Suddenly, the sound of killing came into the sky. After blocking the wave, the people behind rushed up and started fighting against the antelopes, but it was very There are few sieges, most people are looking for fierce beasts that are evenly matched to them, and when they see that they are not strong enough, no one does it at all.

There are also groups of people fighting in groups of antelopes that are more powerful than themselves. These people are all for enjoying the battle, not for killing or just for materials, shouting and killing constantly, the scene is chaotic.

In such a spectacular scene, Huo Hai has only black lines on his face at this time. What are these guys doing? Because of the entire battle, Huo Hai discovered that the amount of human damage is not much less than that of the beasts. The most important thing is that it is evenly matched. The relationship between fighting for such a long time, there were not many people and beasts who really died, but at this time everyone was injured.

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