Evil Insect God

Chapter 1498: Siege

Fierce beasts will not transform, but after reaching the heavenly level, they will still have an IQ that is not weaker than that of normal human beings.

When the team came back, it happened to see a large number of beasts attacking the city. At this time, the city was in danger. These beasts seemed to be mad, wave after wave, completely ignoring their own life and death. There were a few powerful beasts behind. The dragon beasts are directing the battle, otherwise how could these fierce beasts be so desperate, the status of the dragon beasts is very high.

In this world, anything related to giant dragons is not simple. Whether it is humans with dragon blood or fierce beasts, they are generally talented, especially among the beasts, it is easy to occupy the position of leader.

Although the original news said that it could last for two hours, it was under normal circumstances. At this time, because of the continuous attacks of the beasts, a thick layer of corpses had appeared under the city wall. The people inside the city were also killed and injured. .

This is the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Even ordinary spirit kings can stay in the air for a long time. This kind of city wall is not very useful at all. As long as the beasts take off hard, they can basically jump to the city wall. It was his own combat power, but the people in the fortress were extremely fierce, and had no fear or the idea of ​​retreating.

Even though all the people in the fortress were injured at this time, these people still insisted on staying near the city wall, constantly resisting the attacks of these fierce beasts. It seemed that as long as they did not die, these guys would not retreat.

But think about it, these guys are obviously enjoying the battle, and they don't care if they are going to die.

"Brothers, rush, kill these fierce beasts." After everyone in the team saw this scene, the leader of the team yelled, and everyone immediately launched a charge. These people never thought about entering the city. He didn't even think about meeting with his companions inside the city, but he rushed directly outside the city.

Huo Hai shook his head, "The fortress here doesn't even have a large moat, let alone other protective measures. I really don't know who did it." Huo Hai knew that this must be intentional. .

There are spiritual masters in this city, and even if they don’t understand the spiritual formation, they can set some restrictions at their hands, but now it seems that there is nothing at all. This fortress city is just a place for them to live.

Also, none of the people living here are ordinary civilians. They are all gathered after the arrival of those who are eager to fight. These people may have family members, but their families will certainly not be seen in this kind of border fortress. When the team returned, the people on the wall suddenly burst into cheers, and their morale immediately rose.

"Brothers, our elite team is back. Everyone rushes out with me. We must make these beasts pay the price."

In front of the city wall, a brawny man in armor roared, and then raised the sledgehammer in his hand. The first one leaped out of the city wall, and when the others saw it, they followed him closely.

Whether the fortress will be preserved at this time is no longer within the consideration of these people. In this kind of place, there will be no shortage of food and clothing at all. This fortress is just a residence and a symbol.

Even if it is destroyed, as long as it is cleaned up, it can be rebuilt soon. Now that everyone else returns, everyone does not need to continue to defend here. Direct attacks are more in line with their appetite. The beast was instantly knocked back by the human recoil, and it seemed that it was not them that attacked the city, but humans.

Huo Hai didn't know what to say at this time: "I hope that the southern region is not all such lunatics." Huo Hai is a little depressed, the atmosphere in the southern region is really strange, I really don't know how ordinary people can stand it.

The fierce beasts also saw this scene, and naturally knew what to do. "Roar..." A loud roar sounded. The sub-dragon beasts who had been staying behind without any movement suddenly charged forward and the target was the new team. .

These sub-dragon beasts are different. No matter how strong or weak they are, they have some dragon bloodlines. Because of the dragon bloodlines, the strength of these dragon beasts is much stronger than normal fierce beasts, and the potential of these dragon beasts It's also big. Even the worst of this group of dragon beasts has the peak of the Spirit Emperor, most of them are in the realm of Spirit Emperors, and they are very powerful.

Had it not been for the poor reproduction ability of dragon beasts, I am afraid that among the fierce beasts, the dominant position has long been occupied by the dragon beasts. Even now, among the fierce beasts, the dragon beasts also occupy a very large proportion.

Although these dragon beasts originated from the dragon clan, once they joined the fierce beast clan, even if they saw the dragon clan, these dragon beasts would not be able to obey their orders. At most, they would be suppressed to a certain extent when they were hostile.

Most of the dragon beasts are divided into two branches, one is the spirit beast type, which is attached to the dragon clan, and the other is the fierce beast type, which is attached to the fierce beast. The fierce beast is also one of the five races. It is too chaotic, and there is no wisdom before reaching the sky level, so it is weaker than the dragon and the phoenix in the ranking.

"It's a dragon beast, great. After today's battle, I can show it off when I go back." Seeing these dragon beasts, no one was afraid, but eager to try, especially those masters who reached the realm of Lingdi.

Most of the dragon beasts are in the realm of the spirit emperor. Without them, no one can stop these dragon beasts. As for the spirit emperor peak masters in the team, they look at each other with provocations in their eyes.

Among the dragon beasts, there are only a few of them in the pinnacle realm of the Spirit Sovereign. With so many people, it is not easy to fight for the power of battle. These dragon beasts have very strong combat power, and being able to fight a dragon beast is indeed a capital to show off.

"Bang" the two teams collided fiercely, and then a great battle began. The battlefield continued to spread. At this time, it is no longer known to what extent it spread. Now the city fortress, which is the fuse of the war, has no one. Pay attention. In the aftermath of the battle, the fortress that is not very strong has already collapsed in half at this time.

"Roar..." There was another loud roar. The dragon beasts were very dissatisfied with the battle situation at this time, and they would be blocked by humans. This was simply a shame. Several dark shadows rose into the sky, and their breath reached the realm of Spiritual Venerable.

The two strongest even reached the seventh heaven and above. Seeing this scene, the human masters are also eager to try: "Haha, finally we are here, brothers, I will go first." A big man quickly rushed up and held his hands. The axe swung out.

When other people saw this, they hurriedly followed up: "Damn it, I dare to be the first. I will want you to look good when I go back."

The big man yelled: "I'll talk about the things I went back. Now that your hands are fast and slow, you can wait at the back." As the big man said, he speeded up. It's really hard for him. He looks so tall and burly. Being able to reach such a fast speed, but also so flexible, almost instantaneously, the engagement has already begun.

Lingzun masters fight differently from those below. Once they fight, the aftermath is very dangerous, so these people fight either to attract the dragon beast to a high altitude, or to stay away from the battlefield. They start with their hands just to determine the goal.

According to the established rules, whoever does it first, as long as he doesn’t give up, then this goal is his. Unless he takes the initiative to speak, others will not **** his opponent. In the eyes of the people in the southern region, fighting is very sacred. The fight of others is disrespect for others, and it is also disrespect for yourself.

With the intervention of the Lingzun master, the scene suddenly became hot. Huo Hai was standing high in the sky, looking far away, and there seemed to be waves of battle fluctuations in the distant place, and it seemed that he was also fighting.

When attacking this city, people in other positions were also dragged down, but it's not known whether this city was dragged down or the main attack. As long as the planner behind it did not appear, no one was sure.

No matter who it is, the most important energy now is to protect the safety of one's own position. On the human side, even if they encounter such a battle, there are still more than three spirits hiding in the dark, and they did not directly act. If there are masters, then they will do it directly. As humans, no matter how aggressive they are, they can't be brainless.

The battle continued, and the scene once again became what Huo Hai had seen before. Basically everyone was looking for his opponent and then engaged in a close battle. It seemed that no one had thought of killing the enemy quickly.

The fierce beasts also follow their own instincts. In a one-on-one duel, the general fierce beasts will not intervene, let alone sneak attacks. Although there are many fierce beasts, there are still many fierce beasts who have not found their opponents. .

I don’t know if it is the habit that the beasts and humans learned, or the humans and beasts in the southern region have learned this habit. In other places, I have never seen the beasts behave so well, and they are generally fighting for the leader. At that time, the other fierce beasts would do nothing but watch. Forget it, no matter what the southern region makes Huo Hai feel strange.

The battlefield gradually tends to stabilize. If this continues, both sides will leave some corpses in the end, and then they will be nothing. After each battle, the strength of the human side will increase a little, leaving only the elite.

But at this moment, a huge breath suddenly rose into the sky, "Trash, it's all a bunch of trash." A majestic voice suddenly sounded in the air, and the entire city and the people around it could hear it.

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