Evil Insect God

Chapter 1510: Annihilate

The four most powerful mysterious fire tortoises were all attracted away. Qin Ying had no choice but to choose the weakest one, but even so, Qin Ying was still at a disadvantage. After all, she was a pure melee master. .

Whether it is Huohai or Gale, there are sword auras that can be used. Piaoxu itself is a flame attribute and can use a special flame. It is not afraid of the mysterious fire of the mysterious fire turtle. The attack distance of the long whip is not close. It is naturally very easy. Qin Ying didn't know if it was because he was too accustomed to the rules of the southern region that he was still using melee methods at this time.

It is a pity that no matter how fast the attack is, as long as the mysterious fire tortoise releases flames, Qin Ying can only dodge, otherwise it will be no fun to be burned, and the attack strength is not enough to break the mysterious tortoise's shell.

This is a fierce beast, and the strength of the fierce beast's body is inherently terrifying. They just don't use spiritual power to defend it. Moreover, this is a tortoise-like beast. Qin Ying can't break the defense at all in most of the body.

On the contrary, every time an attack came, Qin Ying would be shocked because of the flame backlash. If the armor and gloves on his body were not of very high quality, then Qin Ying would have been seriously injured by the mysterious fire tortoise.

Huo Hai was fighting and looking around. It was Qin Ying’s side that was the most difficult, but it seemed that at least within a short period of time, he would not be injured by the mysterious fire tortoise. Looking at other places, the most relaxing thing is floating. Where Xu is located, Piao Xu is not the strongest one, but it just restrains the mysterious fire tortoise, its own flame is stronger than the mysterious tortoise.

The black mysterious fire released by the mysterious fire tortoise was basically blocked by the fluttering flames. On the contrary, a long whip was very flexible and could always go around the hardest shell, leaving scars on the mysterious fire tortoise.

If it hadn't been beaten to the door of the house now, I'm afraid this mysterious fire tortoise had already shrunk its shell, and now this mysterious fire tortoise could only be suffocated, and be drawn up from time to time, roaring again and again, but there was no effect.

The gale gave full play to its speed, and it continuously attacked the mysterious fire turtle with all its strength. The sword energy fell on the turtle shell, basically no effect, only a faint trace, but because of the fast speed, this mysterious fire Turtles are also difficult to keep up. The beasts of tortoises have the characteristics of strong defense, but also the characteristics of speed and slow response.

If it weren't for the thick skin of these mysterious fire tortoises, one of their claws might have already been cut off at this time. Since the other party had nothing to do, Huo Hai would have begun to concentrate on fighting. He had two opponents.

Not only that, in order to reduce the pressure on others, Gale and Huo Hai, the two fast guys, attracted the attention of a large number of mysterious fire turtles around to prevent them from attacking other people. Under the attack, the spiritual power of the two people was consumed very quickly. These attacks were too scattered, and Huo Hai could only dodge most of them, and the rest was hard to resist.

Had it not been for the fact that many of these profound fire tortoises were in the realm of Spiritual Venerable, Huo Hai wouldn't have been so embarrassed, "Damn, it seems that you have to show some real skills now." Fight for a while. , Huo Hai felt that his pressure was increasing.

If this continues, even oneself will be consumed here sooner or later. Huo Hai doesn't want to be killed by these things just because he wants to fight. Huo Hai is not the fighting lunatic in the southern region. He fights just to quickly improve himself.

Even if he can’t maximize the effectiveness of the battle, Huo Hai doesn’t worry. He just needs to fight a few more times. There is no need to go head-to-head with these things. Of course, when using these methods, Huo Hai has to guard against others around him. .

I observed the surroundings and found that the other three people were already very far away from him. In that case, Huo Hai was not welcome. A strange aura was released from his body. This is the dragon that Huo Hai has not used for a long time. Wei, this Long Wei was controlled by Huo Hai within a small area, that is, the circle not very far from him.

Within this area, under the influence of Longwei, all the biological strengths began to decline, especially the two spiritual peaks, Xuanhuo Turtle, who had been besieging Huo Hai. Huo Hai’s pressure suddenly dropped. That's a lot.

Then, Huo Hai did not hesitate to launch an attack. The combination of the two mysterious fire turtles really made Huo Hai depressed. The shell of this thing was extremely hard, even if Huo Hai’s attack fell on it, he could only stay. The next very shallow trace.

It’s good to be able to leave a white seal in the gale. It is found that Huo Hai’s attacks are getting stronger and stronger. These two mysterious fire turtles are shrinking more and more in their shells. When attacking, they are mostly used. Profound fire, this kind of flame is very dangerous. In the case that Huo Hai does not use the fire of stars to fight against, every attack can consume a lot of Huo Hai.

"Hmph, I really thought I had nothing to do with you, right?" Huo Hai snorted coldly, taking advantage of the surrounding situation, he launched the Soul Slashing Technique against one of his targets, which is not a normal attack. means.

This thing completely ignored the mysterious fire tortoise shell. Huo Hai just released a flame during the gap of the opponent, and there was no flame to intercept his own soul power. The Soul Slashing Art easily penetrated into the mysterious fire tortoise shell. among.

"Huh, isn't this right?" The profound fire tortoise, who was severely injured by the Soul Slashing Technique, stretched his head out of the turtle's shell in a dazed manner. At the same time, he had no intention of defensive or offensive at all, Huo Hai knew , At this time, the soul of the mysterious fire tortoise has been severely injured by himself, I am afraid that even if he does not attack, it will take several years for this guy to slowly recover.

This is the reason why Huo Hai controlled his attack power. Otherwise, with Huo Hai’s current terrifying mental power, to kill this mysterious fire turtle effortlessly, using the light of the soul to improve, Huo Hai’s mental power has long been reached. Extreme.

While this mysterious fire tortoise had no resistance, Huo Hai withstood the attacks of other mysterious fire tortoises and quickly fell, with a sword pierced into the mysterious fire tortoise’s brain, completely killing it, to kill the fierce beast. , Sometimes it's that simple.

Waving his hand to collect it into the inner space, Huo Hai concocted it, and once again used the Soul Slashing Technique to severely wound another mysterious tortoise. This mysterious tortoise never dreamed that the enemy who had been crushed and beaten by his own race would suddenly Become so powerful, but unfortunately the head dizzy, the next moment is the time of death, after solving these two, it will be easy.

Huo Hai released Longwei and quickly came to a mysterious fire tortoise of the Eleventh Heaven. It was only one level different, but his own combat effectiveness was far worse. Whether it was attacking, reflecting speed, or even defense, it was not good. less.

Huo Hai easily found a flaw, and then a sword pierced into the brain of this mysterious fire turtle. The difference between the spiritual masters at a level was so obvious, otherwise Huo Hai's leapfrog challenge would make so many people Shock.

Without the blockade of masters of the same level, Huo Hai killing these fierce beasts was like playing. It didn’t take long for these low-level mysterious fire turtles that originally besieged Huo Hai to basically die in Huo Hai’s hands. Huo Hai is still interested in collecting the corpses of the spirit emperor realm, but for those mysterious fire turtles that are not even the spirit emperor, Huo Hai has no interest at all.

Maybe after being in the lava for a long time, eventually these corpses will be slowly swallowed by the lava. "Need help." Seeing that the other three battlefields have not ended up to now, Huo Hai asked loudly.

At this time, the other three talents noticed the changes on Huo Hai's side. They didn't expect that within such a short time, Huo Hai would have ended the battle. Everyone was surprised and their eyes changed.

But then I heard the gale yelling: "The mysterious fire tortoise at the pinnacle is no longer necessary. You can help me to dispose of the other mysterious tortoises."

Hearing this, the mysterious fire tortoises who had fallen into a frenzied battle finally reacted. The mysterious fire tortoises who are not at the heavenly level may not have very bright brains, but these mysterious fire tortoises in the realm of the spirits are different, they Being able to understand the gale, naturally also noticed the situation on Huo Hai's side, and his own ethnic group had actually suffered heavy losses in a short period of time.

No matter what these mysterious fire tortoises thought, Huo Hai rushed in front of these mysterious fire tortoises with a flash of figure. At Huo Hai's speed, even if he stopped releasing Longwei at this time, these ordinary mysterious tortoises could still resist. of.

The mysterious fire tortoise of the Eleventh Heaven can resist two or three moves in Huo Hai’s hands. After two or three moves, it can only be killed by Huo Hai. This is the effect caused by Huo Hai’s use of ordinary attack methods. In fact, ten Even if Huo Hai forcibly attacked the tortoise's shell, he could break the tortoise's shell in just a dozen attacks.

The hardness of the tortoise shell would be so much worse with just one level of difference. Perhaps this is the difference between perfect and unsatisfactory. Ten minutes later, Huo Hai has completely wiped out all low-level mysterious fire turtles. .

As for the spoils, it is Huo Hai's own. No one will **** this. At this time, the battle between the three men and their opponents is still incomplete, and they are still fighting, and they are getting more intense.

But at this time the mysterious fire tortoises were completely crazy, and their own tribe was wiped out by these humans. Now even if they are dead, these mysterious tortoises don’t want the humans here to get better. Huo Hai did not go to the battle at this time. After being mixed up, Huo Hai kept searching around the lava lake and found out all the mysterious fire turtles to kill them.

The mysterious fire tortoises who have not reached a certain level dare not enter the lava. "Haha, here are the eggs of the mysterious fire tortoise, this can complete the extermination." Huo Hai found a large number of mysterious tortoises left in a corner. Eggs laid.

In the face of racial wars, no one is soft-hearted. Huo Hai is not the kind of soft-hearted person. His spiritual power was shocked. All the mysterious fire tortoise eggs were completely shattered. "Roar..." The only mysterious fire tortoise left immediately. There was a cry.

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