Evil Insect God

Chapter 1515: Challenge journey

In a blink of an eye, another year has passed. This year, Huo Hai refined a lot of Qi Tempering Pills. Most of the materials were recovered by other people. Huo Hai did not accept these people too much. the benefits of.

But even so, Huo Hai still has a lot of spirits. Huo Hai’s Qi Tempering Pill is really useful for those masters who use swords and other weapons. It may not be very effective for Huo Hai, but for As far as they are concerned, they can refine their sword qi and sword qi to a more powerful level, and when fighting against people, their strength has also improved a lot.

During this period of time, more and more people around the branch hall of the war hall began to practice swords and other weapons. These guys who usually only had combat in their minds finally saw the role of a master alchemist, and the improvement was too great for them.

Some people who are proficient in refining tools are thinking about whether they should study alchemy, even if it is not for making money, they can also help them improve their strength. You know, there are a lot of alchemy in the battle hall.

It took a year for Huo Hai to finally feel that his sword type had reached the limit. With the help of Qi Tempering Pill, the power of his sword energy was increased by 20% again. You know, with Huo Hai’s strength , To be able to increase the power of 20% again, this is how terrifying, if you only rely on yourself, you still don't know how to condense to this level.

It's a pity that Huo Hai can't continue to ascend after reaching the extreme. After such a long time, his spirit worms continue to devour the spirit marrow, Huo Hai discovered that his spirit worms are gradually approaching the twelfth heaven.

In particular, Xiao Jin Xiaodie, who has the fastest improvement, has reached the twelfth heaven at this time, even if it is not much different from his current cultivation base, this is really a huge gain, and it has improved Huo Haiyi invisibly. Great cut combat effectiveness.

Huo Hai did not allow the spirit worm to appear in front of people, but still secretly tried the power of the spirit worm. With the help of the spirit worm, Huo Hai also thoroughly mastered and mastered the only spell that can bless the spirit worm.

Over the past year, Huo Hai has been watching and studying other people fighting. At the same time, Huo Hai has often instructed other people and even played against other people. Therefore, Huo Hai’s improvement this year is not small, of course. , It's just the growth of the law's aura, not the improvement of Huo Hai's cultivation base, the law's aura growth, there is nothing to see at all.

However, in terms of spirit formations, after merging a large number of spirit formations, Huo Hai's comprehension once again improved a lot. Now Huo Hai's body skills are faster, and his sword skills have basically formed his own style, which is no longer the same as before.

With the spirit formation, Huo Hai can improve his swordsmanship and even other combat methods to an incredible level. After a whole year, Huo Hai does not intend to stay here anymore. He is ready to do the fastest Speed ​​up.

Gale and Piaoxu’s injuries had recovered more than half a year ago, and now they have left the hall of the battle hall and don’t know where they went. Qin Ying’s injuries have not yet recovered. , I believe that when it comes out again, it should be improved a lot, but these have nothing to do with Huo Hai.

On this day, Huo Hai finally packed up his things, and then came to the hall of the battle hall to say goodbye, "My deacons, elders, are going to leave the branch hall and go to other major sects to challenge."

Hearing the words, the elder of the battle hall nodded and said: "Yes, as a member of the battle hall, it is originally your responsibility to improve your own cultivation. When you go to other sects, you only need to show the badge of the battle hall. Now, take this map, and some of the forces marked on it, don't provoke them, they are not so easy to deal with."

After taking the map, Huo Hai glanced over and found that at least one-third of the locations above were marked in red. The forces marked in red were very unfriendly to Zhantang, or even hostile forces.

In fact, it is not only the battle hall, these forces are not very friendly to the Golden Tumen, part of it is the power of beasts, and some are other races. The southern region is so complicated, far from being as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

If he gets to these places, Huo Hai is sure that he will be dead. Many forces will not tell Huo Haiduo at all. The Spirit Sage masters will do it directly, "I know, I will leave now." Huo Hai bowed his hand. Salute, but at this time the elder didn't say anything, just waved to let Huo Hai leave. There were too many people in Zhantang leaving every year.

Huo Hai didn’t say much, he left the branch hall of the battle hall, but Huo Hai’s departure caused many experts in the battle hall to sigh with swordsmanship. Without Huo Hai, a brilliant alchemist, their Qi tempering pill Where to find.

Some people are even more depressed. If they let go of their restraint earlier, they would have been able to get the Qi Tempering Pill. Why wait until now, if you lose this opportunity, it will not be so easy to find it in the future. The alchemists in the southern region are not so easy. Less, but the level is usually very low, and there are not many elixirs who can reach the exalted level of elixir.

After leaving the battle hall, Huo Hai didn't even think about it. He directly followed the instructions on the map and came to the nearest fortress. When Huo Hai showed his identity in the battle hall, he received the highest courtesy.

"Your Excellency is here to challenge. Okay, let's take a rest for a day. From tomorrow on, I will find all the people with the best fighting skills here." Obviously, because it is relatively close to the battle hall branch, it is often Being challenged by others, it is no wonder that Huo Hai has been accustomed to this for a long time, and Huo Hai also rested here for a day with peace of mind.

On the next day, starting from the morning, Huo Hai came to a specially prepared clearing area. At this time, there were crowds of people around, and many people determined their distance based on their own strength cultivation base.

Here, you can see the battle of the spiritual masters, but it is what they dream of. Huo Hai is here only to see other people's fighting skills and watch other people's use and understanding of the law.

Therefore, Huo Hai did not directly look for the strongest one, but started to challenge from the masters of Lingzun Yizhong, suppressing the strength to the same level as the opponent, and even completely suppressed the combat power, relying only on the sword and the opponent. Competition, in this way, the battle will not be over for a while, a battle, Huo Hai fought for half an hour.

"Happy, next one." After a series of quick swords pushed the first enemy back, Huo Hai immediately turned his eyes to the next master. The sea also released stronger combat effectiveness.

Huo Hai didn’t even have a rest. He always competed with each other, and used his skills instead of his own cultivation base. Huo Hai’s approach also made the people in the fort admire very much. The most admired in the southern region is not the strong cultivation base. He is a person with superb fighting skills, and Huo Hai's fighting skills convinced everyone in the entire fortress.

The whole battle lasted for three days from the beginning to the end. In the end, those masters, Huo Hai even fought the opponent for several hours, and after fully seeing everything about the opponent, Huo Hai would win.

In the entire fortress, whether it is a master of Lingzun First Heaven or Lingzun’s pinnacle, all the combat skills cannot be compared with Huo Hai, and it seems that Huo Hai’s combat effectiveness has not been fully developed at all. This kind of strength makes the fortress The people among them were eye-opening, and seeing such a battle once benefited everyone a lot.

In the three-day battle, Huo Hai was not only not exhausted, but refreshed. After digesting the battle, his law and aura could definitely improve by a large amount. Such battles can continue as long as they can continue.

Huo Hai believed that it would not take long for him to reach a perfect state. After another day of rest, Huo Hai left the next day and chose a powerful sect that purely practiced swordsmanship. Huo Hai came to challenge again.

"Sure enough, as in the rumors, as long as you don't use despicable means, even if you hit the door directly, you can win the respect of these forces." The characteristics of the southern region made Huo Hai an eye-opener.

Challenges along the way, Huo Hai challenged the sect forces one after another. As the battle continued, the name of Venerable Silver became more and more loud in the surrounding area, and this reputation seemed to slowly sweep the whole The situation in the southern region, especially after Huo Hai used his skills against two masters at the same time, his reputation reached its peak.

At this time, in some places, there have been rumors that Venerable Silver is the number one swordsmanship among the masters of Spirit Venerable realm. This has also led to more and more people coming to challenge Huo Hai. On the road, Huo Hai often meets Challenge to others.

Huo Hai did not hide his way forward, so many people know where Huo Hai is, and they also know the target that Huo Hai will challenge next, and even some forces are still intercepting halfway, hoping to bring Huo Hai down. It seems that failure to be challenged is not a shame, but a kind of glory.

Huo Hai hasn't understood this kind of strange thought until now, but in any case, Huo Hai is still very comfortable now, and in the subsequent battles, Huo Hai feels that his fighting ability is getting stronger and stronger.

The most important thing is that the aura of his own law is growing faster and faster. Huo Hai’s challenge, two years have passed in a blink of an eye, within two years, Huo Hai is about to travel the eastern part of the southern region, and the major forces have also All challenged again.

It can be said that of all the famous forces in the eastern region, there are few Huo Hai that hasn't been to. Some areas where fierce beasts are entrenched have also been wiped out by Huo Hai. In the eastern region, Huo Hai can be said to be in full swing.

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