Evil Insect God

Chapter 1542: Two years promotion

After leaving the Ziyang Gate, Huo Hai did not leave too far, only two years. Two years is nothing to Huo Hai today. If it is accidentally delayed, it would not be great.

However, Huo Hai did not stay near the entrance of Ziyang Gate. After flying for a day, he went to a deep mountain a little farther away. After arriving in the central area, Huo Hai felt that this place was more desolate than the surrounding area, perhaps because of its The area is really too big, and the population is too small. There are many powerful forces here, but it does not occupy too much territory.

Among the eight gates has been unified by a powerful force, at least it can occupy a dominant position, but in the central area, it is not human beings that have the absolute upper hand. There are too many human spirit beasts and various fierce beasts here.

Powerful fierce beasts are all over the ground. Most of the sites are actually controlled by these fierce beasts. Finding a slightly quieter place is not an easy task, Huo Hai sighed.

After killing a fierce beast in the realm of Spiritual Venerable, Huo Hai took over the magpie's nest and occupied the other's nest. After finishing a little bit, he set up his own spiritual formation defense, and Huo Hai stayed here.

Since breaking through the Spirit Saint, I haven’t mastered all of my own skills. My sword type has been initially condensed to the level of Saint level, but it is still a little bit short. Continue to condense, and the power of my sword type will be Even bigger, at that time, Huo Hai could truly leapfrog the challenge, at least facing the Second Heaven's Spirit Saint without any problems.

There are also various battle spirit tactics. At this moment, those who can condense the seeds need to continue to deepen the cohesion, or continue to deduct it. The power of the soul-cutting tactic can only reach the level of spiritual holy. At this level, the effect has begun to weaken. .

Soul crystal wall is a venerable skill, and now it is of no use again. In the future, I have to find a way to continue to find or continue to deduce my soul defense war spirit art, Star Fire and Longwei, this needs to be gradually improved.

With the nine-layer starlight condensing, Huo Hai felt that he could also condense to the third level. As for his own Nine Dragon Strangulation method, Huo Hai felt that it was not enough. When he took time out, Huo Hai had already swallowed the dragon veins, but he could only The dragon shadow was upgraded to nine, unable to continue to improve, the current Jiulong Strangulation can only cause some trouble to the Spirit Sage at best.

Huo Hai felt that the previous ability to absolutely trap and kill the opponent could not do it, unless he was facing a pseudo-spiritual sage or an incomplete spiritual sage, and his own secret method to enhance his spiritual power, now he is at the Saint level, and he cannot continue to use.

The only thing that can be improved is to move the star to change the battle, but to increase the power of the star soul guide, a large number of holy souls are needed. Huo Hai doesn't have that many, this time he is mainly just perfecting his skills.

Huo Hai continued to use his sword to comprehend the power of his own formation. When he reached the level of the spirit saint, the spirit formation still had a great effect on his improvement. Huo Hai's swordsmanship had gradually begun to follow his own spirit formation rules. During the practice, Huo Hai found that with every sword he stabbed, not only the angle became more and more mysterious, but also his sword aura continued to increase.

According to Huo Hai's own special formation using swordsmanship, when Huo Hai's sword aura rises to the strongest, he can increase his sword aura's power by about 10%. This kind of power is already very scary.

You know, this is exactly what the sword technique itself can do, not other means, but when it is used, it needs to fight for a while to slowly increase the sword energy effect, rather than instantly. This is also a defect.

"Perhaps, the spirit array can be integrated into the sword aura to directly increase the power of the sword aura." A light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, as if he had found the next direction. Unfortunately, this approach is not that simple. Qi is an extremely pure power, how can it be integrated with other things, it is not easy to add the spirit array to it.

Huo Hai continued to research, but there were no results. However, Huo Hai's alchemy equipment and other levels have been continuously improved at this time, and his own elixir configuration has also improved his abilities.

In a blink of an eye, two years have passed. Huo Hai's improvement in swordsmanship is really not much, but his own understanding of the spirit formation has risen a little, thanks to the spirit he bought from the battle hall. Array record.

The improvement in cultivation is the most obvious. After two years of absorbing a large amount of Heaven-removing Pills, Huo Hai used the method of wasting things to raise his cultivation to the limit of a heavy heaven. Being able to reach the second heaven, being able to cultivate so fast in the realm of Spirit Saint, Huo Hai can be said to be the only one in the world.

Of course, although the Heaven-removing Pill has played a very important role, the most important thing is that Huo Hai has no bottleneck. Otherwise, even if there is a bottleneck, it will be useless. It is not resources that bother people to improve their cultivation level the most. Is itself.

After so many years, Huo Hai's spirit worms are now close to the completion of the transformation. It is still a bit inaccurate to say that it is a transformation. After reaching the sky level, the bloodline of the spirit worms seems to have broken the limit and reached the peak.

This time, the improvement was mainly not the improvement of bloodline, but the improvement of the law. The light that originally enveloped the spirit worms was not something else, but a kind of control of the law. The spirit worms condensed the law, and Huo Hai But the difference is that their laws are not directly condensed to the inner world barrier, but are constantly adjusted.

Taking Huo Hai’s law as the basis, then blending into the aura of his own law, and then making changes, adding his own law, and slowly adjusting his law pattern. This method makes the power of the spirit insect fit Huo Hai very well.

Even if Huo Hai uses ordinary spells to bless the spirit worms, it will be much better than other worm spirit masters, but this method is not without flaws. The spirit worms are completely attached to themselves and will be restricted by the master.

If the master is strong and the rules are perfect, then the spirit worms’ rules will be stronger than their own. However, once the master’s rules are not complete or even have many defects, then the spirit worms’ rules will be quite poor, even because of reference. The relationship between the spirit worms can't break through to the spirit saint, maybe they can only stay in the spirits realm for life.

Fortunately, his own rules are very complete, and they have reached the point where they can no longer be perfect. When Huo Hai felt all this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After feeling the rules of the spirit insect, Huo Hai was still a little disappointed.

Although the spirit worms refer to their own laws, they still use their own laws, so they need to be adjusted. Therefore, the spirit worms' rule patterns are not as perfect as their own, and they are not a complete sphere.

For example, the rule pattern on the small golden barrier is like a mass of flames, but there are some gaps in it. These gaps will be completely unacceptable when the eleventh-level rule is blessed. This is also a defect. Most people have this kind of defect, and what Huo Hai knows seems to be his own.

Forget it, anyway, there are very few gaps between the lines of Xiaojin's Law. As long as there is no problem with this kind of foundation, it is enough to raise Xiaojin to the realm of spirit gods, and even all the way up. After thinking about this, Huo Hai is relieved a lot.

Xiaodie Xiaoyun and other spirit worms are similar, and they have condensed their own rules and patterns. As long as you wait for a while, after condensing the first law, you can truly become spirit worms in the realm of spiritual sage.

Only Xiaoshui has the slowest speed of a spiritual worm. Until this time, Xiaoshui has just begun to transform into the spiritual holy realm. The whole is composed of a large number of spars. At this time, Xiaoshui is no longer in the shape of a worm, but a large number of spars. It created an enlarged spar shape, and the surrounding laws and auras also began to construct around the whole spar.

Huo Hai knew that this little water itself had no origin, nor did it have a complete inner world. The inner world is usually scattered on all the crystal nuclei, and the laws condensed this time may also be scattered.

Most likely, not every crystal nucleus has only a part of the law pattern, or every crystal nucleus has a reduced complete law pattern condensed. Forget it, the composition of the water is really weird, even Huo Hai. understand.

The previously injured Star Gu has also recovered at this time. However, compared with other Star Gus, the rate of transformation has been slower. The Hexa-winged Array Butterfly, the most injured, has a slower speed. I am afraid it will take some time before the law can be changed. The texture is perfected.

The more his strength improves, Huo Hai feels that he is safer, but at this time, he can't continue to wait here. Counting the time, two years have just passed. It is time for him to take away his own weapons, holy Level weapons, I believe they can increase their strength a lot, at least until the transformation of the spirit worm is completed.

After getting up, Huo Hai tidied himself up a bit, and then untied all the spirit formations around him. This place was not a good place either. After such a long time, there was still no powerful beast coming.

After finishing packing things, Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he flew in the direction of Ziyangmen. When he came, he flew for a whole day, and when he returned, he shortened the time. After all, Huo Hai has both body and cultivation. Promoted.

A day later, Huo Hai saw the gate of Ziyang Gate and slowly fell down. It was the same as when he came last time. Basically there was no change. When Huo Hai came, several gatekeepers at the door shouted loudly. Up.

"Who is the one who came here, report your name, and what happened here." The words are no different from the last time, but at this time, the expressions of these people seem to have changed somewhat, and Huo Hai doesn't know what this means.

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