Evil Insect God

Chapter 1556: rapid development

After finishing packing things, Huo Hai stayed at home for a while, Fang Biya and others stayed with Huo Haiwen for a few days before being ordered to practice hard by Huo Hai, and felt extremely depressed.

Huo Hai didn’t feel very well, after all, his wife was used to love, but in this world, the more you understand, the more dangerous you feel. All the people in the world are piglets raised in the world, of course. Don't think about it for the time being, after all, the origin of heaven and earth has no thoughts, all this is just the instinct of the origin of heaven and earth.

But after learning about the real masters on the Heavenly Spirit Continent, thinking of the infinite lifespan of the Heavenly masters, I don't know how many masters are hiding in the dark. Even Huo Hai has offended many people now, and the situation is not very good.

The stronger the strength, the more precious resources are needed, and the more you compete for these precious resources, the easier it is to engage with other masters. Therefore, Huo Hai can only harden his heart now and let his family work hard to practice.

"Hai, we have all reached the peak. I am afraid that there will be no way to break through in a short time. Why not take a break." Huo Hai has just returned, and they have been practicing for such a long time. They don’t have enough time to stay with Huo Hai every day. Even Fang Biya, the best tempered, complained a bit at this time, not to mention the other sisters.

Huo Hai shook his head: "I don't want to, but time is tight. You must increase your strength in a short time to ensure safety. I didn't think it was right. The Heavenly Spirit Continent is too dangerous."

Perhaps when facing outsiders, Huo Hai would still have reservations, but facing his wife, Huo Hai had no reservations at all. He knew what he knew and told them all, and then slowly explained and enlightened.

"But, but we have reached the peak, and we don't know when we will find the opportunity to break through." Not all people are like Huo Hai. When they reach the peak, they can break through to the Spirit Venerable. The average person breaks through the great realm, but There will be a very big bottleneck. Huo Hai has already thought of this, and naturally he will not be unprepared.

"You have all learned the method of absorbing the power of pill that I gave you." Huo Hai saw that everyone nodded, and then took out a bottle of Heaven-removing Pill: "If this is the case, then take the breath of the law and feel it slowly. ."

After thinking about it, Huo Hai continued: "Well, starting from today, you will attack me every day. With all your strength, fighting can help you break the bottleneck. You are all the people who have gathered two thousand star cores and break through the spirit. There is nothing wrong with respect."

Hearing what Huo Hai said, everyone became depressed again, "Well, since you have said so, we have no opinion." Heavenly Spirit Continent is the best. The wife absolutely obeys her husband's words at home, although Huo Hai Very gentle, but once something is decided, no one else will refute it. In this family, Huo Hai is the master.

This feeling is really wonderful. At the same time, Fang Biya and others have made Huo Hai more pity and love, "I'm really sorry, it's all useless for me. If my cultivation base is higher, I won't let you do this." Tired."

Qu Siyu quickly blocked Huo Hai's mouth: "Husband, don't say that. We all know that the husband is for our good. Besides, only when we reach the heavenly level can we be by our husband's side forever."

There will be no eternal life until the sky level. Others also nodded vigorously. Huo Hai is already a sky level master. If they don't want to be an old man, they can only work hard to break through the sky level and stay with Huo Hai forever.

"Well, let’s not talk about the superfluous. From now on, come on and attack with all your strength, especially Jiaojiao. Your foundation is the worst, and you are a little closer to your own peak. You can only use your full strength to fight. It's the best way to improve your cultivation level." Huo Hai gave an order, and there was a sound of spiritual explosion on the martial arts field.

After so many years, everyone's ability to cooperate has become stronger and stronger. Fang Biya's ice flame is the main attack and containment of the front, and it is extremely powerful. Ji Mu has launched his own speed and kept attacking around Huo Hai.

The one who hates the most is Yun'er, anyway, her brother won’t get hurt, Yun'er simply let go of his hands and feet, and the moon-wheel flower tree that has been cultivated to the top of the prefecture level continuously releases the light of the moon, plus Yun'er's own. The natural spells have formed a restraining ability on Huo Hai that is no less than that of Bingyan. If it weren't for the right plants around, Yun'er would also control it.

Qu Siyu used the method of sound waves to make up all the loopholes in other people's attacks. Feng Jiaojiao was the only one, and his combat effectiveness was a little worse. After all, Feng Jiaojiao's main ability was in alchemy, not in battle.

During the battle, Feng Jiaojiao could only find some loopholes at most, and used her own flames to attack. Not far away, Huo Hai’s apprentices watched with relish outside the martial arts field and kept pointing and pointing. .

It's a pity that ordinary people can't see this kind of battle at all. These little guys see it, but they won't integrate into their own cultivation. This opportunity was wasted. This has caused many people in the Huo family to beat their chests. I can't wait to replace these little guys. No, I can't say that they are little guys. After such a long time, these people's cultivation base has gradually improved.

Lin Ying and Lin Yuan have grown up, one is glamorous, and the other is handsome. Now their cultivation bases have reached the realm of the spirit emperor. If it were not for laying a solid foundation, it would not even be the peak of the spirit emperor. impossible.

In terms of basics, the two little guys will definitely not be worse than their teacher and mother, or even higher, but they are not as inclined in terms of resources as Fang Biya and others. Among these people present, they are probably the only two. Individuals can truly find a lot of things useful to them from the battle at this time and enhance their combat effectiveness.

In the days that followed, such battle scenes would happen almost every day. High-level clan members often came to watch them, but they were only high-level ones. The clan now has many masters in the spirit emperor realm, and what Huo Hai brought back was not for nothing. .

When Yun'er felt the bottleneck breakthrough one day and went to retreat holding some Heaven-removing Pills, the other people entered the retreat one by one in the next few days. Huo Hai knew that and waited until they came out. At the time, it was the moment to reach the realm of Lingzun, and this could also get rid of the embarrassing situation that only Xiaokui is the Lingzun in the family.

After returning from Huo Hai, Xiao Kui took a bunch of Tiantian Pills and went to retreat. It hasn't come out yet. After the last Feng Jiaojiao entered the state of retreat, Huo Hai went to retreat again.

Every day is not to comprehend the spirit formation, is to condense one's own war spirit art, as well as practice to improve one's own cultivation base, even regularly, Huo Hai will disappear for a few days, no one knows where Huo Hai went during this time.

In fact, only Huo Hai knows that he took his spiritual formation to some uninhabited desolate places. Nowadays, there is no golden knife to help him guard, but he has more conscientiousness and contact than the golden knife. The convenient Xiaojin helped guard, Huo Hai was refining Heaven-removing Pill in these places, but he did not dare to refine it too much every time.

After the last loss, Huo Hai finally knew that although the origin of heaven and earth only has instinct, it is still the origin of heaven and earth, and it is the most powerful force between heaven and earth. Once he refines more of the heaven and earth pill, problems will easily occur. .

At that time, when the punishment came down, Huo Hai could only eat and walk around. Therefore, every time Huo Hai made alchemy, it only lasted less than a month, and then left immediately. The next time he made alchemy, there would be a period of time. And after this period of time, Huo Hai will move to another place, anyway, after making alchemy twice, Huo Hai will never be in the same place.

There are more and more Heaven-removing Pills, but Huo Hai’s ability to absorb Heaven-removing Pills is still the same and will not accelerate.

Affected by Huo Hai, the family once again set off a training storm. Not only the family, but also the Sky Star Sect, it’s just that with the help of Huo Hai’s vast resources and various methods, the people of the Huo family have improved. Faster.

In particular, Huo Feng and Huo Hai's father and second uncle have received intensive care. If they want to control the family all the time, it is impossible to have no strength. Their talents are basically impossible to rise to the realm of Spiritual Sovereign voluntarily.

Huo Hai didn’t care either. He could only use battle and medicine to make them use the waste absorption method to improve. Then Huo Hai used his own power to help them break through the bottleneck and improve their realm. This kind of external force broke the bottleneck and forced a breakthrough. The method of this has a great damage to his own foundation, but Huo Hai doesn't care so much at all at this time.

Let them cultivate on their own, even the Spirit Venerable can't reach it, this method of using external force to cultivate, Huo Hai is sure to ensure that they can all reach the Spirit Venerable, anyway, as long as they use the Heaven-removing Pill and spiritual marrow accumulation.

When you reach the Ninth Heaven of the Spiritual Sovereign, you can directly reach the Spiritual Saint with the help of special secret methods. In any case, even this unsatisfactory Spirit Saint is still the Spirit Saint, and the master of the Spirit Saint is in the Heavenly Spirit Continent. Self-preservation.

Time slowly passed. Under Huo Hai’s lash, Huo Feng finally broke through the bottleneck leading to the Spiritual Saint Realm in the third year after Huo Hai’s return, but at this time Huo Feng’s body had almost been tossed to its limit. Huo Hai didn't care either. After breaking through the Spirit Sage, the body was not so important, the inner world was the most important.

After that, it is enough to use the power of the inner world to slowly recover the body. With the protection of Huo Hai's spiritual formation, breaking through the spiritual sovereign is not dangerous at all. Breaking through the spiritual sovereign, outsiders can help.

On this day, Huo Hai suddenly felt an icy breath that exploded suddenly in the distance.

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