Evil Insect God

Chapter 1564: Tian Lian Huo

Although the Spirit Servant had resisted desperately, it didn't take long for the spirit servant to completely disintegrate all the defenses of the Spirit Servant because of the strength gap between the two sides. This was just the sword energy used by Huo Hai to mobilize the surrounding heaven and earth forces.

If it is his own spiritual power that emits sword aura, Huo Hai can kill it in one move. The flame of the spiritual servant dissipates, and the sword aura suddenly sinks into the body of the spiritual servant. Dissipated invisible, the blue-violet flames spread out, but the most essential part sank into the ground and disappeared.

Huo Hai took a thoughtful look: "It turns out that this is the real essence. It seems that after a while, this spirit servant will be reborn." Huo Hai nodded, and that's right. If you use the spirit array to regenerate It takes a lot of time to breed a spiritual servant.

This method of preserving the essence and then resurrecting it can ensure that the spirit servants here will never be cut off. No wonder this ancient ruin can exist for such a long time, it is not just as simple as being strong.

Huo Hai shook his head and once again walked towards the sky-refining fire in front of him. As he approached, Huo Hai was still paying attention to his surroundings. As long as there was any disturbance, Huo Hai would react immediately. Mental power has spread all over the surrounding area. At this time, don't even think that someone can sneak into Huo Hai, but Huo Hai was shocked by the sneak attack just now.

Who could have imagined that the spirit servant here could be completely integrated with the entire space. Before launching the attack, even Huo Hai hadn't noticed that he was sneak attacked by the spirit servant of the realm of Spirit Venerable. Fortunately, it was impossible to hurt Huo Hai at all.

If the next time he was sneak attacked by a creature of the Spirit Saint Realm, and the distance was so close, even Huo Hai would not be sure whether he would survive. Without absolute strength, he would still have to be cautious when doing things.

But this time, there was no movement. Even if Huo Hai grabbed the fire from the sky, he did not encounter any danger. Huo Hai breathed a long sigh of relief. There is only such a guardian spirit servant.

Huo Hai carefully set up a simple spiritual formation around him, and then let some of the Star Gus that he first transformed successfully to come out for warning. After that, Huo Hai himself studied this sky-refining fire, the so-called heaven refining fire, look. It seems to be a kind of flame, but in fact it is not a fire attribute at all. This thing just has a flame shape, and it doesn't feel at all in the hand.

Not only that, but the burning of fire this day gave Huo Hai a very special feeling. This thing didn't seem to have any attributes at all. If he didn't know what this thing was for, Huo Hai wouldn't be sure if it was a phantom.

He shook his head, anyway, let’s try to absorb it first. Thinking of this, Huo Hai didn’t hesitate. He directly inhaled the Heavenly Refining Fire into his body while carefully observing that after the Refining Fire entered his body, he immediately followed As Huo Hai's spiritual veins flowed, he quickly found Huo Hai's inner world and entered it before Huo Hai didn't react.

Huo Hai was shocked and wanted to stop it. Unfortunately, the sky refining fire was too fast, and the inner world barrier didn’t mean to resist. When Huo Hai reacted, the sky refining fire had already entered Huo Hai’s inner world. Among.

But then, Tianlianhuo began to sway, seemingly at a loss. Huo Hai was taken aback, and then some information appeared in his mind. This information is contained in the Tianlianhuo, not a consciousness. Maybe Tianlian. When fire was born, it contained this information, just like a kind of knowledge reserve given by nature between heaven and earth.

"So that's the case, is it so." Huo Hai finally knows what is going on with this thing. Huo Hai can't control the law, so fire can only operate instinctively this day. This is the first time to absorb People who make fire in the sky will encounter it.

The instinctive creatures of Tian Lian Huo will help clear the bottleneck after being integrated into the biological body. Unfortunately, Tian Lian Huo belongs to this secret space. If it is taken out, the Tian Lian Huo will completely dissipate.

Just now Tian Lian Huo wanted to get through Huo Hai’s bottleneck, but he didn’t feel any bottleneck at all, so Tian Lian Huo didn’t know what to do. He could only stay in Huo Hai’s inner world. At this time, Huo Hai Hai just received some information, he began to calculate in his heart, "Yes, my idea is really right, it can be used in this way."

Huo Hai talked to himself for a while, then took out a heaven-recovering pill, quickly absorbed the power of the law, and after wasting most of the power through his own special means, he incorporated the law into his inner world.

The next moment, under Huo Hai's control, this flame approached the position of Huo Hai's Condensation Law. There was no law to directly burn the inner world barrier. Instead, it slowly radiated power and began to burn part of the special aura.

When this breath dissipated, Huo Hai understood that he could continue to devour the Heaven-removing Pill intact to improve, "It's really good. This method of use can save more than directly breaking through the bottleneck." Huo Hai looked surprised. With a smile, Huo Hai naturally knows that for others, breaking the bottleneck is the most important thing and what they need most.

Directly smelt the power of the law. This method consumes less and has a powerful effect, but for other people, any method of upgrading and cultivation can be used, but it is not so easy to break through the bottleneck.

So two completely different methods of use were mastered by Huo Hai. While devouring the Heaven-removing Pill, Huo Hai’s Heavenly Refining Fire was also dissipating bit by bit. It only took less than half an hour for the Heaven Refining Fire to disappear. Disappeared without a trace.

But at this time, Huo Hai had already swallowed a lot of Heaven-removing Pills, and his eyes flickered, "If I can get two more Heaven-Refining Fires like this, it will be enough for me to break through to the Triple Heaven." Huo Hai is very satisfaction.

Such a sky-refining fire may not be a lot to other spiritual sages. Look at the guardian spirit servant next to it, but Huo Hai also understands that such a sky-refining fire is enough for him, and he does not control it. The spirit worm was put away, and Huo Hai directly set off: "Go, let's continue to look for it." Although his perception is strong, it is not easy to sense the fire of heaven here.

On the contrary, releasing these Star Gus to help him find it is the fastest way. Huo Hai doesn't worry that Star Gus will be discovered by other masters. It is obviously not one of the spirit worms in the Spirit Sage realm. Who dares to provoke it casually.

When the Star Gu does not actively provoke other people, no one will take the initiative to trouble the Star Gu. Besides, no one will regard so many spirit worms in the spiritual holy realm as being controlled by an insect spiritualist. With a lot of help from Star Gu, it was really easier to search for treasures. Seeing those in the spirit emperor realm on the road, Huo Hai didn't have any idea of ​​doing it.

These people also knew that it was dangerous here, and they formed teams one after another. Perhaps because the time they came here was too short, no one could discover the existence of Tian Lian Huo, so they could only find people to form teams.

"It's another one, great." It didn't take long for the Star Gus to discover the location of a Heaven Refining Fire, which was in a very secret stone crevice, which can only accommodate one person to enter. , Too much can not make it through.

The stones and the land here don’t know how strong the blessing of the spirit formation has been. With Huo Hai’s current strength, it is not very difficult to break a stone, but if you want to change the terrain, you can’t do it at all, let alone the terrain. , Even if it is a larger earth mountain, Huo Hai's current strength can't destroy it, everything here is too hard.

Entering the crevice of the stone, Huo Hai set up some spiritual formations at will, and then absorbed the Heaven Refining Fire, and then continued to devour the Heaven Refining Pill. This Heaven Refining Fire has no side effects at all, and is most suitable for people like Huo Hai.

After the absorption was completed, Huo Hai continued to search. When the sky darkened and the time of this day was about to pass, Star Gu helped Huo Hai find the third Heavenly Refining Fire, which was still not very large, and the guard still had only the realm of Spiritual Venerable. Before Huo Hai arrived, this spirit servant had been completely annihilated by the Star Gus, and nothing was left.

Huo Hai was also not welcome. He sat down directly and swallowed the Heaven Refining Fire on the spot. After that, he used a lot of Heaven Removal Pills. Anyway, there was something in Huo Hai's hand that he didn't care about any waste.

Their own spirit worms can't be used to refine fire from the sky. As long as these spirit worms break through their limits and improve their cultivation base, they will be affected quickly by their own influence, and Huo Hai doesn't worry about rules.

When another Heaven-removing Pill was swallowed by Huo Hai, Huo Hai’s own aura suddenly swelled by a large amount. The corner of Huo Hai’s mouth twitched slightly, and instead of getting up, he continued to condense the law, Huo Hai. After experiencing it, the third-layer rule pattern is still perfectly spherical, without any flaws or gaps, and it doesn't take time to adjust.

If this is the case, then simply continue to condense his own rules. Huo Hai unceremoniously continued to improve. After the Third Heaven, his combat effectiveness will definitely increase astonishing. I don't know how long it has passed before Huo Hai finally opened his eyes.

At this time, the fire of Tian Lian has been exhausted, and Huo Hai has also stabilized on the cultivation base of the third heaven. After adapting, he quickly became fully acquainted with his own power. As long as he practiced a little bit, he believed that his combat effectiveness would increase by leaps and bounds.

"Hey, the metamorphosis was completed at this time, I don't know if it can be successful." Suddenly, Huo Hai felt that another spirit worm was successfully metamorphosed. This is the six-winged butterfly that was injured before. As for Xiaoshui, I don't know yet. When is it going to be under this kind of starry sky, some of the abilities of the six-winged array butterfly should still be effective, Huo Hai thought.

Anyway, let’s test it first. Such a good opportunity will be hard to find if it is missed. The Six-winged Array Butterfly has reached the first heaven of the Spiritual Sage, and Huo Hai followed by a Heaven-Stopping Pill to help it quickly consolidate its realm. .

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