Evil Insect God

Chapter 1568: Holy Servant

After killing Muyuan, Huo Hai finally let out a sigh of relief. As a spiritualist, he wants to be acquainted with his thoughts. If he can't even get a sigh of breath, how can he practice well in the future? This time, it is too much relief.

Moreover, after killing Muhara, Huo Hai also solved a serious problem. With Muhara’s position in the Mu family, although he could not reach the spiritual sage for the time being, the possibility of reaching the spiritual sage in the future is too high, and Muhara is a person. Huo Hai had also inquired about it, it was an endless trick, knowing that he was okay, he would definitely do it again in the future.

I don't know if this is his habit or hobby. Anyway, if you kill it, you can avoid the trouble of looking for yourself in the future. Now Muyuan is just a spiritual statue, even if he is dead, it will not cause the Mu family to pay too much attention.

A person who has the potential to become a spiritual sage is completely different from a true spiritual sage. There are no number of people who have the potential to become a spiritual sage, but these people can truly become spiritual sages. There are only a few.

Besides, Muyuan died in the ruins. No one knows who used the hand. This time Huo Hai has performed the star harvesting technique for the first time. Let alone Huo Hai before, even the Sky Star Sect has never performed it. This thing is too difficult to understand and practice, maybe for a long time, these people will think this is the ability of the secret realm.

Even if they think that someone is doing it, what can they do? There are so many curses in this world, and similar curses have not never appeared. Who made Kihara offend so many people, death deserves it.

But in the future, I want to remind the people of the Sky Star Sect that when cultivating and using astrology, it is best to be careful not to do something similar to this time. Forget it, it is useless to think so much now.

Huo Hai took a rest, took the six-winged butterfly back, then erased the traces left by his spell, and then left quietly. The direction Huo Hai left was completely opposite to the direction of Muyuan's death. Attracting anyone's attention, as he acted, the Star Gu had completely dispersed, helping Huo Hai find the Heavenly Refining Fire he needed.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Star Gu suddenly sent a message to Huo Hai, “There will be another day to refine the fire, and it’s big, very good. I’ll pass it.” Huo Hai’s eyes lit up and he turned quickly towards He rushed in the direction where Tian Lian Huo was.

When Huo Hai arrived, there was a surprise in his heart. This time, the sky-refining fire was not a strand, but a fireball, a ball as big as a fist. If such a sky-refining fire is absorbed by himself, though I can't immediately raise myself one level again, but it's almost the same. This time I came here and the gain was really not small.

But then Huo Hai got a headache. Because of such a big sky-refining fire, the accompanying spirit servants were definitely not easy. Huo Hai approached cautiously while being alert to the surroundings. When Huo Hai approached the sky to a certain distance, his whole body The force suddenly shook.

At the next moment, Huo Hai’s whole person had already retreated quickly, and where Huo Hai originally stood, a blue-violet bead suddenly appeared, and then the whole explosion exploded. The huge impact force blasted the ground into a big hole. .

It is not an easy task to be able to blast such a big pit on this kind of ground. Everything around is scattered by the wind, and only the fireball is not moving at all. There is no thinking in the fire these days. There is not even much instinct, it can be said that looking at it from a distance is like an ordinary flame.

Huo Hai looked back and saw that a blue-purple monster appeared not far away, "How come most of the spirit servants in this ruin are such things." Huo Hai said to himself, and at the same time tightly Staring at this monster.

This monster was different from the one I saw last time. This time the blue-violet flame formed a lion with a pair of wings behind it. I don't know what the spirit servant was based on.

The blue spirit servant looked at Huo Hai, and there was a trace of murderous in his eyes. It was not easy to make the murderous in his eyes appear. Huo Hai felt that the production of these spirit servants was probably not as ordinary as he thought. , Unfortunately, Huo Hai knew very well about spirit formations, but he was not very good at spirit servants spawned by spirit formations.

Opening his mouth, the flame lion roared silently, and then rushed towards Huo Hai. The terrifying coercion instantly enveloped Huo Hai, "Spirit Saint Realm, Spirit Saint Triple Heaven." Huo Hai immediately Just judged it.

The cultivation base is the same as his own, and he is also an opponent who can leapfrog the challenge. Thinking of this, Huo Hai's eyes can't help but brighten up. He is really a good opponent, and Huo Hai's fighting intention at this time is thoroughly stimulated.

He didn’t use any spirit insects either. Huo Hai’s heart moved, and the long sword in his hand had already appeared. At this time, the long sword had been cultivated by Huo Hai to the level of the second-tier holy level. The sword aura was diffused, and the power was greatly improved. A group of silver-white flames burned, and the purple aura in it became bigger and bigger, already occupying part of the flame.

This is Huo Hai's star fire, or it can be said to be a kind of star fire that has undergone a little mutation. The flame covers the whole body, and it is the best method to defend against flame attacks.

Don't look at this lion's attack with his own body, but in fact this spirit servant has no real entity at all. The whole body is made of a very special blue-violet flame, so every attack is a flame attack.

Dodging an attack, Huo Hai slid a sword across the body of the spirit servant monster. The sharp sword aura was very dangerous. Even this kind of spirit servant still left terrifying scars on his body, which did not heal for a long time.

The spirit servant didn't seem to feel anything, just opened his mouth, and a ball of fire shot directly at Huo Hai. Huo Hai was not to be outdone. The same ball of fire shot back. If you talk about the extent to which he uses his flames, Huo Hai The self-confidence is definitely not worse than this lion. The two fireballs collided, and then there was a violent explosion, and the two canceled each other out.

"Huh, I want to try to play fire with me, even if you are a spirit servant." But at this moment, a blue-violet bead flew out of the explosion flame, and Huo Hai was startled. The attack started.

Huo Hai, who was too late to dodge, could only stab him with a sword. Under the urging of the sword aura, the beads exploded directly. With a "boom", Huo Hai's body was pushed back several steps. At the same time, Huo Hai The sea also felt his arm tingling.

"What a powerful spirit servant, it seems that it can't be cleaned without any means." This kind of spirit servant is not so easy to kill, especially this kind of body is made of special flames, even if the head is cut off, Definitely able to kill, Huo Hai is not worried, this time Huo Hai also wants to test his own strength.

The lion rushed over again. This time Huo Hai did not continue to attack actively. He moved quickly under his feet, dodge the attack of the spirit servant, and at the same time the long sword in his hand was swiping quickly, not knowing what he was gesturing.

I don't know how long it has passed, Huo Hai suddenly smiled: "It's done." Following Huo Hai's words, a peculiar spirit formation flashed around Huo Hai's body, and under the blessing of the spirit formation, a large amount of sword energy quickly emerged out of thin air. , And then gradually integrated into Huo Hai’s own long sword. This time, Huo Hai’s sword aura was much stronger than before.

Avoiding the attack of the lion, Huo Hai condensed to the extreme sword energy, facing the lion spirit servant is a sword. Upon seeing this, the lion instinctively condensed the flame, forming a layer of defense all over his body. You know, before Huo Hai The attack can only barely break open.

But this time it was different. With the blessings of the spirit formations around Huo Hai, Huo Hai's long sword easily cut this layer of defense, and under one sword, the lion was cut in half from the middle.

Immediately afterwards, Huo Hai's movements kept moving, and the long sword in his hand quickly traversed one after another wonderful trajectory. If you look at it together, you will even find that this trajectory itself is also a very special spiritual formation. The speed is getting faster and faster, the sword aura is getting stronger and stronger, all the sword shadows become one piece, almost instantly completed.

When Huo Hai took the sword, the flame lion had stopped, motionless, the next moment, countless cracks appeared in the flame lion's body, gradually expanding, covering the flame lion's body.

The flame lion did nothing. The whole body slowly dispersed from the position of the crack and turned into a large fragment. Then, these fragments burned a raging flame, and finally dispersed into the air, a purest flame. He sank directly into the ground and waited for the resurrection in the future. At this moment, Huo Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In an instant, Huo Hai had already exploded his full combat power. If it didn't work this time, Huo Hai could only use spirit worms. Long Wei was of no use to this monster.

As for the Nine Dragon Strangulation, after reaching the Spirit Saint, Huo Hai has discovered that this does not seem to be a killer move anymore. As for the follow-up improvement method, Huo Hai has a little idea, but has not tried it yet.

Slowly condensed his breath. After this battle, the emptiness that Huo Hai had after breaking through the Spirit Sage finally dissipated. Huo Hai has realized that he still has many shortcomings. Only a three-dimensional spiritual servant can If you push yourself to this level, if you don't work hard to improve your own strength, you will probably lose the qualification for leapfrog challenges in the future.

Huo Hai walked to the front of Tian Lian Huo, reaching out to take Tian Lian Huo into his hand, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt a fierce attack rushing towards him, and Huo Hai was shocked. , Quickly dodge.

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