Evil Insect God

Chapter 1570: Blood lotus blooming

The power of this insect beast's self-detonation is stronger than Huo Hai imagined. Huo Hai had only an inference at the beginning. How could this power be imagined before seeing it.

A good shield was completely torn apart, and the defensive barriers on his body shattered one after another. Even Huo Hai’s robe was mostly damaged at this time. Now I am afraid that those who are not very familiar with their own breath will have them in front of them. He may have recognized himself, Huo Hai is also a little depressed, the movement is too loud, it seems that too much time cannot be wasted.

This spirit worm exploded itself, which was almost greater than the fluctuations produced by the high manual hand of the Spirit Saint Nineth Layer. The explosion has never been precisely controlled. An explosion is an explosion. All the power is vented at the same time.

"Damn it, this old guy is really not that easy to deal with." When the smoke cleared, Huo Hai's expression was not good. Although Qingyun was very embarrassed, his skin was exposed, scorched black.

The clothes all over his body were broken, blood was flowing continuously, and most of his hair was burned. The bones of the previous fairy wind were missing, and he looked more like a beggar refugee. At this time, Qing Yun's face was even more black, but he was so dark. Shi's face was originally scorched, so he couldn't see anything, but anyone could see the infinite murderous intent in Qingyun's eyes.

Qingyun held a tortoise shell in his hands. This golden tortoise shell was emitting a faint light at this time, but it was already covered with cracks. A gust of wind blew the tortoise shell completely without a trace, and nothing was left.

The power of the explosion just now was enough to kill Qing Yun directly. It seems that Qing Yun used this tortoise shell defense to withstand this explosion. This kind of old monster who has lived for so many years is not easy to deal with.

"Boy, you are the first to push the old man to this level. The old man doesn't want to kill you anymore. The old man wants to catch you and torture you severely, letting you know how serious the sins you have committed." Qingyun was completely crazy at this time, his image, his injuries, and his own life-saving methods were not important anymore.

The most important thing was Huo Hai. Huo Hai was able to upgrade from a little guy who had no power to fight back to a master who almost killed himself in such a short period of time. This ability is really terrifying.

Qingyun absolutely does not allow this kind of enemy to continue to exist, otherwise the entire Azure Palace will suffer an unimaginable disaster. This time, even if you are struggling with serious injuries and fighting your own cultivation base to no longer rise, you must also do it. Caught.

Perhaps, the secret of Huo Hai's body can make himself and the entire Azure Palace to a higher level. No matter who it is, it can be seen that Huo Hai's body has a secret. Otherwise, how can it be achieved in a casual cultivator? At this level, even the top genius cultivated by the top sect could not do this. In Qingyun's heart, fear and greed occurred at the same time.

Huo Hai was also shocked in his heart. He didn't kill this old guy once in a self-detonation, and then there was no way for the remaining self-destruction beetles. With defense, and Qingyun's speed, it was not easy to sneak attack.

Just when Huo Hai was about to summon his spirit worms desperately, a strange aura suddenly appeared in the air. A blood-red flame continued to burn, and eventually grew rapidly. Soon, the fireball exceeded the size of the basin.

Almost before it was allowed to flow, the blood flames condensed and bloomed, and a special blood lotus made of blood flames formed in the air. The next moment, countless compressed blood flame petals were blown away by the wind, drifting towards the two people below. No, did it really attract other people's attention?" Huo Hai knew that the person who did it this time was more troublesome than Qingyun.

The figure quickly retreated, and Huo Hai didn't care about exposing anything at this time. With a move in his heart, the Star Gu that had been hidden around quickly wrapped Huo Hai, and the space power instantly condensed, adding a powerful defense to Huo Hai.

There are thousands of Star Gus, even though each of them has only the First Heaven, but the condensed space barrier is still strong to the limit. The petals continue to fall on the barrier, burning and eroding, but they can't break through this layer of defense.

Compared with Huo Hai, Qingyun is not very comfortable. Qingyun's cyclone defense is also very strong, but it can't be pervasive. There are often blood and fireworks floating, and when it comes into contact with Qingyun's body, Qingyun's face will change drastically. Obviously, these blood flames make Qingyun very uncomfortable, and Huo Hai himself will use blood flames, and of course he understands the terrorist attack ability of this thing.

"Damn it, who the **** is it?" Huo Hai was startled, and a blood-red flame was already burning in his left hand. This is a sign of the blood flame dragon's move. It is better to deal with blood flame things. some.

"Bold, the blood **** teaches the blood lotus saint to come, not to welcome it." A crisp voice sounded, and a petal of petals floated in the air, and then a huge red shadow came slowly against these petals.

This is a huge blood-colored lotus-shaped car wheel. No, it should be said that this car wheel itself is a blood-red lotus flower. It is a material of superior quality. I don’t know who cultivated it. Around him, there are four maids who are planting petals. Each of these four maids has reached the cultivation base of the Third Layer of Spirit Saint.

The blood lotus saint among the chariots has a more powerful aura, reaching the level of the sixth heaven of the spiritual sage, and still in the peak state. This is a real spiritual sage, not a pseudo-spiritual sage or an incomplete spiritual sage. , This coercion is terrifying.

Huo Hai was a little helpless. Faced with this blood lotus saint, Huo Hai had no idea of ​​resisting at all. His current cultivation base is really too bad. The gap in cultivation base cannot be made up by any means, even if he uses all of them. The spirit worms, I am afraid that at most, they can fight the opponent and hurt both sides, and most of them are killed by themselves and injured by the opponent.

But if this person is really scorching, Huo Hai can only fight for it. I believe that with Qingyun, there is still a little resistance. Qingyun said it is also a seventh heaven, although it is not satisfactory.

"Blood God Sect..." Hearing this name, Qing Yun's performance was even worse than Huo Hai's expression. His expression was ugly to the extreme. Both the Blood God Sect knew that this was a semi-hidden force in the north of the central area of ​​the Heavenly Spirit Realm. , The power can only develop in the north.

However, Huo Hai knew that the blood **** sect was very powerful, and it was definitely not worse than the Ziyang Sect. There must also be masters in the spiritual **** realm hidden in the sect. Such a sect, Tianqing Palace would not dare to offend it. The opponent's strength is stronger than his own, Qing Yun didn't even dare to say a heavy word, "Since the saint of the Blood God Sect is here, I will naturally not fight for it."

Looking back, Qing Yun said loudly: "But this person in front of you, I hope your Highness will not interfere." Qing Yun looked at Huo Hai. At this time, Qing Yun's biggest goal was Huo Hai, not the sky-refining fire that might improve him.

Hearing this, Saint Blood Lotus finally noticed Huo Hai next to her, but the moment she saw Huo Hai, her eyes changed, and then she turned her head calmly, "You can go now. "The voice of the saint blood lotus is very calm, she has no scruples about Qing Yun's thoughts. Hearing this, Qing Yun was stunned for a while, some of which could not react.

"His Royal Highness, don't you want the sky to refine the fire? The sky is there to refine the fire. I only want this kid, and I will never delay your business." Qingyun was a little confused, wondering if the saint was wrong. words.

The saint blood lotus snorted coldly: "Hmph, didn't you hear what the palace said? Get out of here." With this sentence, the saint blood lotus waved her hand, and a blood-red flame burned quickly. .

The blood-red red lotus formed by the blood flames shot directly at Qingyun. Unexpectedly, the saint of blood lotus said that she would do it. She was indeed a person from the blood **** sect. She was unreasonable. Qingyun had no choice but to Dragging the injured body, forcibly issued a whirlwind, but in front of the blood lotus, Qingyun's whirlwind was quickly breaking through.

"Puff" a mouthful of blood was spit out, Qing Yun exhausted all his strength and finally separated herself from the blood lotus lock. Seeing that the blood lotus turned around and was about to attack again, Qing Yun's face suddenly turned pale.

Taking out a wooden stick, Qingyun broke it with a distressed look. The next moment Qingyun was wrapped in a violent wind, and the speed increased several times. "Boy, wait for the old man. Sooner or later, the old man will take your head." Qing Yun's figure disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye. Qing Yun, who was so powerful that he couldn't fight, was defeated so easily.

Although Qingyun has been injured, it is impossible that he has no fighting power. The blood lotus saint in front of him is indeed not something he can deal with. Huo Hai arched his hands and said, "I'm leaving now." With that, Huo Hai was about to leave.

The saint blood lotus glanced at Huo Hai, opened her mouth, but said nothing, then the saint blood lotus said to the people around him: "Let's go, too." The four surrounding maids widened their eyes. With a surprised face, the saint came here to get the sky-refining fire here, to break her own bottleneck, how could such a big sky-refining fire be in front of her, but the saint gave up.

"Did you not hear what I said." The words of the blood lotus saint rang again, and the surrounding maids changed their expressions and quickly lowered their heads to admit their mistakes. After that, they did not look at Huo Hai, and continued to plant petals on the road, controlling the chariot. go away.

Huo Hai, who was about to leave, immediately felt strange for a while. What was going on? Was this saint of blood lotus just here to show her face? She had attacked herself before, so why gave up.

Huo Hai was a little surprised, but when he was sure that the blood lotus saint had really left, Huo Hai did not want to hesitate. The movement here is already very big and will soon attract more people. Since there is a day of burning fire in front of him, then Can not give up.

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