Evil Insect God

Chapter 1582: Earth-shattering

As the first person took action, more and more people attacked below. In any case, the death of a spiritual saint was a major event, not to mention that the spiritual saint died in his own home.

Today, if the people who sneaked into the sect cannot be caught, the face of their Tianqing Palace will be lost. Such a big movement, they don’t believe that they can hide it. At this time, most of the top masters in the sect are already When I came here, how many of them were connected to other big sects, even the Azure Palace itself didn't know.

Today's events will definitely become the laughing stock of Azure Palace. Azure Palace is not without enemies. On the contrary, they have many opponents. Otherwise, how could so many spiritual masters only control a nearby area.

"Come out to me, you have been discovered by us. It's no use continuing to hide inside." After the people outside completely lifted the ground, they looked inside carefully. There was a dim figure below. .

However, Huo Hai hides behind him at this time. Across the defensive barrier of the treasure here, he will not be able to hurt Huo Hai for a while. Of course, for the sake of face, these people must catch Huo Hai and clarify all the news about Huo Hai. Even the people who might exist behind him were also found out. Otherwise, how could the Azure Palace be mixed in the Heavenly Spirit Realm in the future.

Huo Hai sneered: "The strength of the Azure Palace is really strong, and this welcome ceremony is really grand." Things can't be avoided at this level, even if Huo Hai doesn't want to pursue it, they can't do it.

"Boy, you are lucky. You can see the great power of our Azure Palace. Apart from the absence of a spiritual god, our Azure Palace is not afraid of any power." An elder said to Huo Hai with a proud face. Of course, his actual purpose was to tell other sect disciples to listen to, so his voice was not concealed at all.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the original disciple of the sect who was a little flustered and at a loss immediately settled down. Yes, his sect is so powerful, how can these clowns be able to deal with it, and the morale of everyone suddenly rises. .

Huo Hai sneered in his heart. Others didn’t know. Would he not know? The spiritual sages of the Azure Palace are just some unsatisfactory spiritual sages. There are really a few peak spiritual sages with special methods. The destruction of Azure Palace is not impossible.

As for the other sects, who knows whether it will use the method of Nine Turns to Break the Holy Spirit as the main secret method like Tianqing Palace. Although the spiritual saint cultivated by this secret method is not very strong, it is in the large number of people and With the accumulation of time, it is natural to create a lot of masters, and God knows how many forces exceed the Azure Palace.

Huo Hai didn't say much, but looked around the sky: "You have a lot of masters in Azure Palace, I don't know how many have come." In Huo Hai's perception, there are seven or eight thousand spiritual saints. It's really scary.

With so many spiritual saints gathered here, if they attack at the same time, Huo Hai is sure that as long as they are not the spirit gods, no one will want to resist it, no matter how many methods are available, the reason why these people don't rush to do it is that because this.

The Sovereign of the Azure Palace snorted coldly: "Boy, now I still want to inquire about the secrets of our Azure Palace, but it’s okay to tell you, anyway, you can’t escape, except for the spiritual saint who went out in the Azure Palace, Most of them are here now. The spiritual saints here are more than ninety-nine percent of my sky blue palace, and the spiritual sages are also above ninety percent.

This is also not for Huo Hai, but to other people around him. The gathering of so many masters, such a huge momentum, which is not usually encountered at all, make full use of this incident. Is the key.

"So that's the case, if that's the case, then I'm relieved." Huo Hai muttered to himself, and then began to continuously improve his spiritual power. All spiritual power has been turned into his own defense. By now, it has reached With the five-layer starlight defense, the defensive ability is much stronger than before, but even so, Huo Hai still dare not neglect.

A large number of scrolls were torn apart by Huo Hai, and Huo Hai was firmly protected by layers of spiritual defense, but at this moment Huo Hai still did not feel the slightest sense of security, because next, Huo Hai will All these people were wiped out.

Without any means, how could Huo Hai dare to do this? Although there are many spiritual saints here, there are seven or eight thousand, but most of the spiritual saints are not very high, and these spiritual saints are still some incomplete spirits. Saint.

Usually because the distance is too far and too scattered, it is not easy to deal with. Today these people are all gathered together. It is a good time for Huo Hai to do something. The masters of the Azure Palace also felt Huo Hai's movements: " Boy, don't waste your energy, even if you try your best, can you still resist our attack?"

Huo Hai’s defensive behavior made these people sneer. Huo Hai’s defense is indeed strong, even if they are far from reaching it, but what is the use of such a defense? In the face of absolute numbers, it will not work at all. .

Huo Hai sneered, "I'll know if it's useful or not. Anyway, it's not used to deal with you." When the last scroll was torn open, Huo Hai sneered. At this time, the masters of Azure Palace felt a little bit. Something is wrong.

The next moment Huo Hai suddenly released three huge beetles. Within the scope of the inner space, as soon as Huo Hai’s beetles appeared, they appeared in the crowd. The people in the Azure Palace were startled and then relieved. .

"Hmph, just a few insects and beasts, do you really think this thing can deal with us." The beetle's aura is very strong, but it is only the Spirit Saint Third Heaven. They can easily kill them with one attack. At this time, many people who had reacted had condensed their own attacks and attacked these beetles.

If he is really hit by these attacks, Huo Hai is certain that his beetle will definitely die instantly, but there is enough time to buffer it, "Blast me." Huo Hai gave an order, and then took out two shields.

The shield wrapped Huo Hai firmly. In the next moment, three beetles had already exploded. The power of the explosion of only the three-dimensional beetles shocked everyone because people who were very close had discovered that these beetles had exploded. The power of, actually has reached the effect that a normal Spirit Saint Nine Heavenly Attack can achieve, and the range is very terrifying.

It's a pity that people like them are just not far in front of them at this time. Many spiritual saints have been involved in them for the first time. The power of self-detonation completely tore these spiritual saints to pieces, and they have not had time to dissipate spirits. Power is also involved.

After these violent spiritual powers entered, they further aggravated the horrible power of self-detonation. The explosions continued to sweep around. More and more spiritual saints were involved in it, and more and more people died. At the same time, because of these The spiritual power left behind after death, the power of the explosion is also getting more and more terrifying, no one thought that under this situation, Huo Hai dared to fight back.

What was even more unexpected was that the mere blew beetle could produce such a terrifying power, even Huo Hai himself did not expect this situation, the rune was portrayed by himself, but Huo Hai did not experiment at all.

Moreover, the three beetles exploded at the same time, and the distance was still very close. After this power was fused, the power that erupted even reached the attack effect issued by the Tenth Heavenly Spirit Saint. This attack was not a single attack.

The head of the Azure Palace, the Great Elder and others, who were not far away, were also involved in it for the first time. Before they even had time to unlock the spiritual shield, they had been torn apart their inner world by the violent power.

The explosion happened very quickly. All of this was just a moment. After the far away Lingsheng discovered this, his face changed suddenly, "Damn it, run." These people were very fortunate at this time, but fortunately their curiosity. It's not that heavy, and the distance is relatively long, otherwise, I'm afraid it is myself who will die at this time.

But soon, these people were desperate, because they discovered that just now, in order to capture Huo Hai, Zongmen had completely opened the surrounding defensive spirit formations. This layer of defensive spirit formations was the biggest obstacle to their escape. .

"No, how could this happen, let me go." The crazy spirit saints desperately attacked the barrier. Unfortunately, this kind of attack can only be carried out once or twice, and the explosion speed behind is definitely not slow, and it will soon be chased. Come up.

Before they could continue to attack, these people were drawn into them by violent forces. Their bodies were like broken leaves, fluttering in the wind, and then torn to pieces by the violent forces. Not to mention their bodies, even the inner world could not resist. With this terrifying coercion, while the inner world shattered, their souls turned into dots under this force.

Because of the occlusion of the defensive barrier here, the power of this explosion is limited to a certain area. When the explosion is fully unfolded, the violent power erupts with more terrifying destructive power.

All the people under the Spirit Sage were shattered for the first time, and none of them survived. Even if they were retreats in some special places, they were torn apart with the protection of the spiritual circle and quickly became this one. Part of the amount of violence.

During the explosion, the main hall of the mountain was instantly destroyed, and then turned into gravel. It didn’t take long for the entire mountain to be invisible even with a larger stone. The main body of the mountain below was also constantly broken under this force. Shattered, the surrounding barrier is constantly shaking, as if it might be completely destroyed at any time.

Huo Hai was also uncomfortable at this time. Although he used the spiritual defense in the treasure room to resist it, because the distance was too close, a terrifying force was applied to him, and Huo Hai felt spiritual power in the first place. Stagnant.

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