Evil Insect God

Chapter 1592: track

That night, Zhang Yan and Mo Kong made an excuse and ran out secretly to pass the incident back to the sect. This time there is a spiritual master from the Yuan Lingzong who is coming, but it is not the two of them who can intervene. of.

It’s not impossible for those masters to kill the two of them directly, as long as it can be guaranteed that after death, the information will not be sent back to the sect. Yuan Lingzong, as a super-class sect, still has these skills. .

Therefore, this matter requires the intervention of the Lingxianmen. After the two of them finished everything, they returned to their room, everything was the same as before, and the two who had spoken before were also back in the cultivation state. , Did not find out what he had done before, Huo Hai was very satisfied with all this.

He didn't continue to do it, but kept watching these people in secret. As time passed by, this group of people really seemed to be playing here. Wherever there is fun, these people will go somewhere.

Even sometimes, Yuanfeng would take some people directly to hunt for the beasts. This is also a special way of playing in the Heavenly Spirit Continent. It is just for fun to hunt these intelligent things, which makes Huo Hai a little confused. , But forget it, anyway, Huo Hai has never regarded these wise beasts as real intelligent creatures.

Huo Hai watched these guys, watching these guys play for more than three months, and within three months, Huo Hai also discovered some secret auras around him. Although very secretive, he was always in Huo Hai. Under his attention, I still found it.

Some of them should be members of the Yuan Lingzong. The secrets of the Yuan Lingzong and the Lingxian Clan are different, and the aura on the body is slightly different. A large part of the Lingxian Clan is born with natural spirits instead of giving up the body. Afterwards, these natural spirit bodies are all the souls left behind after the death of creatures, and finally formed after special transformations.

Huo Hai did not act rashly, but was more careful to hide himself. On this day, Yuanfeng finally said to the two of them: "After playing for such a long time, it is time for us to separate. The two will have a period later."

Zhang Yan said, "Where is Master Yuan, if there is something to do, then the two of us won't bother." Yuanfeng had already said to two people before that Yuanfeng would go to see an elder after playing.

However, this senior's personality is not very good, and he doesn't like outsiders going. Once he finds an outsider, he will kill him without saying a word. Therefore, Yuanfeng said that he can't take two people with him. "The two of you will go back first, and we will do it later. Go back, and when we return to our own area, I will invite the two to drink again." The identities of the two parties are equal to each other.

Zhang Yan is not polite: "Where, how can you make Young Master Yuan spend your money? It should be our invitation. Okay, the two of us don't disturb Young Master Yuan. Goodbye." After the two of them finished speaking, they turned around. go.

Yuanfeng looked at the direction the two were leaving, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes: "Huh, these two idiots, okay, let's go, these two people followed us for a circle, I believe no one will find us this time. Action."

After speaking, Yuanfeng didn’t look back, and left here with his own men. They were going to meet with the spiritual masters sent by the sect, and then to the secret realm. Yuanfeng’s mission was to mislead, otherwise so many spiritual sages would leave. Zongmen, it is easy for someone with a heart to look at it, so even if someone with a heart doubts, it is impossible to notice Yuanfeng here.

After leaving, Zhang Yan and Mo Kong were even more disdainful in their eyes, "Huh, I still want to hide from us and treat us as chess pieces, so we must have the consciousness of being backlashed. I said, brother, this time we must find a way to improve to the spirit. Holy realm."

Upon hearing the words, Zhang Yan said: "Don't talk nonsense, our main purpose this time is for the sect, and then we can do something for ourselves." Zhang Yan winked and warned Mo Kong not to talk nonsense. At this time, I don’t know how many sect masters are hiding around, and it’s not good if you say something that shouldn’t be said.

Mo Kong nodded quickly: "I was wrong. Zongmen is the most important thing." The two have stayed together for many years. The tacit understanding between each other is very deep. Zhang Yan gave Mo Kong a look. I know what it means.

Soon, a figure appeared in the sky, greeted the two of them, and then hid them together. Needless to say, these people are from the Lingxian Sect. The masters of the Lingxian Sect hidden in the dark did not immediately do it. , But quietly followed Yuanfeng and the others, without showing up, the secret method of Lingxianmen was even more weird, and Yuanfeng and the others did not discover at all.

"Well, let's get things done, we'll set off when we're done, and it's about to begin." An old man suddenly appeared in the air, and then asked Yuanfeng that this person is also a spiritual saint, so Yuanfeng naturally did not dare to be scornful.

"It's done. I believe Lingxianmen should not doubt me now." Yuanfeng didn't dare to talk nonsense. He had not become a spiritual sage. When facing the elders of Zongmen Lingsheng, he still had to Be humble, don't think Yuan Feng is usually pretty dull, but who can be cultivated as an heir is that simple.

The old man nodded: "Very well, in that case, let's set off." The old man hid himself, hiding Yuanfeng in the same way. As for the others, he didn't even think about showing up.

However, the hiding of Yuanfeng and the others still contained a little flaw after all. Besides, Huo Hai had left a bit of his own aura on Yuanfeng's body before, otherwise, I am afraid that he would really lose them at this time.

Afterwards, these people's action routes were very strange and complicated, and they kept changing directions, making it unclear what they were doing, and how they did not know how Lingxianmen kept up with them. Huo Hai could clearly feel that Lingxianmen I haven't lost track of it all the time, this is what my own perception tells myself, although Huo Hai still doesn't know where the people from Lingxianmen are.

It was another week that these people wandered almost half of the eastern region, avoiding the locations of all first-class and above forces along the way, and finally stopped in a deep valley on this day.

"It's really secret, it's no wonder that no one has been able to discover it for such a long time." Huo Hai explored this deep valley, and found no strange fluctuations, even on the map, there were no special signs.

Huo Hai checked carefully and found that this place didn't even have a powerful beast. "Elder Ke, I don't think there is anything special here, it's very ordinary." Yuanfeng followed the group of people and suddenly appeared. In this deep valley, in addition to Yuanfeng, there are some spiritual masters, but a large part of them are in the realm of spiritual sage.

These spiritual saints, the strongest even reached the sixth heaven, that is, the elder Ke, he is the team leader this time.

"Hmph, ordinary. That's because you have no knowledge. Didn't you find that this is a place where souls gather? The souls of the dead creatures around will be slowly attracted to gather here, and finally enter the secret realm."

Hearing this, Huo Hai carefully let go of his perception and avoided all the people here. After a long time, Huo Hai finally discovered the special place here, because the movement of the soul is too slow and secretive, so not found.

The perception of fierce beasts is very special. They don’t know what’s going on here, but they can feel that this place is not a good place, so they instinctively stay away from this place. Even if it’s a heavenly fierce beast, they don’t want to come to this place. Therefore, such a special place remained desolate here until one day, it was discovered by a senior of the Yuan Lingzong.

Elder Ke whispered: "Since we discovered this secret realm 100,000 years ago, it has been hidden until now, and we have never let outsiders know that this secret realm is the root of our Yuan Lingzong's strength, so you should pay more attention to it."

This secret realm belonging to the spirit body is opened every 10,000 years. It is really his own luck to be able to encounter it. Huo Hai knows that his luck is not able to encounter this kind of secret realm, because in the entire heavenly spirit realm, there are tens of thousands of such things. There are many special secret realms that can be opened once a year, and such secret realms can always be opened almost every few years.

The luck that Huo Hai said was that when he discovered that a secret realm existed, he just caught up with the opening time, and in this secret realm, there are things that are very useful to him, but these spirits, I am afraid that he will not let him get it so easily. .

In the distance, Huo Hai felt a slight fluctuation in the space. This position should be the person at the Lingxian Gate. Needless to say, the person at the Lingxian Gate was also very excited when he heard this, and even almost exposed himself. .

Elder Ke did not find out, but went on to say: "Unfortunately, the soul essence inside can only help people below the seventh heaven to ascend and reach above the seventh heaven, and the soul essence here has no effect. You are all sects. The elites of the door, I hope you can improve at least one level here, do you all understand."

Elder Ke scanned the surroundings majesticly, and everyone didn't dare to look at Elder Ke. As a spirit body, the speed of ascension was very slow. In the early stage, it might be able to improve quickly by devouring the soul.

Even at the realm of Lingzun, it is still possible to consume a lot of souls to achieve the effects that other life-and-death battles can achieve, but after reaching the Lingsheng, the improvement is slower and slower. It is not that their absorption capacity has deteriorated, but It is the souls who do not have the spiritual holy realm for them to absorb. With the spiritual body itself, it is not easy to master the law.

It is conceivable how important such a secret realm is to the spirit body. At this time, all the spirit bodies in the valley flashed fiery eyes, staring closely at the end of the valley.

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