Evil Insect God

Chapter 1597: Cursed Needle

In Elder Ke's incredible gaze, his trick was actually shattered. You must know that his trick is very scary, and in terms of spirit, he doesn't think anyone can easily crack it.

But today, when facing the opponent's long sword of spiritual power, his unique skill was directly shattered directly, and the opponent's long sword continued to rush towards him, and the terrifying attack completely enveloped him.

The next to Lingxianmen master first discovered the error, waved a ball of mental power and shattered Huo Hai’s weakened long sword on the spot. Huo Hai’s mood at this time also became serious, "Damn, If it weren't for this kind of place, why would I be afraid of these two guys." Huo Hai is here, and his spirit worms can hardly be used.

The only Fluttershy who can use it is almost the same as herself. She and Fluttershy can have the upper hand against the two people in front of them, but if you add other people, it won't work. This kind of secret realm has too much influence on her.

Forcibly using spiritual power, it will be weakened to the extreme by the power of the secret realm. I am afraid that it will not have much impact on the masters of the spiritual holy realm. Thinking of this, Huo Hai has already understood that in this kind of place, he is definitely not the two. It seems that the opponent of the sect teamed up can only temporarily withdraw, and it is not what Huo Hai wants to waste time here.

At this moment, people from far away came here one after another, faintly forming an encirclement facing Huo Hai. Huo Hai also saw Zhang Yan and Mo Kong at this time. I don’t know why, but I saw these two people Huo Hai. Is in a very bad mood.

Having reached the realm of Spirit Sage, he is very sensitive to some of his own perceptions. Huo Hai didn't know that these two people were calculating himself, but he still felt that these two people were very annoying and couldn't wait any longer, otherwise he might not be able to leave afterwards.

"Give it to me, kill this bastard." At this time, the two masters of Lingxianmen and Yuanlingzong also knew that it would be difficult to kill each other by virtue of their own. The terrifying power displayed by Huo Hai alone has already allowed They were very shocked. A person with the same level of cultivation as their spiritual attack was actually stronger than them.

If this is outside, God knows what this person can do. Huo Hai has been wrapping himself up with mental power, and the two are not fools. At this time, some problems can be seen from Huo Hai's performance.

"Huh, I won't play with you today, I'll talk about it another day." Huo Hai didn't want to stay, his figure flashed, and Huo Hai's speed accelerated to the extreme. With the shift of stars and battles, Huo Hai believes that no one here can catch up with him. , Even the spirit body is the same.

Seeing the surrounding people surrounded him, Huo Hai was not polite. He gritted his teeth and waved out countless stars. These are steel needles, and they seem to have nothing special at all. The ones Huo Hai used were also in the previous practice. If it weren't for Huo Hai's strong cultivation base, and the distance is not very far, I am afraid that he would not be able to hit these people.

If these steel needles hadn't been specially refined by Huo Hai, after Huo Hai added his spiritual power, these needles would have been destroyed by themselves without waiting for them to hurt people. Huo Hai’s movements were so fast that these people would simply There was no reaction.

And at first, these people would not care about this kind of attack, physical attack, and fine needles. For their own spirit bodies, this is the least lethal attack. When everyone finds it is wrong, it is too late.

There is a little black mist on the tip of these fine needles, which looks like something dirty, but only Huo Hai knows that this thing is a curse. This is the special cursed spar that Huo Hai used to obtain from Mie Shen Shan. It was refined because it was too dangerous, so this was the first time Huo Hai used it, and Huo Hai didn't have the means to attack the spirit body normally.

The Soul Slayer Sword is powerful, but it's a pity that Huo Hai hasn't cultivated at home. Now the Soul Slayer Sword can only perform one attack. If his Soul Slayer Sword can directly attack the sky, there is no need to use this dangerous thing.

The people who stood in front of Huo Hai were pierced by thin needles in the first time. Huo Hai did not care about these guys. His figure flashed and disappeared in front of these people quickly. These spirits felt incredible. They found that their own strength simply couldn't catch up with this person. "Asshole, what are you doing, why don't you stop him."

In the direction of Huo Hai's breakthrough, there are two masters of the Spiritual Saint Fourth Layer. Although they are not Huo Hai's opponents, there should be no problem with intercepting them, but the problem now is that both of them are stunned.

Just after Huo Hai issued the needle, it was not only the two of them who were sluggish, but all the people who were recruited were the same.

"Mo Kong, what's wrong with you, Mo Kong, don't scare me." At this moment, Zhang Yan suddenly found something wrong, because Mo Kong also got a shot just now. Because his cultivation level is too bad, the curse on Mo Kong is The first episode.

The entire spirit body quickly became pitch black, and then the body quickly decomposed. Just now the two of them were still calculating others, and now Mo Kong was killed by Huo Hai, "Damn it, how could this be? Is this the smoke of the soul. "

This kind of performance is very similar to the previous smoke that Mo Kong Zhang Yan used to calculate Yuanfeng's Soul Extinguishment, but at this time, the master of Lingxianmen discovered that it was wrong, "This is not Soul Extinguishment Smoke, this is a This kind of curse, everyone stay away from the black smoke." This kind of curse gave them a strong sense of threat, and they felt that as long as they were infected, they would not end well.

"No, no, you hold on to me, don't die..." Amid Zhang Yan's miserable shouts, Mo Kong still turned into a piece of black smoke. If it weren't for the people around him, Zhang Yan might also Has rushed up.

My friend who has been with me for many years is dead now, and only myself is left. How could Zhang Yan not be in pain, "Huo Hai, I, Zhang Yan and you are at odds with each other. If you don't kill you, I will be dispelled."

At this time, Zhang Yan actually directly issued a poisonous oath. At the same time, the people who had just been recruited also cursed one after another. No matter what method was used, no one could stop it, not even the two spiritual sages. The same goes for the masters of the sky. As the curse slowly broke out, these people turned into flying ash bit by bit, and eventually disappeared without a trace.

"Zhang Yan, what did you just say, you know that person." The others finally reacted at this moment.

Zhang Yan's eyes were full of hatred, and he said loudly, "I know, he is the only Spiritual Saint Huohai in the frontier Tianxing Sect. He used to have a great reputation in this area, but he did not expect his strength to reach this level. "

In order to take revenge, Zhang Yan didn't care so much, and directly said what he knew. Fortunately, Zhang Yan had a little sense of reason, and he didn't tell the matter of calculating Yuanfeng before, otherwise he would be the one who died.

The Lingxianmen leader frowned: "It seems that the Sky Star Sect is nothing to worry about at all, and it is also a subsidiary sect of the Ghost Medicine Sect. We don’t need to move them. There is only one Spiritual Sage? We will target him. It’s okay on our body. When we go back, we will communicate with the Ghost Medicine Sect. As long as we don’t destroy the Sky Star Sect, it is not bad to use the Sky Star Sect as a bait."

The masters of Yuan Lingzong heard this, thought about it and nodded in agreement. This person is really hard to deal with. The speed that he just showed, and the kind of terrifying mental attack, looks like their spirit bodies. The nemesis is the same.

The Sky Star Sect, study it slowly. If the strength is really the same as Zhang Yan said, it’s nothing at all, they don’t need to trouble the Sky Star Sect. "The top priority is to find that person. Let’s not distract. , A few people alone can’t deal with him. If we can’t solve him here, we will discuss with the ghost medicine door.”

Telling the ghost medicine gate, it is easy to expose this treasure, so it is not a last resort, neither of the two sects want this to happen.

After everyone had discussed it, they divided the team into two parts based on Huo Hai's previous combat effectiveness. In fact, everyone from the sect formed a team and looked in the direction where Huo Hai left.

They don't know how strong Huo Hai's perception ability is, and they can feel their presence from a distance. Huo Hai has never thought of meeting them. The opportunity is rare, and now it is most important to improve himself.

Along the way, Huo Hai continued to collect soul essence and spirit crystal fruit, the transparent spirit crystal fruit and soul essence, Huo Hai directly absorbed them, and the green spirit crystal fruit was temporarily placed, so Huo Hai has not made a breakthrough. Cultivation base, but his own soul is constantly strengthening, even with his own Soul Slayer Sword, I don't know how much it has improved.

Gradually, Huo Hai was able to issue two swords at once, three swords...more and more, in the end, when Huo Hai felt that his Soul Slayer almost reached its current extreme, he could even issue a dozen swords at once.

Each of these dozens of sword attacks is equivalent to a full blow. This is the powerful power that the soul secret technique can bring. Now facing one of the teams, Huo Hai is sure to kill most or even all of it in an instant. Strangling.

It’s a pity that it’s out of date. It’s true that you still have to collect the spirit crystal fruit first. Besides, this kind of attack method is really too consumption of mental power. Huo Hai is sure that after he kills a team, his mental power will be almost Exhausted, this is because Huo Hai is not very familiar with this attack method, otherwise this will not happen.

The two teams are too close. If you attack one team, the other team will arrive quickly. There is no way to destroy them all, so just leave them alone for the time being. As time passes by, the secret will be closed in a blink of an eye. The moment.

Just when Huo Hai wanted to continue collecting spirit crystal fruits, the surrounding space suddenly fluctuated, the scenery in front of Huo Hai changed, and the surrounding laws and atmosphere also changed, and he came out of the secret realm.

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