Evil Insect God

Chapter 1599: It's a big trouble

In order to save himself from trouble, Huo Hai directly notified the Heavenly Star Sect to the Ghost Medicine Sect, but what happened next was let Huo Hai not think of it. Perhaps, he took it for granted.

On the one hand, because of Huo Hai’s strength, it did not attract the attention of the Ghost Medicine Sect. Although Huo Hai’s combat effectiveness is very strong, on the other hand, it is also because of the relationship between this secret realm, because the secret realm is only useful for people below the sixth heaven. , Therefore, although the Ghost Medicine Gate is also very important, it is not as important as Huo Hai imagined.

So at the beginning of the ghost medicine gate, it was only normal to send some people to forcibly occupy the valley. After all, this is the territory of the ghost medicine gate. Occupying here is not a big deal, but then the problem completely broke out. .

This was originally the foundation of the Yuan Lingzong who wanted to develop his own sect, and later Lingxianmen also discovered it. What Huo Hai didn't know was that absorbing the soul essence and spirit crystal fruit here could actually increase the potential of the spirit body.

Because their spiritual bodies have lost their bodies, their potential is actually relatively poor. Although this secret realm can’t help them cultivate top masters all at once, they can cultivate many future masters. Even in the future, these people will break through to the realm of spirits and gods. It's not impossible, but only after the spiritual holy sixth heaven and below can absorb it, the potential can be increased.

Such an important role can be described as the lifeblood of the spirits. After learning about this, the Lingxianmen directly sent people to cooperate with the Yuanlingzong to drive out all the people who guarded the valley and regain the place. .

Next, although Yuan Lingzong no longer had the mind to trouble Huo Hai, the impact was getting bigger and bigger.

On his own territory, someone robbed him of the secret realm he was guarding. This was an insult to the Ghost Medicine Sect. Then the Ghost Medicine Sect continued to send masters, and the masters of the Lingxian Sect and the Yuan Lingzong Fight into a ball.

Huo Hai frowned: "It's actually such a big noise. How could this be? The Ghost Medicine Sect and the Lingxian Sect belong to one of the eight sects. They are unlikely to fight each other." Huo Hai looked strangely at bringing news to him. The elder of the Tianxingzong.

The elder shook his head and said: "Under normal circumstances, it is impossible, but something happened. It is said that when the ghost medicine gate was fighting for this place, it accidentally killed the people of the spirit fairy gate, and the spirit fairy gate In order to retaliate, people also killed some people in the ghost medicine door." The words of the great elder suddenly gave Huo Hai a feeling of conspiracy.

"Is there something wrong with this matter? These two sects are unlikely to kill their opponents so casually, besides, even if a few spiritual saints die, they won't make such a big mess." Huo Hai looked at it. Data, and feel very headache.

He did not expect that this matter was about to evolve into a large-scale conflict between the two sects, but it was himself who caused this conflict. It can be said that the Lingxian Sect and the Ghost Medicine Sect don’t have a good impression of him. So, the attitude of the Ghost Medicine Sect towards the Sky Star Sect was not as cordial as before, otherwise, why has the site of the Sky Star Sect remained unchanged.

You know, with a spiritual saint, the Sky Star Sect can be called a super-class sect. The territory and resources controlled by the super-class sect are not comparable to the first-class sect. The ghost medicine gate is pressed like this, it must be right. Own dissatisfaction.

"We also find it weird. Someone seems to be secretly instigating this matter. I think that if the Eight Doors wanted to withdraw from the alliance, or some forces in the central region were making trouble."

Hearing this, Huo Hai immediately denied the first possibility: "Eight sects cannot withdraw from the alliance. You don’t think the octas are very strong, but in fact they can only be compared with one of the five clans. Even the top players are even weaker. If they really separate and face the top forces in the central region, they will definitely not be able to maintain their current advantages."

The Grand Elder also nodded and said: "Then, there are the big powers in the central region that are working. Perhaps the top powers don't care much about the Eight Sects, but there are still many hidden in the dark, and they may want to replace them. "

This is very possible. Since Huo Hai talked about the hidden strengths and the Sect Master of the Sky Star, they were able to make such inferences based on these things. Perhaps their strengths are a little worse, but the ten Huo Hai also Not comparable.

Looking at the information behind, Huo Hai felt more and more headaches, "I really don't know who released this news." Huo Hai didn't expect that everything about this secret realm would be publicized, not only that , There are still many speculations that may have also been released. This secret realm has been exaggerated to an incredible level.

Many people even legend that there are treasures in this secret realm that can help people break through to the spirit gods. As for the reason, I haven't seen two top sects competing here, so this is a very possible thing.

Because of these rumors, more and more sects intervened, the spirit bodies in the northeast region, and the major forces in the east region. Later, even people from the southeast and northeast regions also intervened and came one after another. Here.

"Maybe the people behind it made it again. It's really hard for them to know so clearly." The elder is also very helpless. These people may not know clearly, but because there are too many rumors released. Some rumors are close to the facts, except that other people do not understand at all except those who really know it.

"I heard that some people in the ghost medicine gate even proposed to open this secret realm forcibly to create a permanent passage." This secret realm is very large and very strong, and it is not easy to open it forcibly.

If you want to create a channel, you need a master of spirits to take action. Huo Hai shook his head and said: "Ghost medicine gate knows what is inside, so it is impossible to establish a channel. Maybe it's just some misguided people."

The great elder also knows, but this matter has caused such a big trouble, it is really unexpected that if the chaos continues, the battlefield will definitely spread to the vicinity of the Sky Star Sect at that time, at that time, even if you don't want to troubleshoot, it will be impossible. How many people are still staring at Huo Hai, even Huo Hai doesn't know this, so he can only take one step and look one step at a time.

"If this continues, it is very likely that it will eventually become unmanageable. It seems that we have to improve our overall strength." Increasing combat strength is too easy for Huo Hai.

What really troubled Huo Hai was the battle itself. Under the impetus of the caring people, I didn't know what scale it would expand to. At this time, many people had died in the battle, and the seeds of hatred had been planted.

Once someone dies, this matter is even more difficult to stop. If important members of the Ghost Medicine Gate and Lingxian Gate die in the future, this battle may really be impossible to stop. What they face is a big deal. Melee.

"I hope the two sects did this deliberately." The elder said with a helpless look. As a superior, they know these things better than Huo Hai. Although the eight sects control the eight areas, they are only in general control. , These eight sects do not completely control their own area, and other forces can unite and make them have a headache.

If this kind of battle is promoted and a large number of forces in the two major regions fight each other, and eventually their vitality will be severely injured, or even die together, I am afraid that regardless of the ghost medicine gate or the spirit fairy gate, they are very willing to see this kind of thing.

When the voice of opposition decreases, they will naturally be able to control their area more firmly. Wouldn't it be easier to restore it? Huo Hai thought about it for a while and knew what the Great Elder meant. This possibility, It's not small.

"No matter what, let's take care of ourselves. From now on, I will personally take action to transform all the guardian formations of the entire sect. You can secretly go to the edge of the battlefield and collect some spiritual light back. Remember, Don't let others know about this matter." Huo Hai plans to create a large number of battle skeletons to use.

The great elder who knew about the existence of such things as skeletons flashed a touch of surprise on his face, and then became excited, "Great, I will do it now." The great elder who left had a sad expression on his face.

Skeleton’s combat effectiveness is indeed very strong, but Huo Hai’s current strength and influence are too strong. If Huo Hai wants to control the Sky Star Sect, they would not say anything. The problem is that Huo Hai has no ambitions at all, and has no idea about the Sky Star Sect. .

With the help of Huo Hai, the strength of the Huo Family and Huo Men are getting stronger and stronger. If this continues, wouldn’t the Sky Star Sect be suppressed by the Huo Family, or even be swallowed up as a whole? Now with these skeletons, The Huo family's right to speak is even more important. The Great Elder is very depressed at this time. If it were not for this battle, he would not agree to anything.

Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. I'll talk about the future. The elder shook his head. For now, I'll keep the sect first. In fact, the sect has long been split because of the strength of the Huo family. Two factions.

When the Great Elder left, Huo Hai didn’t waste any time. He immediately began to refine the formations. After the formations were completed, Huo Hai took down the outermost spirit formations, and then re-arranged the new spirit formations for defense. .

These spiritual formations are fully operational and start, Huo Hai believes that even a master at the peak of the spiritual sage, will not want to break the defense of the spiritual formation for a while. For such a long time, no matter what you do, you can consider it. At the same time, Huo Hai also carefully dug several passages underground, and at the same time protected and concealed them with the spirit array.

In the future, if you encounter a strong enemy, if it is really impossible to fight, at least some important people can escape through the passage. The existence of these passages is destined to not be known by too many people, and Huo Hai has not promoted it everywhere.

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