Evil Insect God

Chapter 1601: arrival

The destruction of Linghua Sect means that the battle of the Sky Star Sect is about to begin. With Huo Hai's order, the entire spiritual formation is activated. Such a large spiritual formation can be sustained by not only absorbing external forces.

Huo Hai needs to add a lot of spiritual crystals, and even a lot of spiritual essence for support. If it is not because the spiritual formation is relatively perfect, it can directly communicate with the stars in the sky, and the huge spiritual power between the sky and the earth, I am afraid this consumption Will be bigger.

Even so, the consumption of this spirit formation still makes Huo Hai overwhelmed. The sum of all the spirits in Huo Hai's body can maintain this spirit formation for at most a hundred years, so the spirit formation at this time is not truly comprehensive. Turn it on, but keep it on at the lowest cost. As long as the Spirit Saint master doesn't do anything, it won't really activate the Spirit Array.

In this way, my spiritual essence will be consumed less and may last longer. It seems that after this war, I need to find more spiritual essence. Even if it is not used for cultivation, at least I can Used as a reserve.

After Ling Huazong was destroyed, some people came to the Sky Star Sect within half a month, and this group of people were the ones who destroyed Ling Huazong. The people headed by them were powerful, reaching above the Eighth Heaven of Spiritual Sect.

These people carried the power of victory and swept towards the sky star sect, "What sect is ahead." The leader asked.

An old man next to him looked at the map and immediately said: "It seems to be the Star Sect. This sect does not seem to be so easy to provoke." Not only the old man, but many people beside him frowned. For the Star Sect, everyone Very afraid.

"Yeah, leader, this Sky Star Sect seems to be not easy. I heard that this time the incident was caused by them. Let's go back. I heard that they have masters in the realm of Spiritual Saint. If we break in like this, I'm afraid it won't work. Ah." A young man not far away immediately said loudly. Many people have heard of the name of the Sky Star Sect.

The leader snorted coldly: "Hmph, what Star Sect, it's just a ghost medicine gate deliberately made to cover people's ears. Who doesn't know their purpose." Now, many people know what the purpose of this war is. .

It's not that Bamen wants to completely control their own area, that's why this kind of thing has happened. Otherwise, why has there been no real top-level master hand until now? Although the Lingsheng master has used more hands, there are fewer casualties.

The war is unavoidable. It is necessary to let the disciples of the disciples vent, but the major forces do not want to just follow the wishes of the eight disciples. The spiritual masters are still very restrained. Hearing this, the people around feel also It makes sense.

The leader said loudly: "Think about it. If the Heavenly Star Sect really has such a powerful spiritual saint, how could the site be so small? If their strength is really strong, why are they built in such a marginal area? So I think they must It is the chess pieces deliberately made by the Gui Yaomen. As long as we eliminate them, our reputation will be greatly shocked."

When everyone heard this, their morale immediately rose. Yes, eliminate this culprit, and the reputation of their joint mercenary group will be very great in the future. "The Ghost Medicine Sect must have given the Sky Star Sect a lot of benefits. These will also be us in the future. That's it."

Following the leader’s words, the morale of the surroundings was immediately mobilized. A group of people rushed over and soon came to the vicinity of the Sky Star Sect. They were the first group, but not the last group. Many people All have the same purpose.

"Chong ah, the front is the Sky Star Sect. Brothers rush forward with me." The leader gave an order, and a group of people speeded up. No one from the Sky Star Sect came out to fight. This made them even more sure that the Sky Star Sect did not fight with them. The strength of the confrontation, not long after, everyone entered the area of ​​the Sky Star Sect, and also entered the range of the spiritual formation.

The disciples of the Sky Star Sect who were observing these people in secret, after seeing these people, their eyes were full of disdain, "Huh, I want to come and fight our Sky Star Sect, really looking for death." Although these people are powerful, the strongest is stronger than the Sect Master.

But in their hearts, these people are still nothing to worry about. They have the super elder Elder Huo, the super master of the Seventh Heavenly Spiritual Heaven, and the special spiritual formation arranged by the elder himself. How could they worry about these guys.

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly get rid of these guys, I don't know how many more people will come, think about how I can kill the spiritual masters by myself, although it is not my own power, but it is also exciting." After the last person entered the range of the spirit array, the person next to him couldn't help itching his hands. When the others heard this, they actually performed similarly.

"Yes, it is also a blessing to be able to kill them personally. Prepare to start the spirit array attack." Following his order, several people around immediately printed special handprints and activated a nearby array device hidden in the space. Up.

In order to save spiritual energy consumption, these spiritual arrays usually do not open attacks, at most, they have enabled detection and defense functions. These squads are hidden in the dark around the array. Once the array is activated, this area The attack of will be launched, if it were not for the assistance of the spirit formation, these people would not even be able to see the figure of the master of the spirit.

The spirit formation was turned on, and everyone who was flying to the Sky Star Sect immediately felt that something was wrong, "No, I feel that I am locked, there are masters around, everyone, be careful." As one person speaks, others also feel that something is wrong. Up.

"Look, what is in the sky." Finally, someone noticed the sky. From here, the sky seemed particularly bright. It was obviously daytime, but the stars were shining, and the rays of light were rapidly condensing into one by one. Sphere.

Star movement, this is the fundamental basis of this spirit formation. The attack method of this spirit formation is originally the movement of stars. The starlight condenses into spheres and hits the people below, carrying a terrifying impact. Say it was them, even if this kind of attack was a master at the pinnacle of Spiritual Venerable, it might not be easy to completely resist it.

"Well, we can't avoid it. We are locked." The fastest person in the team can't avoid it, and the others don't need to think about it. "Bring it to me, or we will be dead." All Fear in people's hearts.

No one thought that things would actually develop to this point. The rumors were not only not exaggerated, but also seemed to be a lot of modesty. It was just this kind of attack, and it would not even be possible to approach the Sky Star Sect without a spiritual sage.

Then, a series of explosions and screams rang out. Under the attack of the starlight ball, these people were completely unable to resist. The weakest ones, the moment the first wave of attacks fell, the spiritual shield was already After being smashed, the whole person turned into a piece of broken meat, leaving only the things on his body falling off, and these people didn't even have inner space.

Stronger, able to withstand a moment, but only a moment, even the leader of this team is the same, just resisted for less than a second, died under the light ball, with infinite attachment and regret .

The people around them even widened their eyes. They didn't expect that this spiritual formation would have such an attack power without fully opening it up. A group of spiritual masters, just under a wave of light rain, were completely destroyed, and nothing was left.

The light ball fell on the ground, without the imaginary vibration and destruction, but merged into a halo that suddenly appeared on the ground. At this moment, everyone can feel that the power of the stars stored in the entire spiritual formation has increased. Some, it turns out that this kind of attack can also help the spiritual formation to replenish it. It is really a powerful and subtle spiritual formation.

No matter how much it is, first solve the immediate matter and then say: "You guys, hurry up and pack your things and send them back. Remember, no one is allowed to hide them privately, and we will continue to guard here." The captain said loudly.

"Don't worry, how can we hide these things privately, and we don't need them anymore." Here are the spirit emperors, and the things that these spirits can use are useless if they take them, and they have the deterrence of this spirit formation. Now no one dares to commit crimes against the wind.

The captain's expression softened, and he waved his hand to let a few people pack things. The first batch of invaders disappeared without a trace, but what Huo Hai and the others didn't expect was that they handled these invaders so simply and neatly. Elimination not only didn't make other people feel terrified, but it attracted the attention of many people, and they became more and more interested in the Sky Star Sect.

In less than five days, another wave of masters arrived. This time the leader actually reached the tenth heaven of the Spiritual Sovereign. They also heard about what happened a few days ago, but at this time the greed in everyone's hearts was even worse.

With this kind of power, it means that the Sky Star Sect must have treasures. As long as they can win, they will gain a lot. In their eyes, although the strength of the Sky Star Sect is powerful, it is much safer here than on the battlefield.

As a result, another group of people entered, and then the same as the last time, the destruction was in it. Within a few days, there was a master of the peak of the spirits coming. When the people of the peak of the spirits also disappeared silently, here is It completely attracted the attention of other people. On this day, for the first time there was a master of Spiritual Saint, who came was a master of Spiritual Saint One Heaven.

"It's really troublesome. I didn't expect that the power of the spiritual formation will be fully activated so soon." Huo Hai felt the breath of the spiritual sage from a distance, shook his head helplessly, and then waved to make everyone pay attention, and the power of the spiritual formation was fully used. .

The fully-opened spirit formation, once launched an attack, even the spiritual masters were uncomfortable, and the teams that originally guarded the formation were also withdrawn. At this time, the spirit formation was fully opened and they no longer need to control the spirit formation. .

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