Evil Insect God

Chapter 1605: Kill Ironwood

The masters of the iron wooden door started to repel the skeletons and the beasts in the first place. With countless metalized vines, these beasts and skeletons are even more tired to deal with it. Now, there are more opponents. .

If it weren’t for these beasts’ defenses were very strong, I’m afraid that many beasts have been killed at this time, and many skeletons have been broken with many bones. The most serious one has been cut from the waist. It became two halves, but the horrible vitality of the skeletons was also shocking. When it became like this, it was still able to fight and its vitality was tenacious.

Some people also know that the heads of these skeletons are the key point, so a hammer hit the skulls' heads. This kind of fixed-point attack is not something that no-brained Treant warriors can do.

With a hammer, this person knew that he was right, because the skull's head was harder than he thought, and after the head was smashed, the skull really extinguished the light in his eyes, and then fell motionless.

"This time the iron wooden door is really inevitable. So many masters have been dispatched. It seems that the Sky Star Sect is about to be unstoppable. Let's prepare too. We will do it later." The repairs are already ready to move.

"Hmph, I don’t believe that the Star Sect is so simple. Didn’t I see that the Spirit Saint masters behind them didn’t do anything? I think the Star Sect must have other means. If you lose it, there is nothing left." The difference between Lingsheng and their strength is so great that this person dare not do anything at all.

Although these spiritual sages are only using melee combat, their movements are so fast that the spiritual sages can't see clearly. Many spiritual sages feel that they can't keep up with their movements. This is not a level at all.

At this moment, someone shouted: "Quickly, look at those skeletons. There are things in those skeletons. They are not undead." Finally, someone with sharp eyes saw the thing where the skeleton was broken, and just now. The one with the broken head.

These skeletons are completely different from the undead, which are controlled by special souls. They are actually a jelly-like thing inside. The few worm spiritists present can clearly feel that those things are actually a very special kind of spirit worms. , It's just a pity that with their strength, they can't control the ghost bone worms, and they can't connect and touch.

Using spirit worms to control bones, and even strengthen bones, on the one hand, it adds a shell to the spirit worms, which can exert powerful strength, and on the other hand, it can also mislead other people.

Many insect spiritists had their eyes glowing at this time, and they finally opened a new door, "Look, look, what is that." Finally, someone found out that something was wrong. After the iron wooden door was added, they did not wait for the expansion of the results. A large number of fierce beasts appeared again in the rear.

These fierce beasts are not as many as before, but the fighting power of these fierce beasts is extraordinary. The most powerful one has actually reached the height of the Seventh Heaven of Spirit Saint. These fierce beasts with the blessing of stars in the sky are not iron at all. Those people like Mumen could resist, and upon seeing this, the faces of the masters of Tiemumen suddenly went dark.

"Hmph, I'll remove these things." Yinzhi snorted coldly, and the whole person rushed over quickly, a layer of silver-white metal gleaming around his body, and a special weapon that looked like a long branch appeared in his hand.

Above the weapon, there are countless forks, and every swing can bring a lot of fierce attacks. It can be said that as long as it is brushed by this silver branch, it feels like a thousand swords, even the whole body. The flesh and blood will be brushed off.

But as soon as Yinzhi hit it out, a silver-purple sword aura appeared in the air. The sword aura accurately hit the strange weapon in Yinzhi's hand. A huge force suddenly erupted, and Yinzhi's entire body was shaken back. After a few steps, "Your opponent is me, you should be careful of yourself." Finally, Huo Hai rushed to the scene to start.

The other fierce beasts ignored everything else, bypassed the silver branch, and launched an attack on other people. Among the people present at the iron wooden door, only the silver branch had the highest cultivation level, reaching the Ninth Heaven, and the others even had an eighth heaven. nothing.

After joining this group of powerful new forces, Tiemumen once again fell into a disadvantage. Huo Hai’s current strength is really terrifying. Even among the super-class sects, this strength can also be called a It's medium.

If it is in the center of the Eastern Region, it might be perished under the siege of others, but at the edge of the Eastern Region, where there is obviously no oil and water, no one wants to be an enemy of the Sky Star Sect. It came here entirely because the Mu Family offered a condition they couldn't refuse, nothing more.

"This, is it Huo Hai, the only spiritual sage master of the Sky Star Sect? He is so strong that he can actually confront the Silver Branch Sage." The people around were already dull at this time. Such a master.

No, it should not be said to be hidden, but they can actually cultivate such a strong person, the strength of the Sky Star Sect. It is no secret at this time. It has been developed here for tens of thousands of years, but there are only a few spirits. That's it.

Huo Hai's ability to stand out from the crowd is enough to show how extraordinary Huo Hai is. Now that he can fight against Yinzhi, he is even more powerful. At this time, Yinzhi's complexion is also serious. Huo Hai only has the Seventh Heaven of Spiritual Sage. This silver branch is Can feel it.

But it was this person from the seventh heaven who was able to explode the fighting power that made him feel threatened. At this time, Yinzhi was even more amazed in his heart, "Boy, even if your fighting power is very high, your lack of cultivation is your biggest flaw. I'll die." Yinzhi's heart moved, and at this time he had given up the idea of ​​capturing Huo Hai alive and started to make a full shot.

Every time you swing the special weapon in your hand, there are countless swords bursting out. It is hard to imagine that this strange thing is actually a knife. Just one attack is like dozens of attacks.

Such an attack, even if it is Huo Hai’s sword aura, is difficult to counteract it in the front. Huo Hai uses his sword aura at a long distance, while exerting his strength and Yinzhi entanglement with all his strength, but neither of them can do anything to the other. .

Huo Hai's speed is really too fast, it is not something Silver Branch can catch up, and Silver Branch's defensive power is too strong, even if Huo Hai hits Silver Branch with a full-strength sword, he can only leave a small wound. After a while Yinzhi recovered, and the battle became more and more fierce. Huo Hai gradually regarded Yinzhi as a sparring practice, constantly using it to familiarize himself with various combat techniques.

In a blink of an eye, this battle has been going on for three days. Within three days, the losses on both sides were not small. The low-level Treant warriors were almost destroyed, and the high-level Treant warriors also lost more than half. Not less than a few.

Most of Huo Hai’s skeletons were also smashed, and even a lot of them died. The rest did not recover for a while, but the master of Tiemumen only died a few, contrary to Huo Hai’s fierceness. More beasts die.

This is because the iron wooden gate masters are almost all strong defensive players, and it is almost difficult to kill them. The iron wooden gate’s defensive war spirit art is really terrifying. Under the protection of a layer of metal light, even if the cultivation level exceeds them, It is also difficult to break this defense. Huo Hai's fierce beast defense is strong, but facing these iron wooden monsters, it can only barely support it.

After three days of fierce fighting, Huo Hai had basically determined the victory of this battle, and continued the battle. The iron wooden gate must be the one who eventually perished. After Yinzhi found that he was unable to return to the sky, he had the idea of ​​retreating.

"Hmph, come and go as long as you want, you think this is your home." Huo Hai snorted disdainfully.

A trace of anger flashed in Yinzhi's eyes: "Junior, don't think that you can speak big words with high combat effectiveness. I want to go, but you can't stop it." Yinzhi has no fear, because his defense is not something Huo Hai can break.

Huo Hai suddenly smiled strangely: "Do you really think I can't kill you? You seem to have forgotten that I am an insect spiritist." Huo Hai's smile was very strange. Seeing this smile, Yin Zhi had a kind of heart in his heart. Bad feeling.

"What." Before Yinzhi could react, Huo Hai had already started. The Star Gus who had been hidden for a long time were finally exposed for the first time. Huo Hai mobilized five hundred Star Gus around and released spell blessings at the same time. , Then, these star gu began to mobilize space power, forming a single spike, attacking the silver branch in the middle.

Just now, Yinzhi was frightened by so many spiritual worms in the Holy Spirit Realm, and his reaction was a little slow, and the people around him were the same. Who would have thought that Huo Hai was so perverted. According to the rumors, Huo Hai is an insect spiritualist. Really.

And it’s not just a normal worm spiritist, Huo Hai suddenly took out five hundred spirit worms from the realm of Spiritual Sage this time. The cultivation level of each spirit worm is the same as Huo Hai itself, so abnormal. Worm spiritualist?

Huo Hai only used ordinary blessing spells. This is also the only spell that Huo Hai will use when he reaches the sky level to cooperate with the spirit worms. However, the spells are not good, which does not mean that the combat power of these spirit worms is poor. For a moment, the Star Gus turned into meteors, attacking the silver branches from all directions.

Yinzhi couldn't escape at this time, so he could only go all out and sent out his own defense: "Boy, you dare to kill me, the iron wooden door will not let you go." Feeling the constant explosion of impact around, even Yinzhi At this time, he was also panicked, but Huo Hai was completely indifferent to this. With the attack of Star Gu, Yinzhi's own spiritual power was consumed faster and faster.

Suddenly, Yinzhi felt his spiritual power stagnated, and the defense barrier on his body was instantly broken. Before he could react, countless attacks had penetrated him, and even his inner world was instantly riddled with holes. .

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