Evil Insect God

Chapter 1611: Will count

I don't know if the two people really have something to do, or to wait for Huo Hai, the two people actually stop and go along the way. The road that was originally not a long way, they just let them go for a week.

You know, at the speed of these two people, I am afraid that this distance can be reached in a day or so at most. Huo Hai has no idea what to say at this time. Under Xiaodie's hiding, Huo Hai uses the pill technique to hide himself. The aura of, he is constantly using the star rock wall to deduce various knowledge about the spiritual formation, and constantly improve himself.

The more you study the spirit formation, the more you will be able to discover the wonders and wonders in it. Especially as Huo Hai gradually integrates the lines of the law into the spirit formation itself, he has discovered some wonders. .

It’s a pity that Huo Hai is only a spiritual saint now. He is only a master of the law and cannot understand the essence of it. Therefore, Huo Hai can only do a little work on the surface. Fortunately, he has a faster control of the spiritual formation. .

A week later, the two people finally came to the place they were coming. "Unexpectedly, there is no one here. Well, there seems to be some traces of fighting. Although they have handled it very well, it is very unreasonable to appear here. "Huo Hai felt it a bit, and the battle traces here seemed to be the same as long ago.

But these battle traces are very messy. Although these traces appear in many places, they are messy like this. It seems that only some relatively large ancient battlefields may exist, and there is something wrong here.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai understood that this was probably because someone had discovered the passage here. Therefore, after these people arrived, they were killed by the people at the iron wooden door. It is even possible that even the people at the giant wooden door had done it. It's just that the traces have been processed by a special method. If Huo Hai hadn't been prepared for it, he might really ignore it.

"You see, this is the passage I found. Let's go in quickly. If it is late, it won't be good." A spiritual saint headed said to the people around him, and then flew forward.

The spiritual saint behind nodded and said with a serious face: "You are right, let's hurry up. If someone at the giant wooden door notices it, it won't be easy for the two of us to want to get in." After that, Two people did not enter the secret space passage ahead.

A very strange expression flashed in Huo Hai's eyes: "Are these two guys really treat others as idiots? Obviously, they have always been in the eastern region. How did you discover such a secret passage? If someone helps, then help. Where is the person, how did he let people know that there is a passage here." Huo Hai felt helpless in his heart.

I have seen an idiot, but I have never seen such an idiot. Are these two really spiritual saints? Huo Hai doubts how these two people have cultivated to this level. Doesn’t Tiemu Men know how to find two? A more reliable person.

What Huo Hai didn't know was that it wasn't that the people at Tiemumen didn't take it seriously, but because the two men had always performed very well and were very loyal. No matter what the task, most of them were able to accomplish well.

It’s just that the people at Tiemumen don’t know that because these two people are powerful, they used absolute force to complete the task when they completed the task. This time, the task of the two people is obviously not possible by force. It's because acting skills are needed. How do two people who have never had similar training know if they are performing well?

It is not easy to be able to do this. Speaking of which, if anyone is blinded by the temptation of the giant wood forest, it is really easy to be fooled, but it is different now, Huo Hai is already prepared.

Such a hidden space crack is here, indicating that the giant wood forest is this one. It is usually not seen that the giant wood forest is actually in the middle of a group of mountains, but the interior of the forest should be somewhat special.

"It's up to you now." Huo Hai released a few Star Gus and followed the two people into the passage. At the same time, after the two people entered the passage, a trace of happiness and smile flashed in their eyes.

Nearby, the people who had been ambushing for a long time excited the array in their hands, "Here, it's his kind of worm, let's do it." When the worms followed the two people in, the people around immediately prepared Shot, in their opinion, the spirit worms have come in, and Huo Hai will certainly not be too far away. Of course, this is because ordinary worm spiritists are like this.

Controlling spirit worms, because there is no absolute control, so there is a limit to control, especially the sky-level spirit worms, with their own thought and wisdom, it is even more difficult to want perfect control. Too far away from yourself.

If it is a normal worm spiritist, this might catch Huo Hai, but Huo Hai itself is not a worm spiritist. Even if he doesn’t pay attention, it’s probably not something they can catch. Huo Hai controls the scope of the spirit worm. Not these people can imagine.

Through the Star Gu, Huo Hai noticed the people around him for the first time. The movements of these people were really fast enough. In order to cooperate with these people in arresting Huo Hai, the two people who had entered did not escape, and the array emitted a golden light. In just a moment, a golden light net was formed, and this layer of light shrouded almost everything around it.

"Haha, I got it, he can't run away now, prepare to close the net, be careful, and be sure to catch it alive." The executive team leader's eyes flashed with extremely excited eyes. This time they captured Huo Hai, but they spent a lot of effort .

As long as they can be captured back, people like them can definitely get huge benefits. Not only that, once the Mu Family's strength is once again improved, they, as members of the Mu Family's periphery, will follow the tide.

It's a pity that they didn't know that apart from the two iron wooden doormen and some Star Gus in Huo Hai's hands, there was nothing at all. A group of dozens of people carefully controlled the shrinking of the optical net, and the captain said loudly: " Master Insect Saint, you should come out, but don't let us get you out, or it won't look good."

Outside Huo Hai, hearing these people say so, some interesting flashes in his eyes, "Forget it, it seems that there is no big fish this time, let's do it." Huo Hai waved his hand, this time there is indeed no Master dispatched.

Even if they are responsible for arresting themselves, there are only eight spiritual saints, and they are all one or two heavenly. Judging from their appearance, they are not directly members of the Mu family, and they are not even very high in the giant wooden gate. , Such a person is worthless to catch.

Unable to get more information, Huo Hai could only let the Star Gus do something. After receiving Huo Hai’s order, Star Gu opened his mouth immediately, and then a whirlwind spit out from Star Gu’s mouth, touching this With an awe-inspiring prestige, the people around immediately felt that it was wrong, "This, what is going on, why do I want to sleep so much..."

The spirits present couldn't resist at first, and fell asleep. Even if they fell from the air to the ground, they didn't wake these people up. They found that the wrong people wanted to sound the alarm, but they felt weak.

In just a moment, all the people fell asleep, and then fell from the air. Seeing this situation, Huo Hai was very satisfied, "Yes, it's not bad, it's a small moth." Before these Star Gu entered, Huo Hai has already done tricks.

In the inner space, the little moth led several death moths of its own to create the strongest sleeping wind. These special winds can only be kept for a period of time. During this time, the Star Gus swallow them. When he reached the space in his body, under the control of Star Gu, the inner space would not break down these sleeping winds.

Moreover, as a Gu worm, it is still a Gu worm under the control of its master. Star Gu is not afraid of this special sleeping wind, so it sneaked into the entrance under Huo Hai’s order. This is what Huo Hai used to calculate. law.

Originally, Huo Hai planned to find a senior in the Mu family, and then obtain the information he needed. He wanted to know why the Mu family held on to him so hard and didn’t let go, how determined the Mu family’s attitude was, and at the same time Huo Hai wanted Knowing whether this is only the Mu Family, or the other forces of the giant wooden door have also mixed in, these are what Huo Hai urgently wants to know.

But these people in it are definitely not important people. Huo Hai's figure flashed and entered the entrance, "It's so fresh air, the Mu family is really generous, and they actually use a real giant wood forest to set up traps."

This is the real giant wood forest. Huo Hai didn’t feel surprised. If they use fake ones, they don’t know if they will find out. So if they want to arrest themselves, they can only use the real ones. Now those who know the news actually also A lot.

Picking up the array weapon on the ground, Huo Hai fiddled with it a few times: "The subtle arrangement of the spirit formation, this should be a special spirit formation learned from some kind of plant." This spirit formation is specially used to capture people. , Even if there are only a few people, once trapped, the masters of Lingsheng Peak don't even want to escape. From the Mu Family's point of view, this is enough to capture oneself.

Forget it, let's take it back and study it slowly. Huo Hai smiled and took away these arrays. I believe these things will be of great help to his understanding of the spirit formation. Finally, Huo Hai noticed the people on the ground.

Since these people are of no use, then just destroy them. This will not stimulate the giant wooden door. At the same time, you can give the Mu family a warning to tell these people that they are not easy to mess with. If you want to deal with yourself, you must do it. Preparing to pay the price, Huo Hai stepped forward and opened up the inner space of these people one by one, moving things away.

Without checking what was inside, Huo Hai directly smashed the inner world of these people, then took out the light of their souls still sleeping, sealed it and threw it into the inner space.

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