Evil Insect God

Chapter 1613: Harvest and hunt

Feeling the breath, Huo Hai cautiously avoided the surrounding giant trees all the way, and moved forward fast. After such a long time, Huo Hai somewhat had a certain ability to judge the giant trees around him.

Those giant trees that can attack are basically qualified to transform, or the kind that is about to transform, not that they will definitely transform, otherwise, how could the giant wooden door put these giant trees here?

These will attack, regardless of the strength of the breath, in short, the spiritual power on their body is very pure, as long as Huo Hai feels that the spiritual power of some giant trees exceeds the purity of other giant trees around, then this giant wood is probably the type that can attack. , Encountered this, as long as there is nothing to gain, Huo Hai will never approach.

It didn't take long for Huo Hai to feel the Spiritual Power fluctuations during the battle ahead, "Someone came faster than me, I don't know who it is." Huo Hai cautiously approached the past, but didn't do anything.

Within sight, the two teams were fighting fiercely against each other. Speaking of which, there was no one waiting to dare to enter the giant wood forest. These two teams seemed to be adventurers, and the leader was a spiritual saint.

The strengths of the two sides are similar. There are two spirits in each team, and the rest are spirits. In one of the teams, the number of spirits is small, but the quality is high. The other is just the opposite. There seems to be no big gap between the two sides. , So the battle hasn't ended yet. When Huo Hai arrived, these people could almost be said to be wounded.

"It seems that the giant wood forest has a strong ability to isolate spiritual power." Huo Hai felt the surroundings, and silently came to the conclusion that there are giant trees all around, and the giant trees have strong defensive and recovery capabilities.

The fluctuations here, and even the aftermath of spiritual power generated by hands, are easily blocked by the giant trees here, and eventually slowly dissipate. This is why Huo Hai can feel the real reason for the fighting here after getting closer.

"The essence of the wood was first discovered by us. You robbers attacked us unexpectedly." Suddenly, the captain of a team shouted loudly, but even though he said that, the attack became more intense.

The other captain sneered: "What can you find first? According to our adventurer's rules, whoever is strong is the one. If you want to take away the essence of wood, then beat us first. Otherwise, today Don't even think about leaving either of you." While talking, this person's face became more solemn, and he also knew that this was impossible.

There is not much difference in strength between the two sides. In the end, one team must retreat first. Otherwise, even if the opponent can be wiped out at the end, he will suffer heavy losses and lose the strength to continue to compete.

At that time, it was a luxury to leave the giant wood forest intact, let alone other things.

After watching for a while, Huo Hai also saw what was going on with these two teams. The essence of the wood they were fighting for was what Huo Hai felt. "Huh, you also want to grab the things that I like. I'm sorry."

Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and finally started at this time. With the disparity in strength, it was too easy for Huo Hai to hunt these people. In just a moment, all the people were broken through the inner world. Even the things in the inner space were forcibly taken out and transferred at this moment. With the difference in strength, everything was so easy.

Even their souls could not escape, they were still easily attracted by the sea of ​​fire and then sealed, "Really, adventurers are adventurers, and there really won't be any good things on them." After looking at it, Huo Hai was depressed. Up.

As for those war spirit techniques, forget them. In Huo Hai’s eyes, they are all very crude things. With Huo Hai’s current strength, the war spirit techniques that are randomly deduced are better than those of ordinary casual cultivation. Much better.

"This is the essence of wood, it seems that it is not the same thing as the spirit crystal fruit." Huo Hai felt the breath, and finally discovered that these so-called essence of wood actually appeared under the tree, digging the ground, the roots under the tree Among them, there are condensed one by one wood nodules, and several wood nodules contain the wood attribute power after qualitative change, which is the essence of wood.

Huo Hai thought for a while, and wanted to take it out, and then began to extract the wood essence power. For the first time, Huo Hai felt that his vitality began to rise continuously, and this thing could also increase lifespan.

What is different from Lingjingguo is that this thing seems to have a very powerful healing power for injuries. At the beginning, the Lingjingguo didn't exist. Huo Hai, the Lingjingguo, had already understood very well and had absolutely no healing ability. Not only that, After absorbing the power of the wood essence, it actually has a certain strengthening effect on the body, even Huo Hai is the same.

It seems that this thing is a good thing for the masters of body refinement. The masters of the giant wooden door have very high physical strength. There seems to be a reason for this. It is a pity that the effect of the use of the essence of wood is the plant-shaped creature. It's much worse.

It’s best to use this as a medicine. Of course, it’s also good for alchemy. Huo Hai didn’t come to do this. The Essence of Wood was carefully guided by Huo Hai and finally approached the edge of his inner world barrier. .

After a long time, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "It's great, as I thought, this thing can really refine the disharmony in the law." Huo Hai opened his eyes, his eyes full of excitement. With this thing, then oneself can quickly absorb Heaven-removing Pill, which can be used to improve one's own cultivation. This time the gain will definitely not be small.

Since the essence of wood grows on the roots of giant trees, there are so many giant trees here, and the essence of wood is definitely not less. The only thing that makes Huo Hai a headache is that it seems that one of the goals of other people is also the essence of this wood.

No matter what, if someone dared to make trouble, then kill it. In the last test, Huo Hai introduced a little force and approached his sea of ​​consciousness. At this moment, Huo Hai was cautious and did not dare to make any mistakes.

"Hey, there is no reaction, so you don't need to control the rate of absorption." Huo Hai discovered that this wood essence is really different from those spirit crystal fruits, perhaps because the formation is more special. Spirit crystal fruits use soul after all. Power evolves, so it is very normal to have a strong damaging effect on the soul, but the essence of wood is different.

This wood essence is composed of pure wood attribute essence, does not contain the slightest soul power, it is only good for living things, and there is no harm. If this is the case, then you are welcome, Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and quickly began to absorb it.

In one hand, the Essence of Wood in one hand and the Essence of Wood in one hand, several of the Essence of Wood was consumed by Huo Hai in just a few moments. Then, Huo Hai began to search for the Essence of Wood with all his strength. Sometimes some elixir Huo Hai could not take care of it.

When encountering an enemy, as long as you don’t know him, Huo Hai will kill him. Of course, some people carry the sign of the giant wooden door. These people Huo Hai dare not mess around. If you kill too many giant wooden door disciples, God knows the giant wooden door. Will you find that this is the site of the giant wooden door, and Huo Hai doesn't know if they have the ability to find themselves.

Once the turmoil becomes too big, it will be difficult to clean up. As for the other big sect disciples, Huo Hai can avoid seeing each other as much as possible. If there is not enough strength, he will be aggrieved, Huo Hai thought silently in his heart.

With the absorption of the essence of the wood, in less than a month, Huo Hai finally broke through to the level of the Ninth Heaven of the Spirit Sage. When he returned to the family, he could quickly cultivate many unsatisfactory Spirit Sages.

But you can’t worry now. The top priority now is to improve your cultivation level as soon as possible. The higher your cultivation level, the safer you are. Such a good opportunity is hard to find, so you must never give up. After opening this giant wood forest once, I think I don’t know how long it will take until the next activation. What others value most is the elixir here.

Huo Hai is different. What he values ​​most is the essence of wood, elixir, etc., but secondly, other people holding the essence of wood are used to strengthen the body at most, as a kind of elixir.

They would not use Huo Hai for cultivation, it is too wasteful, and only Huo Hai will concentrate on improving his own cultivation level regardless of wasted or not. As time goes by, Huo Hai gradually discovered something wrong. .

"Why it's them again? These guys aren't looking for me." Huo Hai saw some people again, these people are also giant wooden doors, but the leaders of the team are very strong, at least they are tenth heaven. Lingsheng, these people didn't look for anything, but ran around here. At first, Huo Hai thought this was a patrol member of the Giant Wood Forest.

But then Huo Hai discovered that something was wrong. These guys seemed to be looking for something. After Huo Hai got closer, they found a team rushed towards him. Later, Huo Hai tried it and dangled these people and turned a few turns. .

Unexpectedly, these guys have been following behind him all the time, "It seems that they are from the Mu family, and things about the Mu family should have been exposed." If the giant wooden door wants to arrest itself, there will never be such a small scene, Huo The only thing Hai could think of was the Mu family, who knew that he had entered the giant wood forest and was looking for himself everywhere.

Fortunately, the giant wood forest is relatively large. These people don’t even want to catch themselves for a while. Huo Hai doesn’t care about so many. He releases some Star Gu to pay attention to everything around him. At the same time, he carefully avoids these people. He doesn’t want to have a conflict here. .

When you have time, it is not better to find more Essence of Wood. It is the most important thing that you can improve your cultivation level faster. As for the Mu Family, wait until you go out to have them look good.

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