Evil Insect God

Chapter 1615: Past

"You, okay, what do you want to know." Huo Hai did not let go of the blood rose, the blood rose also acquiesced, and now it seems to be good, the blood rose enjoys the warmth at the moment very much.

Huo Hai thought for a while, then said: "Let's talk about what happened after you came to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, how did you join the Blood God Sect, and how have you been during this time?" Huo Hai embraced Blood Rose sat down slowly relying on the big tree. Now Huo Hai didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to listen to Blood Rose quietly. He didn't feel that much when he was busy before.

Now that he saw the blood rose again, Huo Hai discovered that before he knew it, the blood rose seemed to occupy a significant position in his heart. Compared to Fang Biya and the others, it was almost the same, which made Huo Hai a little depressed.

Could it be said that he was just a radish with a heart, and Huo Hai did not want to admit it, but the feeling in his heart could not be suppressed.

Blood Rose didn’t know what Huo Hai was thinking, so he sat down and said, “After I came to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, I know you will definitely not let go of the Blood God Sect. I have nothing to do with them, so I don’t want to be here. Stay..."

Following the words of Blood Rose, Huo Hai slowly understood some of the original things, because he wanted to kill the Blood God Sect, and because of the vows, the two were originally immortal, and Blood Rose who could not help did not want to see these. , So I left. Fortunately, the blood rose was also very strong at the beginning, so that it could withstand the pressure of the barrier.

If the blood rose's strength was a little weaker, it is very likely that he would not even be able to pass the barrier. Hearing this, Huo Hai felt a moment of fear in his heart, and the hand holding the blood rose could not help but force a little.

Blood Rose continued to tell that after coming to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, it didn't take long for Blood Rose to discover the inheritance of the Eight Sects here. After that, some things were slowly inquired out. It was not as convenient as Huo Hai, but it was not. What a secret.

Thinking about the oath, Blood Rose knew that Huo Hai would not let go of the Blood God Sect here, so she didn’t want to stay here, so she walked all the way north. The original strength of Blood Rose was still in the past, but it was not very strong. Therefore, I don't know how much pain I have suffered. Huo Hai himself doesn't know, but he can imagine it.

Before Huo Hai came here, the Blood Rose had already entered the northeastern region. Unlike Huo Hai, the Blood Rose had no goal, just wandering aimlessly. He didn't know how to face Huo Hai, so he could only hide.

During a battle with the local cultivators in the Northeast region, the blood rose suddenly entered a very mysterious secret realm. Within this secret realm, a huge blood-colored lotus was bred. It happened that the origin of the blood rose itself was basically It was conceived as a blood-colored lotus, and the two were very consistent. As for the enemy, it was already dead when he entered.

"Huh, it's cheaper for him." A cold light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes. Blood Rose knew what Huo Hai was talking about, and her body got closer to Huo Hai. Feeling the warmth here, a hint of happiness flashed in Blood Rose's eyes.

The reason why this blood-colored lotus is so compatible with the blood rose is that it has a powerful blood flame power, plus the special features of that secret realm, the blood rose has completely integrated it into its source.

Not only that, the origin of the original fusion all the way time and time again was completely refined at this time, and finally merged into one, becoming a real blood flame red lotus. At this moment, the origin of the blood rose truly reached the heaven level. At the top level, a large amount of blood flames had been absorbed in the Holy Land of God of Blood Sect before, but at this time it finally broke out.

After the blood flame has tempered the blood rose body, the blood rose itself seems to have truly become a blood flame, because at this time the law of the blood rose has not grown much, so it has also been tempered by the blood flame.

After that, the Blood Rose became the top one in terms of potential and talent. Although it cannot be compared with the monster like Huo Hai, it is second only to Huo Hai. Such a genius can be said to be completely between the world. Darling.

The luck of the Blood Rose also came at this time. Soon after coming out of the Secret Realm, the Blood Rose encountered a master of the Blood God Sect who came to the Northeast to do business. After this person discovered the Blood Rose, he directly brought the Blood Rose back to the Blood God Sect. In, because of the terrifying talent potential of the Blood Rose, after entering the Blood God Sect, she became the saint of the Blood God Sect.

Because of the origin of the blood rose, each condensed blood flame will naturally form a lotus flower, and the reputation of the saint of blood lotus is derived from this. Then, the blood **** cult has vigorously cultivated the blood rose.

This is the difference between having a backstage and no backing. Huo Hai's talent is even more enchanting, but he can only explore it on his own. After all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, Huo Hai's luck is also good, and he can be promoted to this level.

But the blood rose is different. With the help of the blood **** sect, the blood rose's cultivation base can be improved at a faster rate than Huo Hai, and it seems to have absorbed some of the blood fire flames left by the blood **** sect masters. Hearing this, Huo Hai couldn't help but feel a little depressed, could he blame himself?

"Then why don't you want to recognize me." Huo Hai scratched his head, and finally asked in a low voice.

Blood Rose rolled his eyes: "Of course not. The saint is the future spiritual **** of the Blood God Sect. There are only a few spiritual gods in the Blood God Sect. How could it be possible to free me casually. Before reaching the spiritual god, I did not have Free."

The Blood Rose sighed. The saint is the servant or the son of God, but in the Blood God Sect, the master of the spirit **** is the God. Before it grows up, the blood rose doesn't even have any autonomy. If it is known to others Blood Rose has a relationship with any man, so for the benefit of the Blood God Sect, the Blood God Sect will definitely not stingy to kill Huo Hai.

After Huo Hai heard the words, he understood what was going on. This was the blood rose deliberately performed to other people. His four maids were his diehards. This was not a problem, but there were other people around.

Once the news was leaked to those masters of the Blood God Sect, Huo Hai's situation can be imagined. In order for a saint to grow up normally, the Blood God Sect might even be able to use the Spirit God masters.

Hearing this possibility, a cold sweat broke out on Huo Hai's head. He didn't know how strong the blood **** sect was, but any spirit **** would kill himself and an ant. Same, Huo Hai didn't doubt it at all.

"Even if you reach the Spiritual God, I am afraid it is not easy to escape. Not only me, but the Blood God Sect is the same with other Spirit Gods. If you want me to follow you, you must have someone who can suppress the Blood God Sect. Strength." The blood rose also let go at this time, it seems that as the previous memory has recovered a little, the charming temperament of the blood rose has returned again.

Seeing a blood rose like this, Huo Hai couldn't help but feel a heat in his heart. Huo Hai forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and then asked again: "Well, it's my fault this time, what's the matter with that evil sect? What happened."

Blood Rose rolled his eyes and said, "What could be the matter? The evil sect has always been at odds with the blood **** sect, and the two sides are completely hostile. It is our blood **** sect masters who cultivate blood flames, which is good for the evil sect people. The cauldron, especially us saints and sons, is the object of their arrests. It is strange if they don't do anything when they see it outside."

The two sects have always been hostile, and the evil sect has always been calculating the blood **** sect. If it weren't for the fact that the evil sect was a little stronger than the blood **** sect, I am afraid it would not be arrested outside, but directly robbed.

A light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, and he probably understood that since joining the Blood God Sect, a large part of the danger that Blood Rose has encountered comes from this evil sect, "Huh, evil sect? I remember it. "Huo Hai knew that he did not have the strength to fight against the evil sect, but one day he would have the power to destroy the evil sect.

Blood Rose glanced at Huo Hai, her eyes were full of tenderness, but she didn't mean to stop Huo Hai. For Huo Hai, Blood Rose knew everything about it. No matter what others said, there was no way to change what he decided. .

"Okay, now tell me what you are doing in the giant wood forest, it seems very dangerous here." There are no powerful spirit insects and fierce beasts in the giant wood forest. Huo Hai knows this, and even the beasts have not encountered it. several.

This is the world of giant trees. The fierce beasts are too strong and easily threaten the giant trees. I am afraid that they have been cleaned up by the people of the giant wooden door. But the giant trees here are also very dangerous. If it is not for Huo Hai’s strong perception, there is no way to replace it with ordinary people. Identify which giant trees can be attacked. Once attacked by powerful giant trees, the consequences can be very serious.

The most important thing is that there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and there are people from all sides. There may be danger here at any time. Some people don't care what the identity of the other party is, as long as they are not discovered.

Just like the people of the evil sect, in order to deal with them, the blood rose even destroyed his chariot. This chariot was made by a huge lotus flower that the blood rose originally obtained from the blood **** sect.

It has no other effects, but the blood flame puppet used to nurture yourself is effective. Now that there is no such huge red lotus, it will not be so easy for your blood flame puppet to improve in the future, but forget it, anyway, just break through To the spirit gods, these blood flame puppets would not be of much use. Blood Rose thought of this and shook his head vigorously.

"You treat me like you and don’t know anything. I came here for a purpose. This time, I was looking for blood jade red bamboo. This blood jade red bamboo is only produced in very few places, which is very important to me. ."

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