Evil Insect God

Chapter 1631: Worthy of the name

As early as a few days ago, when the main body of the sect was arranged, the cyclone formation made by Huo Hai had already been opened. With the operation of the guardian formation, the cyclone formation also slowly stored enough power. .

When Huo Hai arrived, he just noticed that Huo Feng was sitting in the middle. At this time, other people also gathered here. The aura on Huo Feng erupted and continued to improve, and it was obvious that he had entered the breakthrough stage.

Wind rotation refining and melting technique, this is the nine-turn saint breaking method that Huo Hai obtained from the Azure Palace at the beginning. Because the people of the Sky Star Sect are not wind attributes, it is impossible for Huo Hai to let him use the method of the Azure Palace. , In the spirit array, a large amount of the power of the stars has gathered. At this time, the power of the stars is constantly rotating, forming a wave of wind, which looks very similar to the wind attribute.

After all, this is the power of the stars, which is very inclusive and variability. The celestial transformation is also a secret method that any attribute can be practiced. It is also possible to use the power of the stars to directly construct the wind attribute power, but the power will be weaker.

Huo Hai did not directly construct the wind attribute power, but only maintained this kind of star power similar to the wind attribute. Only this kind of star power can be accepted by all the sky star sect masters. Otherwise, the wind attribute enters the body of other attribute masters. Not to mention being used for breakthroughs, even if the spiritual power in the body directly conflicts, it is very normal.

Huo Feng was the first to use this formation, and there was also the idea of ​​experimentation. Once something went wrong, it was much better than others. Now the Huo Family and Tian Xingzong urgently need more Spirit Sage masters.

But for the time being, there are only Huo Feng and Huo Ran Huo Kai. Huo Feng, who didn’t want his son to take risks, walked directly to the Fengxuan Formation. When Huo Hai knew about it, Huo Feng Has entered the big array for most of the day.

Speaking of which, although Huo Hai has very high confidence in this spirit formation, Huo Hai is still a little worried when Huo Feng is in the spirit formation. Fortunately, because of his cultivation base and understanding of the attributes of stars, Huo Hai still It is relatively calm, just now, Huo Feng has used the wind of the stars to complete the fusion of the nine laws of the body.

The aura of the small perfection law merged together, and directly produced a kind of change that no one could tell. Even Huo Hai didn't understand this change, but it seemed to be a special power in the dark.

"Perhaps, only a master of Spiritual God can tell exactly what is going on." Huo Hai shook his head and continued to look at Huo Feng. When the Nine-Layer Principle aura was completely integrated, Huo Feng's breath also climbed to its limit.

Then, Huo Feng's breath began to weaken. The people who knew what was going on for a long time, although nervous, did not have any special performance. At this time, as the wind rotation refining technique operates, the most dangerous stage of fusion It has passed, and then, under the influence of the whirlwind, the aura of the Nine Layers of Law slowly began to peel and split again.

When the aura of the Nine-Layer Rule differentiated again, Huo Feng's aura returned from a very high level to the level of the Ninth Heaven of the Spiritual Sovereign, but Huo Hai knew that the aura of the changed rule could no longer be improved.

Now Huo Feng, even if he didn’t want to break through, he couldn’t cultivate the tenth level of aura. Moreover, Huo Feng couldn’t resist the next thing. The aura of his own laws quickly fell, and the nearest layer was directly attached to it. After reaching the inner world, the aura of the law gradually dissipated, leaving only a faint light and a lot of special patterns.

And Huo Feng's aura suddenly burst out at this moment. This aura is a half-spiritual aura, as long as it condenses the power of one's first ray of law, even if it truly enters the realm of spiritual sage.

Huo Feng opened his eyes, and the people around finally let go of their nervous mood, "How, how, are you okay." Sect Master Tianxing rushed up first, and who made everyone present besides Huo Hai The strength is not as high as him.

Huo Feng nodded: "Fortunately, there is no problem. I feel that I have truly entered the realm of Spiritual Sage." Sect Master Sky Star, who could almost only look up before, could see it clearly in Huo Feng's eyes. The current self can easily pinch the Sky Star Sect Master to death, this kind of powerful feeling is really intoxicating.

"Very perfect, it seems that this spiritual formation is the same as I thought, but, grandpa, you haven't really entered the realm of spiritual sage." Feeling the vain and powerful, but actually very weak, breath of Huo Feng, Huo Hai Shook his head and said.

Before anyone else could ask, Huo Hai spoke: "This is just an unsatisfactory spiritual sage. Compared with the real one-fold heaven spiritual sage, the gap is very large. Moreover, the current law pattern has not been adjusted properly. Don't rush to gather your own. Law power, but after you gather the first ray of law power, your strength will surely rise several times, and there will be a qualitative change."

It is this qualitative change that caused the absolute crushing power of the Spirit Sage when facing the Spirit Venerable. If there is no law that he has mastered, the Spirit Saint’s own power is actually very strong, but it will not completely ignore the Spirit Venerable.

Because of the Ninth Rank Breaking Saint Law, the bottleneck afterwards has basically been cleared up. Even without the help of Huo Hai, Huo Feng has certainty to raise his cultivation level to the fourth or fifth level.

Even though the Ninth Rank Breaking Saint is more special, there are still bottlenecks. Speaking of which, if the talents and foundations of the three of Huo Feng are not really bad, causing Huo Hai to have to use this method, he really does not want to do so. , "Today I will talk to you about the adjustment of the law pattern. The first time the law is condensed is very dangerous."

Huo Hai shook his head. You don't need to look at him to know that Huo Feng's law lines are definitely much less than his own. Don't say he is like this, to perfectly wrap his inner world, I am afraid it would be good to be able to cover half of it. .

I am afraid it will be even more troublesome to continue to improve afterwards. Ignoring other people, Huo Hai fell to the side of the spiritual formation, "This spiritual formation can be used once a week, which is not bad, but if it is used too frequently, it may be As a result, the power of the Protector's Great Formation has been consumed too much. In short, you can discuss these matters yourself.

After that, there will be a lot of dead men coming here to break through. It looks like it will be a few years later, and for a long time, this spiritual circle will probably be constantly busy, don't think about taking it easy.

Sect Master looked excited: "Elder Huo, this is already very good. If it weren't for Elder Huo, how could our Sky Star Sect have the opportunity to develop to this level? Starting today, our Sky Star Sect can finally become a veritable super first-class sect. "

In the past, it was just Huo Hai alone. The Zongmen's strength was not superb at all, but with this it is different. Some talents are not very good. You can use various methods to break the sage. Like the Azure Palace back then, relying only on the Nine Ranks to Break the Saint, it was still able to be in the upper middle and upper reaches of the super-class sect, and its strength was extremely powerful.

With Huo Hai's protection, coupled with the continuous generation of reserve forces, the bright future of the Sky Star Sect seems to be beckoning to him, Huo Hai shook his head: "These are the results of everyone working together."

After thinking for a while, Huo Hai said, "Why don't you let us listen to it, everyone who breaks through the spirit saint will experience it once." Speaking of which, there is no shortage of books on the breakthrough spirit saint. In those ancient books that Huo Hai brought back, many of them have similar records.

But the record is the record. There is far from a person who really breaks through the spiritual sage to feel the truth personally, and they can ask Huo Hai questions, books do not have this ability, this is a very important realization.

After explaining for a day, after Huo Hai answered everyone’s questions, Huo Feng went to retreat. He must slowly adjust his law pattern to the most suitable level for his future advancement, and later Try to condense the power of the law.

There is no problem with the Heaven-removing Pill. Huo Hai has already prepared enough weight for him. Now, the Heaven-removing Pill, which Huo Hai has no use, is absolute for those who have just entered the Spirit Sage. Treasures, but adjusting the rules and patterns, this other people can't help, Huo Feng can only slowly understand the adjustment according to his own situation.

The pattern of this law is not just a matter of stacking it up randomly. The shape of the pattern of the pattern contains my own understanding of the law, which is very mysterious. It can be said that if there is a problem with this structure, it will affect your future strength.

After dealing with the matter of breaking through the spirit saint, Huo Hai has to go to his own affairs. Among the sect, there is Huo Feng a successful person, which greatly boosted morale. Huo Hai waited at home for two weeks, Huo Feng After that, Huo Kai and Huo Ran also broke through, becoming an unsatisfactory spiritual saint, and entering the retreat. Only then can Huo Hai leave with confidence.

During this period of time, the construction of the Zongmen's outer large formation has fallen into a state of stagnation, because there is no material, for this protection of the sect, the previous accumulation of the Huo Family and Zongmen was used up by Huo Hai.

And some of the materials have been cleaned up. What Huo Hai has to do now is to collect some. At the same time, there are also the fierce beasts needed by the sect. You can also take advantage of this opportunity to collect. The situation in the Star Sect is very good, but outside There are too many people behind him, such as today's disciple of Xingzong, who dare not stay too far away from the sect station.

After an explanation, Huo Hai disappeared silently. There were not many people who knew that Huo Hai had left.

Huo Hai’s purpose is basically the eastern region, but the northeast region. This place is relatively safe. At least the people in the northeast region have no direct hatred with Huo Hai.

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