Evil Insect God

Chapter 1635: Blood Mosquito

The scene was clean. Except for the ruins, there was no breath left, not even a breath used to mislead people. At a glance, I knew that this place was definitely destroyed by someone, and it was a master hand.

However, this master didn't mean to hide at all. He told others generously that this was not an accident at all, and he didn't want others to know who did it. Huo Hai's actions resulted in no clue at the scene. Even if everyone knows something, there is no way to investigate it.

There are countless ways to hide in the various major sects, but this method of completely erasing the breath can be said that most heavenly masters can, but ordinary people can't do it so cleanly.

In desperation, everyone could only continue to strengthen their guard. After Huo Hai left, the entire southern part of the northeast region entered a peculiar state, which has not been relaxed for many years.

Huo Hai didn’t want to pay attention to what was happening in the northeast area. He just wanted to return home all the way. After more than a year, all kinds of materials have been collected. After returning, he can not only protect the sect completely. The supplement is complete, and you can also set up a lot of back players. Even if you are not in the sect, the last time will not happen.

Huo Hai believes that after his all-round strengthening of the guardian war, it can be said that as long as it is not shot by the spirit god, no one can break it, even if there are traitors inside, they don't know everything inside the spirit formation.

There are also a large number of creatures that cannot be controlled by these traitors. After judging that there are traitors, even these skeletons and beasts will launch attacks. Everything can be said to be calculated by Huo Hai. If there are any loopholes , That is not what Huo Hai can consider now, at least, Ling Sheng should not find any loopholes.

You should know that Huo Hai’s guardian sect formation was compounded by many large formations. A single formation has loopholes. Only when a large number of spiritual formations are combined can absolute security be guaranteed. Maybe not so. absolute.

During the flight, Huo Hai passed a very ordinary gorge without knowing it. A red body with blood red patterns on its body, which looked like a wasp, flew by Huo Hai's side.

Huo Hai didn't care either. This thing was not the spirit worm he needed, and only the spirit emperor realm. But when Huo Hai was thinking about it, he didn't expect that this special hornet full of bloodstains would actually attack him. , Perhaps, he entered the territory of these things, Huo Hai still didn't care about these things.

But the next moment Huo Hai found out that something was wrong. The blood mosquito was stung by a single sting, and Huo Hai's body automatically emerged a defensive barrier, and this time Huo Hai discovered that his defensive barrier had actually been breached.

"This, how is this possible." Huo Hai was taken aback, his defensive spirit formation had already condensed to the ninth level of the starlight protection body, although because it had just reached the twelfth level, it had not yet condensed the nine layers.

However, the defense of the first layer has reached its limit. Even a master at the pinnacle of the spiritual saint realm, it is not easy to break such a defense. I did not expect it to be broken by a spiritual worm that only has the realm of the spiritual emperor. .

Huo Hai's eyes widened and his face was inconceivable. Seeing that his spiritual barrier was automatically restored, he was about to crush the wasp to death. Huo Hai quickly retracted his defense barrier and caught the wasp. Such a strange spirit worm, Huo Hai This was the first time I saw it, and just caught it, this wasp stung instinctively towards Huo Hai, and the speed was very slow in Huo Hai's eyes.

Huo Hai didn't care, but what surprised Huo Hai happened again. This time, he directly penetrated the skin of Huo Hai's fingers, and a toxin that Huo Hai felt very powerful spread in his body.

The fingers were numb for a while, and disappeared in an instant, but it was actually very terrifying that Huo Hai could feel the numbness of the numbness. I am afraid that it has a little effect on ordinary spiritual masters. As for the spiritual sovereign, it will really be poisoned.

"Curious and special things, these blood-colored lines, hiss...This should be a natural rune, and it is also a rune specially used for breaking defenses and spirits. It is so powerful." Huo Hai held the mutant wasp and ignored it. The resistance of things, although this thing is special, its strength is far worse than Huo Hai's. A small needle cannot cause decent damage to Huo Hai.

On the contrary, because of the strength of Huo Hai's muscles, the wasp couldn't pull it out after piercing the needle into Huo Hai's finger.

"Well, if you see the blood-colored lines all over your body, I will call you blood mosquitoes." No one has noticed it anyway, otherwise this kind of thing would have become famous. Huo Hai suspected that this thing might be a kind of mutant spirit. insect.

However, bee spirits are generally unlikely to just mutate by themselves. Usually they all have a queen bee. Perhaps it is this kind of queen bee that mutates. Huo Hai’s heart moved directly to condense a simple refining insect formation. Under Huo Hai's power, this blood mosquito was not able to resist at all, and was easily controlled by Huo Hai.

With the control of the Refining Insect Array, Huo Hai’s orders are probably higher than those of the Queen Bee in the eyes of the blood mosquitoes. When the Refining Insect Array is successful, Huo Hai also feels a cordial wave of fluctuations. Stop struggling.

Speaking of it, since leaving the southern countries and entering the Molian domain, he has never raised bee worms anymore. This thing was abandoned by Huo Hai a long time ago because there is really no cultivation value.

But now that this kind of blood mosquito wasp, Huo Hai saw the value of cultivation. In the realm of Lingdi, he can break through the defense barrier of a master like himself, so it is possible to replace it with other people. If a group is formed, the combat effectiveness can be imagined. However, in terms of quantity, there are also the materials needed to breed this blood mosquito, which Huo Hai does not know.

If you can afford it, this blood mosquito wasp is definitely a very useful horror creature, "Well, it just flies a little slower, but if it can reach the realm of the spirits, it should be able to make up for it."

Huo Hai quickly got some news about blood mosquitoes through the blood mosquitoes that he had just controlled. Of course, he didn't know the extras. He could only tell Huo Hai that there were not many blood mosquitoes. The position of the queen bee.

Huo Hai quietly approached the past, and soon saw the place where the blood mosquitoes live: "Sure enough, there are not many, this is too small." Huo Hai doesn't know if it is valuable to control these things by himself. If the blood mosquitoes cannot form a sufficient number, there will be no effect at all. In that case, it is better not to.

Below a cliff not far in front, there is a honeycomb that is at most the size of a basketball. The whole body is blood red and exudes a very strange atmosphere. The blood mosquito is only the size of a finger, not very big.

In such a hive, in fact, blood mosquitoes are full of calculations. I am afraid there are more than one hundred at most, and definitely not more than 300. Each blood mosquito has the breath of the spirit emperor realm, but it is not very strong.

Inside the hive, there is still an aura of the realm of Spiritual Venerable. You don't need to think about it. This must be the queen bee. The queen bee doesn't leave the hive casually. There are no beasts nearby, and they are obviously afraid of these mutant blood mosquitoes. Bee, this **** mosquito-bee's ability to break defenses doesn't have much effect on him, but it is different for fierce beasts.

After Huo Hai’s research, when these blood mosquitoes face the spiritual shield, their destructive ability is almost terrifying. Under Huo Hai’s full strength of the law, they can still be broken by the blood mosquitoes.

The lines on the blood mosquitoes seem to be able to communicate the power of the laws of heaven and earth. They are very peculiar. As for the ability to break defenses, it is even more terrifying. The blood mosquitoes can easily penetrate the skin of ordinary beasts in the spiritual holy realm. .

If the number is large, even one or two heavenly spiritual sages may be poisoned to death by this strong toxicity. Unfortunately, there are not so many blood mosquitoes here, but there is also no spiritual sage realm here. The fierce beast of, with the strength of the spirit emperor realm, can give a deadly threat to the master of the spirit, Huo Hai felt his heart start to heat up.

"I don't want that much. Even if this blood mosquito is not as useful as I thought, it's okay to use it for research." Huo Hai has already decided that he must catch it. Anyway, he is not using the original refinement array, Huo Hai Nothing will be taken into account at all.

After being transformed, the Refining Insect Formation will not have any impact on Huo Hai’s spirit. If necessary, it can be transformed at any time. It does not matter if the spiritual shield can be broken. In Huo Hai’s hands, it doesn’t matter whether the Death Moth or Fluttershy It is the nemesis of this blood mosquito wasp, even if it directly uses a powerful force to attack, it is also not controlled by these blood mosquitoes.

"Fluttershy, take control." Huo Hai didn't want to hurt these things, so he directly released Xiaodie. Xiaodie's mental power is so strong to the extreme, the mental power fluctuates, and the queen bee inside feels nothing.

Before long, all the blood mosquitoes were lying on the hive. A large blood mosquito wasp, which was much larger than the other blood mosquitoes, crawled out. This blood mosquito has no tail needles, only a long genital. This should be the queen bee undoubtedly, Huo Hai nodded in satisfaction, Xiaodie really is still the best helper in catching spirit worms by himself.

After complimenting Xiaodie, Huo Hai set his sights on these mutated blood mosquitoes.

"The queen bee should know a lot of things, she's also a spiritual deity, her own vitality is infinite." Huo Hai said to himself, and at the same time drew the worm formation and shot towards the queen bee. .

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