Evil Insect God

Chapter 1642: New hole cards

In fact, since he came back, Huo Hai has been taking time to study the problem of blood mosquitoes. It is not difficult for blood mosquitoes to improve themselves, but it is not so easy to make new queen bees.

The more powerful creatures are, the more troublesome it will be to reproduce. Especially for this queen bee, it needs to absorb a large amount of special substances to reproduce. These substances are all in the brains of Scarlet Worms, which are used to grow the race. Not enough, let alone other things. Because of the Scarlet Worm, Huo Hai couldn't do it when he wanted to raise the level of the Blood Mosquito Queen.

Because once the level is upgraded, new blood mosquitoes will be reproduced, and they will become the realm of the spirits. At that time, a large amount of special substances are still needed. This is much more expensive than making a blood mosquito queen. .

Only after Huo Hai came back, he only found that the scarlet worms were very easy to breed, but it was not so easy to expand their number. Huo Hai used a part of the scarlet worms to use the method of invigorating blood to directly promote the spirit emperor and the spirit emperor.

But at this time, Huo Hai discovered that the substances secreted by these scarlet worms did increase, but their reproductive ability was worse. Fortunately, those in the spirit emperor realm had a certain ability to reproduce, but when they reached the spirit emperor realm, the blood worms were all over their bodies This special substance is not just as simple as the brain, the worm that caused the spirit emperor realm has basically been sterilized.

There is no way to obtain a large number of Scarlet Worms, and there is not so much time for research. Therefore, in the past two years, Huo Hai can only drag in this way. In two years, Huo Hai has completed the entire defensive spirit formation and will also integrate other fierce The beast transformation is complete.

At this time, Huo Hai finally had enough time to study this issue. "My direction seems to be a little bit problematic. Blindly improving reproductive capacity is of little use to the Scarlet Worm." Huo Hai said to himself. .

For a long time, Huo Hai has always started in this regard, "Since that special substance can inhibit reproduction, what if this special substance is suppressed, or even cleaned up." Huo Hai mainly needs It was this kind of special substance, so he had not started in this regard, but now Huo Hai suddenly figured it out.

Since this thing was originally the culprit that suppressed the ability to reproduce, then it was cleaned up. With Huo Hai's ability, with a little research, it was easy to clean out all of this substance.

The scarlet worm did not die, or even a special change. After losing this special substance, the scarlet worm did not have a special reaction, but in the experiment, the scarlet worm really recovered its reproduction ability.

As a worm, the ability to reproduce is very strong, but Huo Hai is not very proficient when extracting special substances, nor is he very understanding, so he does not know what has been destroyed in the Scarlet Worm, and the reproduction ability is restored. , But this Scarlet Worm has also mutated and will not continue to produce this special substance.

Huo Hai was not discouraged, because he found the direction, so he could combine the two methods.

"Yun'er, go and plant some flowers and plants around." Huo Hai said to Yun'er, who was jumping towards him, while studying. Fang Biya and others have already The retreat is completed.

It's just that everyone knows what Huo Hai is doing, so in the daytime, although everyone said they would be by Huo Hai's side, they didn't bother. Especially when Huo Hai was studying, no one came to bother.

"Huh, bad brother, you know how to bully people, brother, do you want to expand the breeding range of blue bee." The blue bee is a kind of bee that Huo Hai obtained long ago, and it is the first bee colony studied. Although it is not suitable for combat, the honey produced is very good, and it is good for the bottom disciples, or ordinary people in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

The most important thing is that the taste of this thing is very good. Therefore, in the Celestial Realm, Huo Feng still did not give up on the blue-stranded bee colony. Now in the Tianxing Sect, many people usually like to take the blue-stranded bee honey as a drink.

Huo Hai didn't lift his head, and continued to study, "It's not a blue-striped bee, it's another bee colony. Okay, you hurry up and plant flowers, remember to have more variety." Yun'er pursed his small mouth when he heard this. , A look of dissatisfaction.

However, Yun'er would still follow Huo Hai's instructions. Soon, Fang Biya and others, as well as some sea anemones who had nothing to do, were all summoned by Yun'er to plant flowers, and it was still large. This is not something that one person can do. Huo Hai let Yun'er go, mainly because Yun'er itself is a natural attribute.

After planting a large number of flowers and plants, Yuner's natural attribute spell can guarantee the survival of these flowers and plants. What Huo Hai wants is not ordinary flowers and plants, but flowers and plants that contain spiritual power, which can also be said to be a kind of elixir.

The more such flowers and plants, the higher the level, the happier Huo Hai will be. Huo Hai did not say clearly, but why Yun'er, who has a deep understanding with Huo Hai, could not understand. Soon, a large number of flowers and grass seeds were sown. In this case, the worst flowers and plants can reach the quality of the Emperor. Speaking of which, it is very rare for such a large-scale flower planting force.

As a sect that is rising at a high speed, the Sky Star Sect is naturally concerned by many forces. This move was discovered by others in the first place, but no matter what other people thought, they didn't know what it was doing.

Huo Hai did not explain, but continued to study the blood red worm. Two months later, Huo Hai raised his head: "Finally succeeded. It turns out that the problem lies in this place." Huo Hai finally found the blood red worm that breeds and produces special substances. Locally, Huo Hai hasn't been able to produce this substance, but the reproduction problem of blood red worms has been solved.

As long as it can inhibit the production of the blood red worm's special substance, and at the same time prevent the special base points under the brain that secrete this substance from being destroyed. These base points are very fragile and can be easily destroyed by any external force.

The solution Huo Hai finally came up with was to set up a huge spiritual array and integrate the spiritual array into the position of the original guardian large array. This spiritual array usually emits a very special wave, similar to a sound wave.

But this is not a sound wave, but a spiritual fluctuation. In this slight fluctuation, the new blood red worms will not secrete this substance. Within this area, these blood red worms will multiply and grow. However, within this range, it had no effect on other creatures, so Huo Hai asked blood mosquitoes to take care of them.

After that, when these blood-red worms grow up a little bit, they will be caught out and live outside the spirit formation. That special substance can be produced quickly. Therefore, the breeding worms selected by Huo Hai have reached the realm of the spirit emperor. of.

These worms in the spirit emperor realm will grow slower, but they have more special substances. As long as they absorb some of the worm's substance, the queen bee can create a blood mosquito in the spirit emperor realm.

After solving the problem here, Huo Hai immediately stimulated the bloodline of the Bloodstripe Queen, and used the method of cultivating spirit worms to raise the Bloodstripe Queen’s cultivation to the realm of spiritual sage, but Huo Hai used it The method is still the method of breaking the sacred. After all, the potential of this bloodmarked queen has been exhausted, and the foundation is not stable enough, only this method can be used.

However, Huo Hai has already experimented with the creation of new blood mosquitoes and bees. Although the cultivation base of the realm of the spirits is mass-produced, these blood mosquitoes can not be compared with the spirits, and even the same level of spirits can destroy them. many.

But this blood mosquito wasp's talent ability is stronger, its own spiritual shield can't resist at all, even those powerful armors will be easily broken, as long as it breaks, the strong toxicity will enter the body.

With this kind of toxicity, Huo Hai can feel his body numb. If he is replaced by a spiritual saint with a lower level, he will lose his combat effectiveness in a few strokes. Even if he faces the peak of the spiritual saint, as long as there are enough To kill it, this blood mosquito is respecting the number itself, but it is a pity that the blood mosquito itself has too weak defenses and has not yet attacked from a distance.

I am afraid that when facing masters in the future, they will lose a lot in every battle. Fortunately, they are fast now, able to catch up with the spirit saints and take them out alone. A spirit venerable blood mosquito is far inferior to a skeleton of the same level.

However, once they are in groups, the threat to the real master is much greater than those of the skeletons. After the research is completed, Huo Hai has made the spiritual circle, and then chose a very safe place to move the nearby spiritual circle Strengthened and consolidated to the limit, this place will be used as the place where the queen bee lives, and the queen must be protected.

Even inside, Huo Hai created a very special small teleportation array. Once in danger, the queen bee can pass through this teleportation array and directly return to the Zongmen resident. As long as the queen bee exists, the swarm will exist.

Then, Huo Hai asked the bee colony to create a lot of beehives in many places. There were no queen bees in these bees, but the queen's control ability could still cover the surroundings. These places were used to confuse others.

When Huo Hai released the blood mosquitoes, the entire Sky Star Sect was completely shaken. Especially after experimenting with the blood mosquitoes' abilities, the suzerain and the elder were even more surprised that their jaws almost fell off. This thing is really true. It was terrifying. With these, who else could break through the defense of the Sky Star Sect in the future.

At the same time, this blood mosquito wasp gave Huo Hai a very big surprise, and that was honey.

As a bee, how could there be no such thing as honey? Even those swarms of bees that eat meat have the habit and tradition of brewing honey. It used to be because the group was too small, so there was nothing left, and Huo Hai did not find it.

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