Evil Insect God

Chapter 1669: New means

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When he reached the realm of spirit gods, Huo Hai didn't know if he could still leapfrog the challenge at this level. After all, the gap between each level of spirit gods was too big, and he had never entered the circle of spirit gods. .

Huo Hai didn’t know why it was so easy for the source of his laws to condense, because according to the records, it seemed that the source of the laws of condensing was not as easy as his own. Other spirit gods were extremely dangerous when condensing the sources of the laws. , A carelessness can even completely collapse one's own laws, and the whole person will die instantly.

This is not just as simple as breaking through the bottleneck. It is said that when the Lingsheng Peak breaks through the Spirit God, only two or three of the ten people can succeed, but Huo Hai discovered that this thing is so simple.

Perhaps it is because he has a solid foundation. In short, since he has condensed the source of the law, his soul has also undergone a qualitative change. This has achieved Huo Hai's goal. At this moment, a broader world has appeared in front of him.

In Huo Hai’s eyes, the world, which was originally half-covered, was extremely clear at this time. Huo Hai wanted to see the origin of the world. It was no longer difficult at this time, but Huo Hai knew that the world was at this time. The law is no longer useful to me, even if it is a reference value.

The source of the law between the two is completely equal. Each spirit **** is equivalent to having walked out of its own path. Of course, pseudo-spirit gods are not counted. If they have their own way, why bother to look at other people. How did it go.

With the clarity of the law, Huo Hai gradually discovered that many things seem to be not as simple as he imagined. At the level of the spirit and god, if you want to improve, it is not only as simple as relying on penance, but also comprehension.

Only by comprehending your own laws and knowing how you should go next can you continue to improve your source of laws. Otherwise, all methods used will be wasted. Fortunately, Huo Hai has a natural advantage, Huo Hai The foundation itself is very solid, it can be said that no one can compare it, every step up is like this.

It is precisely because of this that the three laws of Huo Hai’s fusion are all in a perfect state. Because of perfection, there are no defects. There is no need for Huo Hai to slowly comprehend and study step by step. You can use it directly. Up.

Slowly blending the laws of perfect state, this is my own path, Huo Hai's path, as early as in the previous practice, has been planned by himself, and the importance of the foundation is fully reflected at this time.

Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that next, he only needs to continue to accumulate the power of the law and help him continue to merge. Each spirit **** takes a different path. It is enough to find his own path and stick to it.

At the same time, Huo Hai also discovered that the spirit formation does not seem to be as simple as he thought. Huo Hai originally thought that this spirit formation was imitating the lines of the law. Therefore, when he reached the realm of the spirit god, he knew all the lines of the law. It was useless, but now Huo Hai realized that what he thought was not completely consistent with reality.

If it is really just imitating the rules of the law, then the spirit array will probably have no practice value. The spirit array is good at imitating the rules of the law, but it is more about organizing and integrating these rules and patterns to make them explode with stronger power.

Before the spirit gods, everyone could only imitate and constantly approach the original law. Therefore, the most powerful spirit formations can only reach the spirit holy state, and cannot continue to improve, but after reaching the spirit **** state, it is different.

At this time, the spirit array pays attention to integrating different laws with each other, and then bursts out of power far beyond the laws of heaven and earth itself. If these laws can be fully integrated, even the most original law of heaven and earth will burst out. The power of, may be stronger than the power of the peak spirit god.

When the spirit array reached this level, it was no longer imitating the lines of the law, but imitating the origin of the heaven and the earth, or imitating the direction of the entire world. Huo Hai didn't know why, and suddenly figured this out.

With Huo Hai's comprehension, the spirit array patterns on his star soul guide that had been complex to the extreme, suddenly began to change, most of the patterns began to merge with each other, and at the same time some new patterns appeared.

When Huo Hai reacted, he discovered that Huo Hai’s spirit formations were ten times simpler than before, but this was only on the surface, because these spirit formations were also ten times more mysterious than before. , The self-designed speed, I don’t know how much it has been improved. At this time, the speed of moving the star and changing the battle is probably not too slow within the spirit of God.

He shook his head, these things still need to be understood slowly in the future. It is a very long process without information and only relying on self-understanding. Now the key is that you need to sort out some methods after the spiritual **** realm.

After reaching the realm of the spirit god, there is no way to fight without any means, because at this time, I am even more dangerous. From the top sect’s point of view, it should not exist for a wild spirit **** like myself, and they will easily do it. .

Once you accidentally make too much noise and let too many people know that new spirits have appeared, I am afraid it is not impossible for these forces to besiege yourself. The means of fighting are not fundamental at every stage, but they are the most important. .

The first improvement is naturally the Soul Slayer Sword. This thing was originally a God-level War Spirit Art. Only when it reaches the God-level can its power be fully displayed. After the transformation of the source of the law, the power of the Soul Slayer's seed does not know how to increase. How much, even now, Huo Hai is sure to release it that can hurt the soul of the spirit god.

However, you still need to continue to condense at this time. According to the original condensing method of the Soul Destruction Sword, Huo Hai slowly mobilized his mental power. The sword type of the Soul Destruction Sword became stronger and stronger, and even his soul became even more powerful. Safety.

While condensing his own soul-killing sword, Huo Hai also began to observe his basic means of fighting, that is, the things he raised. The blood flame dragon was sleeping, and on the way to the spirit god, this The guy was a step faster than himself, and then the sky cloud phenomenon, also absorbed enough blood, has begun to transform.

The blood-colored lines all over the body flickered, because the sky cloud elephant's main practice is not the law, but the condensing of the body and the tempering of the blood qi, so there is no need to understand the law. This kind of only relying on the blood qi to improve itself is rare.

I just don’t know if other fierce beasts are the same as their own sky cloud elephants. After all, fierce beasts are far from being compared with humans and spirit beasts in terms of comprehension laws. It’s a pity that mutant sky cloud elephants are more suitable for frontal combat. , And the speed is not very fast, this is different from Huo Hai's number of battles, so Huo Hai will rarely use this guy.

Other spirit worms do not mean to break through at this time. Unlike the past, as long as Huo Hai breaks through, these spirit worms have a strong leading role, but after reaching the realm of spirit gods, many things are different. Up.

Even if the spirit worms want to break through, they need to condense their own source of laws. Therefore, with their own drive at this time, the spirit worms still need to understand the laws. For example, Xiaodie, as long as they fully understand the fragments of the spiritual type of law, it is enough. Fortunately, the fragments of the spiritual law are enough, otherwise Xiaodie is really not sure that he can improve.

There is also Xiaojin, which requires the dual laws of fire and toxins. Silver beads only need the laws of insects, but small bones need the understanding of the skeletal spirit and the triple law of insects. The death moth needs spirit and wind, and the six-winged butterfly needs stars and In terms of spirit, it is only in this way that you can merge your own spiritual formation law. Small water needs water system, small cloud needs cloud type. Star Gus are the most troublesome. They need insects and spatial attributes. The insects are easy to handle. It is complete. But the spatial attributes are really hard to find.

"Hey, it seems that my law fragments are still far from enough." Huo Hai sighed, feeling a little helpless in his heart. In order to let his main battle spirit insects break through to reach the spirit gods, law fragments still need a lot of accumulation.

After calculating it, I really have some law fragments missing, especially the most important space attribute. You must know that Star Gu is the spirit worm that helps you the most. Without any spirit worm, you can't make Star Gu lack.

After going out this time, he had to prepare fragments of the laws for his own spirit worms. Huo Hai also knew that although the spirit worms needed to understand how many laws there were, they were different from their own complete integration.

What they need is only partial fusion, even for reference. Many spirits and gods also do this when breaking through, and what Huo Hai himself knows is probably the only one who uses the method of law fusion, and Huo Hai I still use three perfect rules to merge, I'm afraid I might be unique.

The nine-layer starlight has reached its limit, and it is impossible to continue to break through. In fact, many of Huo Hai's battle spirit art are like this at this time, Huo Hai shook his head, it seems that he needs to sort out his own gains first.

There are still some things that haven’t been sorted out for the dragon killed earlier. Recalling the defense capabilities of the dragons, Huo Hai has some thoughts, “I don’t know if I can practice the defense secret of this dragon.” A strange flash flashed in Huo Hai’s eyes. Forget it, I don’t waste too much time anyway, it’s better to take the time to sort it out, and I should have a rest.

Huo Hai quickly began to organize the things in his hands, the ones he had gotten from the dragon at the beginning.

I hadn't seen it for so long because I was walking in a hurry at the beginning. It shouldn't be that simple to think about the things that can be collected by the Dragon Race of the Innate Saint Level. I just don't know how much God Level can have.

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