Evil Insect God

Chapter 1679: New sword

This is just the first step to disperse the law of the sword seed. Huo Hai has already done it now. Only by maintaining his spiritual power can the sword seed not collapse, or his inner world will be in trouble.

Huo Hai’s own sword species has been condensed and formed since he entered the Lingzun period. Until now, I don’t know how powerful it is. Previously, only the laws of dispersal caused his inner world to boil. With a strong mental power, a strong inner world, and the guardianship of the star rock wall, Huo Hai didn't dare to do so.

At this time, the spiritual power in the inner world is constantly boiling, and now if Huo Hai wants to use his hands, I am afraid that only in terms of mobilizing spiritual power, it will be a bit worse than in the heyday. If the sword type bursts, it will definitely be more chaotic.

This time is actually very dangerous. If one accidentally causes the sword seed to explode, it is not impossible for one's inner world to be injured. It is not easy to reconsolidate the sword seed, and the time consuming is very terrifying.

The Sword God itself should also condense the sword species, but Huo Hai, the sword species of the Sword God, is sure that it is the source of his law itself, but he also has an advantage. The source of the law cannot undergo major changes, but his own war spirit There is no problem with the seed of the tactics, "The next step is the integration of will, and the sword seed with will is the sword intent."

Huo Hai said slowly in his heart, if according to the general situation, he needs to integrate his thoughts into his mental power little by little to form a very special will, this will is a pure attack.

That takes too much time, and it can only be done bit by bit. If it is really like that, your own sword will not be able to disperse the law completely. Even if you reconsolidate a new sword, you actually need to go through this step. It is impossible for the sword species blessed by the law to condense to this level. Huo Hai is not a sword god, without the help of the law of heaven and earth.

However, Huo Hai has already thought about it. His own Soul Slayer sword is the best carrier. The Soul Slayer is completely composed of his own mental power, and because of the condensed sword shape, it contains some very special ones. thing.

As long as you adjust it, then a seed of will is complete. Just do it when you think about it. As a spiritual power sword type, it simply moves with your heart. The Soul Slayer slowly began to change, and some of the inner will gradually began to become pure.

The Soul Destruction Sword was originally a method of soul attack, and the will contained in it also had many things related to the soul. What Huo Hai had to do at this time was to withdraw these wills and slowly add in the pure will to attack.

At the level of spirit gods, every word and deed of oneself represents the law, and his own will is actually a law in itself, a law that is not a law, and the power that this kind of power can burst out is even higher than the general law. Power can distort the laws of heaven and earth and transform them into power similar to their own laws.

In the previous battles, Huo Hai had already understood some things, and Huo Hai naturally knew that this thing was used to replace the law, how much more powerful it was than before. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that this will will become a sword intent. .

Even Huo Hai was speculating that the spirit **** masters’ war spirit art seeds might have incorporated this similar will. In this way, even if the spirit **** masters’ war spirit art seeds do not reach the level of **** level, they In his hands, he was still able to display the power of the god-level war spirit art. Otherwise, why are there so many god-level masters, everyone has their own means.

But the god-level war spirit art that can be passed down is still not a lot, only a very small part.

Forget it, don’t think about it for the time being. At this moment, Huo Hai has completely cleaned up the seventh-level soul sword. With a movement in his heart, the soul sword is directly separated from his soul origin. At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly feels his head. gosh.

The mental energy was consumed too much, and it was this kind of permanent consumption that caused Huo Hai's spirit to be somewhat damaged. It would take a few years to restore his soul, but Huo Hai had already prepared for all this.

The Soul Sword, which has become quite pure, landed quickly under Huo Hai’s control, almost ignoring everything in Huo Hai’s body, and instantly submerged into Huo Hai’s inner world. Huo Hai knew that this was mainly because The connection between one's own soul and origin, the initial position where the soul sword seed appears, is not far from one's own origin.

Without considering other things, Huo Hai controlled the Soul Sword Seed, and instantly pierced into the Sword Seed that was close to collapse. At the same time, the world in Huo Hai was shining brightly, and Huo Hai was ready for a comprehensive defense.

In Huo Hai’s deduction, only the sword type that is fused in this way is the most perfect, and it is the sword type that is closest to the level of the sword god. Perhaps it will not be as good as the sword **** in the future in terms of sword aura. The Jian Qi approached the opponent.

But this kind of risky method in Huo Hai’s deduction is only half of the success rate. Once it breaks out, then the two swords will collapse, and the injury to his inner world will never be light. Even if he defends with all his strength, I am afraid that afterwards It will also take a lot of time to recover, and even to reconsolidate the sword seed in the future, it may not be as strong as it is now.

"No way." Suddenly, Huo Hai discovered that his sword was actually beginning to collapse. Huo Hai shook his head helplessly. At this moment, Huo Hai was bitter and he was ready to withstand the impact. Pay the price.

But at this moment, the purple-golden light that had collapsed suddenly introverted, and a large amount of purple-golden light regrouped into one body. A long sword appeared in Huo Hai’s inner world. The shape of this long sword was naturally recognized by Huo Hai. His previous swords and soul swords were all in this shape, but the original violent power began to retreat quickly.

"Did it succeed?" Huo Hai's eyes widened, and the change was too sudden. Huo Hai was ready for injury, but suddenly succeeded. Huo Hai's expression at this time was very strange and he didn't know what to say. What is good.

After a long time, Huo Hai, who had reacted, controlled his sword type to circulate twice in the inner world, and then stopped, "It seems that it was really successful, great, it was really dangerous just now." Huo Hai thought. Joy can't be suppressed.

This not only means that there is no danger, but it also means that Huo Hai’s sword has reached the most perfect state. There is no trace of legal power left, and the pure spiritual will is integrated into it. At this time, the spiritual will has become the same as his original. The spiritual power swords are completely integrated, although their spiritual power is constantly being regularized.

But this kind of regularization represents one's own law, which is completely in line with one's own will. The law of heaven and earth cannot be perfectly compatible with oneself at all. This is the real reason for not being able to exert one's own sword power.

In the future, if he wants to continue to condense his own sword, Huo Hai is not without a choice. As long as Huo Hai follows the cultivation method of the Soul Destruction Sword, and then slightly modifies it, it is a brand-new God-level war spirit art.

Although the soul origin does not have the protection of the Soul Destroying Sword, it is not completely defensive. On the contrary, at this time his soul defense ability is stronger, because the connection between the soul and the origin, while the sword type is reshaped, The origin of his soul was also affected, a ray of sword intent slowly rose, hovering around the origin of the soul.

If someone comes to attack Huo Hai at this time, then the sword species will immediately transform Huo Hai’s spiritual power into spiritual sword aura. This sword aura is stronger than the original Soul Slayer Sword, whether it is defense or attack. Not bad.

Huo Hai's current sword aura does not need to integrate his own spiritual power, because his will has already been integrated into the sword, and every attack, the sword aura has the dual effects of common law attack and soul attack.

"I don't know what the power of this sword aura is. Forget it, let's rest for a while." After the sword type was completed, Huo Hai entered the deep meditation with satisfaction, and just took a part of his mental power in an instant. The damaged soul made Huo Hai feel abnormally tired, even if he had to experiment, he had to wait until later to recover a little bit.

Closing his eyes, Huo Hai's sword species is still slowly absorbing the spiritual power emanating from Huo Hai. After the spiritual power is tempered, it is given new will, and then integrates with Huo Hai's own spiritual power to continuously strengthen the sword species.

At this time, the sword species has entered the level of God level. The purer the will in the sword species, the stronger the power. The all-encompassing sword species that seems to have many functions looks good, but lacks this purity. The strength of his own is far from being compared with this, Huo Hai's pure will to attack has elevated the attack of sword energy to the extreme.

At the moment when Huo Hai had just completed the sword type, he suddenly had a very fierce sword intent. This is the true sword intent that the sword **** said. In fact, Huo Hai's understanding of sword intent is still Only a little bit on the surface.

"It's actually a pure attack road, so maybe that's not bad. The sword itself is a killer." In the distance, feeling Huo Hai's breath become more fierce, the Sword God shook his head, not knowing what he was thinking. what.

His sword intent is not a pure attack. It is conceivable that even if Huo Hai does not practice the laws of swords, after reaching his own level, the power of sword aura will not be much worse than himself. I hope that he will not Cultivate a monster, fortunately, this kid is not an ambitious generation.

In fact, if this were not the case, how could the sword **** teach other people his sword skills casually.

I don't know how many people hope to get the guidance of a master like Sword God. Even the people in the Tongtian Tower, very few people have this qualification. If they know that Huo Hai has obtained such an opportunity, they don't know what to be jealous.

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