Evil Insect God

Chapter 1681: Authentic

The Sword God did not retain Huo Hai's departure at all. When he said that Huo Hai could recover, he would leave. The Sword God naturally had his own considerations. It was actually very difficult to take in and give guidance to Huo Hai.

"Well, hurry up, kid, remember, you haven't seen the old man, and you don't know that the old man is here, you know." Huo Hai nodded quickly after hearing the words and said that he understood that the Sword God is obviously living in seclusion, and he doesn't want to be disturbed. .

Being able to live in this kind of place also means that the Sword God does not want to worry about things outside. I am afraid that even the Blood God Sect does not know that there is such a master at his door. Of course, even if it is leaked out, the Sword God will only change another place. That's all, but in that case, Huo Hai's impression in the mind of the sword **** might not be so good.

Of course, Huo Hai would not do this kind of thing, saying that he would not disclose it before leaving.

After leaving the bamboo forest, Huo Hai flew towards the sky, and soon reached the edge of the barrier. With Huo Hai’s current strength, he could easily break it open. Of course, Huo Hai would not do this, but Mobilize a blood flame around the body.

The blood-colored dragon has not recovered yet, but Huo Hai itself mobilizes blood flames more naturally. Looking inside the inner space, Huo Hai sighed. His spirit worm still hasn't completed its transformation, but it's coming soon. Years only.

After leaving, Huo Hai turned around and left without going through the Blood God Sect, silently calculating in his heart: "It's been more than ten years since I came out, it seems it's time to go back." His cultivation level improved, And there are still a lot of law fragments on his body, and he should continue to strengthen the strength of his family. The stronger the strength of the family, the more at ease he can go outside.

However, after staying with the Sword God for such a long time, Huo Hai also wanted to relax. After all, Huo Hai’s age is not too old, and it is impossible to be as undesirable as a statue. After thinking about it, Huo Hai’s figure flashed. , Entered a city.

"Find a place to have a good meal, then take a rest and go home." It is not a short-term thing to go home. Without the help of the teleportation array, Huo Hai may take several days to fly back, mainly at the border. More dangerous.

But just after Huo Hai entered the city, several figures flashed across the corner of his eyes. Seeing these people in their clothes full of clouds, Huo Hai frowned. This iconic clothing and the symbol seemed to be somewhere. I've seen it somewhere, and Huo Hai couldn't understand it. After all, this kind of similar symbol is actually used by many forces.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Huo Hai's mind: "By the way, it is the people of Zhengtianzong, how could they appear here." Huo Hai finally remembered the origin of these people, this Zhengtianzong is not an ordinary small sect. door.

Among the top powers, one tower, one alliance, two sects, five clans and eight sects, one of the two sects is the Demon Sect, and the other sect is this authentic heavenly sect.

Speaking of it, Zhengtianzong and Demonzong are fundamentally opposed. This means the history of the formation of the two sects. For a long time, as a very evil and very harmful spiritualist, countless Hunted by other spiritualists.

However, the demon energy of the demon master is very corrosive, and the speed of self-cultivation is also very fast, and it is able to use various weird and evil methods to practice. This has led to more and more people hating the demon master, and more and more troubles. Bigger.

In the ancient times that I don’t know how long, the magician has also caused countless disasters. The last time the scale was too large, causing the major forces to unite for the first time to destroy the magician. It is not the powerful magician. Enough for everyone to unite, but because demons are everywhere, if not everyone is doing their best, they can't be wiped out.

These great forces collectively exert their forces, and the demon masters are not going to have a good time. After a long time, the demon masters are basically going to be extinct on the Heavenly Spirit Continent. However, as long as there is a negative source between heaven and earth, the demon spirit The teacher can never really be eliminated.

Besides, demons are not all idiots. Naturally, there are some very powerful and visionary characters among them. Later, some of the masters of demons united and began to integrate the strength of demons.

They believe that only by gathering together can they be better able to resist the encirclement and suppression of the major forces. Therefore, the Demon Sect was established at this time, because almost all the demon masters have been brought together, the strength is unprecedentedly strong, and they do not want to lose too much. The big power just kept the Demon Sect under surveillance, and no power dared to act rashly, and it continued to this day.

The people of the Demon Sect are not idiots. Of course, they know what they are able to survive, so although they are usually very arrogant, they have never caused such a devastating disaster again.

That kind of behavior has offended too many people, and in such a dangerous place as the central area, it is simply looking for death.

However, there were too many people who hated the demon master at the time, and there are still many people and demon masters who are simply immortal. Naturally, they can't just watch the demon sect exist and develop. They constantly want to attack the demon sect. .

Because the benefits and losses are not proportional, the major forces did not want to do anything at all, so these people gathered together to find the trouble of the Demon Sect. Among these people, there are also some very powerful masters, so they slowly and positively The Tianzong was formed, and the fundamental purpose of the Zhengtianzong was to eliminate all demon masters in this world.

However, unlike the Demon Sect, although the people of the Zhengtianzong have the same purpose, it usually seems like a mess of scattered sand. It was not until a powerful suzerain completely integrated it that it became the current sect.

But at this time, the strength of the Demon Sect has also developed to its peak, and it is not something they can deal with casually, plus Zheng Tianzong also has its own scruples, and many things cannot be blindly messed up.

The overall strength of the Zhengtianzong is actually worse than that of the Demon Sect. However, the people of the Zhengtianzong have been studying the demon energy and various methods to deal with the demon spirit master. Therefore, when fighting, the Zhengtianzong The person of is actually restraining the masters of the Demon Sect, and the overall strength is poor, but the battle has always been the upper hand of the Zhengtianzong.

For a long time, most of the energy of Zheng Tianzong was staring at the Demon Sect. As long as there is any movement in the Demon Sect, the Zheng Tianzong will stop it as soon as possible, or destroy it, and both parties find that they are alone. Personnel, will attack without hesitation.

Although the Zhengtianzong is somewhat similar to religious lunatics, their existence is also good. Speaking of which, if it were not for the entanglement of the Zhengtianzong, then the development speed of the demons would definitely be faster than it is now. Maybe after so many years, all It can be compared to the Tower of Heaven and the Beast League, the speed of the magician is so fast, they are like locusts.

It is precisely because of this that there is a large area of ​​resource production near Zhengtianzong, and the major forces have not hesitated to give it to them, and no one will calculate it. With the restraint of Zhengtianzong, they can relax a lot. Up.

Up to now, Zhengtianzong has developed into one of the two sects, a powerful force of first-class and one-class. Today, no one dares to underestimate the Zhengtianzong, but there may still be demons in the places where the masters of the Zhengtianzong appear. People exist.

Where there are demon sects, there are often some unexpected benefits. Huo Hai is very familiar with demon sects. These people are all profitable and selfish. In the past, demon masters could gather because of their survival. Get up, very united, but within the current Demon Sect, although it cannot be said to be a mess, the relationship between each other is definitely not good.

In addition to the things that are only good for the magician himself, where the magician is there, other things may also be good for him. Thinking of this, Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he used her to hide his aura. .

At this time, I didn't care about enjoying it. I first figured out what was going on. After following it for a while, these people didn't find themselves, a few authentic masters of the heavenly sect, but only around the peak of the spirit god.

However, the people they followed have aroused Huo Hai’s interest. Although it is also the peak of Lingsheng, he is obviously not a dominant figure. It seems that there are more powerful characters waiting to make the master of Lingsheng peak. In this way, then there is only a master of Spiritual God, but it is a pity that he has never found anyone behind him following him.

Zheng Tianzong’s research on demon masters is really not comparable to other sects. Even if it is tracking hidden secrets, most of them are aimed at these demon masters. As long as they are more careful, the demon in the realm of spirit gods The teacher is hard to detect.

Huo Hai followed these people and kept tracking along the way. In a blink of an eye, these people actually wandered around the city two or three times, and it took two full days. These guys didn't know how to rest. Fortunately, the city was huge. , And there are many masters who don't like to rest, let alone two or three laps, even a few hundred laps will not attract much attention.

Finally, the young magician who felt almost the same, turned around and entered a hotel. At this time, the authentic masters who had changed their clothes behind him looked at each other and entered a restaurant opposite the hotel.

"It just so happened. After spending a day with these guys, I was a little hungry." Huo Hai smiled and said inexplicably, then Huo Hai followed the two Zhengtianzong masters and entered the restaurant. , The whole body aura converged, and Huo Hai looked like an ordinary Spirit Emperor realm master at this moment.

The Lingdi master is in the central area. It is said that it is not strong, but it is not weak. Without the deterrence and appeal of a heavenly master, it will not be troubled because of its weak strength. Huo Hai didn’t even look at it. The two people walked straight to the side.

Ignoring the people around him, Huo Hai directly ordered a large table of food, and then he ate, "Sure enough, what I did outside is not as good as I did with the seasoning, but it's not bad."

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