Evil Insect God

Chapter 400: Lightning

Everything in the body did not change from the previous time when the stellar core was condensed, but the level was improved, the condensed stellar nucleus was of higher quality, and there were more star nuclei that improved as Huo Hai's strength increased.

As before, after all the spiritual power is completely absorbed, it is tempered by the star core before being released again. The spiritual power just released is less than before, but the purity will be higher.

The lack of spiritual power is not a permanent reduction, but needs to be recovered slowly, just like the recovery after using spiritual power. In Huo Hai’s nervous eyes, his star core gradually quenched his spiritual power. Do it again, and at the same time absorb a lot of the spiritual energy used between the heavens and the earth, and refine and recover little by little to supplement your spiritual energy consumption.

I don’t know how long it has passed. When the spiritual power gushes out again, Huo Hai pays attention to his spiritual power nervously, "Why not, why are all in a foggy state." Huo Hai felt that his mood was the most depressed in history. of.

When others break through cultivation, their strength is improving. Even if they don't improve, they won't decrease. Why did they start to decline when they break through? It's not the decline of their own combat power, nor the decline of cultivation base, but the decline of spiritual power.

But just when Huo Hai felt sorry for himself, he suddenly got a shock, because Huo Hai suddenly discovered that in his spiritual source, the spiritual power in the liquid state appeared again, "What is going on, why is it like this." Lost and recovered. Huo Hai’s joy filled Huo Hai’s heart, and there was never a moment when Huo Hai felt so excited and joyful.

With this kind of mood, Huo Hai carefully observed spiritual power and finally discovered where these liquid spiritual powers came from. The liquid spiritual power that was originally absorbed did not disappear, but was broken up and recondensed. .

After that, it was mixed with the mist spiritual power. Among the large amount of mist spiritual power, there are a little bit of water droplets hidden. You can't see it if you don't look closely. After all, these mists are originally in the form of water drops, but the water drops are relatively small.

When the spiritual power flowed through the spiritual source, these liquid spiritual powers were left in it, converging little by little, and when they gathered into a pile, Huo Hai discovered the difference. Then, Huo Hai long He breathed a sigh of relief, as long as his liquid spiritual power was still there, he didn't have to worry, at least he reached the peak of the spiritual general realm, and there would not be too much bottleneck in the middle.

As time passed slowly, Huo Hai was slowly practicing and recovering here. After the spiritual power tempering was completed, Huo Hai was still absorbing the spiritual power around him. He wanted to see how much liquid spiritual power he could have when his spiritual power was fully restored. .

Almost a long time has passed. The spiritual power that Huo Hai has just broken through has finally recovered to completeness again. What surprised Huo Hai is that the liquid spiritual power in his spiritual source has been filled from the original state of only a few drops. Spiritual source.

The entire spiritual source is full of liquid spiritual power. Continue to practice, and soon the spiritual power will spread into one’s spiritual veins, and the spiritual power will turn into liquid, and it cannot be used as a regular spiritual power. Usefulness.

However, Huo Hai knew that if he wanted to break through to the realm of Lingshuai, the first thing he had to do was to completely turn his whole body spiritual power into liquid. Now, he is already a big step ahead of other realm masters. Huo Hai slowly opened his eyes, calming his spiritual power, and the smile on his face couldn't be stopped, all of it was revealed.

The strength of the Spirit Gathering Pills condensed in the body still has not dissipated. After eating a Spirit Gathering Pill, it can at least help oneself cultivate for ten days. After ten days, the power of the Spirit Gathering Pill will be consumed little by little. Exhausted.

As long as you practice harder during this period, or go through some battles, there will be no residual strength of the pill of gathering spirits. This pill of gathering spirits can be said to be the safest of all medicines.

"Take advantage of your good luck now, and see what is left." Huo Hai feels that he is almost full of luck now. He doesn't know what the box in his hand is in the end. Huo Hai didn't deliberately practice, and Tianxing changed very much. Special, even if it wasn't on the initiative to cultivate, in fact, under the operation of the spiritual power in the body, it is still equivalent to practicing.

It's just that this kind of cultivation effect is very bad, especially when you want to hide your breath, this effect is even worse. Now there is only one person here, Huo Hai does not need to hide, and does not worry about others discovering.

The last box was summoned from the inner space. Huo Hai hadn't had time to read the text on the box. Now when he saw it, there were three characters written on it, and Huo Hai frowned involuntarily.

"Is it a spell with the lightning attribute? Wouldn't it be useless?" You can tell from the name of the lightning spell. It should be a spell with the lightning attribute. Although I am a magician, it is not a spell with different attributes. Although Huo Hai can also practice, the effect is not satisfactory, if he cultivates thunder attribute spells forcibly.

The end result is that the use of lightning attribute spells will consume several times the spiritual power of a spiritist with lightning attribute spells, but the effect is probably not even half of the power displayed by the opponent. This is the gap between attributes.

Generally speaking, the spirit warfare and spells that everyone cultivates are related to the attributes of the source spirit spirit treasure that they have integrated. No one will practice if the attributes are different. If the attributes are mutually restrained, no one dares to touch them. Up.

Although frowning, Huo Hai finally thought about it and opened the box. Inside the box was a scroll rolled into a ball. Huo Hai slowly opened the scroll. There was no special mechanism on the scroll. It must be a test of life and death. It is already very dangerous, so the designer did not set any dangerous traps in the box.

Opening the scroll, Huo Hai scanned slowly, the more he looked down, the looser Huo Hai's brows became. Finally, Huo Hai smiled unscrupulously: "Hahahaha, it turned out to be such a lightning technique, really good. "

Huo Hai laughed, because this lightning technique is actually different from what he imagined. Although it also attracts lightning, it is not a pure thunder attribute spell. Strictly speaking, all magic wizards and All wizards can practice.

Even with this kind of lightning technique, Huo Hai discovered that all spiritual masters can practice. The only difference is the effect of cultivation. The essence of lightning technique is to attract thunder and lightning, and then integrate into his own spiritual power to transform thunder and lightning. Become a thunderball with the same attributes as one's own, and then seal the thunderball with a secret method, and wait to use it in battle.

You can hit the thunderball directly to injure people, or you can directly detonate the thunderball to explode. There may even be various ways to use it. As long as it is used properly, the lightning technique is very powerful.

The biggest disadvantage is the number of thunderballs. The lightning technique can only seal up to three in the body. If there are more, it will affect oneself. The thunderball will affect one's spiritual power and even affect one's own cultivation, which is more serious. If it does, it is possible to explode directly in the body, blasting oneself to pieces, and the use of lightning triggering also requires careful attention.

In the last sentence of the lightning technique, it is introduced that the trainer of the lightning technique has special and powerful attributes and the best training effect. Huo Hai knows that the more aggressive the attributes, the greater the power.

If it is a thunder attribute, and the attributes overlap with each other, the power will be quite terrifying, and the fire attribute power is also good. In retrospect, it seems that Fang Biya’s ice flame attribute is very suitable. On the contrary, Ji Mu’s speed attribute and Yuner’s wood The attributes are not so suitable. It's a pity that Yun'er, the wizard, is the best in cultivating thunder-attracting technique.

I just don't know what the effect of my own cultivation will be. At this time, I am in a maze, and it is not easy to attract thunder and lightning. The Heavenly Spirit Continent is not the earth, and electricity can be found anywhere.

The best thunder and lightning here is naturally the spontaneous thunder and lightning. In addition to this one, there is also a special spiritual formation recorded in the lightning technique. This spiritual formation can transform the spiritual power in the spiritual stone into thunder and lightning. The spirit array is actually the one specially used in conjunction with the lightning technique. I really don't know who created this strange thing.

Huo Hai collected things and just broke through. He was energetic and his own strength seemed to be more handy. At this time, there were four star cores as the source of spiritual power, and Huo Hai's spiritual power recovery speed was faster than before.

"Let’s find the key first, don’t fall behind other people." Huo Hai yelled, and didn’t care if he would be exposed. Then, he chose a random direction and set off. The entire maze is very large, how big is Huo Hai? do not know either.

In short, Huo Hai only knows that this maze space is linked together by people using special space spirit formations. In fact, it seems to be a whole maze, not in one place at all. The overall scale of the maze may be very large, but A single place does not have any scale, but in Huo Hai's eyes, the maze is a whole.

When Star Gu was released, Huo Hai commanded Star Gu to explore around, while carefully searching for the hidden keys in the maze and the traps that might be hidden in the maze. This maze was not a safe place.

Earlier, when Huo Hai's Star Gu found that a piece of turned head was different, it lightly went up and hit it, and then a large swath of sharp arrows appeared around, and the entire passage was flooded with sharp arrows.

Huo Hai was taken aback at the time. Fortunately, he was not here, but the results were very serious. The arrows that suddenly appeared were fast, and each one was still a broken spirit arrow. After this happened, Huo Hai's action was even more careful. When other spirit general realm masters encountered such a trap, most of them couldn't escape, and eventually they were not dead but were seriously injured.

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