Evil Insect God

Chapter 403: key

Huo Hai doesn't care what other people think. He now values ​​the treasures in this ruin very much. After coming to the ruins, the several things he got are all very valuable.

Many items can be used by myself, and the effect is very good. After I have completely digested them, my strength may be able to reach a higher level. Soon, the things on the two demon masters will be They were all touched out.

Some of the **** that Huo Hai can't look at is either put back at will or thrown into the inner space. There is only one scroll that makes Huo Hai's eyes shine. I don't know that two people got this scroll in the maze. The two of them still have it, but there is nothing good about them. This should be obtained in the maze.

The two demon masters joined forces. As long as they didn't encounter something that was astonishing as the Flame Spirit Servant they had seen before, I believe it would not be the opponent of the two of them, holding the scroll in his hand, and then slowly opening it.

The four characters "Spirit-attached sword technique" appeared in Huo Hai's eyes, "I can do whatever I really want, so soon there will be swordsmanship and war spirit art." Huo Hai felt that this world is really wonderful. Up.

Unexpectedly, the sword technique he wanted was actually sent to him by two demon masters. Huo Hai did not doubt the quality of this sword technique. If the quality is not high, how could the two spirits carry it with him? , But as he watched, Huo Hai was still shocked. He didn't expect that the level of this spirit-attached sword technique would actually reach the top grade of the mysterious rank.

This level is already equivalent to his own blood stab. Originally, Huo Hai planned to learn the swordsmanship and war spirit art of the Huo family after returning home. The Huo family only has a mysterious low-grade war spirit art. It is a method of using sword energy.

It seems that it’s not necessary now. This kind of sword technique is more advanced than the war spirit art passed down by Huo’s family. Huo Hai looked down and found that the true meaning of this sword technique was to attach spiritual power to the long sword itself to form A very stable sword energy.

This kind of sword aura cannot attack from a long distance, but within a close range, it is more powerful than a normal sword aura attack, and it does not consume much. Long-range attacks, this Huo Hai doesn't care at all, he has Star Gu, and There is also the blood stab, Huo Hai's long-range attack method is not lacking at all, what is lacking now is a sword technique.

In other words, what Huo Hai lacks is precisely this kind of war spirit art that can save his life in various situations. Huo Hai is not a war spiritist, but it does not matter. Huo Hai itself is better than a war spiritist of the same level. Strong.

The conditions for cultivating the battle spirit technique are completely in line. As for the source spirit spirit treasure, not many people have made their source spirit spirit treasure specifically related to swordsmanship. At this point, Huo Hai and other war spirit masters , Is actually at the same starting line.

Of course, this spirit-attached sword technique is said to be a sword technique. Naturally, it is not only the use of spiritual power itself, but a set of very delicate sword techniques is attached to it, which is much more subtle than the basic type of sword technique you use.

After waving a few times, Huo Hai felt very good. Based on his own swordsmanship, he should be able to be fully proficient in a few days of cultivation, but after seeing it once, Huo Hai put the scrolls away. The time is urgent. It was a waste, Huo Hai retracted the scroll and looked at the two corpses on the ground. These two corpses were really an eye-catcher.

After kicking the two corpses into the original room with one kick, Huo Hai began to explore the maze again.

I had just been injured by the Flame Spirit Servant's arm before, and then fought with two people, and was hit by the two people's war spirit art. Even with silver silk soft armor for defense, this was after all an attack by two spirit generals realm demon masters. .

Huo Hai drank a bottle of potion to prevent the devil energy from corroding, dispelled the devil energy that entered the body, and then took a pill of healing medicine. This injury took a few days to recover. Huo Hai sighed, but what There is no way.

I don’t know if it was because of the injury that all the bad luck was used up. Then Huo Hai’s luck seemed to be pretty good. In a secret place, Huo Hai found a depression like a well. The water in it was drunk, just right. Huo Hai is here to add some drinking water to his inner space. Isn't this maze that there is no supplement at all?

These things were not available in the previous light spots, and it seemed that they could only find them on their own. Later, Huo Hai was still on a weird statue and found a drop of milky white liquid. There was only a small amount of this liquid in the plate below.

When exposed to this liquid, the light spots in Huo Hai's body once again released a little information, letting Huo Hai know that this thing is actually a kind of food, as long as you drink such a drop, you can guarantee your food within three days. Needs, if there are enough such things, it is not impossible for the people trapped in it to survive here forever.

This kind of thing that is only used to supplement his own food is very useful in many cases. Huo Hai's own food is still sufficient, and he does not want to waste things. Carefully put the liquid in a spirit stone bottle, and then Keep it.

This bottle was used to hold the pill before, and now it is used to hold this liquid. There should be no problem. After collecting the things, Huo Hai once again embarked on the journey, crossing two traps along the way, far away Yes, Huo Hai felt the living thing again.

The last time Star Gu sent a message to himself that he found a room, maybe this time it was the same. Huo Hai learned well this time, Star Gu did not take it back, but many of them were watching from a distance to avoid fighting later. Who will attract?

Cautiously approaching the past, sure enough, it was another room instead of someone being discovered by himself. Huo Hai looked at the room from a distance. The thing moving in the room was a snake. No, this is not an ordinary snake, an ordinary snake, why? It may have survived for thousands of years without eating or drinking. Huo Hai took a closer look and found that this snake had been completely transformed.

The scales are covered with spirit array patterns, and there is a mark on the head. This is a kind of spirit servant combined with the spirit person in the room. This kind of spirit servant is a rare spirit servant that is directly transformed by a beast. .

The Spirit Servant still retains the strength of his life, but he has no thoughts, and only the fighting instinct is left. I really don't know how strong the people who made this place are, and they can actually create so many things.

"This is, the key, this is the key to leave." When Huo Hai saw clearly what was in the room, his eyes suddenly widened, and a small silver-white spar floated in a beam of light in the room. Isn't this the kind of key that can leave the maze introduced in the light spot?

As long as the person crushes it and crushes the key, he will immediately enter the third level. As for what is left behind, Huo Hai is completely unclear. In short, this key must be obtained by himself.

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed, and this time he should do what he said. The inside was a snake, not a flame servant, so his strongest Star Gu could be used. When Huo Hai's heart moved, Star Gu immediately set off, surrounding The spirit snake began to attack continuously. After being transformed, the spirit snake could not use the spiritual shield itself, nor did it have powerful means of attack.

You can only bite with your mouth or draw with your tail. These attack methods are useless to the Star Gu, but the body of the Spirit Snake is also very hard. When the Star Gu hits it, it can only break a little scale.

After the snake was transformed, its physical strength had actually reached the quality of the Xuan-level low-level materials. Fortunately, only the level of the Xuan-level low-level materials was hard. If it were harder, Star Gu would have no way of using this.

Huo Hai separated the room and took out his remaining steel thorns from a distance as a consumable. He kept using the blood shock thorns to attack the spirit snake inside. The spirit snake could not leave the spirit formation or the room. Only roaring at Huo Hai, attacking again and again, Huo Hai gradually regarded the spirit snake as a target, this kind of constantly twisting spirit snake would not be easy to hit.

And once it hits, his steel spurs will give off shocking power, and at most they can only shake a few scales off the snake's body. With the continuous use of the blood spurs, it will be practiced with the help of this good target.

Huo Hai felt that his mastery of the blood spurs seemed to be taken to the next level. The blood spurs were in his hands, and he gradually felt a sense of lifting weight. The blood spurs in his hands seemed to be controlled more easily.

With this kind of constantly moving target, Huo Hai’s blood shock thorns are more and more able to hit where he wants to hit. Time slowly goes by, and the injuries on the body of the spirit snake are getting more and more serious, and there are more and more hard scales. Being knocked down, without the protection of the scales, every time Huo Hai's blood stab penetrated the scales, it could directly penetrate into the body of the spirit snake.

The full spread of the vibration power will also make the spirit snake spirit servants stagnate. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Star Gus have gotten into the position of the spirit snake without the protection of scales. These meats, which have become very hard, are better than The scales on the surface are much softer.

Under the gnawing of Star Gu, the Spirit Serpent, who didn't feel much pain, continued to struggle. Suddenly, when he shook his body vigorously, the Spirit Serpent suddenly threw his head off.

It turned out that the spirit snake's head had already been eaten by Star Gu and was about to be broken. After the head fell, Huo Hai smiled slightly. The spirit snake was completely solved. Then, the spirit snake struggled. Yes, as the power gradually dissipated and finally stopped, Huo Hai couldn't help but sigh, the strength of this spirit snake is really strong, don't watch Huo Hai be able to solve it so easily.

Huo Hai is a trick. If it is someone else, facing a spirit servant with such a strong defense, few people will join hands to get it done. The spirit servant who guards the key is really not comparable to the ordinary spirit servant.

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