Evil Insect God

Chapter 408: Glowing Spirit Worm

Before and after Huo Hai entered, some people entered the plain through the key one after another, but this time, they were very far apart, because the plain was so large that it was impossible to touch each other in a short time.

In addition, the plain itself is different from the maze. There are a large number of spirit beasts and wild beasts. These spirit beasts running around will also give people a lot of misleading. In this space, the spirit array is always very repulsive to long-distance communication , It is basically impossible to find the position of the other party, and no one has done this preparation before entering here.

"Damn place, what the **** is going on here." In another place, I don't know when the magic mark that entered the plains was very upset at this time, because there was a force in the air that made him feel very uncomfortable.

Under this power, Mohen felt that his own power could not be fully exerted. It seemed that his strength was limited. I don’t know how other people were, but the original power of the magician was weaker than that of the orthodox spiritualist. Weak.

Mohen walked all the way, didn't want to meet the orthodox spiritual master, don't know why, he always had a feeling in his heart that the orthodox spiritual master would not be rejected, at least the rejection would not be as strong as he felt.

Since entering here, the Demon Mark has been discovered. It seems that when the spiritual power is used, the more demon energy contained, the greater the restraint. The power in the air here is likely to be aimed at the demon energy, or , It may also be aimed at some negative forces. Orthodox spiritual masters, there are really not many people who cultivate negative forces.

"No, the inheritance here must not be obtained by those **** spiritualists, otherwise our situation will be dangerous." Mohen muttered to himself, and then tried his best to find opportunities.

From Mohen’s point of view, if the inheritance here falls into the hands of orthodox spiritualists, there will be some masters who have strong restraints against magic spiritualists in the future, which is quite detrimental to oneself, even if one cannot cultivate, Don't let the other party get it.

If it’s not for inheritance, that’s great. Anyway, you have to fight with the orthodox spiritual masters to the end. The plain is too big, and the magic marks don’t even know where you are. If you know the direction, it’s good to say that the general chance is definitely there. In the center of the plain, I don't know the direction, so I can only look for it bit by bit. The other demon masters are no better than the demon scar.

Under the effect of this force, the magicians who were in the early stage of the spirits, even their combat power is about to drop to the realm of the spirits. This environment makes many magicians feel terrified and even a little overwhelmed. .

But in general, there are absolutely no thirty people who can enter this plain. There may not even be twenty. I just don't know if anyone will get the key and come out of the maze in the future.

Huo Hai went all the way forward. He didn't know how many people there were on the plain, or what these people were doing, but Huo Hai had a feeling that even if not all of the masters of the Lingshuai realm who participated this time have entered. Plain, I am afraid that it has already entered more than half of it. It is powerful, and basically there is no need to fear that the key will be taken away.

"Hey, what is this." Huo Hai suddenly found a place that made the Star Gus feel very uncomfortable. Huo Hai's heart moved, he knew that this was probably the most concentrated place in the air.

Even the source of this force may be, since it is related to the force in the air, it is very likely that the opportunity lies. Huo Hai thought of this and ran over quickly. Huo Hai himself is not very interested in the opportunity, but If the opportunity was right in front of him, Huo Hai wouldn't mind reaching out and holding it in his hand, so it would be nice to go out earlier.

When Huo Hai arrived, he saw a very strange aperture on the ground, which was constantly flashing. An unknown force emerged from the aperture, and the aperture continued to emit a faint light.

The closer he gets to here, the more Huo Hai can feel the strength of this power, and the almost recovered injuries, under the washing of this power, even the last hidden wounds have disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, this is the source of this power. Huo Hai's eyes lit up and he threw a stone above the aperture. Nothing happened after that. Huo Hai was sure that there seemed to be no danger, so he slowly touched his hand. But what was beyond Huo Hai's expectation was that nothing happened except for feeling that the unknown power was stronger.

"What's going on? Isn't this the place where the chance is?" Huo Hai frowned, and then walked up the whole person, but when he stepped on the aperture, Huo Hai still didn't notice any changes, which is really strange. .

It's just that there is a stream of special spiritual power that constantly surging out of this aperture. Because the special power above the aperture is relatively strong, Huo Hai can already feel it. This power is actually a kind of mutated spiritual power.

It is the same as his own celestial spiritual power, but this kind of spiritual power is full of uprightness, and the feeling of vastness. He has never been exposed to this kind of spiritual power, and Huo Hai does not know what is different in this spiritual power. Place.

Even at the end, Huo Hai tried to dig down along this aperture. Star Gu didn’t want to get close. Huo Hai simply took it out of the inner space by himself. He didn’t know when he got the weapon from the inner space, and treated it as a shovel. It went on, but in the end, Huo Hai was surprised to find that there was nothing under the soil.

Even the aperture is not attached to the ground. After Huo Hai dug up the ground, he discovered that the aperture was floating in the air, flush with the ground, as if it were similar to the previous spatial teleportation spirit array, and it should also have spatial power.

Otherwise, where did the spiritual power that came out of thin air come from, "This is..." At this moment, Huo Hai felt it again that Star Gu found the same place that made them feel disgusted. .

Huo Hai gave up studying this aperture and quickly ran in the next direction. It didn’t take long before Huo Hai saw another exactly the same aperture, which was constantly emitting special spiritual power. What Huo Hai didn’t know was that the one who discovered this aperture , But not only oneself, other people, more or less, have also discovered the existence of aperture.

The difference is that the magician felt the power in this aperture, which made them very uncomfortable. At the beginning, many people thought that they had found a chance, but after the experiment, it was the same as Huo Hai's feeling.

No matter which aperture it was, no matter how it was handled, no change was noticed. After a long time, Huo Hai felt a little hungry, "Let’s find something to eat first. I haven’t had a good meal these days." Big, Star Gu didn't find any signs of existence, so Huo Hai didn't worry that he would be found any traces.

In the maze these few days, I haven’t had a good meal. Now Huo Hai plans to have a good meal. Regardless of these things, Huo Hai quickly ran towards the plains of the woods. The beasts and spirits here Beast resources are very large.

After a while, Huo Hai found a bison that looked mighty, but in fact it was just an ordinary beast. "Very good, you will have dinner tonight." The taste of the bison was also good, Huo Hai smiled slightly.

With a move in his heart, Star Gu pierced the bison’s head in an instant. The bison did not even scream, and died in the next moment. Huo Hai smiled slightly and raised the bison directly with one hand, and then held it towards the river. Walking, if such a large force were placed on the earth, I am afraid that he would be regarded as a superman. Huo Hai was thinking wildly while quickly dealing with the bison.

At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that there was a bunch of insects not far away. Huo Hai was very sensitive to insects. He felt that there was nothing unexpected about the insects, but what surprised Huo Hai was that the insects were very strange.

There is a worm nest near here. There are so many worms here. There is a spiritual power that makes Huo Hai feel familiar. This feeling of spiritual power is very similar to the spiritual power in the air. At that time, I even discovered that this kind of worm was devouring the spiritual power in the air to strengthen itself, which was really strange.

"What the **** is this?" Huo Hai has an extraordinary hobby of strange bugs. Thinking of this, Huo Hai put down the meat of the bison, then walked over, controlled a bug at hand, and studied it.

After studying for a while, Huo Hai gave up. According to the exploration of the special witchcraft he has researched, the evolutionary direction of this insect is actually the ability to reproduce. No wonder there are such a large nest of insects here, and there are more underground.

The only special ability is self-recovery, which makes Huo Hai extremely depressed. What is the use of a bug's self-recovery ability? Such a small bug will trample to death when it encounters a beast. Does it need to recover? , Neither of these two abilities is of much use to Huo Hai, and this special spiritual power only exists in this plain.

Huo Hai shook his head. Since there is no value, there is no idea of ​​cultivating. Huo Hai came back, cut the bison, sprinkled with his own exclusive secret worm seasoning, and a fire rose on the spot, and the plain began. The first barbecue above.

I haven’t eaten hot food for a long time, and I can finally enjoy it. Huo Hai rubbed his hands and carefully controlled the flames. The appetite in his heart kept coming out. Suddenly, I realized that this appetite didn't just belong to me. This bison was not a top-notch delicacy.

Huo Hai suddenly discovered that this kind of appetite actually originated from Star Gu. Star Gu eats everything. But when he had such an appetite, he checked it carefully. Huo Hai was surprised to find that Star Gu’s appetite object, unexpectedly It's the kind of bug just discovered.

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