Evil Insect God

Chapter 412: Scarab?

Earthworms have no eyes and no way to control everything on the ground, but earthworms have a very powerful ability, that is, they are very sensitive to ground vibrations, even if it is just a little vibration, they can also feel it.

Nowadays, any biological activity on the ground, within a certain range of Huo Hai, Huo Hai can easily perceive that the only person walking within this range is the magic mark. With this method, Huo Hai can finally know. Whether the magic mark is nearby, Huo Hai is under tremendous pressure while exploring carefully, practicing or replenishing spirit stones.

The time flickered for three days. Counting time, more than half a month has passed since Star Gu began to transform to the present.

After such a long period of time, the transformation of Star Gu, which had consumed a lot of spiritual energy, finally reached the final step. Huo Hai felt the change of Star Gu, and knew that Star Gu was about to undergo transformation, and the transformation of a Star Gu was completed, and the movement was not very big.

But with so many Star Gus metamorphosing almost at the same time, Huo Hai was really not sure whether the spirit formation outside could resist them. Thinking of this, Huo Hai gritted his teeth and quickly moved around the witch formation where the Star Gu was. A powerful isolation spirit formation was set up at a time, which was similar to the spirit formation used to isolate the devil energy last time.

No, it should be stronger than the last isolation spirit formation. This spirit formation completely isolates all auras. It is not a hidden spirit formation used by oneself and integrates itself into the surrounding environment. Therefore, this kind of spirit formation is simpler. some.

A large number of spirit stones were thrown beside the spirit formation. Huo Hai cautiously began to observe Star Gu. Star Gu had gradually stopped absorbing spiritual power and witch power, and his own power was being finally bred.

In the sky, the magic mark passed by again, and Huo Hai ignored it at all, because the magic mark had been running back and forth in the vicinity during this period, and I don’t know how many times he passed through the area near him, even in this rift valley. After three inspections, Huo Hai felt accustomed to so many harassment.

Ignoring the devil mark, what Huo Hai has to do now is to carefully check his star gu. This transformation represents whether he is in the realm of the spirit general and can his combat effectiveness rise to a higher level. Time slowly passes, finally , Star Gu has changed.

One of the Star Gu worm cocoons slowly began to split, and a strong white light burst out from the middle, as if seeing a light bulb. Huo Hai couldn't help squinting his eyes. When the light dimmed, a beetle crawled from the middle. come out.

This beetle is exactly the Star Gu after a complete metamorphosis, but at this time the color of the Star Gu has completely changed. It was originally black, like a black pearl, but now it has become a white, white beetle. To tell the truth It's really rare, but the Star Gus today are somewhat similar to the light attribute beetles that were eaten by them before.

The volume of Star Gu is much larger than before, but the overall volume is still not too big, even smaller than some small bugs. The original size of Star Gu is not big, it has become a little bigger and not much bigger.

When Star Gu got out, he quickly began to nibble on his own cocoon. I don’t know what kind of substance is in the cocoon. Every time Star Gu metamorphoses, it will eat its entire cocoon. On the contrary, other things Bugs are not like this.

When his cocoon was completely eaten, Xing Gu calmed down, and a faint white light radiated from his body. Huo Hai widened his eyes: "The light attribute is actually the light attribute, what is going on." Huo Hai I really don't know, because I used the demon energy to break through the limit and smelt my messy blood genes.

So at that time, the Star Gus were full of devilish energy, which can be said to be demonized spirit worms. Now they not only completely purify themselves, but also become bright attributes. This is really, let Huo Hai I don't know how to describe it.

The main function of the light attribute is to heal and recover. It seems that few people will practice the light attribute. It is said that when it comes to the advanced stage, the practitioners of the light attribute spiritual art will be very powerful, but Huo Hai does not know that the southern countries have never Heard of this kind of thing, the hidden danger of Star Gu has been solved, but Huo Hai doesn't know whether it is good or bad now.

The Star Gu, which exudes strong light power, has indeed reached the realm of the spirit general. The spirit worm cannot be compared with the real spirit general, but in terms of its own talent, it surpasses the normal spirit general, the power of the Star Gu. The speed is like this.

Of course, there is also the ability to swallow. In Huo Hai’s perception, the space in the Newborn Star Gu’s body is larger than before, and there are more things that can be eaten, and more spiritual power can be stored, but the previous spiritual power is consumed. almost.

Suddenly, one after another Star Gu continued to emerge from the cocoon, and the power of light continued to radiate out. The powerful spiritual power constantly impacted the spiritual formation arranged by Huo Hai. If it weren't for this spiritual formation, maybe this The strength has long been radiated, and even so, this completely isolated spiritual formation seems to have become a fluorescent lamp.

Huo Hai couldn’t see the situation clearly anymore, he could only rely on his feelings to perceive the changes inside. Finally, when Huo Hai felt that the little star who had the closest connection with him appeared, this light power reached its peak. .

When a large number of light attribute spiritual powers were gathered together, a very high temperature was actually generated. When the light gradually dimmed, Huo Hai saw that the witch formation he had originally arranged had disappeared without a trace.

This is manifested by being completely burnt by the high temperature. The ground is actually under the high temperature, showing a glazed state. It is conceivable how high this temperature is, but when the transformation of Star Gu is complete, this The high temperature disappeared, and Huo Hai shook his head: "Hey, I really don't know if this is good or bad." Huo Hai also knew it, probably because he had eaten too many light attribute bugs before.

It seemed that he understood what Huo Hai meant. All of the Star Gu, the light power of his body suddenly converged. Huo Hai was taken aback, and quickly lifted the spirit formation, picked up the Star Gu and observed it carefully. The Star Gu really became ordinary again. stand up.

Although the Star Gu that has become white is much more conspicuous than it was when it was black before, it still glows much better than all day long. Today's Star Gu controls its own power and can even emit no fluorescence at all. .

"I have refined the Star Gu, or the Scarab in the legend." Huo Hai looked at the Star Gu today, and a ridiculous thought flashed in his heart, how could the Scarab in the legend be so similar to his own Star Gu .

They are all beetles, they have the same light power, and even the same, these beetles are very bloodthirsty and have very good mouths. Huo Hai doesn’t know if scarabs exist, but his own Star Gu is genuine, but it’s a pity. That is, Star Gu's spiritual power is a light attribute, but these Star Gus can't even use a light attribute spell.

Otherwise, Huo Hai can really use these things to impersonate the legendary scarab. Forget it, it is a question whether there is such a thing in the Tianling Continent, Huo Hai shook his head, and threw this absurd idea from his mind. Get out.

"Hey, how could this be? This feeling." Huo Hai suddenly felt that his perception of ordinary star gu was so clear that the intelligence quotient of the star gu, after breaking through to the realm of spirit generals, had reached the child as a whole. Degree.

But this is not what shocked Huo Hai the most. I used to communicate with other Star Gus through Xiaoxing. The meaning of these Star Gus was very vague, and I could only analyze them roughly, but now it is different. Huo Hai feels , The Star Gu that he felt was as clear as the spirit worm he had refined with the worm refinement array.

What's the matter? I haven't used the Insect Refining Array before, wait, is it because of the auxiliary Refining Insect array, Huo Hai suddenly thought of something, and then carefully felt Xiaoxing, while conducting research.

The Gu masters who used the auxiliary refining array in the past have never been so extravagant to use so many spiritual stones with spiritual power to catalyze, and there is no Gu master who uses the auxiliary refining array when the insects are metamorphosing. .

Because on the earth, there is no spiritual energy, it is good for the insects to complete one transformation. It is impossible to want a second transformation. Now Huo Hai finally found something wrong, and the transformation in the auxiliary refining insect formation happened. The worms in the time of change and metamorphosis are equivalent to being bred again, and everything is back to its innate state.

In this state of spiritual linking, Xiaoxing is equivalent to using the Refining Insect Array to completely refine these five thousand Gu worms. Now the relationship between Xiaoxing and these Gu worms is like Huo Hai and his own spirit. The relationship between insects is the same.

A total of five thousand Star Gus, direct spiritual connection, direct control, Huo Hai can easily contact any Star Gu through Xiaoxing's connection, and this kind of link does not have any loss or pressure on his spirit.

When Huo Hai figured it out, don’t mention how happy he was. This is equivalent to using the Refining Insect Form to refine five thousand Star Gus at the same time. This has no side effects and has solved the current hidden dangers. For the phenomenon, don't mention how happy Huo Hai is. With this refining, there is no need to worry about the phenomenon of Star Gu rebelling and fleeing in the future.

Huo Hai didn't expect that the gains from this refining insect metamorphosis would be so huge, "The sky has eyes, this time the luck is really good." Huo Hai sighed with excitement, almost forgetting that there is a demon nearby. mark.

At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt the spirit wave of starvation coming from Star Gu. Huo Hai was taken aback, and then he remembered, "By the way, the spiritual power of these Star Gus has been exhausted." The previous metamorphosis, consuming himself Accumulation can be a lot.

Although Huo Hai’s spirit stone was added, it was still exhausted. Huo Hai waved his hand and took out the spirit stone. “Let go of eating, there is one more thing for you to deal with later.” Huo Hai said loudly. .

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