Evil Insect God

Chapter 415: Secret trading

I have to say that the luck of this magic mark is really bad. There is only one space ring on the body. The value is good, but it is of no use to Huo Hai. Besides, there are no valuable items. .

The two spiritual crystals are of relatively high value. One of them was used by Demon Mark. In addition, even the spiritual jade and the spiritual stone were not carried much. When there was no space ring before, no one would carry it with them. So many things.

Who can be the same as Huo Hai, at a young age, he has an inner space where he can put a lot of things inside. The magic mark does not have this kind of luck. Most of the things he carries are some living supplies, because the magic mark does not use it. Weapons, so even a valuable weapon was not left. The more we turned it over, the more disappointed Huo Hai became.

Mohen’s fighting skills seemed to be using his talent to control the air. He himself hadn’t learned any high-level battle spirit tactics. Therefore, there was no spiritual tactic or battle spirit tactics in it.

Forget it, anyway, the biggest gain is already in hand. These things are all things outside of the body. "Let's go and find out, where is the chance." Now that the demons have been resolved, Huo Hai does not want to continue to be here. Stayed there.

After getting up, Huo Hai released the Star Gu, which had changed its appearance, and began to explore the surroundings. He randomly found a direction, and Huo Hai searched aimlessly. I believe that at this time, everyone else is the same as himself. No matter what, it’s better to find one more person than one less person. This is Huo Hai’s idea.

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, and time passes by in the process of Huo Hai's search for opportunities. When nothing happens, Huo Hai will study the lightning technique or his own spirit sword technique to improve combat effectiveness.

Of course, Huo Hai also discovered a way to improve combat effectiveness, that is, his own Star Gu, Star Gu now has a certain IQ, can understand some commands of Huo Hai, and remember some things.

During this time, Huo Hai was also trying to control Star Gu, so that Star Gu could learn to cooperate with each other. If so many equally powerful Star Gus did not cooperate with each other, their combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced. You can't do things that waste resources. Huo Hai doesn't know how Star Gu will cooperate better. In short, let's experiment slowly.

The time flickered, and ten days passed. Within ten days, Huo Hai found nothing. He encountered two people on the road, but Huo Hai dodged directly and did not meet them. The two people seemed to be orthodox. Spiritualist.

However, since the last time I met with Huang Xing, Huo Hai has been full of vigilance towards these orthodox spiritualists. Because there are demons by his side, Huo Hai does not want to kill these people casually and weaken the orthodox spiritualists. The power here is not good.

Simply, I didn’t go to meet these people at all. In ten days, Huo Hai did not make any progress in the research on the lightning technique. On the contrary, he is attached to the spirit sword technique. Huo Hai uses it better and better, and he uses it more and more. It became natural.

On this day, Huo Hai once again found signs of someone, frowning, Huo Hai instinctively wanted to dodge, change his way to continue searching, but when Huo Hai wanted to dodge, he suddenly stopped. When he came down, the person found in the front stood still in place, not to mention that, there was a second person beside him.

"A magician, an orthodox spiritualist, but there is no fight when they met, what is going on." Huo Hai stopped because of this, thinking of this, Huo Hai sneaked closer to the past.

Fluttershy is still a few days away from the completion of the transformation, so Huo Hai has no way to monitor through Fluttershy. If he wants to know who the other party is and what he is doing, he has to go by himself. Huo Hai is very fast. Minutes later, he arrived nearby.

Without directly rushing over, Huo Hai hid himself behind a big rock, far away, but Huo Hai’s ears are very strong, and he can probably hear what the other person is saying. These two people seem to have known each other a long time ago. Similarly, the orthodox spiritualist among them, Huo Hai, looked at the sign on his body, and he should still be a master of Mingyang Kingdom.

"Huh, let us do this and that all day, and now we are all trapped in it. If we can't get out, we can't do anything by then, when will your conditions be fulfilled." Mingyang Country master asked loudly. At each other.

The magician said faintly: "What about us and yours, aren't we all the same, but you are not demonized. Don't forget, you have got a lot of benefits. What's wrong with doing something, as long as the big thing can be achieved, At that time, you are all heroes, and the above will not treat you badly." The demon master did not seem to see the anger of the other party.

After a pause, the demon master continued: "Furthermore, as long as the inheritance here is obtained, it will be good for you. This kind of thing, we demon master, may not be able to cultivate, but you are different, you can cultivate."

Hearing the inexplicable words of the two, Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and some did not know what was going on, could it be said that some of the Mingyang Kingdom had turned against him, or that someone was actually cooperating with the magicians.

At this moment, the Mingyang country master suddenly said: "Hmph, I think even if we can cultivate, you won't allow it. If we really cultivate the spirit of restraint with the devil, the first one will not let it go. Ours is just these demons. I just want to know, when will you be able to fulfill your promise."

The demon master spread his hands: "No matter when you can go out, you can rest assured, we are all serving the demon Lord, as long as the southern countries can be destroyed, Mingyang will definitely be handed over to your family. To manage."

A strange smile flashed on the face of the magician: "However, if you are not obedient, you know what the consequences are. The orthodox spiritualist knows that you have rebelled and will never let you go. When the time comes, Mingyang Country Our own internal strife is not without the slightest benefit to our plan." In other words, it is always good for the magician.

"Hmph, don't worry, we talk and count. We are different from you. Hurry up and find the chance. I hope you can find it sooner." After finishing speaking, the master of Mingyang snorted, turned and left without worrying about the other party's sneak attack. .

When the master of Mingyang Kingdom walked far away, the magician smiled strangely: "Chatchacha...Our magician has never had a partner. If you want to cooperate with us, there are only two ways Demonist, stay with us, otherwise, hum...All that is waiting for you is destruction." After speaking, the demonist also turned and left.

The direction the two were going was not a route at all. After they were sure that they had left, Huo Hai let out a sigh of relief. Huo Hai's expression was very solemn at this time, "Unexpectedly, someone in Mingyang Kingdom had rebelled."

The two of them didn't talk much just now, but Huo Hai could also roughly analyze that the people of Mingyang State wanted to replace the royal family, so they cooperated with the magician and waited until the southern countries were defeated, Mingyang State was theirs.

These guys are really whimsical. How can the magician allow the orthodox spiritualist to rule the land of a kingdom? From the words of the final magician, Huo Hai can clearly understand the ambition of the magician, absolutely not only that.

But anyway, these ambitious guys can never listen to anyone. What they care about is whether they can realize their ambitions, that's all. Such people staying in the world is simply a time bomb. , Let them continue like this, Mingyang country is in danger, who doesn't know that Mingyang country is one of the front lines.

Once Mingyang Nation is destroyed, Nanyun Nation will face three-sided enemy. Only to continue to the south is unknown. No one knows what else is there. Huo Hai has always been trying to preserve Nanyun Nation. .

Only when Nan Yunguo is saved can his family have a stable living environment. No, Mingyang country must not be destroyed. "Damn, this bastard, you can't stay, you must kill him."

Thinking of this, Huo Hai planned to do it. In fact, he didn't need to do it himself. As long as he gave an order, Star Gu could completely kill the opponent, but when Huo Hai wanted to do it, he suddenly stopped. "No, you can't kill him like this. In this way, isn't this line completely cut off." Huo Hai suddenly thought of a question.

Huo Hai doesn’t know exactly who has rebelled. He just knows this person. If he dies, then there will be no way to investigate. If he is allowed to live, he may have a chance to deal with this slowly in the future. family.

Now that the whole family has rebelled, it is natural to take precautions. Now that he is in the dark and the other person is in the light, Huo Hai does not want to put himself on the bright side, "Huh, good luck, let you go for the time being. , I'll talk later."

Huo Hai snorted coldly, didn't do anything to this guy, just watched this guy leave, but this guy let go, the demonist Huo Hai on the opposite side didn't intend to let it go, a movement in his heart, the Star Gu moment in the sky He attacked the demon master below, and when it was found that something was wrong, the demon master had no time to escape.

The spiritual shield unfolded, but in the next moment it was like an egg shell, which was instantly penetrated by the Star Gu. The magician who had not figured out what was going on had a few more holes in his body. I have to say, Star Gu is right. The restraint of demonized spiritual power is really terrifying.

Just now Huo Hai also used several Star Gus to attack at the same time, but according to the attack intensity, it seems that only one Star Gu attack can break his spiritual shield, and the light power is emitted, which contains a lot of magic. The shield of transforming spirit power was simply vulnerable in front of Star Gu, and it was easily controlled by Huo Hai.

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