Evil Insect God

Chapter 418: Advances in lightning technology

Huo Hai is very clear about the refining time of the weapon, because since he came here, all the information here has appeared on the back of the stele. This stele is not made of ordinary materials.

The front portrays something that happened thousands of years ago and the reasons for its manufacture. On the back, Huo Hai accidentally discovered the information in this space, and there is a character that can move, which is declining. , Huo Hai finally figured out that this was the time the weapon was made.

This space is also very simple. Even the entire ruin is actually shrouded in a huge spiritual formation. The entire ruin itself is not very large, but after being expanded by the spatial spiritual formation, it becomes like this.

I really don't know where the people got so many high-level space materials. If the ruins had only one function in the end, Huo Hai would not believe it if he was killed.

Since there is no way for the time being, Huo Hai can only wait here. Fortunately, weapon forging, provided that there is sufficient energy, it will not take too much time. After the long sword refining begins, It only takes two months. At the beginning, I spent more than a month in the ruins, and now the remaining time is less than a month.

Just wait for a few days. In fact, the person who created this ruin at the beginning did not expect someone to enter it so quickly, and this person is actually not their junior.

In boredom, Huo Hai could only cultivate his spiritual power slowly. When he was fine, he would either practice swordsmanship or study the lightning technique. I don't know why. Since getting the lightning technique, Huo Hai has not succeeded.

Huo Hai has not tried the thunder and lightning he has condensed. After condensing into a thunderball, the power emitted is actually not as powerful as his own blood stab. All of this is caused by his own spiritual power without strong attack attributes. , But if you just give up like this, Huo Hai says he won't be willing to do anything, no, there must be a way.

"By the way, the attributes of Thunder and Lightning seem to be related to their own spiritual power attributes, and each person’s spiritual power attributes are most closely related to the source spirit spiritual treasure he merged with at the beginning, followed by his own spiritual skills. ."

Huo Hai seems to have figured out something. He is currently at a very low level of cultivating Ling Jue, and his own strength is not enough. Therefore, Thunder and Lightning cannot possess the star attribute, and the powerful attack power brought by the star power can naturally not be used.

But I was different. My current attribute was not that I didn't have it, but the spirit worm, the attribute related to the spirit worm. Then, my spiritual power, even the lightning that merged with spiritual power, was also related to the worm.

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly. This idea is worth experimenting. Thinking of this, Huo Hai's enthusiasm came out again, very fast, and Huo Hai quickly drew a thunder-induced array on the floor, and then , Put the spirit jade in and provoke the lightning, it's not that Huo Hai doesn't want to use the spirit stone, it's that the spirit stone has been used up before.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai gritted his teeth. The spirit stone on his body seemed to be far from being prepared. But speaking of it, even the entire Nanyun Nation would have a million spirit stones that would be difficult to obtain in a short time. .

No matter how much, Huo Hai quickly absorbed the lightning, only a little, and then flipped his hand, an earthworm appeared in his hand, anyway, he has a lot of earthworms, just use this, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "I feel wronged. You, don't worry, if you die, I will remember your contribution." Huo Hai doesn't care if the earthworm can understand it.

It may be a long time alone, or it may have been too long with bugs, so Huo Hai has developed a habit of talking to bugs, and he doesn't know whether this habit is good or bad.

Next, Huo Hai ignored the earthworm's struggle, waved his hand, and injected the lightning in his hand. The earthworm that was supposed to be electrocuted directly, under Huo Hai's weird eyes, nothing happened.

It's not that nothing didn't happen, but what happened. It was completely different from what Huo Hai imagined. "Haha, I know, my assumption is indeed correct." After a pause, Huo Hai suddenly laughed. , Huo Hai had clearly felt at this time that his lightning entered the earthworm body, and it was perfectly integrated with the earthworm's soil attribute power.

Even in the process of fusion, Huo Hai was able to perfectly control the two forces, as if he had mobilized the power in the bug's body, and the feeling of using spells was exactly the same. Sure enough, his lightning attributes were different.

Huo Hai cautiously probed. Not long after, Huo Hai discovered that all the earth attribute power had been exhausted, and the earthworm would not absorb his own lightning power, and even the earth attribute lightning in the earthworm body was actually strange. The beginning of the condensed, condensed into a lightning ball, Huo Hai was taken aback, how could he only absorb such a little lightning.

"By the way, these earthworms are only in the realm of spirit bodies, and their level is not high." Thinking of this, Huo Hai threw the earthworms out and began to order the earthworms to use thunderballs. However, the earthworms did not reach the realm of spirits and could not release their spiritual power. .

When he started to touch the thunderball, the thunderball became unstable. Before Huo Hai ordered to stop the "bang", the earthworm exploded as if it had ignited a firecracker, but the power of the firecracker was a bit more powerful. That's it.

"This power is about to catch up with the grenade." Huo Hai muttered to himself. According to observations, after this earthworm exploded, the power generated by this earthworm exploded, even surpassed the full blow of a general spiritual realm master. Because it is a soil attribute, the impact is very strong, and its physical destructive power is much stronger than its own lightning.

Huo Hai thought for a while, and once again transformed a soil-attribute earthworm, and then threw it out, but this time, Huo Hai didn't let the earthworm explode by itself, but made a handprint, and his spiritual power began to communicate with the earthworm itself.

"Bang" was another explosion. This time the explosion was obviously much stronger than the previous one. It achieved the effect of a full blow at the spiritual blood realm. Huo Hai shook his head: "Hey, the level of the earthworm itself is too bad, so the spell The effect is not good."

Huo Hai knew in his heart that this was due to the poor casting materials. If you want to use the lightning technique to really exert the power of the insects, then the level of the insects must not be too bad, but those ordinary insects, Huo Hai can't be casual. If you use it, you are not an insect spiritualist, and an insect that you cannot control will not listen to your commands.

But ordinary small bugs can be easily controlled by using insect control spells, but the power of the thunderball is not satisfactory. Huo Hai really doesn't know how he should use the lightning technique. This matter has once again entered death. In the loop.

Huo Hai has tried it, and the same goes for the Bonechewer. Using the thunderballs smelted by the Bonechewer, the lightning of the bone attribute is exerted. The explosion produces a special force that easily causes osteoporosis in the surrounding people.

However, because the level of the Bonechewer is too low, this power is still not very strong. Using the lightning technique can only exert the spiritual explosion of the Bonechewer itself. It is better to use the spell to control the bones directly through the Bonechewer.

The quality of the casting materials and the use of the casting materials will affect the power of the spell. As for the use of Star Gu, Huo Hai is not so extravagant. Without seeing these bugs, as long as he uses lightning, he will detonate himself, Huo Hai I don't know if Star Gu, who has reached the realm of the spirit general, will release the thunder ball, but Huo Hai dare not try it casually.

In this space, there is no new source of worms. Some of the worms that Huo Hai caught for experiments have also been tried several times by Huo Hai. The final result is the same, and the quality of itself is not enough to exert its power.

Even if the insects of the spirit realm are used to induce thunder, and then use the magic bonus, the power after the explosion is not as powerful as a sword at hand. This kind of powerful thundering technique seems to have no effect on oneself. What's the use?

If you can’t solve the problem of casting materials, this lightning technique is a tasteless to me. It is better to use Star Gu to fight well. Huo Hai, who is temporarily disappointed with the technique of lightning technique, can only put his time on the spirit sword. In the practice of the Fa, when I have free time, I use other bugs to experiment. It's rare to have such free time.

As time passed, Huo Hai became more proficient in the use of spirit-attached swordsmanship. Now Huo Hai, I believe that most war spirits of the same level as him are not as good as him in melee combat.

Huo Hai has such self-confidence, because after all, Huo Hai has seen a lot of war spirits in the realm of spirit generals. They have gained in swordsmanship, but have not gained anything in terms of bugs. He wants to find special and useful bugs. difficult.

Huo Hai didn’t know how many insects he had studied, and there were only so many kinds of spirit insects under his control. He didn’t know whether he had too high a vision, or he really didn’t find any powerful insects. , Huo Hai shook his head, forget it, the southern countries are not high-level places, it is normal not to find powerful insects.

In a blink of an eye, the number behind the stele had been reduced to one. On this day, Huo Hai finally saw that the altar had begun to change. No, it was not that the altar had changed, but the things on the altar had changed.

The flames emitting white light burned more and more violently. The box that was originally used as a mold was melted by the high temperature emitted and flowed into the altar below. It seems that the material of this box is also different. When it flows into the altar, it actually Entering the texture below the altar, a very special spiritual formation was finally formed.

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