Evil Insect God

Chapter 420: Holy Light Burst

Earlier, Huo Hai had already obtained the way to get out of here from the stone tablet. Once the weapon was successfully refined, he could open the altar at any time and use the power of the altar to send himself out of it.

So everything can be destroyed here, only this altar can’t. Huo Hai didn’t give up. He bypassed the altar and continued to destroy the surrounding walls. He even used the Star Gu to bite the ceiling into pieces until he touched the spirit. The whole process took more than an hour until the barrier could not continue to be destroyed outside.

When Huo Hai stopped, he found to his chagrin that he had no gain anymore. Turning around, Huo Hai was a little embarrassed. The entire hall had been completely turned into a ruin, and the previous appearance was completely invisible.

If it weren't for the altar half buried in the sand, it really made Huo Hai think that he had come to another place. Fortunately, the altar still exuded a slight light, otherwise, Huo Hai could see nothing.

"Forget it, I'll go out, you guys are really stingy." Huo Hai didn't know who he was scolding, and at the same time he greeted Star Gu to return to his side, stretched out his hand, and completely absorbed Star Gu into the inner space.

At this time, in the entire space, he was the only one left. Huo Hai walked to the altar, sculpted a handprint with his hands, recalling the method depicted on the stone tablet, and slowly injected his spiritual power through his feet into the altar. With the infusion of spiritual power, the power in the altar was mobilized little by little, and the light became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly Huo Hai felt his head dizzy. When he woke up, the surrounding area had turned into darkness. In the darkness, eight spots of light appeared. In Huo Hai's mind, he didn't know when there was something more.

These eight light spots are actually eight teleportation coordinates. One of them is the place where you enter, and there are seven locations, which are the altars where the keys were previously placed. These eight locations are targets that you can teleport at any time. As long as he leaves, others will follow, but others have no choice but to return to the altar where the key belongs.

Then, he would be thrown around the altar immediately, I don't know where it was, "The location of Blade's Edge Mountain, absolutely can't go out." Huo Hai thought for a while, and got rid of the place where he entered the ruins first.

Because other people left, they were all near the key altar, and only oneself appeared in the position of Blade's Edge Mountain. This was really too special. It would be very troublesome if someone suspected that he had inherited the ruins.

Huo Hai has not considered that he has to face the siege of the entire southern countries, and even if the people in the Molian Region find out in the future, he will also be in danger. In this way, wouldn’t he hide the Demon Sword? It was in vain.

But for other locations, Huo Hai thought for a while, and he couldn’t go in and out at will. The nearest one was actually the altar in Fengyang Country. The others were too far away. Huo Hai wanted to return to Nanyun Country, but Within Nanyun Nation, there is no key altar, "Damn it, it seems that I can only go to Fengyang Nation." This is also a kind of helplessness.

Everyone knows that Huo Hai’s key was snatched from Feng Yangguo. If Huo Hai does not go to Feng Yangguo himself, he will be found out in the future, and he will feel very strange. If so, then go to Feng Yang. Yang Guo is fine.

Huo Hai’s spirit was released, and he gently touched the coordinates representing the altar of Fengyang Country. A ray of light flickered on the altar. Then Huo Hai disappeared in the altar, but when Huo Hai left, the altar emitted The light did not disappear.

Soon after Huo Hai left, the entire altar burst out with a powerful force. The terrifying light spiritual power burst out continuously through the altar. After a while, the bright power that broke out from the altar entered the spiritual formation, and then filled with it. The whole ruins, whether it's the first level or the next two levels, everything is the same.

"Damn it, what's going on." A demon master in the realm of Lingshuai suddenly saw the light erupting from the plains. I don't know why, a very bad feeling emerged in his heart.

It’s a pity that this ray of light burst out in the entire plain, and there is no way to avoid it. In just a moment, the entire plain was shrouded in the light. This magician Lingshuai felt the light approaching his body, and his whole body seemed to be covered. The flame ignited, very uncomfortable, this uncomfortable feeling gradually increased, and finally became a kind of pain and suffering.

"Ah... Damn, what's going on." The magician roared, and the spiritual power of his body condensed into a layer of defense, but the spiritual power had just appeared, and under the light spiritual power, the entire shield began to burn.

In this way, the demon master’s own spiritual power is consumed faster, but at this time, if he is asked to regain his spiritual power, he will not be able to do it at all. In that case, the light spiritual power will also enter his own. Destruction in the body.

Now, everyone can feel that this increasingly stronger spiritual power is the spiritual power that contains the light attribute. The magician of the spiritual commander realm has nowhere to escape at this time, but can only watch. My body melted bit by bit.

When one's own spiritual power is completely exhausted, it is the moment of the end of one's life. In fact, the masters of the Lingshuai realm are okay. Those magicians who only have the realm of the Lingjiang realm die at the moment when the light spiritual power bursts. For the most part, other people, under the increasingly powerful light power, only persisted for a while, and then they were purified.

Orthodox spiritual masters did not die. People who had wounds on their bodies were still being continuously recovered by the power of light. This warm light shocked all spiritual masters, and all evil things were completely purified.

Huo Hai didn't even think that his departure this time would cause such a horrible chain reaction. The reason why the people who designed this place back then placed an altar of the ruins near the tomb of the gods. At the same time, the present world, on the other hand, is to attract a large number of demons and demons to the ruins.

In addition to the inheritance of this ruin, there is also a very important mission, which is to eliminate as many demons as possible, that is, from the moment these demons enter the ruins, they are destined to never leave alive.

Orthodox spiritual masters are not completely unaffected. Those who cultivate negative powers are very uncomfortable at this time. There is even a guy who is similar to evil cultivation. He was surprised to find that under the light spiritual power, he was also suffering. .

After this uncomfortable experience passed, the evil cultivator wanted to cry without tears, because he discovered that his spiritual power had actually fallen to the realm of spiritual beings. Most of the spiritual power that had been hard to cultivate had been destroyed, and he wanted to recover. I don't know how long it will take. If you go out and be seen by your enemies, you will die without a burial place.

The power of light filled the entire ruins. All the people and objects were constantly being washed away under this light spiritual power. The time lasted for five minutes. After five minutes, there was no demonist in the entire ruins. Up.

Even the demon master who has reached the realm of Lingshuai, is still under this bright spiritual power, is dispelled clean, and in the end there is no scum left. Pity these guys, full of ambition, with their lives Dissipated without a trace.

The next moment, all the people who were still alive, the light power remaining in their bodies suddenly resonated with the light attributes in the air. The next moment, all the people disappeared in place, and when they appeared, they had come to the ruins. Outside, all the people returned to their key altar. Fortunately, the keys used by these orthodox spiritual masters were found on the realm of the orthodox spiritual masters, and even if they came back, they were still on their own realms.

And those demon masters disappeared without a trace, only Huo Hai is special here. At the beginning, there were six demon masters who entered with him. At this time, there is nothing left, and there are four more. Orthodox spiritualist.

What Huo Hai did not expect was that two of the four orthodox spiritual masters had already died in the ruins, and the remaining two appeared within a certain range of the altar. At this time, it was still unclear what the situation was. .

When Huo Hai came out, he had already released his Star Gu, so when these two people were teleported out of the ruins, Huo Hai quickly discovered their existence, "There are only two, so few. "Huo Hai frowned. Is this ruin so dangerous? When eleven people entered the altar, only three came out.

Forget it, no matter how much, first think about what you are going to do next, Huo Hai doesn't know what happened in the ruins, he is still in Fengyang country now, and he hasn't gone out at all.

But what Huo Hai didn't know was that the matter was here, and it was far from over. When everyone left, the light power in the entire ruins not only didn't dissipate, but instead became more and more dense.

It has condensed the light spiritual power that I don’t know for many years. It’s not just a little bit that Huo Hai has seen. More light spiritual power is hidden in the entire spiritual formation. There used to be altars to suppress it. The altar no longer suppressed these light forces, and these light forces were naturally released completely.

More and more bright spiritual powers are constantly impacting the spiritual formation of the entire ruins, but they can't get out. I don't know if it will destroy the entire ruins if this continues, but at this moment, the ruins suddenly flashed past. A space fluctuation.

All the light powers seemed to have found a catharsis. Following this wave of fluctuations, a large number of light spiritual powers continuously entered the spiritual formation, and then, as if disappearing out of thin air, disappeared without a trace.

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