Evil Insect God

Chapter 435: Meet and divide the spoils

Huo Hai showed a puzzled look, but he was about to laugh in his heart. Yes, it was not good. If he did well, it would be bad for himself. Of course he knew what Xia Yan meant.

Doing this by myself, on the face of it, can indeed make Fengyangguo’s demon masters perish faster, and Fengyangguo’s fall will also speed up. But the biggest problem is that Fengyangguo has to share it with other kingdoms. Yan hadn't thought about the future territorial disputes. In this regard, Fenghu looked farther away. After all, the most important thing now is to deal with demon spiritists.

As for other people, there are not many people who can see that something is wrong. More people are the same as Huo Hai. Some people are relieved when they see Huo Hai’s appearance. From this guy’s point of view, it’s political Not very good at it.

A person who is only good at cultivating is actually not too much in their eyes. Among the southern countries, these big families value the political and military influence most. Of course, Huo Hai also has such an idea. The same disdain.

"Okay, okay, most of the night, let me go back to rest. By the way, you guys will stay with me. From now on, the army will be mobilized overnight. Three days later, the whole army will set off to attack Fengyang country." The order was issued aloud.

Huo Hai bowed his hand. The things here have nothing to do with him. With Fenghu, Huo Hai and his attendants walked down. In the fortress, two rooms were quickly cleared out for two people. Living, not all people are the same as Yun Di, who just treat Fenghu as a captive.

Many people are very aware of the value of Fenghu, so Fenghu did not make things difficult. On the contrary, many people have wooed Fenghu overtly and secretly, hoping that Fenghu can come to their side and become one of their staff.

Some people even secretly said that as long as Fenghu joins them, they can free Fenghu from being a captive or even a slave. If they disagree, some people secretly threaten to kill Fenghu.

These so-called threats and incentives are nothing to Fenghu. Fenghu can see more than these people. There is no one here that can threaten Huo Hai, whether it is from personal strength or status. In other words, Huo Hai far surpassed these people, and the only one who could compare with Huo Hai in terms of status was Xia Yan.

But Huo Hai can easily assassinate the masters of the spirit general realm now, and there are still a lot of assassinations. When Xia Yan faced Huo Hai, it would be strange if he said that there was no pressure at all. If Fenghu really joined them, the next moment would be Die.

The next day, before dawn, Huo Hai heard a noisy sound outside the door. Huo Hai opened his eyes, his face was full of doubts, what happened, how could it be so noisy, and this noisy sound , It seems to be getting closer.

"Bang" suddenly the door of the room was opened and several figures rushed into it. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes. Someone dared to enter his room casually, just about to do it, but when Huo Hai could see who the person was. Just stopped.

"Huo Hai, you're okay, why are you so careless, we are about to worry to death." The first one is Ji Mu, the fastest, followed by Fang Biya and Yun'er. Huo Hai was a little embarrassed. He was still lying on the bed in his pajamas. Fortunately, in the room, he only entered these three people.

Fang Biya didn't say a word, and directly buried her head in Huo Hai's arms, tears flowing constantly, as if to vent all the worries and grievances in her heart during this time.

Huo Hai's heart softened, hugged the two people, and said softly: "Okay, don't cry, it won't look good if you cry again, don't you think I am nothing." Huo Hai comforted again and again, as if comforting. If there are too many, it becomes a habit.

Huo Hai, who didn’t comfort people very much before, seems to have learned a lot now. It didn’t take long for Fang Biya to stop crying. Ji Mu did not cry, but the worry in his eyes was no less than Fang Biya. I am afraid that the only one did not. Yun'er is the heartless one. In Yun'er's heart, her brother is the strongest. No one can match him. How could he be in danger.

Seeing that the three of them had calmed down, Yun'er bounced to Huo Hai: "Brother, big brother, have you brought back gifts when you go out this time?" Yun'er squinted his eyes and reached out to face Huo Hai. .

Huo Hai felt amused for a while, looked at the three people, and nodded in satisfaction after a long time: "It's not bad, it seems that you haven't relaxed your cultivation during this period of time I left. This is good." Huo Hai is not stingy. praise.

Ji Mu and Fang Biya have reached the middle stage of the spiritual realm, and they are still the peak of the middle stage. They are not far behind the latter stage of the spiritual realm. They are in a war, and their personal cultivation speed is really fast, Huo Hai What I didn't know was that the three of them worked very hard in cultivation because they were worried about themselves, otherwise they wouldn't be so fast.

Yun'er is a little weaker, but has also reached the middle stage of the spiritual realm. It seems that it will not take long to catch up with two people. The source spirit stones used by the three people are all of the same level, and there is not much difference in their own talents.

The real difference is Yun'er's cultivation technique. Yun'er's Star Transformation is an earth-level low-grade spirit technique, and it doesn't seem to be that simple in itself. Ji Mu and Fang Biya's cultivation is a mysterious high-grade one. Xuanying Jue.

There is a gap in the spirit art, which is also the root cause of the difference in the cultivation speed of the three people. You must know that if the same spirit art is cultivated, Yun'er's cultivation speed can't keep up with the other two people. But now, it doesn't seem to be necessary. In trouble, Huo Hai smiled slightly, and then said: "Well, you guys leave first, I will get up first."

Regardless of Yuner's mischief, Huo Hai asked a few people to take shelter for a while, then got up and put on his clothes, and then walked out.

Seeing Yun'er look anxious, Huo Hai shook his head: "Okay, well, come with me, this time there is indeed a good thing to bring back." Yuner just wants something, what exactly is it, Yuner wouldn't care at all.

Worried about being watched here and discovering something, Huo Hai walked to a clearing outside with three people, and the star gu radiated out. Huo Hai heaved a sigh of relief when he was sure that no one was around.

"Ji Mu, Bi Ya, you take this, this is the Chenguang Secret Art. This time I found the inheritance in the ruins, and this, this is the matching War Spirit Art of the Chenguang Secret Art. You have to practice it, but When it's not necessary, don't let people discover that you are cultivating the light attribute spirit art. People in the Molian domain seem to know this."

Huo Hai handed the two books that had been written long ago to two people. The two looked at each other and immediately included them in their inner space. As long as there were other people around, they would never read them. I will never practice.

After all, these things are all prefecture-level inferior things. The level is very high. I have been watching Yun'er practice faster and faster before, and both of them are very depressed. Now that they can cultivate to a high-level spirit art, they are naturally very happy.

"Okay, stop pouting, you can hang a bottle on it, yes, this is a lightning technique, and it is also a good war spirit art. Although it has relatively large limitations, its power is still very good, the most important thing. It's fun enough." As he said, Huo Hai took out the lightning technique and placed it in front of a few people. After practicing, he can use it casually.

Huo Hai didn't care about the surprise eyes of a few people, but continued to take things out, "Bi Ya, this is the Liuyun finger of your Fang family. This is the whole book. Don't be surprised. This was found in the master of the Huang family, you Don't say it."

"Ji Mu, do you want to practice swordsmanship? This spirit-attached swordsmanship is a good thing of the mysterious rank." Fang Biya has never had a very good war spirit art, only a blood spur, which is not very practical in many cases. .

Huo Hai didn't find the whip technique, but this sword technique was not impossible. Then, Huo Hai took out a few boxes with a lot of spirit jade inside, "You hold these things, you don't need to worry about practicing in the future, right. Biya, try to see if you can absorb these spirit jade, if not, then I will deal with them all."

This box is the fire-attribute spirit jade that Huo Hai saw when he first entered the maze, and ordinary people can’t absorb it. Fang Biya stretched out her jade finger, lightly chanted a piece of fiery-red spirit jade, closed her eyes, and slowly absorb.

Among everyone’s nervous eyes, a faint red light slowly flowed into Fang Biya’s body. After a long time, Fang Biya opened her eyes, and a smile flashed in her eyes: "Sea, these spirit jade are very suitable for me. In the future, my ice flame power can be greatly improved." Huo Hai didn't know why these spirit jade could increase ice flame.

After all, whether the ice flame is fire or ice, Huo Hai has never been able to figure out, but since Bi Ya can use it, Huo Hai is relieved, waved his hand, Huo Hai asked Fang Bi Ya and others to collect the spirit jade.内空间.

Their inner space is not very large, so they can only hold a few things. Putting down a box, it is basically difficult to put other things. Then Huo Hai did not take out more spirit jade for a few people to install. under.

Rather, he took out the things that were obtained from the people who died in his own hands in the ruins, bit by bit. The eyes of the three people were full of shock. Huo Hai could actually get so many things, especially when I heard that, among them Some things were obtained from the dead Lingshuai realm masters, and the expressions of a few people's eyes changed completely.

Fang Biya was a little frustrated, but she didn't expect to see her in just a short time. Her husband had grown to this level, and she felt that she was getting farther and farther away from Huo Hai. This feeling made Fang Biya very uncomfortable.

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