Evil Insect God

Chapter 476: Serial ambush

Soon, Huo Hai came to the place where another kind of spirit worm was located. This place was one of the spirit worms in the Mingyang Kingdom that was most suitable for condensing the essence of the fire attribute. It was not strong, but there were a lot of them. It is also very rich.

When he came here, Huo Hai saw this kind of thing called a firefly. It had no wings and only a relatively hard red and black carapace. It was not fast, and even ordinary people could easily catch it.

This kind of fire worm probably has a spiritual bone realm, but it is caused by the huge spiritual power in the body. The fire worm itself is very bad. Many ordinary worms threaten people much more than this thing. In the past, Some local people even catch the fire worm back and use it as a tool for ignition.

But later, because the food of fire-breathing insects was more troublesome, and this thing was alive, one was not good at it, and it was often easy to run away. After some fire incidents were caused, the local people never came to catch this thing. .

Only when some people want to obtain the essence of fire will they come here and catch some fire-throwing insects. When Huo Hai sees these things, he knows what these insects are. They have only one ability. It is to spray a small flame.

And the only way to protect yourself is to make your own meat very unpalatable. Even if a bird sees it, it won’t come to eat these things. Coupled with good reproductive ability, this is not extinct. Huo Hai shook his head. Just wanting to get a little material reserve, with a wave of hand, some fire worms were collected into the inner space, and then they stopped staying here.

All the way down from the mountain, Huo Hai quickly came to the intersection of the mountain. As long as he passed this passage, he could leave Lianyan Mountain. I remember that when I came here, I was robbed by some temporary bandits. It was really interesting.

Just when Huo Hai was about to go forward, suddenly, a feeling of palpitations in his heart surged in his heart. Huo Hai didn’t know why he felt this way, but every time he had this feeling, he would encounter a very big feeling. danger.

This time, Huo Hai also believed in his own feelings. He didn't even fall in his footsteps. He quickly backed away and hid behind a big rock. The Star Gu rushed out for the first time and began to explore around. stand up.

"No one, how could there be no one, so where does the danger come from?" Huo Hai scanned the surroundings suspiciously, but in a large area around, there was no trace of anyone left at all, and even no spirit beasts appeared, Lian Yan Originally, there were few wild beasts and spirit beasts, and there were no traces of spirit beasts here, and Huo Hai didn't feel anything strange.

But what happened to the palpitations just now? This feeling is definitely not that simple. Since there is no one in the sky and the surrounding jungle, where does the danger come from? Huo Hai's eyes looked to the ground.

Had it not been for Huo Hai himself to have the experience of walking underground, he would have never thought that the danger would come from the underground. Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately threw a handful of earthworms, punched a handprint with his hands, and released his spiritual power.

Soon, the ground rolled, with the help of the earthworm, Huo Hai tossed a large piece of ground in front of him. Soon, the stones and sand began to boil, and before long, several very strange boxes appeared in front of Huo Hai.

"What's this?" Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment. The strange box didn't emit any breath, but on the surface, some lines seemed to have traces of spiritual formations. Huo Hai could not recognize them, but it was obvious that he felt his heart palpitations. Obviously it came from above, this thing was definitely not left by the spirit beast, it was made by man.

It was not when I came, but when I returned, it appeared, "Huh, it seems that those people did it again, am I a bit too kind." Huo Hai squinted his eyes and said to himself, this is not the first. Assaulted himself again.

And besides those high-level and high-level children of Mingyang Kingdom, there will be absolutely no other people who know their whereabouts.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai moved slightly and immediately touched the sandstone next to him, and then squeezed it into the middle of a box. In just a moment, a violent spiritual power escaped from the box, and then the whole exploded. .

"Boom" a huge explosion sounded, the surrounding sand and stones were blown to pieces in an instant, the spiritual impact was extremely terrifying, the explosion range was not large, but the power of the explosion center was even comparable to that of the spirit general after his transformation. At the moment when the explosion occurred, bright lights flashed on the surrounding boxes, cancelling this force.

It seems that if the same box explodes, it is impossible to accidentally injure other boxes. This kind of box, buried in the ground, must be under a certain amount of pressure before it explodes. If you have just stepped on it, there is absolutely no life.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai was scared for a while, and then, the killing intent in his heart began to continue to emerge, "Very well, dare to do this, it seems that you are ready to be retaliated." Huo Hai said fiercely in his heart. .

Just now, when Huo Hai appeared, he had already attracted the attention of the Feng Family's secret guards, "The target has come, and it has appeared from the position we originally calculated." A man in black who is responsible for observing looks from a distance. After a glance, he said.

The other people in black glanced at Huo Hai. They didn’t look directly at him. Instead, they used peripheral scanning. No one knew whether they would be spotted by Huo Hai. At this time, these people are still far away from Huo Hai. Very far away, the most important thing is that they are behind Huo Hai, not in front. When Huo Hai first explored, the focus was to explore forward, so these people were not found.

Next, Huo Hai's series of performances surprised these people in black, "Captain, this goal is so vigilant, so they didn't get hit." Huo Hai did not step on it, which surprised them. But that's it.

"Hmph, I knew that the target was not so easy to kill. Fortunately, we were prepared. It is impossible for this kid not to die today." A man in black said fiercely next to him, and then stared at the captain.

After a long time, the captain nodded: "Okay, I agree, let's get started." After speaking, the man in black next to him immediately pressed a small mechanism in his hand. This time against Huo Hai, Feng's Secret Guard was originally It's not just a trap.

When these people in black were talking, Huo Hai had already controlled his earthworm and moved forward. There were a lot of thunderstorms buried underground. Huo Hai had already remembered this thing. This thing is called a thunderstorm. , This is a sublimated version of the explosive spirit stone. All spirit jade used in it is placed in a specially processed box.

After processing the box, the shock wave generated by the same thunder explosion will be shielded, and the detonation method will be different. In Huo Hai's view, this thing is simply the same as the spirit stone version of the mine.

Unexpectedly, there were so many spirit stone mines buried in the ground ahead, Huo Hai was covered with cold sweat suddenly, if he rushed past regardless, I am afraid that he would soon be dead.

Thinking about it this way, the haze in Huo Hai’s heart deepens. Not everyone can get thunderstorms. Without professional personnel, they can’t do it at all. If you think about it, you can only get so many thunderstorms. So few families.

"No matter who it is, you are dead." Huo Hai gritted his teeth and said coldly. At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly heard an explosion sound from behind. The explosion was very weak, but in this environment, Huo Hai Hai heard very clearly, and when he looked back, he didn't know who had set up a mechanism here, and a huge rock was slowly rolling.

When Huo Hai reacted, a huge rock had entered the passage and rushed towards him at a very fast speed. The impact generated by such a large rock would be impossible even for a master of Lingshuai realm. Ignore.

Once the impact force hits the minefield, the Lingshuai master will be seriously injured if he is not dead, not to mention that a person like himself will be absolutely dead by the time, and the visitor has obviously never thought of letting himself leave alive.

Because the speed is too fast, the stones are too big, and there are mountain peaks on both sides, ordinary people really can't hide it. Huo Hai was shocked, and then shouted: "Very well, you completely angered me." Huo Hai also Not daring to neglect, while roaring, some fiery red insects appeared around them, these are the Explosive Flame Sparrows after Huo Hai's transformation.

Every Explosive Flame Sparrow has reached the terrifying height of the spirit general realm. The next moment, the Explosive Flame Sparrow has rushed towards the stone. When it approaches the stone, the Explosive Flame Sparrow's entire body began to twist and expand, and then a "boom" explosion Open.

The huge explosion blasted this very hard round stone into a big pit, surrounded by cracks. The stone that was rolling to this side quickly stopped for a moment. Then, more exploding flame birds rushed. Up here.

In Huo Hai’s angry gaze, among the surprised eyes of the man in black, the huge stone was bombarded one by one by the Explosive Flame Sparrow. It was only a moment, and the stone finally Smashed on the spot and blocked the entire road. This stone is harder than Huo Hai imagined.

I really don’t know where the person came from, and it can be repaired in such a round shape. This kind of mechanism, even if the Lingshuai master touches it, will not fly to the sky, and it will definitely be difficult. Flying to the sky, Huohai will , But it takes some time.

"No way, it's okay, this thing is still Explosive Flame Sparrow, how powerful it is." The man in black immediately recognized that Huo Hai was using the Explosive Flame Sparrow recorded on the map, but the power of the explosion was too great. A little bigger.

Afterwards, the captain's expression changed: "No, the mission failed, let's go." If you don't go, it won't be easy if you want to go. Just now, when Huo Hai used the Explosive Flame Sparrow, more Star Gus spread out and searched. The scope is much larger.

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