Evil Insect God

Chapter 478: Lurking

When Huo Hai's figure disappeared from the ground, a force surged out, and the floor quickly closed, and Huo Hai disappeared into his room so silently, it was an inn, and it was just a small town.

There is Star Gu Pathfinder on it. Huo Hai is not worried about getting lost. The underground air is still thin, but Huo Hai doesn’t need to dive into Fengyang Country the same as before. The depth of a few hundred meters is now only tens of meters. enough.

In this way, the problem of thin air is solved, and it can stay underground for a longer time, and along the way, there is no need to pass through unpleasant places such as sewers. Such small towns do not have the high-level sewers. The goods, the surrounding city walls are also ordinary goods, Mingyang State has not yet been extravagant enough to install spirit formations in these small towns.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, more than a day passed. There was no movement in Huo Hai's room, and the people waiting outside finally couldn't bear it.

He walked forward and knocked on the door gently, "Master Huo Hai, can you let me say a few words to you." People know that Huo Hai doesn't care about the Mingyang country spy like himself. When he speaks, Finally used honorifics.

It's a pity that there was no movement at all. After knocking on the door for a while, the agent of Mingyang Country finally felt that something was wrong. Even if he didn't care about himself, he couldn't let himself knock on the door for so long without any movement. Right.

There was a bad feeling in the spy's heart, "Master Huo Hai, I'm going in. If you have any inconvenience, just speak out, otherwise, I really want to go in." As he said, the spy slowly moved in. The door opened, and when I looked inside, I was shocked. There was no one inside, and Huo Hai had already disappeared in the room.

How could it be possible that he hadn't seen anyone leaving, and the whole room had been surrounded by a large number of spies long ago. As long as Huo Hai made a little abnormal behavior, it would immediately alarm everyone, but nothing happened just now.

He walked in quickly, and his eyesight as a spy began to scan everything around him. Suddenly, the spy noticed a broken floor, and stepped forward to lift it up. Under the floor, soil leaked out, but this soil , Why is there a little spiritual power flowing in it, the spiritual power is very weak, and he can't even feel it without careful inspection.

"Sorry." The spy was startled and immediately understood that Huo Hai had left. This meant that Huo Hai would no longer believe them from now on, and it also meant that they would lose Huo Hai's whereabouts from now on. .

This is a big trouble. No matter who Huo Hai and the royal family bow their heads in the end, it is their spies, "Damn, who on earth casually revealed Huo Hai’s whereabouts, let me know that he will never make him feel better. ."

In fact, he had already understood these things, but for a long time, he had been very indifferent to people like Huo Hai from the Southern Cloud Kingdom, so he just turned a blind eye to these things, who knows, Now Huo Hai would actually slip away under their noses, and the whole process was silent. Thinking of Huo Hai's terrifying hiding and infiltration ability, the spy felt cold.

Turned his head and ran out, quickly sent a signal to notify other spies to explore Huo Hai’s traces. At this time, Huo Hai had already left the town for more than a day. As long as these spies were not entangled, who could find Huo Hai’s location .

A hermit robe, basically, as long as you don’t enter the big city and are not forced to open the hat for inspection, Huo Hai’s whereabouts will not be leaked. If it weren’t for the disaster period, even if you entered the big city, you would not check it. strict.

"Where are we going." Now Mingyang country has no bugs that he needs, so Huohai Road also didn't deliberately collect spirits, while looking at the map, if there happen to be around, Huo Hai will take it away. If not, then Huo Hai would not specifically look for it, Mingyang Country, after all, is similar to Nanyun Country.

Originally, Huo Hai, who had nothing to do, planned to sneak into the capital of Mingyang Country, and then secretly investigate Feng Family, whether they are really dealing with him, if it is correct, then Huo Hai will retaliate against him.

But when he was marching towards Mingyang City, Huo Hai suddenly looked at the map. Not far from him, there was a small town whose name was called Blood Wolf Town. "Blood Wolf Town, this is not Blood Wolf. The headquarters of the mercenary group?" Huo Hai suddenly remembered that the deputy head of the blood wolf said to himself that the headquarters of the blood wolf mercenary group was Blood Wolf Town.

Originally, Huo Hai thought it was just a code name, but he did not expect that the blood wolf mercenary group headquarters was actually a small town, but in the town, all the blood wolf mercenary group’s family members were not here. No outsiders exist.

That being the case, let's avenge the blood wolf mercenary group first. No matter what the blood wolf mercenary group troubled itself, even if it was a tool of murder, it was guilty in Huo Hai's eyes.

After offending myself, I cut off these tools first, then found the person who used the tools, and destroyed them. Huo Hai changed his direction. At this time, he was very close to Blood Wolf Town. It was only a short time before Huo Hai had arrived. When it comes to the vicinity of Blood Wolf Town, it is not easy for outsiders to enter here, so Huo Hai would not just swagger into it.

With a faint smile, Huo Hai summoned Fluttershy. Fluttershy's illusion skills, without the cultivation of the realm of Lingshuai, are basically impossible to see through. Under the protection of Xiaodie, Huo Hai swaggered into the door like this. , Entered the town.

Around the town, there are indeed many guys dressed as militiamen. These people are very strong, even stronger than the regular army. Individual soldiers have more equipment than the regular army. It is a pity that these people are not good and bad. Obviously they were not trained together, and each improved their own. Strength, regardless of the whole, this is really what the traditional mercenary group has been doing.

Regardless of the members of the mercenary group, their personal strength is stronger than that of the soldiers, but when forming an army, the same number of mercenaries are definitely not the opponent of the army. Huo Hai walked and probed around.

"As I said, our regimental leader just went out to perform a special mission and hasn't come back for the time being. What are you trying to do? Do you really think that our blood wolf mercenary group will be afraid that you will fail." At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

Huo Hai was taken aback, and then quietly walked towards the place where the sound was made. Here, it seemed to be a living room, but at this time, the two masters of spirit generals sitting in the hands were looking at the person below with annoyance.

This person is also a master of the realm of spirit generals, but his clothes and badges are completely different from those of the blood wolf mercenary group. The three people have the same cultivation level, but the middle-aged person with only one person has a face of contentment, no A little bit of the feeling of being in the enemy's camp, "Hmph, whether your regiment leader is dead, you know better than us." The visitor is not polite.

"Anyway, the words have been delivered. If you don't take refuge in us, you can only wait for destruction. We give you one month to consider. This month, you don't have to think about running away. As long as you run away, we will immediately launch an attack. ."

Looking outside, the middle-aged man said indifferently: "Of course you masters are not afraid, but it seems that this is not the case with your family." The blood wolf mercenary group is very powerful, but not the most powerful.

There is also a mercenary group similar to the blood wolf mercenary group nearby. The two sides are in a competitive and hostile relationship. Earlier, I heard that the blood wolf mercenary group leader and two deputy leaders died, which aroused the ambition of the opposite. However, because he was worried that the news was false, he dared not make any moves. Until today, he sent people to test the blood wolf mercenary group.

For a month, if the blood wolf leader still doesn't come back this month, then it proves that the blood wolf leader has really died outside, and they will naturally act on the blood wolf mercenary group. There is no doubt about this.

If they came back, the strength of the two parties would have been similar. As long as an apology, there would be nothing. Could it be that the blood wolf mercenary group dare not do anything to himself, the middle-aged man looks arrogant.

"Everyone, I have delivered the words. I'll leave first and wait for your good news." Before the deputy head of the blood wolf spoke, the visitor turned around and left, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight, leaving only a group Very angry mercenary.

"Three brothers, why don't you keep him, that **** is too arrogant." said one of the masters.

The other face suddenly became very serious: "It's not that I don't want to, or I can't. The two of us can't kill him in a short time, but once we do it, it will cause them to rebound. Then we blood wolf mercenaries The regiment will be ruined. You don’t know what happened to your eldest brother. It’s been a long time since you heard back."

The head of the blood wolf accepted the task to deal with Huo Hai, but Huo Hai's task is still hanging in the secret place of the mercenary union. He will contact his head every once in a while, but no news has been heard for so long.

In the minds of the three regiment leaders, the blood wolf leader and the others are probably already bad luck. If it weren’t for their family members are here and the news ahead is not clear, I’m afraid he has already escaped. In his opinion, no matter what What kind of things happened, it is impossible for no one to run out, but sometimes, the fact is like this.

Not only did one person not run out, but even the corpse was swallowed by Star Gu. To find evidence of their deaths, how could they be easily found so far apart? Now, even if they want to escape, there is no such possibility.

Shaking his head, the third regiment commander waved his hand and said, "Well, everyone is ready to prepare. Maybe we will start to flee soon." The third regiment commander got up and walked outside with a look of entanglement.

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